Late News Flushes Axis Forces Push On CAIRO—Axis forces fought yes terday to within 100 miles from the British Naval Station in Alex andria, .it was , annhunced here last night. However, war strate gists believe that British forces will not repel the attack of Field Marshal Rommel's forces until they get nearer to Alexandria. Then, it is believed, "something unexpected" will take place to ward off the aggressors. No ACtion In Pacific HAWAII--A showdown in the Pacific sea battle is yet to come, according to Lt.' Corn. Willis Hale. Hale declares that the deciding factor- \in the battle will be the battle in , the air. He believes that it is a fatal military blunder to underestimate the enemy's power. , • Pass 42 Billion War Bill WASHINGTON Congress passed a bill today calling for $42,- 820,000,000 for war expenditures. Meanwhile, bills calling allott ment of expense money for the Departnient of Agriculture and the OPA and. otli - ert war agencies, remain .untouched. •It is feared that these diVisions will have to seek money for expenditures from an emergency. fund. • Ration Gas: Fiir Boats WASHINGTON Office of Price Administration announced today , that gasoline for motor boats along the East Coast would also •be rationed. Inboard motor boats will be allowed to obtain four gallons of gas a week where as outboard motor boats will be entitled to five. Stittat - . Rati.oo . - 1. _Btardie#:::: : 00:401 Fol4b*.Britlf.,4:Aegiooo-, All- Collegfe:4sa ternities land sor orities must register for their July and August sugar , allotrrients on or before Juy s;_ or find -themselves in a diffictilt and-involved. situa tion, according to an announce znent by Maurice Baum, chairman of Raticning, Board 14-1 in State College. , The board is located at 124 E. College, ave. • Each fraternity and sorority will be issued a certificate in accord ance with their requirements. The stamps, of the personal ration b9olcs - oreviously issued to indi vidUals•.are to be turned over as they, fall due, to the caterer of the institution who in turn will turn them over to the local board. • Individuals are to keep, their ration books, 'hoirever, - as they were issued' to apply not only to sugar but to all items • put on fu= ture ration' lists: Recent govern ment announcements indicate ad ditions to the number of consumer goods, to be restricted. ' V-5 Recruiter To Return To Campus Lt: Frank .P.' Kane return to Penn• State• with the Ivy . Tra veling Unit, DiStrict 2, next Tues day, Wednesday, and Thursday to interview students interested in enlisting in the Navy V-5 two gram. The examining board and med ical staff will hold interviews and conduct preliminary physical.-ex aminations for students in Room 3 Armory from 9 a. in. to 5:30 p..m. daily during the. three-day period. Students wishing 'to receive fur= then information about the Navy Nr-p program before the Traveling Unit arrives on campus nextweek may do so by contacting William Debler '43, wing leader of. the flight group now being or ga7nized to begin training, in Sep. Aerither, ,at his residence, 622 W. College • a ve.. : • • • J ... • • • • • •Successor,TcrThecreeLanceastablished 188? • \\.\\-\\\• • • - :. • • \W \ X \ • • in .i n s, • • Weather VOL. 39—No. 26 1,381 Students Sign On Fifth R-Day For Selective Service le nation sfi R-Day is over and 1,381 more Penn State stu- Results of the controversy between Cabinet and PSCA were de dents are registered for Selective if- weekend Show layed for another three weeks by Cabinet's decision to form a six-man ervice. . discussion group to investigate the arguments of both participants in With the signing up of, the 18- . the squabble. A three-man committee was appointed by All-College 20 age group running continuous- pi ans.AnnouncedCabinet at their meeting last night in anticipation of the appointment ly through the day_ and stllclenth of three PSCA members at the Student Council meeting of the PSCA cooperating well by adhering to Two jam bands, composed of tonight. ttt musicians, a h State's Penn oes the registration schedule, the Col- Cabinet members chosen to present the student government's revival of the famed "three lege draft committee was able to side of the question as to whether PSCA must comply with the con complete • its work early last stooges" routine, the entire Glee * * * stitutional request concerning the Club,and Thespians' top talent evening. Today the College board will be included in the variety handling of student activity funds will turn over the cards to the are Donald W. Davis, Robert L. State College draft board which show being