1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 LATE NEWS FLASHES 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, NORTH AFRlCA—United States troops are moving through Algeria toward Tunisia. German sources have denied landing troops in Tunisia,_ but reliable sources have reported the Germans to be moving large numbers of planes, troops, and guns from the Russian front. Free French forces in Tunisia have capitulated to the Allies at the request of General Weygand. • VICHY, France—Marshal Petain MOSCOW, Rus s i a—Russians has protested against German and bombarded a German airdrome in Italian invasion of unoccupied the Caucasus and followed by the France. Petain's whereabouts are unknown and speculation has landing of paratroops which com . arisen that he has fled to North pletely destroyed 13 German Africa. Hitler declared that the planes. reason for occupation was to pre- .MacARUTHUR'S HEADQUAR vent Allied landings on the French Mediterranean coast. TERS—Jap forces have been driv- German troops have occupied en out from portions of the New Vichy ?. n d Leon, while the Italians Guinea jungle, it has been an have seized Nice. It is rumored flounced. Anierican troops have ad that the French. Fleet. has steamed vanced three miles on Guadalcanal out to joint the Allies, in the vicinity of Henderson field. Queen Discarded Cloetin g h Directed ger He v rF s i e r e s t; HerNo He , 11 from Prom Plans Rekrer§ing - plans 'made early thiS Editor's note: This is the first week, the .committee for the corn- in a series of feature articles on tined Senior Ball and Jtinior Prom members of the Penn State last night decided' against -having PLa ye r s '.. _next _production a Senior Queen to be. crowned at "Ghosts." the dance next Friday. In her first play on the Penn The decision was made because State campus, she was directed by of a conflict in ideas of the two ArthUr C. Cloetingh, head of the classes represented by the corn- department of dramatics. In - her mittee and the that the.-sim- last' play, "Ghosts," she will'ogain .plicity of the dance with its mili- be directed by Professor Cloetingh tary decorative scheme would not who has not directed a play since warrant having a queen. then. Her name is Joanne Palmer Seniors, basing arguments on —and she is president of Players. their not having a May Queen this Miss Palmer has been cast in year, asked for the Queen at the eight Players' shows including dance to take her place. A conflict "Ghosts," and in "Ephrata," a arose because both classes Should one-act play written by Kathryn be represented in any such move, M. Popp' '43 end Frank S. Neus resulting in decision •to .haire none baum, professor of 'dramatics.' Her. at all: parts -have- - taiiged* -- froth an in-: Booth reservations for the dance may be made at Student Union beginning.. today with a deadline set for Tuesday, Harry C. Cole man '44, in charge of publicity, an nounced last night. William .C. Mazzocco '43, in unmarried woman. , Miss - Palmer charge of corsages and defense recalls the part laughingly,' for stamps, stated that ribbons—the she was very heavily padded to color , scheme for which has • not represent the robust character she been determined yet—will be used enacted. She wasa.ssistant direcior in place of corsages. The,ribbons in "The Taming of the Shrew." will be•given to purchasers of one A member of Theta Alpha Phi, dollar's worth of defense stamps ''drc,matics honorary, Miss Palmer at Student Union, . has, in addition to acting- ability, A part of the program will be an. All-College Average of 2.78. set aside for defense stamps pur- She considers her characteriza- Chased with them.. • • tion of Mrs. Alving in `Ghosts" Plans for decorations with mili- her most difficult role to date. Ac tary theme were not yet completed cording •to Miss Palmer; each part when the committee meeting was becomes • harder because of the held last night. • • actor's increasing desire to live his part. But on the other hand, she c.dded, more ease on the, stage is acquired with each perform- 31. Students Qualify For Naval Reserves Ten men • were sworn into. the Naval. Reserve as Apprentice Sea men by Lieut. Daniel Dean at 5. p. m., yesterday and the names •of 21 students Who. have 'qualified physcally for V-1 .or V-7 corps have also been released by • the Naval Exainining Board. • Sworn -in were F. H.. Grun, R. T. Kraemer; F. D. Yaeple, G. C. An thony, T. R. Richard, G. E. Bals bough, D. J. Hottenstein, J: .J. F. • Gorgol. • V-7 qualifiers include W. F. Em mons, J. M. Turner, D. L. Russell, .F. E. Fidate, W. W. Hellier, E. F. -Webb, L. J Trout, H M. McGarViey, G. N. Rumsey, R. W. Dinsmore, L. M. Harper, W. .B. Krebs, J. V. Fardella, S. 0. Patterson, C. R. 