PAGE TWO THE DAILY COLLEGIAN "For A Better Penn State" Established 1940. Successor to thte Penn State Collegian, established 1904, and the Free Lance, established 18S7. Published daily except Sunday and Monday during the regular College year by the students of The Pennsylvania State College. Entered as second-class matter July 5, 1934 at the Post-office at State College, Pa., under the act of March 8, 1879. Editor Bus. and Adv. Mgr. Gordon Coy '43 Leonard E. Bach '43 Editorial and Business Office Downtown Office Carnegie Hall 119-121 South Frazier St. Phone 711 Phone 4372 Managing Editor This Issue News Editor This Issue Women's Editor This Issue I'Ye.dimnn Assistants Graduate Counselor The accelerated , three-semes ter program is Penn State’s ma jor contribution to America’s war efforts. For the duration, it is to be regarded as a normal and not a special program of study. Thursday, May 7, 1942 Two Recommendations Several problems—one that has grown from •the present national emergency, and another that has arisen out of the inviting Spring weather— 'were temporarily solved by two recommenda tions, which were passed at this week’s All-Col lege Cabinet meeting. In conjunction with numerous requests from Hie Administration, Cabinet unanimously passed a recommendation asking the Campus Patrol to cooperate in “preserving the proper student at tire and conduct on front campus during the Summer semester.” One of the Administration officers has suggest ed that students refrain from excessive “twos-ing” on campus grass because many elderly visitors •may get the wrong impression of Penn State as •they walk across the lawn hi front of Old Main. The Patrol may be able to restrict this conduct to a certain extent, but the matter is more a person al one, just as mixed drinking- is primarily a problem for the individual. The other recommendation of Cabinet dealt with the combined defense stamp-corsSige plan which failed miserably at Junior Prom last week end. Again, Cabinet did not pass strict legisla tion, but only suggested that all students cooper ate Wy substituting defense themes for corsages at All-College dances for the duration of the war. In both cases, the final action is reserved for the individual, but Cabinet hopes that both re commendations will be considered as well as ap plied by students who understand the worth while objective behind the two measures., The State At War Led 'by Penn State’s defense training program, which is now recognized as the largest in the na tion, the state of Pennsylvania has forged ahead among the leaders of Anterica’s war effort. Drexel Institute is conducting the first aerial toomWardment protection course in the Philadel phia area, while the University of Pennsylvania Medical School will graduate 125 new doctors one month ahead of schedule in order to help meet the great need for physicians in the armed serv ices. Temple University’s chiropody clinic will treat without charge the foot ailments of all service men in uniform for the duration, while at Grove City a detachment of 75 marines is going into training. In our own back yard once again, it is to be noted that the codt hanger campaign is scheduled for today. Any student, who has several of these old wire hangers in the closet of his rooming or fraternity house, should take them along when going to class, and drop them at the collection center in front of Old Main. These coat hangers will then be packed and mailed to the New Cumberland Reception Center, where the boys in the Army will put them to good use, This Grim Business ' Even the grueling task of waging a war has -m occasional novel story incident to its prosecu •limi. The story develops that all British Naval Wien stationed in Washington under the regula tions of their government must officially be car a ied on the records as attached to some particular vessel. The official address of a number of men as signed to shore duty in the Washington area hap pens to be H. M. S. Saker, which is revealed as a f.mall motor boat operating out of Halifax. If all her ’‘crew", now stationed in Washington, would attempt to board the small craft, she would undoubtedly sink without any cncourage- Robert M. Faloon Richard D. Smyset Jane H. Murphy . Mickey Rlatz. Dean Chaapel. Tom Wheatley Louis