planned for Victory Mawhinney, and Jerome H. will mail them to the respective Weekend. Blakeslee, all seniors. local boards Casting for the' all-star Glee determined by the home, addresses given on the reg- Previous to his appointment, Club-Thespians production is• al- Mawhinney, as chairman of the Russell istration cards. most complete,d L. constitution committee, had made "Proceedings came off excep- '43, production manager for the show, announced last night. the first reading of an amend tionally well," said Edward K.. Bringing back 'to the headlights ment that would eliminate the Hibshman, head of the College the routines of Penn State's - ori- PSCA's complaint about the draft committee. Mr. Hibshman ginal "three stooges" will be Ed- wording and loopholes of the Con also. remarked that in no cases ward R. %Nauss '43, Bud K. Melott stitution. It changed the wording did the 48 volunteer registration '44 and Jack D. Hunter . '44. They . of - Article I, 'Section 2 to "a stu workers encounter a conscienti - dent activity shall be defined as will re-enact such sure-fire stooge , ous objector. In all previous reg - originals as "Workin' Our Way an activity whose members are • ; istrations the registrars have ,met Through College," and "Who ' students, whose funds are derived with objecting students. No ab- Stole the Deacon's Outhouse." . , all or in part from student sentee registrations were neces- Michael L. Kerns '43, •Miriam L. sources, and whose funds shall sary. Rhein '43, and Clauss are among be accounted and audited through This was the youngest group to the veteran Thespian stars who the Associated Activities office." register as yet. Now all men be- will appear in the show to be pre- Another change in Article I; Sec tween the 'ages' of 18 and 64 are sented both nights of the Army- , tion 2 requires that to be eligible signed, up uTO INVESTIGATE—Jerome H. tinder Selective Service Navy Relief festival. for .representation on Cabinet, an laws. , A frosh-find will hold down a Blakeslee .'43, All-College presi- activity must comply with all the featured role in. the_ coming musi- dent, will serve as one of the articles of the 'Constitution. cal extravaganza, according to three Cabinet representatives on : To elaborate on the duties of the Russel. By way of introduction, a- six-man PSCA-Cabinet-commit- investigation committee, Blakes the production manager described tee investigating the fund, fight. lee, who suggested the plan after • • a session with administrative her- as "Lee Galant, brunette", . , heads, pointed out that the corn 14t.,fanclsinfi-er,Pf # , E.I- I P l + ll -eP.."---11; 2* -• - ■ -I ''''' •.- 1 ~.... ___ . _ mittee would function during the Nballrobni routine Will be pre- ' sam e! s - i ere next three weeks and seek an senfed by Robert C. Houser '45, • i '... ,__ , „_ -. ti , . agreeable settlement for both who once danced with the Little- ------ - -- - field Ballet, and Mildred John- First Ai - Course groups. Any decisions of the com mittee will not be final but will son '44. Acrobatic .acts, a swing, quay- serve as recommendations for tette, and achorus of eight coeds Designed for teachers so that Cabinet action on the controversy. will be included in the show, Bus- they may teach the subject on Chairman of Student Housing sel promised.. Dean Clyde ,43 • their return to their regular posi- Board as appointed by Blakeslee will take over as master of cere- tions, the Red. Cross First Aid Ad- and approved by Cabinet is Fred monies, acid the whole show will vanced Course 'and the Instruc- E. Clever '44,' while the student be topped off by a surprise twist. tors Course to be given during . representative on the All-College The Thespian-Glee Club e rithe Summer months will begin Chapel committee is Robert S. Mc- V: tribution to V-Weekend will' July 2. Nabb. '45. be . . ._., presented at 7p. -m. July 31 and Prerequisite for the class is the August 1, 'as preludes to the . two standard First Aid Course. First All-Colleze dances. -Big-name 'meeting of the class will be held band for 'Friday night's dance-has in the Grounds and Buildings not yet been signed, according to ,Room in Sparks July 2. Ten Les Hetenyi '43, dance chairman, hours are required to complete but Charlie Spivak and Harry the course. James are still under considera- The Instructors' Course will be tion. - gin July 13, and will last for five days of three hour, periods. Ar rangements regarding the specific hour for the meeting of the class will 'be adjusted to fit the sche dules of the majority ,of the stu dents. Keep Vehicle Off Road During All