SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1942 Ewell Will Try For 100-Yard Dash Record In Rochester Exhibition Opening a full Summer social The clock will be Barney :Ewell's big competition this after- noon when he tries to break Char- P enn State 'M women, IMA and IWA will hold en Get , their first joint picnic of the sea. lie Paddock's 200-yard dash re- 1 Chance Of Lifetime' son in Hort woods from 3 to 7 cord at a special exhibition run p. m.' Sunday. in Rochester, (Continued from Page One) The event is open to all stu- He will be racing against no around and don't get there with dents, according to a statement competition except, possibly, two the firemen, you might find the released by the committee in high school runners who will at- site (and yetlr girl) preempted. charge. A special invitation has tempt to make him put forth a By nowi just about every- guy been extended to incoming fresh special, effort by the handicaps in town ought to be waiting for men who will be on the campus they will place him under. They the date. It's June 24, the night Sunday. Special tickets priced at Will probably run 100 yards each the First Army Interceptor Army twenty-five cents, /entitling the with some start in order to be Command hat ordered an all- bearer to all the refreshments he running ahead of him part of the night blackout for central Penn- wants, are on sale at Student Un time. sylvania. ion Despite the fact that there will So you're still doubtful? Well, 'be no top-notch sprinter compet— just read the regulations. Item ing against him, he stands a bet one says turn out the lights. Item ter-than-average chance of tak two says get off the streets and ing the mark now in possession take shelter in the nearest build- , of the "world's fastest hurnan." ing' So what are you going to do Experts, after mathematical corn- if you happen to be just about putations on his record for this ten feet from the front door of year, say he should be able to Ath Hall? Do you have to be knock two or three-tenths of a told? second from the 19-second record. • • Barney Plesser accompanied Bucs End Losing Streak Ewell to Rochester. yesterday, but The Pittsburgh Pirates' 6to 5 he will not take part in ariy of victory over, :the lowly Phils at the special exhibition events in- Forbes Field yesterday ended eluded as side attractions in the their 10-game losing streak Eastern New York schoolboy meet Chick Werner, Lion coach, also of the meet director, Bill Cox. accompanied Ewell. He will Cox is a former Lion distance star serve as guest referee for the high and a member _ of the Olympic school meet and will probably be team. He was a member of the,... Barney's advisor for the special 4-mile relay team which has held attraction. the College record for that event Penn State's other. contribution since 1929. ALL COLLEGE • DANCE Saturday, June 6th Sponsored by Music by Rec Hall 9 to 12 .F% M. $l.lO Per Couple PENN STATE CLUB CAMPUS OWLS . Tickets at Student Union A Common Expression in Town and on Campus "You Can Get It At METZGERS" TEXT BOORS—Bath NEW and USED-STUDENT SUPPLIES -S LIDE RULES- MECHANICAL DRAWING MATERIALS Stationery With Penn i Stale Seal 45c and up Student Desk Lamps Fountain Pens-$l.OO to $15.00 Blotter Pads Loose Leaf Note Books 35c to $1.50 Parcel Post Laundry Cases Penn Slate Jewelry-Stickers Alarm Clocks-Watches Playing Cards - Card Tables Greeting Cards Magazines - Post Cards - Luggage - Hand bags - Gladsiones - Trunks Brief Cases-Bill Folds 111-115 Allen St to the affair will be in the person OffiCial Gym Unifirms - Golf - Tennis-Baseball-Swimming-Fishing Etc. Penn Slate Sport Shirts-Jackets-Hats Etc, SHOP AT METZGERS FRESHMEN I WELCOME TO PENN STATE SPORTING GOODS OF ALL KINDS CAMERAS - FILMS - PHOTO SUPPLIES -7-ovr PENN STATE 1915 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Independents Begin Calendar With Picnic Only 2 Veterans Return For Summer Tennis; 14 Candidates Compete For Varsity Berths With no official ruling made to by the recurrence of an old injury. date on the eligibility of Ace Bill Lundelius, who paired with Parker for varsity service this Captain Chuck Bowman in doubles Summer, Tennis Coach Ted Roeth- last year, has reported for only one ke faces the prospect of having to practice to date, it is doubtful build a new squad around a nucle- whether he will be in top form for us of only two returning veterans the opening match with Colgate, from last season. The two experienced players are latter's courts. Cy Hull who played at the lead- Don Davis, Collegian sports ed off spot for the Lions this Spring, itor, who played part of the 1941 and Herb Kraybill, who played season for the varsity, has report at the number six position. Al ed for practice and has displayed Hendler, another player from last impressive form in early work season's outfit upon whom Roeth- outs. With more drill and condi ke had counted for service this tioning, Davis should make good Summer, has been forced to give varsity material for the season up competitive tennis completely opener. PAGE THRKE which is billed for June 20 on the Stale College Pa.
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