PAGE FMB Frosh Enter Second Day Of 1 1 SCA Camp Orientation Program Includes Discussion, Picnic Pine' discussions, council meet- Ing.-;, a treasure hunt, picnic, and worship service will round out the orientation program at women's Yreshman Camp at Ralph Watts Lodge, Shingletown Gap, today and tomorrow, according to Mar garet K. Ramaley '44, general chairman. Council Meetings will be held for two hours this morning with eight freshman and three upper class women in each group. Yealth, 'dating, studying, sorori ties, and extra-curricular activi ties are among discussion topics. Coed counselors include Doro thy J. Jennings '44, M. Virginia ):.gauss '44, Miss Ramaley, Phyllis R. Watkins '44, Mary E. Werts '44, A. Jane Bollinger '45, Patri cia Diener .'45, Grace Gray '45, and Miriam L. Zartman '45. Representatives of women's campus organizations will hold a discussion on "Penn State Life" in the afternoon. Participants in clude Marjorie R. Chambers '43, Co-Edition; Ann Drivas '43, WRA; Louise M. Fuos - s '43, Daily Colle gian; Jean E. Hershberger '43, PSCA; Joanne M. Palmer '43, Players; Margaret K. Sherman '43, WSGA; and Joan E. Piollet '45, Alpha Lambda Delta. A picnic supper will follow a treasure hunt to the mountain top, and freshmen will give stunts around a campfire. The church's part in college 3ife will be presented by Miss lone V. Sikes, associate director of Westminster Foundation, at a meditation service tomorrow Morning, Following this worship service, campers will return to the College. . Arriving at camp yesterday af ternoon, PSCA members present ed skits depicting phases of col lege life, and Miss Ruth H. Zang, assistant to the dean of women, greeted freshmen and spoke on "Adjustments in College." • This semester is the first time in the College's history that fresh men have attended camp prior to arrival on campus. The project was started to replace Freshman Week orientation which, has been omitted because of the speeded up program. Home Economics nutrition class es will exhibit 100 calorie portion:. of protein and fat foods in 209 (Home Economics Building from 1 to 5 p. m. Tuesday. The exhibit is open to the public. The First National Bank Of State College Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Efll Panhel also gives permission for chapel and church dates but pro- HEADS CAMPERS—Margaret K. hibits dinner and movie meetings. Ramaley '44, general chairman of •We strongly urge the expansion PSCA Women's Freshman Camp, of our slow-down program during announces weekend orientation the period of free association from program. Wednesday, June 17, to Tuesday, June 23. Open houses will have no favors HE Head Lists and a total of five dollars may be spent for the two, scheduled for Wednesday, June 25, and Wednes- Term Program .day,July 1. Panhel requests that itemized expense sheets be hand ed to Beatrice M. White '44, Pan hellenic Rushing Chairman, by the next day. Assemblies, picnics, group sing ing, and an "Open House" are in- • eluded in the Home Economics Informal parties will be held department Summer session pro- during the week of July 13 to 17. grain, announced by Miss Laura Let's get it clear that expenditures W. Drummond, professor and di- for each party may not exceed five rector of home economics. Week- dollars and that invitations will be ly meetings open to all students sent for one party at a time. will be held at 4p. m. Wednesday To climax the first first-semes from July 1 to August 5. tier rushing this campus has ever "Family Fun," an afternoon of known; sorority women will hold songs and games led by Mrs. formal coffee hours Saturday, July Duane Ramsey, will be featured in 18, and bidding results will be an the first of a series .of general. flounced the next day. meetings. The "sing" will be con ducted in White Hall July 1. Miss Mary Mason, assistant home economics professor from Texas State College for Women will speak on "Housing Problems in the Present Emergency" in 110 Home Economics Building July .8. Hort Woods will be the scene of the annual Home Economics Summer session picnic for students. H onorar y To Use - and faculty July 15. Reservations must, be made in advance. Armory For Dance Dr.' Muriel Brown, family life consultant from Washington, D. C., Changing their policy of former will speak on "Education for Fain- years, Mortar Board, senior wom ily Life" in 110 Home Economics en's honorary, will give its annual building July 22. dance, this year called Draftee A discussion of campus trees, shrubs, and flowers will be con ducted by Walker W. Trainer, as sistant professor of landscaping, in 110 Honk." Economics Building, August 5 will conclude the Sum mer program. Gamma Phi Beta entertained 27 ensigns at .a party recently. The Proceeds of the dance - will be. program included dancing in used for scholarships to deserving Women's Building lounge. coeds. BUY DEFENSE STAMPS CLASSIFIED SECTION LOST K. & E. slide rule in Sparks building. Return to Stu dent Union or call McCoy, 2938. Reward. 