.Successor. To Thi:.Fzeio Lane*. E%t*hlithed 18117 VOL. 38—No. 87 Gardening . • Lecture Gabaridne Blazers Hours For Third Draft Open To Students All students interested in gard- may Be Available • ening are invited to attend the Victory Garden lecture on flower Junior blazers may yet be made e Istration An kinds and varieties in 121 Sparks of gabardine, the very cloth on - Building at 7:30 p..m. tonight, it • * * * which the government placed pri ',..-e.:1.,..:. '-• was announced by Prof. George • Preliminary Forms ;'.:-The - probability that the Student Green, head of the epartment R. h d t' lastyear,it was revealed ori ies :Training for 'Civilian Defense pro- yesterday by Philip Jaffee '43, and Now Available At SU of nature education. 'gram will be placed . into oper- Richard S. Peifly '43,committee Hours during which an estimat- This will be the second in the • atien within two. . weeks was ad- hairmen. co-chairmen. ed ed 2,000 prospective draftees will series of six week lectures spon= vitiCed yestierday when Millard The co-chairmen have received a register in the Armory in the third sored by, the Victory Garden Com -1:. Bunnell, STCD co-ordinator, bid from a company in New Jer- Selective Service registration mittee of the State College De - declaredthatthet d' - innounced . that 45 of the short . • • - sey which ra .i- Monday were announced yester- . mnse Council on various phases courses have been organized. - - tional coats could be made of gab- day by Edward K. Hibshman, • of planting war gardens. Profes- ardine. Material is on hand for chairman of the registration corn •:.; Bulletins will be• printed giving sors C. B. Link said G. J. Stout student demand. - Complete descriptions of the • will speak tonight on "Flower : Three styles of blazers are being mittee. courses, .together with their sche- Kinds. and Varieties and Care of designed and will be put on display • The College will register all (Jules, - ;Mr. Bunnell said. Regis- the Home Grounds." : • at one of- the town's leading cloth-. male students, faculty, and staff •:Aretion will be held after these - members who have not previous ,iers near the last part of the month. bulletins have been distributed to .• • Two styles of blazers will be made ly • registered and who attained Aneistuderits, he. added.. • . : Announces of gabardine and one of flannel. . - their 20th birthday by December 31, 1941 and who have not at-. •:•• Partial descriptions of some 'of PSCA . . In each case the color of 'the the. courses organized follow: • . coats will be blue with a small tamed their 45th birthday by • 111 • February 16, 1942. Aiito Mechanics. This 20-hour , c white College seal on the left side. -10-week course will train persons Cabinet Nomineea The middle price range will be. ap- . Registration hours follow: . • in. basic knowledgeof the, operat- -proximately $4.75, a gabardine A-Car 11 a. m. to 12 noon : ing . princiPles of motor vehicles Twelve nominees for the PSCA style. A Cheaper blazer will be '4o enable 'them to diagnose and Cabinet were announced last made of -the same material and a Cas-Far Ito2p. m. -remedy common defects and to night by M. Jean Seanor '42, Cab- more expensive one will be made REGISTRATION HEAD—Edward Fas-Hep 2to3p. m. Make ordinary repairs and adjust- -(net treasurer, -and Arlene K. of flannel. . K. Hibshman, executive secretary Heq-Lav 10 . to 11 a. m. • i . of the Alumni Association and Law-M 3to4 P. m. meats - necessary to maintain auto- Smith '42, corresponding . secre- After the three styles of material . . • 9 to 10 a. in. Motive equipment in good condi- 'tary, members of . the executive are displayed for the junior class, chairman of the draft registration N-Rus ition..• . committee in charge of elections. one will be chosen as the official committee, has released the de- Rut-. Te. - ............ 4t05 p. in. Airplane Spotting. This 14-hour' Selective Serv- Th-Z Three members of the former blazer. The choice will be made tails for Monday's . 8 to 9 a. in. ;.COUrse will cover - the methods used Cabinet and , nine other • persons by a class survey. ice registration in the Armory. , ~ Before one will he permitted .to: ';5.n.: -.airplane identification, steed were named as candidates. Jaffee. and , Peifly stressed that: . I..ind:.altittide estimation, and esti- Additional,. nominations may be . orders will.be taken after the bin . . 1 1 (:. - register, a preliminaty registra • tion. form must be - filled out, pre ,,... , ers • are. displayed and -they . . .- , - - ~ ••'on of- ' airplane 'course. • made throu • gh a petition with 30 - will - .• - di 'Ad On . ferably by typewriter. These . i• l •''4litidi - O . Code. Given three hours signatures. - . Ten will be chosen probably be placed on sale during , - the second week of March. , sample forms are now available. at er , 'Week ' for ,10. weeks, this course ..from ithe entire group on Bebru- 0 • . • Student Union. In add'tiOn 'stn . tikoivrOide - .training 'in trans-: ary 17 . and .18 by active partici- - . - dent_ registrants ; must • bring ma - ' late odes.. - •- . ' '• ' - :,,,,,,,, R , 0. .c:eptlon'Of . . the"- In-: pants in •the PSCA or th,,PS, Atli,... .o::.Dr.frnest . Meyer . .. Rush I' . ••' • ' triculation cards 4or. identification. Lii` v . -.114,44iii4f.: - After.:.:the,:,:teitzcoritributed..42 - pre'.e..., •--,' • , t.,'...-:-, -.. ' ,- - -,-;...5,-$. ...--- ':;,•-••:',:- --;t...,,- , 2 Q6,0 3 1.1.- .. -- ...„.0.'_. - ne-- - ••••••.„..Toses. ,77:.-.------ - 77 - - 7---- . 4:!: iiiktiortOtth - eiconise, the .stUdent• • 'finance vaninaign: •-, ''hibse• : ',Wio4peationight --- - • • - ''fi ' ; "' 7: l --- 1 - -- . • . - . • Dating;and•Rus mg .Code is . due .a - -Registration ,headqUarteri Will ..: • . .•.-• • .. - . . . 1 ,4 4,6* .d,,.,•.:"o:4itiritie--iad'e--tiritctice . 'ta are eligible •to vote have-received ' .. • alt•taii . i44:feriionable speed code post cards. Authentic information . about • tonight's meeting of .the Interfra- li e • Germany before. the .. war and ternity Council, to be held at 7:30 . open from 7a. in. to 9p. In. Registrants, however, are . request . •.•tranarnissinii and• reception• • . • . . • . • The procedure for reorganize.- 'Steps to be taken 'after the con- .p. m. at the Lambda. Clii Alpha ; * • .','.`,",'' - Civilizin • Defense 'Welding.' This • ed to report from 8a.M.t05 p. M. ton .states that the ten • elected - flict will be in'esented by. .Dr: House, Thomas J. L. Henson• 'i 2 , in. their: . proper • alphabetical sec er plant employees ~:si..x.'-licil*.. Course •-• will - -provide will-choose an additional iroup •of 'Ernst Wilhelm Meyer, former First liFC head, announced last night: ' tiOns.- Faculty members pow !-;trairitrig in. the use of a cutting ten • students, and the body of 20, 'Secretary of the German Embassy A revised' dating, code was pre -' ioreh--in . emergency situations. The • •seated to the Council at the De- .may register : .. • , • which-will makeup. the new Cab- -in Washington, D. • C.', and. nowat the noon. hour or . some other camber meeting, and has been . in. . convenient _time if the schedule t•l:iiik.Se .is .planned to instruct -a (net, .will - elect a president to re- professor of • political. science. 'at '_ . perSon to set Up the cutting equip- , place Sarah P. Searle '42 and A. • Bueknell, who will. speak in. Room' .committee -since that time: .Robert , interferes with classes or duty. trient..-Of. •idifferent manfifactimers. Wilson '42, head of the commit- John Currier, Jr.J • , 42, former co- 10 Sparks . at 8 o'clock tonight. Students will, be excused from and - Ao teaCh himto Use, in demo- ,presidents, who • graduated last Dr. Meyer will meet with the tee, reported at the leSt • meeting ~ classes during the time rt•quired ...htion, - the cutting 'torch to cut semester. . PSCA _Seminar in the Hugh Bea- that action would be taken at' the for their . registration. steel plate, rivets; and structural •next meeting. Renominated from last year's ver room at 7 p. m. to discuss his .The . responsibility for register ' shapes. - ' cabinet are Jean E. Hershberger philosophy of life. Wilson, after confering with A. ing is entirely :up to the indivi -•: Military. Food - Selection. Taught '43, acting president; ,Clifford •L. - James E. Rush '42 is chairman R. Warnock, dean of merisaid