'Dietrick, D. B. Hummel, P. S. Wheeler, and G. P. Wallace. Accepted by the V-1 corps are F. W. Sullivan 111, J. H. Eck, and K.. H. Berger. Collegian 'Must' Meeting Special meeting of entire Col legian staff, both business and editorial, including freshman candidates, in Room 9, Carnegie Half 't 7 o'clock. tonight. Every aim must attertd, announced Editor Paul I. Woodland. De tails of the special Penn issue will be worked out. genue, -to a sophisticate; from an intellectual, to a social climber; from a domineering wife, to a sister .in a .religipus..order. In her second play, "Family Portrait", she portrayed r.n oldish, Ten Men Nominated For Two AA Offices Ten- second semester • juniors, winners of at least, one varsity let ter' and possessors of a minimum IA-.0 average, were - nominated yesterday .for the. offices of Atli= letia Association 'president:and sec retary-treasurer by the AA nom inating 'committee. . The coaches, captains, and man agers of all sports, selected the fol lowing • candidates: • President—Robert Davis, foot ball; Larry Ghent, basketball; Sam Harry, wrestling; George Pitten ger, lacrosse; Martin Smith, cross country. Secretary-treasurer—Charles Le bow, gymnastics; Larry Faires, la crosse; Richard Ross, lacrosse; Richard Stephens, golf; Tom Wil liams, soccer. Penn State Club Elects Ray Zaroda '44 was elected pres ident of the Penn. State Club, at the November meeting. He suc ceeds Charles W. Thompson '43. Other officers . elected are Harry L. Bland ' 44, vice-president; Mark A. Oliver '44, treasurer; James A. Casey, Jr., secretary; Robtrt Cris toff '46, social chairman; Leonard R. Catonoso '44, athletic chairman: publicity chairman, Edward Royal O r r t% 4P Toittgian VOL. 40—No. 8 THURS. MORNING, NOV. 12, 1942, STATE COLLEGE, PA. Price Three Cents Bolts, Backs Elected New Price Hicks Takes Over Post Held By Ridenour J. Robert Hicks '44, who served thin past year as a junior member of Student Tribunal, was elected last night by the five senior mem bers of Tribunal to take over the the chairmanship formerly held by Charles H. Ridenour '43. • Joseph P. Hodin '44, the other junior member of Tribunal, will serve as a senior member for the coming. year. , Before handing over the reins to Hicks, Ridenour said "...it truly has been a lot of work—and a lot Of fun—tryirig• to keep the fresh- Men toeing the mark and keeping up our Penn State spirit, customs, arid traditions." The last cases of the year were. heard before the election when - 11 freshman - men* appeared before the seven-man board .for failure to carry matches.. or fresh Man bibles or for not knoN4ing - current movies. The violators , sentencedec to pa rade at the Pitt game; will , darr:y , a sedan chair with "the Lion" perChed on top, are Mike Drum heller, F. Donald ..Walker, Arthur Kriiper", Saintiel Bortigararier;:Sfiel.-' Fp 'llls , ie v e Heber,.VJ i arh Paracthan Joseph ...Perry ItiChard Stauble, John H. Holmes, and Marion Delucia: 73 AACR Sworn In By Visiting Cadet Recruiting Board Army Air Corps Reservists, who have been sworn in by the Cadet Board now visiting the College, al really total 73 after : the : first two days of •the current recruiting drive. • Men who have not enlisted but are considering the Army Air Force were urged by .Capt. H. S. Engart to come immediately to the Board's temporary office in 401 Old Main since all examining and en listing will close out on Friday at 6 p. m. • - Engart also said that a 'group picture for all men enlisted, and those wh6 have qualified and are going 'to enlist, will be taken on the steps in front of Old Main, at II o'clOck '` • ' '.Fully enlisted in the Air Corps Enlisted Reserve are: Horace Ashenfelter, Robert, C. Bacher, Robert J. Best, -Cali.l4 G. Casselberry, S. 'cliT4tY; Carlo Colombo, John Dale H. Dennison; Harry W; Ern est, Donn W. Evan's, George Forman, Robert E. Franc is, Benjamin L . French, Jackson S. Freundlich ? Richard A. Gray, Day ton G. Greenly, Frank C. Gryzka, Harold P..pundel, Theodore J. Harwood;Gordon B. Hartiell, Ar thur A. High, Herbert Rirshfield. John L. Hoke, John R. Jones, Donald P; Kay, Bernard G. King, William H. Knopsnyder, Stephen Koven, John G. Leech, Roy J. Lotz, Edmund F. Matter, Richard C. Mc- Candless, John W. M cC au le y, Richard N, McCord, Joseph E. Mc- Kelvey, James A. •McKechnie; Al bert Miller, Arthur A. .Nelson, Fielder N. Newton, Rob e r t C. North, Wray E. Paul, Kenneth A. Petry, John L. Pfirman, Edw. W. Picklak, Arnold L. Rosenblatt, Abraham Rubin, Robert R. Ruth. Morton R. Savage, Donald G. Saunders, Frank