H. Bel) THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Alter lour years ol guiding the destinies ol women at beautilul Penn State, some of the best known BWOC’s whipped oil to celebrate their Irdedom, their 'right to live normal lives . . . they went to the Skellar. To them the lollowing ode is most humbly dedicated. Final Fling Four long year's they held the fort, They guided dear WSGA. A rest they needed of a sort 'So declared a holiday. BWOC’s en masse one day Threw off the yoke and flew Down to Doggie’s they did stray To enjoy a belated brew. Questions , No Answers Will Dave McAleer, senior class prexy, and Fran Haley compose the biggest bigshot duo on campus after Murray and Finn Wave these port als; will Margie Campsey find another to replace Paul Frey; will Becky Rupp become a blonde or brovvntette; will Kim Grimm be moidered if his KKG keyhole isn’t found. Answers in the next installment, mayb s e. Shortcut To Love In faraway New York gentle people formed a society to answer coed wailings because men are shouldering rifles instead of curly locks these days. To Lucille Barton and Eleanor Freedman the U. S. mail brought circulars. “Join our so ciety,” they read. “We .guarantee to find you a mate, and we aim to please alb classes.” That’s one way. Fa rewell Brethren A sad goodbye we bid to those departing for places unknown. We’ll miss Bob Jeffries, for whom the ROTC uniform was miade; Jean Bab cock and Jeanne 'Stiles, the women behind the women; Lennie Krouse, the all-around guy; Betty Zeigler, for whom White Hall will mourn; Tom my Henson, God rest his soul; Tommy Allison, will there ever be another DU like him; Dean. Fullerton, the idle chatter boy. So long. And may Uncle Sam bless and keep you. JFatts Hall Genius Residents ol Watts Hall show signs of genius or something now unci then. Nowadays when the telephone rings they answer, “This is Watts. Who in the Hall do you want?” CASH CREDIT FOR TPYTQ X £Li ID Sell or trade all books for which you have no further use. KEELERS Call cutm Ok eati’c CAMPUS CALENDAR There will be a brief Druid meeting at 7 p. m. in Old Main. Senior ROJTC students may ob tain their graduation tickets at Student Union. Aviation cadet examining board meets, 305 Old Main. Registration for Ration Books for students L-Z in Armory. Bring Matriculation card. New men and women candi dates for Collegian editorial and business staiffs will meet in Room 7, Carnegie Hall, 4:30 p. m. Students having completed De fense courses may' obtain their certificates at Student Union. All seniors who have not called for their graduation invitations and announcements should do so at once at Student Union. Tickets now on sale for Play ers’ show, “Mr. and Mrs. North,’’ on Friday and Saturday nights at 8:30 o’clock. —Amen ARROW SHIRTS ARROW HANDKERCHIEFS —THE CUB rms -jj Adam & Stetson Hats Alligator Rainwear TODAY MISCELLANEOUS BUY DEFENSE STAMPS AND BONDS Men’s Apparel CORNER ALLEN AND BEAVER 1© Degrees Cooler! Arrow summer shirts are as cool as a peach basket. The sturdy lightweight fabi’ic used in these shirts, with its millions of tiny windows, keeps your torso cool and airy. Mitoga-cut and Sanforized labeled (fabric shrinkage less than 1%). Get your favorite pastel patterns today in all collar models. Arroiv Ties to harmonise! yarrow Shirts Charles’ 109 S. Allen Street THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1942 Kappa Sigmas Seek Queen Kappa Sigmas are in a quan dary. They don’t know whether they want Betty Grable, Rosalind Russell, Gene Tierney, Rita Hay worth, or some other Hollywood figure as their sweetheart. Contrary to a previous' state ment, Dorothy Lamour has not' been chosen as the national Kap pa Sig sweetheart, although she may have led the field in earlier voting. As yet, only 60 per cent of the national Kappa Sigma votes have been turned in. However, William J. McKnight 111, president of the Penn State chapter, who will fly to Holly wood to pin the winning sweet heart, said that fin/al results should be known by Saturday. McKnight expects to make the trip to the West Coast with Lowell Thomas, Kappa Sigma alumnus, at the end of this month or the beginning of June. ARROW UNDERWEAR V —<- Fellow Shop ARROW TIES Timely Clothes Botany Ties
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers