' PACUL FOUR Rol liockeyTeam bileals /Amy 54 iecond Bailie Minns their star goalie and a "eft wing, the Army hockey team 4)Ciwed to a hard-playing Navy team 5..1, in the second game of the annual series on. Holmes Field Past night. First game, played Monday, resulted in a 4-4 tie. , Skip Scrivanich, veteran Army igoalheeper, and Dorcas Newcom er,. star me.mber of Army's for ward line, were absent from the `r„larting line-up, and it was not until after 15 minutes of the sec ond' 25-minute half that Army had :as full team On the field. ARMY 'TALLIES FIRST ' Playing: 9- men against a regula- Aion il.-min Navy team, Army inlichmen managed to open the coring with their only tally of the A game, Left inner Lou Schlichter . 04 ride the goal in the first few animates after the starting whistle. )"or the rest of the first half, was pretty much over the field and out of bounds, as Army tried desperately to protect its ow» goal, and keep the game in 16Nvy. territory. Right full An melte Keefer staved off Navy tworing thrusts several times be fore Mollie. Havers tick finally hit One in just before the close of the 11,1:11f;• Only poor passing and lack 'of coordination on the part of 'their, forward line prevented Navy from. piling up a larger score. NAVY NETS THREE Second half found Navy players cooperating more closely to chalk tip three goals in the first ten min 'lles. Mottle Haverstick account ed for two and Betsy McGee tal lkod- the third. Final goal of the gAne , was Betsy Robinson's Army score made during the last five cconds-of play. Referee for both Army-Navy games was Miss Mildred A. Lucey, instructor• in physical education. ':third game of the series will be iplilyed on Holmes- Field at 4 clock today. TEAM LINE-UPS' Starting line-up , for the victori ous Navy team,•• included Ann Sheffield, goalie;. Anna Radle, left -4ull; • Grace Judge, right - full;. Marge. Lyons, left half; Mary Elirabeth Weldy, center half; Mary Lou Elder, • right• half. 'Helen. Hooper, left wing; Betsy IcGee, left inner; Mottie Haver ctich, center - forward; Betsy Rob inson, right inner; and Pat- Aloe, w•ighl, wing, Playing for Army were Skip iScrivanrch, goalie; Gliv• • Wyatt, *ft full; Annette• Keefer, right 'kill: Marge • Raines;, left half; 'Eleanor Wills, center half; Mary Ann Jennings, right half.. Dorcas Newcomer, left •wing; *toir•Schlichter, left , inner; Joan Finn, center forward; Peggy Quick, right inner; and Arda Os- Cermayer, right wingo , • -- , PO)?ESE ckurrooN ou'ro a Sap, Mr, Sap" w (lil Mmaliy 'fi\votiney Sit - tps Oui" Reminds Stitchers Dorothy M. Kemper '43, Omi cron Nu president, announced last night that all coeds will be wel come to use 210 Home Economics for sewing from 6:45 to 8:30 to night. HE Sewing Room Reopens Tonight Open for the third time Uom 6:45 until 8:30 tonight, 210 . Home Economics will be turned over to non-home ec majors who ,v, , ish to use the department's sewing ma chines.. Dorothy M. Kemper '43, president of Omicron Nu, wom en's senior home economics hon orary, sponsors of the project, made the announcement last night. "We've had no one come to use the machines for two weeks and urge students to take advantage of this offer," Mrs. Kemper stated. With materials provided and members of the honorary on hand to assist, the room is being open ed in answer to the requests ,of coeds in dormitories in which there are no machines. "We see , no reason to continue the project if interested persons, do not show. up tonight," the president added.. Members of Omicron Nu ..who. will take turns acting as assist ants to sewers are Seniors Dorothy Barton, Ranee A. Durkee, Mildred Fitiedman,, Patricia Mac Kinney, and Ruth M. Saylor. Judicial Elects Mead Marion C. Dougherty '44 was elected WSGA Judicial chairman at a meeting in Atherton Hall LOST—John Middleton oyster northeast' lounge last night.'Others • . shell tobacco pipe. -- • Finder pw—Kane, Warren, Union City who were members and will tat.; :please -• contact liiCkYMMUT • *at L. Sat noon. R. Sun. Call tinue• in their officiil • post's' Collegian' office_ 9r:dit'l '2976. Weed. 2007. 2tpd4,58 Ruth L: Popp '44; Alice E:Dritinin• '45, Ruth A. Ernst - '45, Barbara - • • • • • (2)—Penn Grove. L. Fri. 4: Anderson '46, and Allene Babbitt FOR RENTRoom for office or Call Paul 4431. ' Ttpd4Mß '46. At their first meeting Wed- storage good -location:'--See Mr. nesday, Judicial members will W. H: • Marshall '.'at 'Glennland It'ar—To Penn Game, elect a secretary. Bldg.; 'EaSt!Beaver Ave. 4636. WSGA Elects--.WANTED--1- or 2 students to „share - Apartrnent.,, . Preferably (Continued fro* page one) ll4 e-Ot4-,..compW office leadership after. tions 'are: president, - Adele. Levin '44, Margaret K:• to '44; vice-president, Elizabeth :L', ,. .“.",,,e'''..4.f.f_.*g j s : „.l l ,lS.LV l l,t4qLi : ! ' f r i rn. McGee '45, Joan K. Miller '45;,-- 1 n?: . 5. - :.';',- . ??8§, 0 X ,0 1f ,, A T 1 1,, i41 -,a4. '• treasurer, Mary Grace Long- enecker '45, Vivian I. Martin ' 4s .tcyk i- spatiy.vAlik-ty,'+ , good Election statistics reveal that . _ _; 1,, , coliuiL/ 0 4,Iiiii*IteVpsrpof tires, a total of 700 coeds participated electric light • and horn, price in balloting. Freshmen interest Call 3288. ltch4DW topped the list with 299 at the reasonable. - polls, while sophomores follolked THE NEWS you've , teen waiting with 171. Sticking to the revers- for. ... All kindg of collars and ed chronological order, juniors dickeys in variety of colors, 35c came out 151 strong, with seniors $l.OO at Mittens. ltchJV holding the all-class low of 79. Newly elected WAQ ... .ficers, INSTRUCTOR WANTED For with the exception of freshman physical science 8. Contact senator, will be inaugurated in Billie Ziff, 313 Watts at once. Atherton •• Northeast. lounge at ltchg.MAß 3:30 today. A WSGA Senate meeting in the WSGA room, White Hall, will follow the instal- . Ridesdnited—,- lation program BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS THE DAILY COLLEGIAN CODETtlearn:-') • '•:- Hard, Amusing Way, . Ardert Points-Vat-- , 'By. M: jANE-tticAginiEy• Picture RCA'C"Meti : •ioVitiewith their hair, chewing gum, or ad justing their belts ,when at at tention! Instinctive army tendencies were reversed in a CODETS class laSt week when the group stepped off on the right foot after the command "forward mach." An command "forward march." An In the confusion, one member found herself 120 paces behind the company. Many stood with feet together rather than at the 'accepted 45 degree angle. Some faced each other when command ed- to execute .a "right face." Colonel .Edward D. Ardery pro fessor of military science and tac tics, who hopes that this or ganization will make ROTC men look to their laurels, suggested in a recent interview that those who are consistantly absent drop out to make room for others. He ad vised use of the basic ROTC man nal for information .on...drill pro cedures. Coordination and body align ment, as well as carefully Aimed and spaced movements, are ma jor prerequisites of all military drill, according to Colonel Ard ery. He stated that intelligent, willing, and cheerful response to. commands will promote unity within the ranks. Plans for ro tation of squad leaders will en 'able every CODET to gain ex perience in setting examples and executing commands. f CLASSIFIED SECTION L 0 S T Shaeffer Lifetime Vac umatic pen • in- Room.. 8 L. A. Wed. Reward. Call Joe 4071. 3teompo3l,N3,4GC ROOM FOR , .Rg1577.7-pgirabte, light,. single r00m....,/rMersaring-RW—Elmira or vicinity.. Lv. Fri. mattress,. - stoker ,heat. Reason— Rt. Sun. Call 4929 Ray Becker. able,.. to. 2tpil3,4REM campus. Call 3tch3,4,5 TO ,Ettistingle,r99l:n 138 Mc-, ;Allistgr sheet. Call 4368. • • 1e."....1;,grA3.11•5511 , . • .•• • 'll.ftoß-Lfor - Vlatheip4tiOl. An- RW=To West Chester. or Down • alysiio;. boutic,.f George, 119 ington. Leave Friday after 3 N. Barnard Street... ~3,,t,i?.43,15R Call. 4614 ask for Eleanor FOR SALV, 2 • A ••, breasted: . One brown,,one grey ) n:w—Hazleton,. Nesquehoning, or 42 Tong. Joe "49 . 39 vicinity. Leave - Friday after -3t-C0Mp3,4,513 noon. Call Ed 2561.: Leave mes sage. R.W w o to Phila. LLa. Wed. Nov. afternoon, at. Sun. iterna on Call. ElieLy 2361. 