N .Cl3liUk/viui«» n P§ ®atly @ H ' V OF THE PENNSYLVANI. VOL. 38—No. 145 Annual Student Art Show Now In College Gallery - \ The work of 54 students, repre senting nearly every curricula on campus, makes up the fifth an nual Student Art Exhibit being shown all this week in the Col lege Art Gallery, 303 Main En gineering. ' • Included in the exhibit are cos tume designs, water; colors,. oil paintings, charcoal . and chalk drawings, designs,, textile prints, and book plates. “This is the best student exhibit we have ever had,” J. Burn Helme, in charge of the division of fine arts, said yesterday. Students whose works are on exhibit are-Monna L. Weiland ’44, Virginia K. Tross ’43, Roy O. Al len ’43, Phyllis Crafton ’43, Gail Twichell ’45, Harry D. Schneider ’44, Alma J. Kehler ’45, Mary L. Hanson ’44, Jean L. Miller ’45, -» ■ ft •/-• // • x- J'J ± ing and engraving is done the sec- Blakeslee ’42, All-College presi- Lois M. Miller ’45. All* L.AFDS y~.CLn.CLLCICIt6S ond. dent, had read an urgent request Marie E. Scialabba ’45, Bette VVI P II *»*■■■■* T_ yl>4 . y., from the captain in charge of sup- E. Herman ’45, Dorothy M. Yo- T n ■ » ■ ' U I OlUgrlL _ _ - plies at ihe training center. der '43, Virginia M. Seltzer ’44, |A KAflin |AM9|W Freshman men candidates for ImlPflP WffefkSfoftll Cabine< ' also stron SV rocom - Michael C. Lucia ’44, Marion IC DCylll IUUCSj the editorial and business staffs VUUCIgC I9VIHISiU|I mended to All-College dance Krape ’45, Janet C. Fehnel ’45, , , , . , of The Daily Collegian must at- . chairman that they substitute de- Edith E. Hesher ’45, M. Patricia ? t “ te +l l ap^ m s A for w ac “ pt : tend a compulsory meeting in T A AltOn Affair) fe ‘ lSe stampa or funds lor Avmy Strittmatter ’45, Lucille J. Bell ance lnto tbe Air Corps Enlisted Boom 7 Carnegie Hall 'at 7'30 1-0 vOGII AQCIISI or Navy Reliei ' societies for cor ’4s, Donald L. Horton ’43. e . xa “ me . d . in p. m. tonight. ' ■ . ® sages for the duration. Rosalind M. Nelson ’43, Bette Roorn , 3 0 5 - Old Main, beginning E „ ... . - . .. A novel educational project, Fourteen juniors and two soph- L- Heverlv anrl Clarn M Park at 9 0 clock this morning, Qapt. p lons will be made ot p nown as the Workshop and be- emores were selected by the Cab hill snecKl Plldn R Dm'rkman CaW R Russell > United States f le plans Xor the Summer semes- gun experimentally on campus inet to serve during -the next two erarluatp Tnhn R T earv ’44 wii ’ Air Corps ’ senior air force offi- el concerning new freshman t, wo years ago, will feature the semesters as All-College Elections liim w’ Dickcmi ’4S Wciori n~ cer ’ announce d last night. eats ? nd tbe subscription cam- Summer session program again Committee. Members of the com- TvreKee ’44 qip.mn t ’ T?„r-tnnat« He -said tbat tbe examination pa ‘ gn . iot !.* be coming yepr. this Summer, Dean M. R. Trabue, mittee are Margart K. Shermkn, m = A Mnt-Vhi rfm-r, mV T-po* mt 'Procedure, though still rather in- Rl ? , sbß not too late for new director of Summer sessions, an- Jesse V. Fardella, Sara L. Miller, Kirk ’43 ’ . ' definite -because this is the first can didates to come out for either nounced today. Marjorie E. McFarland. Bernard t mo wj Rm e tli'e board has done any sta “- Although the College will be A. Plesser, Robert L. Mawhinney, M f * J na , ' examining under this plan, will ...... . ' operating on an accelerated pro- David J. McAleer, Charles H. Dorothy L Gearhart’ ’43 Elm a R probf ' bly start with a written PSCA Will AWcNC! KBVS firam ’ main Summer session Ridenour, Gordon L. Coy, Allan I. h V’u .f me " tal test proceeding through, „ , Z.,./ 7 courses will be available as usual Mosesr, Thomas R. Heideeker, M. Mae V Remensnvder ’45 aVou’ the required Physicals. lO HdlKlbOOk EcltfOTS; lrom Jlme 29 to August 7 - partic ' w , iUiam . Ludelius ’ and Blakeslee, ise Murhanh ’a/tiLiln’Aoi' Captain Russell said that the » Cl tt Tn II j ularl y iov in-service teachers and all juniors, and James B. Craig son "*45 h 45 ’ F 1 E ‘ °~' plan had been received favor- N6W Slflff 10 DC NflRISd administrators, Dean Trabue and Robert M. Faloon, both ’44. S r, if' - . . ably in each of the colleges he *• , . . pointed out. Davis will serve as chairman of Wright 45, R. Jane has visited s j nce d is visit here niti* Cl f ' V6 6 m S ’ gIV< ;P The Workshop this year will the body. •Bell 45, Alda M. Stull ’45, Elmira j a j jj e sa j d p w ° r on f h* d f emphasize the