P..AGEOt Greeks Face Final. 'Rush' • With crossed fingers sororities series of articles discussing the Beginning Monday PSCA will into the last two days of in- purpose and organization of wo- sponsor evening fireside sessions i.ensive rushing. Hoping to influ- men's student government.) among 10 women's groups with :'.ice undecided rushees 14 houses As its name implies, WSGA Jun- faculty members discussing cur will hold 15 informal parties to- for Service Board was established rent topics. ».ight and tomorrow. primarily to act as a service organ- Alpha Omicron Pi will 'hear J. Rushees are again urged by Pan- ization in connection with other Paul Selsam, associate professor llellenic Council President, Jean A. WSGA groups. . of European history, speak on Yirauser '42, to turn averages and Its members conduct tabulation "The Causes of the Present Con i),nne.s into the 'dean of .women's of activities points, serve as trans flict" Monday. Miss Charlotte E. otficz- after receiving grade sheets fer sponsors, and carry out miscell- Ray, dean of women, will didcuss from the Bursar's office today. aneous WSGA Senate projects. The "Dem.acy Second silent period, cutting all Board may initiate and act on its Trait oc. as -a Personality n " at Kappa Kappa Gamma. :ontact between Greeks and rush- own projects, with Senate's a a "Propaganda and War" will -be eras, -begin at 9 p, m. tomorrow proval. the topic of William J.. Gaskill, until 5 p. in. Saturday. Senate appoints members be- instruct or of English composition, Formal dinner invitations will fore May 15 of their sophomore at Monday's meeting of Women's Th, , delivered by individual house year. To be eligible, a coed must Building freshmen. members after 9 p. tomorrow. have shown leadership ability, not Jabir Shibli, associate profes- Written answers must be handed have too many outside activities, sot of mathemdtics, will use "Phil into Student Union between 1 and and not be a member of Cwens, osophies of Life" for Anchorage l p. m. Friday. Replies will be sophomore, women's honorary. freshmen Tuesday. McAllister :available to rushing chairmen at Board members have power to fill -p. m. Friday. vacancies, but appointments are Hall, third north, will hear Miss Mary Jane Stevenson, assistant to subject to Senate approval. Rushees may accept two dinner the dean of women, discuss The chairman presides"Hu invitationsA are .'7 and secretary scheduled for 5:30 to .7 p. m. and 7:30 to 9p. m. Saturday. elected by the group by a at. majority e man " Relations." Wl Rustraes should specify time of din vote. lustrai tdlife ed talk by onservation Ralph L. Watts, ”er acceptance. meetings, appoints and serves as dean emeritus of ag tees. riculture, also an ex-officio member of comm it- will be given at Wiley Dormitory, According to the WSGA consti- Tuesday. tution, the purpose of WSGA Ju- McAllister Hall, third south, will dicial Committee is"to hear the de- hear Harold W. Weigel, assistant fense of women students reported professor of German, speak on for breaking regulations and to "Hitler's Germany," Wednesday, penalize them if found guilty." while Ernest W. Callenback, pro- Membership is made up of two fessor of poultry husbandry, will representatives from each class, speak on "You, I, or We?" at the who serve for four years"! Sub- Nittany Co-op. • chairman of WSGA Freshman . Duane V. Ramsey, assistant pro- Council automaticaly becomes a fessor of sociology, will discuss member; the second is appointed "Social Problems" -at Allen Street - by Senate. . Co-op Wednesday. Howard E. Always a senior, the chairman of Yarnell, instructor of German, Judicial is appointed by Senate at will speak on "My Experiences as the. end of her junior year, upon a Student in Germany" in north recommendation of the out-going east Atherton Hall. chairman. She presides at meetings, con ducts hearings, oversees business, Three Fellowships and serves as an exofficio member on Senate, The secretary, a junior, Available To Grads is elected by the committee. Three $5OO fellowships are be ing offered by Kappa , Kappa Gamma, national fraternity, to women graduates of universities where the fraternity has a chap ter. Application blanks should be obtained from the dean of wom en's office or Alice M. Murray • - CLASSIFIED SECTIO '42 and returned by March 25. N . Fellowships, which Kappa Kap-• STUDENT FURNISHED apart- pa Gamma has awarded annually ment, entire second floor, elec since 1936, are available to frater women. nity and non-fraternity tric. • stove and refrigerator, Ping pong table, four rooms and bath. Dial 4042. - 3tpd 10, 11, 12 'Save Tin Foil' Day FIRST CLASS room available in If you can't knit socks or sweat men's dorm, $35 for rest of seers for soldiers, WSGA House of mester. Call treasurer, Phi Sig- Representatives has found a way ma Kappa, 3331. 