Blackouts, Safely Head Advises "At no , time during a blackout should, a vehicle be on the road, except' in the • case of an emer .gency," limos E. Neyhart, admin istrative head of the Institute of Public - Safety at Penn State, stat ed in an interview last night. Mr. Neyhart has just returned from Yale University where he instructed members of the Red Cross Motor and- Civilian Driver Corps in 'the principles of emer gency blackout driving. The -course was given_in collaboration with •the Office of Civilian De fense. During a blackout in New Hav en on Friday night, Mr. Neyhart took his .group five miles out of lo•Wrk . to See hbw well they could drive in total darkness. The driving was not done on roads be cause,' under wartime conditions, the first thing enemy pldnes would bomb would be all routes of . transportation and communi cation. The group had to drive up and down hills, over rocky terrain, thrOugh shallow streams, and be tween trees. The light that the , drivers had to go by was equiv alent to one two-hundredth of the light usually thrown by an 'auto mobile headlight. Blackout head light covers were used. • Some suggestions Mr. Neyhart gave for doing emergency driving in a blackout are: 1. When in doubt of what is ahead, get out of the car 'and do a little reconnaissance. 2., Never drive faster than 15 miles per hour through a resi dential section and do even less than that through intersections. 3: Before .starting to drive,• wait for from 10-25 minutes until your eyes hecome adjusted to the dark.. OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 1, STATE COLLEGE, PA Investigation Committee Plan Delays Results On PSCA-Cabinet Squabble Examing Board lo Hold 11-7 'lnterviews 'Ensign David I. Jacobs and Dr. R. B. Hill will be in 132 Sparks • . • • - . •ii from 1 to 5 p..m. today and to morrow to interview students and Thespian -Summer Mobil e Unit give preliminary examinations for the Navy's . V-7 program, it was performs At Army Camp Tonight announced by Dean Charles W. Stoddart yesterday. • A sound film explaining the Taking to the road again for the A quartet, made up of Helen first time this Summer, a Thespian Schmeltz, Ruth Davey, Robert Navy V programs will be shown Mobile Unit will , travel to the New Cochran, and Ray Fortunato, and in 121 Sparks at 8 p; m. today. All interested students are invited Cumberland Induction Center to- Jane Abramson, soloist, will fur to attend. day to present the first unit per- nish the vocal variety for the pro- formance since late in April. gram. Accompanist for the en- The company for .the show will tire program will be Pat Lamade. be made up of several smaller J. Ewing "Sock" Kennedy will groups centered around . a "take- • travel to New Cumberland with off" on . the Thespians' original the company. "Three Stooges." Making up the Clauss said last night this unit riot trio will be Ted Clauss, also was one of the best the organiza serving as master of ceremonies tion has "put on the road" despite for the show, Btfd Mellott, a the loss from the ranks of several punchy dancer, and Jack Hunter, of the top-notch performers of 500 Attend Sing a newcomer to Thespians. last semester. • Glamour for the show will come He added, "We're going to keep • Approximately 500 students at- from a dance line made up of Dor- putting them out at the rate of tended the All-C-llege Sing held is Disney, Miriam Zartman, Mil- one every two weeks if not every under the direction of Prof. Hum- dred Johnson, ' and Priscilla week. We owe this to the Class mel Fishburn at Schwab Audi- Schautz. The orchestra for the of '42, financial backers of the torium last night. The event was performance was organized by plan, and to the kids who have the . second of its kind this semes- and will be under the direction of 'worked so hard to get the shows ter. ... Vic Dimeo. ready." If enough men are qualified in this preliminary examination, En sign Jacobs and Dr. Hill will re turn later with a complete medi cal board. The intervening per iod will give those interested enough time to get together' the necessary credentials to 'complete their enlistments. PRICE THREE CENTS Police Halt Parade Led by a bass drum pounded by a pajama -clad freshman, more than a hundred frosh started a parade that was headed for Ather ton Hall when the police inter fered. Intercepting the line which started in the fraternity section around midnight, the local officers drove into the midst of the crowd and ordered the marchers to dis band, or face the consequences. The marchers disbanded.
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