S. Scott, Robert D. Shattuck, William C. Skelly, (Continued on Page Two OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE Breaks Wifh Clique "-; ; 6 4 ,' Former clique "boss" of Campus '45, Walter C. Price, -last night left .the party he organized and accept ed the nomination for treasurer of the Campus-Mixed party, newly oiianized opponent of Price's ex affiliation. Post Office, Other Firms Offer Jobs Duritig Cfirisfinas Students interested in seasonal employment over the Christmas holidays should consult the Stu dent. Union bulletin board at their earliest convenience. • "Various . drgdnizations all over the state have - declared their de sire- to' employ numerous college 'students d u r i n g the Christmas rush. Several letters -have been.re ceived to date from various Postal centers and other firms, Dean War nock said, and many. more would probably arrive in the near future. In conjunction with these re quests the Dean also stated that students could not be dismissed be fore the completion of the exam ination period. Students desirous of employment may obtain •detail-' ed information at the S tu den t Union desk or may consult the Student Union bulletin board. , Honorary Initiates Initiation of new Members into shown. Music will be provided by Gamma Sigma Delta, agricultural the Blue Band and the admission hoporary, scheduled 'for November charge will be $l.OO. The smoker 19, has been moved up to today. is open to everyone. Thespians Base New Show On Cabinet and Curfew Thespians will return All-Col lege Cabinet a "favor" for ap plying an 8:30 curfew on rehears als for their annual presentation, by basing their show around Cab inet and the curfew. The name of the student production is "Kurfew Kapers" or "For Whom .the Bell Tolls". • Filled with spicy g i gs, new songs, crazy skits, and perform ed by a bevy of beauties, the pro ductl.3n will be presented Novem ber 20 and 21 in conjunction with Junior-Senior Ball and Pitt week end. The Prologue is a parody on Mim Rhein, Jane Abramson, Cabinet, and according to one of and Bill Christopher will sing the the Thespians, will take Davis and lyrics to the new songs written by his brain-trusters for a ride. the students. Fourth Party; Tribunal Head Graf, Metzger, Bjalme, Price Form New Slate A fourth party crashed into the political limelight last night, when Walter C. Price proclaimed to the assembled members of Campus '45 that he was resigning as clique. chairman to run for junior class treasurer as a candidate of the Campus-Mixed Party. To the startled sophomore Campus .Clique members; who a few minutes befOre had heard their. campaign chairman report that the only activity necessary would be support of the All-Col lege slate, Price announced that the new party's candidates would include John C. Gisf, president; Kathryn K. Metzger, vice-presi dent; Gunnel 0. Bjalme, secre tary; and Price, .treasurer. Chairman and organizer of the. new clique; according to the for mer head of the powerful Campus '45 machine, is William E. Reimer. Purpose of the new clique, Price stated at the Campus '45 meeting, is to- insure representation of the independents as well as the fra ternity man in sophomore class , offices. -The decision to •form - the new party, Reimer announced later, came after John C. Graf, the only independent preliminary nominee of the Campus '45, was defeated for the party's vice-presidential nomination. Since Independents '45 have not presented a slate of candidates, the Campus clique nominees would have been without opposi tion, had not the new group come to the front. The meeting which was to pro duce the Political bombshell was the regularly scheduled gathering (Continued on page four) Philadelphia Alumni Will Sponsor Pep Rally Penn State Alumni Club of Phil adelphia will sponsor a smoker and pep -rally on the roof of the Belle vue-Stratford hotel, Philadelphia, at 8 p. m. tomorrow night, Edward, K. Hibshman, Alumni secretary, has announced.• Ridge Riley and members of Penn State's football coaching staff will speak. Movies of the Colgate and 'Syra cuse *games will also probably be Another feature •of the show is a strip . polka number. It is not yet known who will strip or how much, but one Thespian said to remember there are priorities on materials now. A new song, "Going to Boals burg for Beer," will also be in troduced by the three stooges, Bud Mellot, Ted Clauss, and Jack Hunter. Several novel dance numbers for the production, directed by 'Mellot, are now being rehearsed by the choruses. Included in the dances are a tango, a jitterbug number, and a military tap.
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