Late News Flashes . ' MOSCOW—Russian sources is. \ sued an unconfirmed report that 'the German battleship, Tirpitz, , sister-ship of the ill-fated Bis roarck, had been struck twice by torpedoes from Russian submar tines. Moscow also announced Student Auto 7 Students Receive . • Reprimand For Gas Registration Disorderly Party • Begins Today Seven students who were at a beer party in an apartment on S. Allen street during the recent Parentage Of Citizens An undetermined number of blackout were put on probation student car-owners will report to for disorderly conduct, according Prevents College Entry the State College High School Au ditoriumto Dean of Men A. R. Warnock. today, tomorrow, and By LARRY CHERVENAK Saturday when they will register The three students who rent Supreme College authority will for permanent gas rationing cards, the apartment were further repri- be called upon to reconsider the effective July 22. Ordinarily the manded for permitting unchaper- case of the two young Americans CAlRO—British mobile columns number of student-owned autos oned girls to visit their rooms. who were refused admission to are harrassing Rommell's stalled could be determined, but Summer This is a violation of - the. College Penn State because of their Jap • armored ,d i v i s i ons ' near El Ala- session enrollees and students who rules for undergraduates, which anese parentage, Ralph D. Hetzel, mein while RAF planes blasted operate cars in town- only make specifically states that no women College president, stated last night. the extended Axis supply, lines. the number an indefinite one. may be entertained in apartments In a half-hour interview, Hetzel VICHY—It is reported here Registration places in schools without , proper chaperonage., admitted that he had no previous Ithat Marshall Petain has issued throughout. the county ' will be knowledge of the decision of the an appeal to the workers of France open from 1 p. m. to 9 p. m. today, • College Examiner's Office in the I to volunteer their services to Ger- tomorrow, and also Saturday for Fun Night Mails case in question. He 'gave assur- I ) . man industry so that French war workers whose jobs detain them ante, however, that he had given prisoners may be released from from earlier registration. considerable attention to the prob- German prison camps. 11 Those whose names fall in the A through L category shouldwide Variety . APROPOS—Soph Hop dates who dents in general. , sign up today,. and persons frOm wear Defense Savings Stamp cor- No reversal of the decision of M through Z are asked to register A Well-rounded program of ae. sages, set as the official wear for the Examiner's Office can be ex- Friday. Only passenger car own- tivities, running from ping pong tomorrow night's dance, will be petted at present, according to ers will apply for dards in the to square dancing, will be the following right in line with a Penn State's president, because the WASHINGTON An Ameri- current rationing registration. order of the day at the All-Col- proclamation by President Roose- numerous issues involved make can submarine on July 5 sank an- in obtaining the ration forms lege Fun Night, the first to 'be velt which sets aside tomorrow as caution necessary. Typical of • sponsored by Summer sessions re- National Defense Savings Stamp these issues, according to Hetzel, other Japanese destroyer in the o'wner's cards and • the number of vicinity of Kiska harbor in the the applicant's Federal Use Stamp creation directors, scheduled for Corsage Day. Women all* over is whether the two students would Aleutians, bringing the total sunk must be presented. - Rec Hall from 7:30 until midnight the country are requested to wear be accepted by the rest of the stu there in two days to five. Supervising Principal Jo Hays Saturday. • of. the State College schools re- ' The affair, planned on an All- *. * * .When the Board of Trustees qUested that motorists enter the College basis, will be open to . meets. later this month, however, . s . R . a definite policy on the whole Fairmount avenue entrance to fa- regular semester undergraduates, ' • r cilitate handling of the expected as well as Summer session stu- -3oph Hop problem will be discussed, the President promised. 10,000 Centre County car-owners. dents. • Theresent controversyhad its p onis , .• cards which will be dis.. Included among .the activities • birth on May 1, when one of the tributed at the registration are .A Saturday • night will 'be round D ues Cooperate College employees obtained two - pards, good for purchase of 4 units dancing, square dancing, table student !transfer application of gasoline in a twelve-month p er .