needs of secondary A recommendation was also L Heil ’45, Patricia Diengr ’45, es sSiledto shown Raadbook ’ Wll be swardec to the sch £ ols in war time> without J. made that Campus Patrol be asked Reba W. Hough ’43, Esther M. at thatUme hvebenrtelt ’ women^ r eddorand buSl ' glecting its original purpose, to cooperate with the Cabinet and Cook ’45, Priscilla T. Cobb ’45, hire in AR Corns style bJ N ® d Em " gar ’ a f°' which was to solve the problems WSGA in preserving the proper F 4 Grah ' am ’ 42 ’ WlUlaln Plane, and would be shown in Christian Associat on announced , the f “ non ‘ College ” Judent composure and attire on H. Cissel 44. Room m Sparkg 7;3Q n a high school student. Front Campus during the Summer pvpninty 4 o w i ~0 . , The project is sponsored by the semester. Students with application pap- ilor of the branch of the Na- Martha Reichley ’43 was chosen ... + . ,„ . . . . . . “ , tional Association of Secondary secretary for the preesnt Cabinet to the „ L Po , r V w °U n ?K mmg School Principals in co-operation' to succeed Betty A Bischoff, who ?Th , ' 25 ’ mon hs ith the Univ P ersity of p it \ sb uTgh. will graduate Sunday. “ P °f' We ta Spe6C ’ up tbe - 01 ' k ah ® ad the , uaual Publication th<J University 0 / Pennsylvania, or the board which must get to date. Women’s editor is Lila A. 4 . the other colleges in the district Whoolery ’43 and business man- g . . Department of Public In Gold diggers and p.iated delis «*'" 4 «»f %*£*''"* PU “’ C might get the guys ga-ga, but they ■ , The boak Is fc>l the Fieshman just .can’t hold them. The depend-Pre-Reg sfraf on Planned , v, / nd^ Septem - bel '-r A j, ■ohif. mnHoct oivi tk/w The only change from the previous lAlirtP fIAPnPn In •chance of actually marrying her T ° obtain an accurate lis t of aR liandbook is the absence of a day P " man and that’s not just cabtalk h '° me economics students return- by day calendar. Officers of many MS|ifarV fIPAIAHV eldl g r d ; s a )- es^ed ln & tor the Summer semester, a organizations for the coming year Pll'lioiy vCUIOQy In a test ust completed by Dr pi ' e ' registl ' ation da y win be he!d are not listed because elections In line with the war trend, a Clifford R Adams assistant nro in the off,ces of Home Economics were held after the book had gone new geology course will be offered fessor of psychology, men students advisovs ’ from Itos P- m - Frida y- to the printers. this Summer. This course will go from five universities listed gold- 1 under the name of military geol digging and excessive make-un as 1 • C* • T Q /•* ° ideology 60) and will be open among the qualities they most in- V.hllieSe btliUCnt IITSt I O DCnehlt , Primarily to advanced ROTC stu tensely dislike. dents. “Men date the popular girl but \V/ |J —.l. C , * IT J Professor P. D. Krynine, in- MOSCOW — Russian forces have marry the dependable one” was liOHI W OUQ OtUCldlv OCTVICC I lillCl structor of the new course, an- launched a Spring offensive in the marked “true” by a vast majority T r ■ i * ... ~ , , nounced that it would deal prin- Ukraine. Attacks have been push of the 256 men given the Personal Enable to pay the costs ot an total by $75. v cipally with topography and cli- ed against Kharkov, Taganrog, Audit a test dpvisoH hv nr AHamt operation which has cured her of Major contributions' this year mate in their relation to military and Kalinin tn f Dr. W M itX hel ‘ lam ® ness ’ a ' Chinest,. girl, include $lOO, given from Senior operations. ‘ wASHINGTON-The War Pro professor of psychology. The 264 a Penn State student ’ , ia BcU pr ° rits ’. sBs r, ' om the Cbr ‘® t : - T . . . ~ duction Board has announced that coeds, however, were not so sure. J he ' fltat p ® ISOn J. 0 , lec f el^ e ald ” las Ca ‘° ®'" g 0fi A ei ' I "®’ 1 aad $24 Senatorial Scholarships gasoline and oil deliveries will be Men students believed ■ that no lhe K W ° rld Stud ? nt Serv ‘f rom , the Wear A- Red Carna- J cut again in 17 Eastern States. Gas one should marry-before he was Fund ; which hr.s only recently t.on campaign. The Nittany ial scholarsh ps and do no ntend and oil deliveries are now 50G be -25; women students disagreed. Co- completed its Spring drive, Pal- Street, and Allen Street Co-ops „ S ° , low last year’s levels ■eds- believed that unintelligent mer M. Sharpless ’44, chairman, gave $l6. The money given by t lonhok S-V n r people should not marry; men dis- announced yesterday. the Nittany Co-op was made n c<mtact t MrS '. V “’ gln ' a M ' Z ~ f "/ "fd e f‘ , Tke . g bds believed that W . S . S . F . headquarters in New 80 iCG , Crei “ n at dent’T Office! al soon"as possible: against Stuttgartf’Ge“Lany "Se IeSS York win receive as much the othpl coTtvnmtn!" 