2 t pd 3 ARTA. Panhellenic Council Minor Officers, Town Advisor Mexican Student To Be PSCA Guest Elsa Perez Castaneda, exchange student from the University of Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico,' will be the guest of PSCA upper class seminar in the Hugh Beaver Room at 7 o'clock tonight. Miss Castaneda is studying pe troleum refining in the depart ment of chemical engineering.. She holds the scholarship pre sented .by the Pennsylvania Fed eration of Women's Clubs. After at least two semesters at Penn State Elsa plans to return to Mexico for further study and re search. The College is the first selected for a Latin American scholarship for a woman student. The Fall program for the up perclass seminar is a study and discussion of student movements in foreign countries. The. Mexi can program this week will be followed by similar ones concern ing France, China, and ,Russia. Co-chairmen for tonight's meet ing are Louise Ritter '46 and Richard Titley. Eleven Honor Men-- (Continued from page one) the honor men candidates which should. be considered by seniors when they make their choices. The , positions for which the men will be chosen - are Spoon Man, Cane Man, Barrel Man,. Pipe Orator, and Class Donor. Included on the cards which will be sent out will be a list of three tentative class gifts sug gestions offered , for class ap proval. Each voter will be asked to choose one of them or make any suggestions he has. CATHAUM— , • RW—Kane; Warren, Union City. • • Eyeg in the Night; --- Leave Saturday noon. Return STATE-- • • • Sunday. • Call Weed 2007. - • • • Priorities on• Parad; 2tpd.3,4;Sß • All:That Money Can Buy:: suits; double RW—Harrisburg. - Leave Satur-. day afternoon. Call Dave, 4636, leave -number if not 'in. • 2tpd4,5:- RW---inttabtigli. • ;after - noon: Rt. Sun. .afternociii;-: Call Marge 4371; ltconipßEM PW—York. Lv. 1 Fri. Rt. 2:30 Sun. Calla 2214. 2tpd4,5REM PW—To Uniontown or. vicinity. Leave Friday afternoon. Re-. turn Sunday. Call 4641, 'ask for Larry. _ 2tpd4,sDW RW—Greensburg, Scotdale or vi cinity. Leave Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. Return Sunday. Call Bob:K. 2538. Leave message. 2tpdRES PW—Four passengers to Erie. Leave Friday 2:15 and return Sunday p. m. Call Webb 771. 2tpdOß RW—To Lewisburg or Milton. Lv. Friday after 3 p. m. Return Sun day. Call Marion, 437 Ath. 2teh.a.f.45 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1.942,5. Elects T*o Panhellenic Council officers elected .at the meeting last night were Dorothy J. Jennings secretary; and Sally L. Hirshberg '44, treasurer. Following the rotation system,' Beatrice M. - White '44, Phi Mu, - will be next Panhel president; with Martha E. James '45, Delta Gamma, as vice-president • acid'' rushing chairman. Miss James' will succeed Miss White es 'presi dent .next year, according to Pan= hel code. , • Mrs. H. W. Loman,-,• Kappa Delta, was elected new.. Pantiel-; lenic advisor succeeding;Mrs,:*: - K. Anderson, Alpha OmiorbriZpi: Town advisors serve a tWp' . ..yer-_ term. Mrs.. Loman is chaiiinan of the Kappa Delta Advqsoty board. Rotation system is - alSo employed in choosing advisors. :• INSTALLATION TEA ' According to President.,Pauline E. Keller '43, - new Panhel °Meets., and the new advisor will be in stalled at a tea in Atherton SoUthwesi lounge November 17.: The tea is usually closed to all except Panhel representativeS, members of the dean of women's staff, and advisors. RUSHING REHASHED According to Miss White, forni er Panhellenic rushing chairman, several houses have not turned. in a record of all money •spent , on. rushing. To remedy this, a new rule has been passed which states that any house that does not turn in its sheet within two days following the rushing party will be fined one dollar. Miss- Keller also reminded Greeks that all sorority bids and replies must be by letter. Verbal bids are a direct violation of the rushing code. High school. stu dents may be rushed .during • the regular rushing period, she add ed, but sororities must still abide by silent period . . . . -• ARRI D •Can , i3e Purchased at . ..RtA DEmcK:'. ALLEN STREET Next to the. Bank Clock ":'• * 2tpd3,4Sß Call Dave, . „ ' New under4n4 .- ' 4 fr' Cretins- DeOdOrtnit .... s!/fly, • ' e storis PersOiroti • . - - - • , - , -,, - ‘4' ADoes not rot dresses or men's shuts:' Does not irritate skin. 2.lMizi waiting to dry. Can be used right after shaving. 3. ;Instantly stops perspiration for (I.to 3 days. Prevents odor. 4. . A:,pure; white, greaseless, ""stainless vanishing cream. 5. 'awarded Approval Seal of American Institute of Launder ' for be' hr- ..gke , ovieh LITI
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