- games, playing'cards, shuffle-As part of the Summer session Penn State 'students will get blanks, giving the records—but board, volleyball, and iod. Amount of gas per unit has. badminton, , recreation and entertainment pro-their, opportunity to cooperate not the names—of the prospec- not been fixed. • • other active games ; gram, the internationally famous with President Roosevelt's recent five transfers, Rothschild.. String-. Quartet ....milli.. If , A ... cards are insufficient, the Miss Marie Haidt 'and (Mr. Earl proclamation declaring tomorrow A clerk at the ;Examiner's of play for 'an - •admission-free con- Quartet..-Mi11,..- . must • nit out-'forms . 'for - EdWard•s;-,di r eetorg -o•t•the 'women's 'ai -- • - .. 'National :. ..Defense.--,- Sayings_fice • gave assurance that with the cent in 'Schwab . Auditorium at extra gas, supplies and mail them and men's Summer session recrea- Stamp Corsage Day at tomorrow students' excellent scholastic re -8:30 o'clock tonight. . to the-local. rationing board. These tion programs, respectively, ad-' ' night's - Soph Hop for which these cord at the University of Wash forms will also be available at vised those who are going to at-ington, there would be no ques- The program includes Haydn's corsages have been designated as --- the - schools in the - registration tend to wear comfortable sport • • tion of their admission. Quartet in D Minor, op. 78, No. 2; - • . official wear. period. . clothes for the event. " The two American youths filled 'Maurice Ravers Quartet in "F Van Motoristswhoneed tod• • On On Saturday at 2 -p. m., cam- • A limited supply . of the cor out and returned the applications, jor; Mozart's - Menuetto Allegret- sages is now - on sale at Student from . 150 to: 470 miles a m o nthbut were answered with an unex to*,- Dvorak's .Lento; ,and Presto petition in archery will be held t r • - nion and those attending the will be given B cards When the petted "sorry but" when their from the Quartet in C Major by on Holmes Field with a prelim- dance are urged to secure them as forms are accepted by the local Haydn. inary •and final Columbia round parentage became known. quickly as possible by the Soph . - gas ration' board, and C cards will ,- The students were told that the • ,tournament. 'Students are advis-Lauded by ._ musical critics be alloted to those driving more ed to bring their own equipment • - Hop committee. Walter C. Price, "out-of-state quota had 'already throughout the country, the Quar- than 470 miles for the same per-• committee chairman ' stated that despite the fact that the College been filled," and that admitting tet has gained--fame for being a iod. the corsages sell for a dollar, their has a number of sets. If students • , any more out-of-state students well-balanced and, well-precision- . wholesale cost. They include 90 . do not have • their own bow and (Continued on Page Two) ed ensemble. - , . arrows, the College will supply cents in Defense Stamps. f Fritz Rothschild, leader and Review Of Near. East them. Forty-six fraternities and iride- first . violinist, • played in • pendent' orga - nizatioris have re-- Summer School Holds Europe for many years - to intro-- ' N Action Topic Of Open A bike hike .will, be held' on ' Sunday morning at 7 o'clock. Par- . served, booths for the dance, ac- • • • • , duce bis idea of - one-part-missing ' cording to a report from the booth Cenfre County Exhibit • ensemble records. His American • I 1' II " • Air Movies Tonigh t ticipants will • leave from the 'Miles Street Bicycle Shop and committee.. Tickets set at $3.85, group has made almost 100 of . go on sale tomorrow morningat . these "Add-A-Part" records. Near East action in review, pre-. ride out to the College Dodge for ln MI Art G allery '.... The records are used primarily sented through the media of mo- breakfast. Those interested ih , the Athletic Association windows • Art lovers on campus will get for practice" of amateur perform-..tion pictures, will. be given on Ola taking part in the trip should sign in Old Main. a chance to view the outstanding ers. For • this purpose,' one in- Main Terrace at 9:15 p. m. by the with Miss Haidt in 'White Hall, Charlie Barnet's band, which art works owned by Centre Coun strumental part is omitted which 'Public Meetings committee of the Mr. Edwards in Rec tall or at will furnish music for the affair, tians in an exhibit in the Mineral will be played by the student.- PSCA with the cooperation. of the Student Union before noon Sat- will remain in State College to- Industries art gallery from July This record is called a . one-part- department of Visual Education. urday. .• morrow -evening after the dance. 