FRIDAY; JULY 10, 1942 Lion Tennis, Golf Teams Add Two Colgate Contests Four additional games in golf and tennis have been added to the Nittany Lions' Summer sports schedule, according to Neil M. Fleming, graduate manager of athletics. The change makes the second this week, since matches against Cornell were shifted to Victory Weekend three days ago. Colgate, coming here for two baseball games, one on July 24 and the other ons July 25, will also bring along its varsity tennis and golf squads. They will compete on both Friday. and Saturcray af ternoon that weekend, making a triple sports card for each day. The July 24, 25 tennis and golf matches against Colgate have been added to the schedule be cause the baseballers from Ham ilton, N. Y., will have transpor tation room to spare when they travel here. It was thought Sum mer athletics could be given a boost if the netmen and golfers also accompanied the baseball • team. Originally, only one contest was scheduled against Colgate, a base ball game here July 25. Then another baseball game was added on the 24th, and Fleming's an nouncement last night revealed the:New Yorkers would bring two more teams, making a total of six Colgate vs. Penn State events that weekend. All three teams also will meet Cornell on home battlegrounds Saturday afternoon, August 1, crowding more activities into Penn State's already colorful Victory Weekend, which will feature a dance on July 31 With Benny Goodman playing. At the same time the Victory contests were shifted, home games formerly scheduled here July 18 were mov ed to Ithaca, N. Y: Colgate will have plenty of com petition with the.iPie and White teams, :Since the Red Raiders' la crosse team has carded an extra tilt- against the Lion stickmen August 1. Major LOuvies 'At A GlOilce--- AMPITCAN IiF4M•TE YPrlPrciarS fi9Flits Lr '2 V, New York 5, _ ....,puis . ' Boston,2,:Detrpit 1 . • All other's, night games . • 010 1 4iPg. pf 'l''Rll l .. W. L. Pct. G.B. - V New York ~.. 51 26 .662 .... i Boston • 47 30 .610 4 I Cleveland ... _45 35 :563 7 : Detroit •44 39 :530 10 St. Louis ~ :.. 37 42 .468. 15 • Chicago 31 44 ' .413 18 1 / 2 ! Philadelphia . 33 51 .393 21 - Washington .. 1 29 50 .367 22 1 / 2 Q.:B.—Games behind leader. 1 ' lIAtIONAL, LEAGUE 1 Yesterday's Results ' • d Boston 4, Chicago 3 ilt All others night games . ),(1 Standing of Teams f W. L. Pct. GB. Brooklyn .... 52 21 .7102 .... St. Louis .... 43 29 .597 8 1 / 2 Cincinnati ... 41 . 34 .547 12 ':"New York ... 40 37 .519 .14 li • 1 Chicago 38 42 .475 17 1 / 2 f r Pittsburgh ... 34 40 .459 18 1 / 2 Boston - 35 47 .426 21 1 / 2 •i' 'philadelphia . 21 54 .280 32 I , G.B.—Games behind leader. After The Hop The Milk Szakq3 Store aue Restaurant Archery Tourney, Fun Night, Hikes Crowd Session Recreation Shades of Robin Hood will be evident on Holmes Field Saturday afternoon when competition in the preliminary Columbia round archery tournament gets under way .at 2 p. m. Sponsored by the Summer ses sion recreations , division, under the direction 'o . Miss Marie Haidt and Earl 'Edwards, the tourney will be:.climaXtd by final round matches. In past years the Col umbia preliminary was not spon sored, and juSt final shooting made up the..iriAtches. Entrants are asked to bring their own equitzment if they own any, but ,the College will be able to supply thOse who do not have their own sets. Participants - in a breakfast bike trip wil leave 112 Miles street at 7 a. Sunday morning for the Ski Lodge. Those interested should sign up at Student :Union before noon tomorrow, or contact recreation program directors. Hikers will . start from White Hall at 2:30 p. m. Sunday. 40 Golfers Meet At Centre Hills Twenty players will tee off on the Centre Hills Country Club golf course for Penn State tomor row when the College linksmen meet the team of 20 men from the Country Club. First six players for - Penn State will be Co-captains Dick Stephens and Bill ,"Ducky" Swan, Ed Fair child, Dick Hastings, Charlie Mc- Clay, - and Jim McCormick. These varsity men will - meet the six representing the Country Club of ficially, While the other 14 play ers on each side 'will follow. Playing for the Lions on the pick-up squads will' be Jack Dor rence, Chuck Elder, Hank Keller, Bill Smiley, Stti Burns, Wally Ka pel, Blair 'Miller, and Dick Nip pes. Tom Zumbro, Johnny 013rien, Hal Federman, and John Wether ill are also on the starting list. When the two groups played two weeks ago, the College players handed the Country Club a shel lacking and • proSpects favor a •re peat performance' tomorrow. Pelitjon.