2tpd 5,6 LEB THE DAILY COLLEGIAN .511 e Women Let's *Watch Steps With Summer Code We asked for a new rushing code suited to needs of the Sum- mer semester and accelerated pro gram. Now that we've got it, let's stick to it. It's important to remember that Panhel regards this as a trial per iod for first-semester rushing. It's important to realize that the success of this "stream-lined" rushing will be largely determined by the attention which sorority women pay to small code details. A strict silent period, from now until Wednesday, June 17, will precede informal rushing for the good of .bewildered freshmen and busy sorority women. As before, "coke dates" will be on a dutch treat basis, but with no limit on the number of sorority coeds who accompany rushees. Because Panhel has considered both rusher •and rushee in prepar ing the code, we maintain that ef forts made to comply with it ex actly are the only possible ways to bring the trial schedule to a suc cessful close. Drag, 'in the Armory instead of White _Hall, according to Lila A. `Whoolery '43, dance chairman. Scheduled as a novelty dance from 9 p. m. to midnight Saturday, July 18, coeds will ask dates to the affair. With a military back- ground, the Campus Owls will play WANTED—Regular job working for meals, washing or waiting. Call 4031, for Gordon. FOR RENT—Double room with single beds, 211 Adams ave. Call 2174. ' itch B. WILL PAY two bucks for ride to Sunset • to hear Glenn Miller, Monday. Call Bob at 733. ltpd FOR RENT—Two room apart • ment with private bath; also room for two. 330 S. Burrowes, ez. l ll 2302. 2tch 5, 9 B. FOR RENT—Room for one or two more students in pleasant, cool apartment near campus. Save money. Phone 2665 or 4064. Rides Wanted RW—Pittsburgh or Oil City Leave Saturday noon. Call 3398 REMINDS GREEKS—Pauline E. Keller '43, Panhellenic president, announced that silent period will go into effect with the opening of the freshman semester, Monday. Educators To Attend Vocational Assembl y Miss Laura W. Drummond, pro fessor and director of home . eco nomics, Miss H. Irene Patterson, home economics education instruc tor, and Miss Margaret E. Riegel, assistant home economics educa tion professor, will attend a Voca tional conference at Eagles Mere June 25 and 26. Miss Drummond will report on the National Home EConomics As sociation meeting which will be held in Boston, Mass., June 21 to 24. EAT AND SHOP IN COOL .. AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT The "Tops" in Hof Weather Refreshments FRESH FRUIT Tall LIMEADE Glass -J)1-1.3.1 SATURDAY SPEC: LUNCHEON Baked Swiss Steak Candied Sweets Choice of Vegetable - 5c Rolls, Butter, Beverage REA & DERICK INS CUT RATE STORES I•WHelge staergprnG IS sAvine-1 Roomt for Rent 600 Incoming Freshmen Will Boost The Summer Enrollmegt To 4,000. AN AD PLACED IN The Daily Collegian WILL INSURE YOUR GETTING THE TYPE OF PEOPLE YOU WANT. CALL 111 AND ASK FOR THE COLLEGIAN OFFICE BETWEEN 3 AND 5 O'CLOCK FOR INFORMATION. FOUNTAIN SPECIALS SATUFMAY, JUNE 6, 1942 Chein Honorary Plans Steak Picnic lota .Sigma Pi, national women's chemistry honorary, will enter tain Sigma Delta Epsilon, national graduate women's science honor ary, at a steak picnic at the Col lege Sports Lodge, ski trail, Thurs day evening, June 11. Husbands will be special guests. Mrs. Thomas S. Oakwood, lota Sigma. Pi president,. appointed the following committee to take charge of arrangements: Dr. Mary L. Willard, vice-president; Juniors Elizabeth J. Billet, secretary; Jeanne E. Ruess, treasurer; Helen S. Zable; Martha Jayne, botany graduate student; and Mina E. Butz, chemical engineer ing graduate student. Attention! Frosh For students whs are not fraternity-minded but de sire the comforts.of home; like appointments. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Stitser -AT PENN STATE Air I ~ role 123 W. NITTANY AVENUE ALL ROOMS WITH RUNNING WATER IM ►r Comfortable! Moderate Rates Homelike
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