13 to August 1, it was announced missing record. , The sound movies, the second of . a series of .open-air programs pre- 4 , ••• • 9 son of the fine arts department. Victory Girl by the Association, will victory Girl To Be Selected Sponsored by the Summer feature- pictures on "Streets of school, the exhibit will present 80 Cairo," . "Native Africa," and ir oils, water colors, and works of he ~, in C anti I That 0 ' . Tod( that 1,000,000 Nazis were pushing /forward in one of their greatest drives 9f the war. .') WASHINGTON Though no official announcement has been 1 , made concerning the secret trial of the eight captured German sa boteurs, it • was obvious that the trial got under way today - when i the prisoners were brought to the District of Columbia jail. WASHINGTON 70 more Ger / man4merican Bundists have been seized throughout the country in a swift FBI roundup last night. Rothschild Ensemble Presents Concert On Four Masters Tonight Blue Key Initiates 17 , I A Banquet. Plan Dance r "They Build and Defend, a movie ,es ipens :ay sculpture lent to it by residents of on the new Palestine, Robert Mc- the County. First opening of the Nabb '45, co-chairman with Es- Penn State's "Victory Girl," ty- Coed chosen first in the student MI gallery will be on Monday Blue Key, junior aetivities• hat ther Hall '45, 'announced last night. society, formally initiated 17 jun- A.• recorded interview between pical coed-of-today, who will 'of_ balloting will be featured both in morning f' ' t throughout icia e roughout Victory . Week- at 10 o'clock, according the Victory Issue of Froth and in to Professor Dickson, and students iors at a banquet at the State Col: World Service Secretaries from the military revue being present- and townspeople may come every lege Hotel last night. This new Egypt and France, giving reports end,.. will td be chosen that n h - a Froth- . ed during Saturday afternoon of day from 10 to 12 and -I to 5 dur. group ' underwent informal in- of recent developments in Eu- .conduc e contest begins. this . Penn State's biggest social week- ing the two week period. Week morning. itiation during the past week, rope and the Near East, will also end. end hours will be released later. climaxed at Tuesday night's ski be heard, McNabb added. Eleven nominees for Victory All students will be permitted Main works in the sculptor di trail activities. ' In case of rain the program will Girl .have been selected by the to cast ballots, according to Coop- vision will be the six original The society is planning a formal be held in 1.21 Sparks. Froth editorial staff, according to er, but, to insure absolute fair- models of the Lion Shrine as cut dance to be held at the Nittany The third in the series of mo- 'Robert W. Cooper '43, editor. V- ness, each voter will be required by Heinz Warneke. Lion Inn, Friday, July 17. The tion pictures . given on Old Main Girl candidates were restricted to to sign his name on a separate Nittany 'Lions orchestra has been Terrace, will be held next Mon- coeds in technical courses, accord- paper. Voting Will be conducted signed to furnish the music from day at 8:30 p. m. when the Chris- ing to Cooper. at Student Union desk and at the Latin-American Display 9t012p. m. - tian Association presents "The "Reason, for the limitation," Corner Room. Examples of Latin-American . Ben F. Leaman '44, president of private Letters of Private Dobbs." Cooper stated, "is to make our Nominees for Penn 'State's Vic- art, handicrafts, textiles, and play the group, was in charge of last V-Girl more truly representative tory Girl are Betty J. Billet '43, things, a new exhibit by Miss night's initiation ceremonies. of the modern coed who is train - • Gail Twichell '45, Ruth L. Popp MacCrimmon, noted South Am- PS Clabbers To Dance ing herself for her entrance into '44, Phyllis R. Watkins '44, Mary eridan authority, are now on dis - Penn Slate Club will hold an war industry." Ellen Tome '45, Betty W. Story play in 3 Carnegie Hall. Miss Froth Out , Today informal dance for members and The title "queen" has been dis- '44, Patricia McCormick '43, Vir- iMadCrimmon will take part in i The Soph 'Hop issue of Froth their dates in the first floor lounge carded, according to the humor- ginia F. Reilly '43, Betty J. numerous classroom programs and appears today, according to Rob- of Old Main on Saturday from mag editor, because it seemed out- Walsh '43, Margaret J. Blackburn discussions on the campus until 'ertW. Cooper '43, editor. 9-12 p. m, of-place in the 'present emergency. '43, and Jane G. Gottschall '44. the close of her exhibit on Friday. . . : . -"YLVAN' VOL. 39—No. 31 OF THE PENNSYLV. .IA STATE COLLEGE THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 9, STATE COLLEGE, PA. Trustees To Hear Case Of Jap-American Youths Weather PRICE: THREE CENTS
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