68 S ' A 1 v, Mrs ’ Hartman stated that scholar- Skoda armament works in Czecho « h n oldlnalJ ' l c° kln o Pei- $350 collected that, is not used „ ° th ® contnbutois aie Alpha ships will be held for students who Slovakia have also been bombed. Ron ™ T 8 " S ° f U A e ‘ . ' to aid the girl who is recuperat- J® a * Fraz ‘®. r Stre ®‘ lpha plan to return to school in Sep- VICHY - According to Vichy *• ■» - s ? mh V powder and rouge profusely are This year’s “Flying Squadrons,” ciation, Mac Hall, Kappa Delta so that the scholarship Is^ot'auto* 5 “ P J^ adagascar - Jlie French de less modest than the average girl, groups of students who visited Rho, Miles Street Dorm Beaver T endais a J e considerably outnum that people of 'widely different campus organizations to solicit House, and the Westminster Stu- k ! a' exhoried its races and faiths should not marry, contributions, passed last year’s dent Foundation. out of school. B s who diop the island to fight to Gold Diggers, Dolls Make Toys, Not Mates, Test Shows Ration Books, Designed For Students J CdbiflCt Picks Tomorrow I Home Use, To Be Distributed Today ■- ■■ / Approximately 2,500 students all those who eat at fraternities OF 1 iA\/ from A through K are expected to and dormitory dining commons. » register in the Armory from 9 Persons in this category, who \k I ■ T c l a. m. to sp. m. today for War have/io intentions of buying su- A c Lc hm'mre- 14 JulllOlJ, L jOpilS Ration Books. Those L through gar, will still need the books, for JUniOTS r\ Cl i' C 'll Z will register tomorrow. other rationed commodities will r D‘i Ull tIBCIIOIIS LolTimitlG6 According to Edward K. Hibsh- 5? distributed through use of ® LUV £6 rLCtUreS Philadelphia had its “Buy a man, in charge of the two-day ar ® tam P s i n the War Juniors, who are not attending Bomber” campaign and Pittsburgh registration-, ration books are not Ra^ lola ® ooks - 'the Summer semester but expect and other Pennsylvania cities had for use locally but should be used . students who are included in to graduate before next April, “Aluminum Days,” but Penn State when the student returns home, family unit registration need not must have their pictures taken at will have a “Coat Hanger Day” to- All students, men and women reglsta f separately. This includes the Pehn State Shop before going morrow to provide coat and pants who are 18 years of age or over' ° nly those w “° are residents of home, announced Martin H. Duff hangers for the armed forces at are-included in the remstt-aHnn ' State c °Hege, Bellefonte, and vi- ’43, editor of next year’s LaVie. the New Cumberland training cen- Jsay Seniors althoughex"- elnity ’ WhoSe family registered Those who have had their pic- ter. pecting to remain on campus f °T th !, m ' tures taken so far should get the Under the management of Rob must also register since the hnnk« In other towns, as well as State proofs back to the photo shop as ert L. Mawhinney, committee are necessary to obtain snenr p olleg ?’ one member of the fam- soon as possible to facilitate hand- chairman, Richard S. Kurtz, and tions in the student’s place f ily unit registers for members of ling. It is also necessary that the Donald W. Davis, all juniors, the residence P ° the entire family who are living junior fill out an activities-record committee will provide a huge re at home. Students away from card, for information from these ceptable on the front steps of Old Rationing rules state thSt a per- home are registered under a “tern- cards is used in the yearbook. Main in which students can de son-is entitled to a War Ration porarily away from home” cate- The picture speed-up is neces- posit the much-needed hangars all Book, even if he eats all his meals gory, and no Ration Books are sary because most LaVie writing during the day. at a restaurant, boarding house, issued to the family for those not and organization Js done the first Action on this campaign was or similar place. This includes living at home. semester of the senior year, which taken last night at Ail-College _ ■■ will be this Summer, while print- Cabinet meeting after Jerome H. 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