3tpd R. S. for all -coeds to serve Uncle Sam. LOST—Bulova watch in New Tinfoil from candy, cigarettes,. chewing gum will be collected in . Physics Bldg., Saturday morn- dormitories by House members ing. Phone Kirkwood, 881. today, •to be donated •to British War 2tpd 10, 11 C. Relief. Large -.supplies of tin foil FOR - RENT,—Two rooms with are needed for food preservation. bath for two students or three room furnished apartment for NyA flours Increased three students. Meals if desired. NYA students may work 40 120 E. Pairmount. Call 2887. hours this period, February 8 to March 7, according to an an- Rides Wanted nouncement made by the lOcal NYA offices last night. To date, RW—To or vicinity of Bradford. there has been no change in the Leave Friday afternoon. Re- NYA set up at the College, it was turn Sunday. Call J. Smith, 4925. stated 2tpd 10, 11 G. RW—Pittsburgh. Leave after 12 noon Friday. Call 2324, Irene. 2tpd 11, 12 Z. RW—Harrisburg. L. Saturday noon. Call Robert Hastedt, 761 New under-arm • Cream Deodorant safely I. Does in.or rot dresses dr ineti; shirts. Does rot irritate skin. 2. NO waitiart to dry. Can be Used right after shaving. 3. Instantly. stops perspiration fort to 3 days. Removes Odor from perspiration. 4, A pure. 'white, .greaseless, stainless vanishing cream. 5. Arrid has been awarded the Approval Seal ofthe American institute of Laundering for being harmless to fabrics. . r:ketid is the LARGEST SELLING DEODORANT,: Try t 3 jar today! ARRID thi; aUlatoreo &Wet odiv ?, 1 )(t.:1 1 . (nleo &n rtlil'firidl Eatilitel) 2- • . .• Penn Stab • Player. 3 announce-••that for the cot:men. -• • of those attending •1 THE TAMING. OF TEt iSHREW who also wish to attend the Valentine. Dance on Friday night or the boxing matches .on Saturday night. the curtain will rise as follows: IFRIDA 'l', FEB 13 at p. • Salarday, Feb. 14 • p. Schwab Aud. l 56c (tr..., included) Your WSGA— . Coeds To Hear ehind The Lines (Editor's note: This is fifth in a Faculty Talks The printing and publishing in dustries give employment to more than 365,000 persons with salaries and wages totaling nearly a billion dollars, according to the Census Bureau. RW—Pittsburgh. Leave after noon on Friday. Call Irene, 2324. 2tpd 11,12 Z. RW—New York City or vicinity. Leave Saturday morning. Call H. Steidle, 761. RW—Philadelphia or vicinity. Leave Saturday noon. Call Bill, 2508 between 8 and 10 p. m. RlC . —Glendale, Cal. Anytime. Call Dan Reese, 761. RW--Wilkes Barre. Leave Satur day noon. Return Sunday night. Call Melvin, 3369. 2tpd 11,12 F. RW—Lewistown or Philadelphia. Leave Saturday morning. Call Wolfson, 4400, 3tpd K. TIRE DAILY COLLEGIAN 'l/u, 51te VlJoinest Typical Activity Puring Each Week If every day must have a pur pose and every day must be busy with something special, this week certainly exemplifies such neces sity. Today is "save tin foil day" and each day this week has been set aside as a special saving day. Coming up this weekend is the WRA Sweetheart dance. It . isn't too late to pretend it's leap year and ask the smoothie you've been dying to date alI year. To top it cf f you'll have Valentine's Day to add the extra push. Players will present "Taming of the Shrew" this weekend. So there's another date for your cal endar. Monday a representative from Katy Gibbs secretarial school will speak to all coeds on job getting, interviews and pertinent mater ial . This program is sponsored by Mortar Board and_ Tau Phi Sig ma, two honoraries. There's plenty to do around campus whether it be purely fun or whether it borders on the more serious side. It's here. All we have to do is take advantage of it. Jordon To Advise Coeds On Securing Business Positions • To answer questions on job pro curing ;n all fields of business, Miss Ruby Mae Jordan, of the Katharine Gibbs Secretarial School, will speak in 121 Sparks at 4 p. m. Monday. Miss Jordan's topicwill be s "How To Get A Job." She. will include secretaries' problems dur ing her address. Miss Jordan is speaking under the joint spon sorship of Tau Phi* Sigma, secre tarial honorary, and Mortar Board, senior women's honorary. The Katharine Gibbs School al so has announced their two an nual memorial schplatrships for 1942-43, 'consisting of full tuition for acadethic-standing and person al qualifications in the • special course for college women and a cash award of $3OO. Those desiring further informa tion should tall at the dean of women's office. "Blackout" your room during dinner. Cooperate with WSGA Defense Week. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1912 IlEc To Repeat Grad Course Home Economics graduates will be offered benefits of a nutrition: refresher course to start February 18, Miss Ina Padgett, associate': professor of home economics,, an flounced recently. • • Designed to bring home eco= nomists up to date on present health conditions ; 'success , of pre-" ; vious classes warranted repetition of the course, Mite Padgett stated. Classes will meet in. 224 Home' Economics from 7 to 9 p. in. for; five consecutive Wedrieidays::•and, Thursdays. All home economics . : graduates may attend. McDowell To Speak Mrs. Marion McDowell, ate professor of home economics; will speak at Delia CM fraternity' tonight. Her topic will be . "The ;En gagement Period, Preparation foi Marriage." . • Stale TODAY - THURS. - FRI. . . . MADELEINE and STIR LING . . . pitching woo alone on their Island . .of blisSl helm--when she tried to 5y44:17 him straight - into hei armst„ , : . 011ADELIINE 1T141.410 CARROLL • HAYDENI trafreori tot The greatest _two-reel, suh feet ever produced!" Damon Rumran's "At The Stroke Of Twelve" "DUMBO!"
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