(ampaign 'No* in 'PrOgiCIS (PflAtinl49.4 f Am Fagg Pm) which in the best Penn State tra dition will be glad to welcome stucientg regaidless of their race, color, and creed. "We therefore petition the hon orable board of Trnstees to re verse the decision of the College Examiner in refusing admission of American-born students be cause of their 'Japanese parent age." Since Summer session students will be gone by the time the next semester ,begins, they have been requested by the committee not to sign the petitions. To insure ab 7. solute fairness, no' student Should sign more than once, according to John R. Adsit '45, another of the committee leaders. Steel helmets, popularly called tin helmets, were adopted and worn by U. S. Marines for the - first time on August 13, 1917. CLIFF'S 145 S. Allen st. TEE DAILY COLLEGIAN Record 39-1 Victory Chalked Up By Diner 1F,.. Ellushbull Standings • INDEPENDENT LEAGUE • W. L. Pct. Canal St. Firehouse 7 • 1• .875 Matils 6 2 .750 Jordan Hall 5 3 .625 Electric Dinner .... '5 3 .625 Irvin Hall 4 4 .500 Watts Hall 4 4 .500 Miller Club 1 7 .125 Fairmount Hall ... 0 1 .000 FRATERNITY LEAGUE SECTION 1 W. Tau Kappa Epsilon 4 Alpha Phi Delta' ... 3 Pi Lambda Phi .... 2 Gamma Sigma Phi Kappa Delta Rho 0 SECTION 2 Phi Sigma Kappa . 5 Beta Theta Pi .... 4 Alpha Chi •Sigma .. 3 Beaver House 2 Sigma Alpha Epsilon 1 Alpha Chi Rho .... 0 SECTION 3 • Delta Upsilon 3 Alpha Sigma Phi .. 4 Delta Chi 3 Beta Sigma Rho ... 2 Phi Kappa Sigma .. 1 SECTION 4 Phi Delta Theta Phi Kappa Psi . Delta Sigma Phi . Sigma Nu Theta Chi Sigma Phi Alpha First Big Weekend (Continued from Page One) house dances tomorrow night. Beta Theta Pi will play host to Sigma Chi and Phi Delta Theta for the annual "Miami Triad" dance and Pi Kappa Phi and Tait Phi Delta will combine for a dance at the former house. Tau Kappa Epsilon, Gamma Sigma Phi, Phi Sigma Delta, Beta Sigma Rho Phi Epsilon Pi, and Theta Chi have all signed or chestras to' play at their respective houses. A "Must" On Your Weekend Entertainmen Redmount Forms Revised Leagues Somebody forgot to holler "nuff" to the Electric Diner last night and before the last run had crossed the plate, 39 of the Diner boys had made the grand circle tour, first to second to third to home, for a new intramural soft ball record. The opposition, Irvin Hall, scored one run. . In another high scoring game Watts Hall brought their average in the won and lost column up to the .500 mark by defeating the Miller Club, 23-13. The Electric Diner's 39 runs were scored on 38 hits. Star play was not limited to bomber's row, however, for pitcher Ray Sund bach held Irvin Hall to two scratchy hits. The new leagues, as announced by' manager Bob Redmount '44. Section I—Phi Delta Theta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Tau Kappa Epsi lon, and Delta Upsilon. Section 2—Beta Theta Pi, Al pha Phi Delta, Delta Sigma Phi, Alpha Sigma Phi. Section 3—Alpha Chi Sigma, Phi Kappa Psi, Pi Lambda Phi, Delta Chi. Section 4—Beta Sigma Rho, Sigma Nu Beaver House, Gamma Sigma Phi. Section s—Phi Kappa Sigma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Theta Chi, Sigma Phi Alpha, Kappa Delta Rho, Alpha Chi Rho. • In a brilliant non-league en counter, Delta Upsilon defeated the Canal Street Firehouse, 1-0. Borsa, outstanding pitcher in the „Independent League lost his first game in four years, despite 13 strikeouts, in his pitching duel with Mike Kerns. L. Pct. 0 1.000 1 .750 2 .500 3 .250 4 .000 L. Pct. o 1.000 1 .800 2 .600 3 .400 4 .200 5 .000 L. Pct. 1 .750 2 .667 3 .500 4 .333 3 .250 L. Pet. 0 ,1.000 2 .667 3 .500 3 .400 4 .333 5 .166 GET THEM REPAIRED As Good As New . All ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES at MARSHALL'S THE RIVALS PAGE THRE4 Seniors Get Last Chance For La Vie Photographs "After 4 p. m. today, no senior will be allowed to have his pic ture taken for La Vie," Martin H. Duff '43, editor of the Penn State yearbook, stated yesterday. Seniors who have not • obtained their proofs from the Photo Shop should do so immediately, while those who have not returned their selected proofs should do so at once, according to Duff. Phi Mu Alpha Invites Phi IMu Alpha symphony invites all members and alumni of any chapter of the fraternity to attend the meeting of Alpha Zeta chapter in the Band Room, Carnegie Hall, at 9:30 p. m. on Tuesday, July 14. BUY DEFENSE STAMPS
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