that. dual, .it was pointed out. :Regis -in 15 -hours, this course will, cc, Painter '44 and Harriet; Van Rip- of the PSCA World Problems the code would 'he shaPe at to- trants . who are ill or otherwise quaint persons • who -may become er ,44. - Other candidates named Committee - which is sponsoring night's meeting, section by section, prevented from reporting at the • • (Continued on Page Four) • by • the executive committee in- Dr. Meyer's visit. His December by the Council as a body..;and not Armory at the specified time must elude Dorothy K. Biunner '44, engagement was - postrioned: .Other be left up to the committee. notify the registration committee Robert- R. Dickey '44,' Daniel C. committee members are. Benjamin The change. in the College cal- by telephone so that. a registrar Gillespie '44, Paul M.i Heberling L. Seem '42, Gerald. E. Balsbaugh ender, calling for three semesters may be - sent out to' register - them. '44, Joan E. Paulhanni '43, Mar- '44, Henry N. Wenger '44, -and annually,.has madejtneeessary for . the c o -m ic a t o a d o pt it s r u s hing .11111111111111111111111111111111911111111111111111111)111111111911 „ garet K: Ramaley '44; calmer: M. Adeline Lasky '44. Sharpless '44, Gerald Bi Stein. '44, - - code to the circurnstance. The new code :will ettempC..to :rule • over N Late - . ew . s and Phyllis •R. Watkins '44. - . • . Fees Payal)le Today _ - • :: . three- separate rushing ' seasons, Second semester fees will '' -- • • Fl ' --- h -1 :" ' 4 whereas .the present One - covers ' Student Defense Courses Reach kw Total Of 45 -Mural Damage Deliberate Work Of Vandals—Ebert Charging that the damage done :to the Land Grant Mural was the Gatkill•Resignt Pest '. - paid in the• Armory from 9a.m, to only one, that in Septeriber. as deliberate work otvandals, George • •' ' Resigning his position as an in- sp. m. today and tomorrow, Burr IFC •exchange 'dinner& proposed .W.• Ebert, superintendent of the structor in'•English coniposition on sar RusSell E. Clark announced by Robert W. Cooper:s'43 under- liiimmiimijimaimaillanamallamanamos grounds and buildings department, January.3l, William J. Gaskill, has yesterday. Athletic Association .. went their firstlest.lastVeek when .. : WASHINGTON — National ra statedyesterdaY that it would lake. left to ecome promotion Mena- • books . *ill .be ' distributed there siv fraternities held: . the affairs: - ' tioning of retreaded and•recapPed "large amotints ' of ..nioney 'and ger for the American ;Institute of upon ;presentation of the receipt CoOper will report on 'the success - time". to repair the damage done ... tires will begin February 19, an- Public Opinion. ; for. payment of the fees. • of the dinners - tonight:. ' by those who stopped to scratch • . • . nouneed•Leon - Henderson, of OPM. • the•mural with matches. -. LONDON ---Official circles an "l .. • feel certain that the damage • .if • . • . . . : ; . • • P. nounced here that although there was deliberate," he said, "because , t - ' is much infiltration of • enemy it is the first time in 12 years that layers show Has Oomph P. us' l o t o,,, ii , e n n to ye S t ing i a ft o tl i e *, h t o h p e e city as has ex I have seen the wall scratched with matches." . .. . pressed for the' domedcity. The _ The high cost of repairing the By DAVE SAMUELS rific—according to Neusbaum. attendants, including a boy dis- fall of Singapore was declared a mural; according to Ebert, is due to Some students read Froth; some Three scene-shifters doing. their guised as his "wife." Apparent dif- matter of hours. the fact that the mural is done in schedule Sociology 4-, the marriage part for Players with oomph and ficulties arise. BATAVIA The $200,000,000 fresco, a process of painting on wet course; and some take 'Psychology glamour are Froth Queen Betty H. One scene which the Players Signapore Naval Base was declared plaster. "It is impossible, there- 416. But few realize that more Christman '44, Betty L. Rose '45, take quite seriously occurs at the destroyed by the enemy, British of fore," •he continued, "merely to sexology is packed into "The Tam- and Marie-Ellen Pennell '45. wedding ceremony when Petruchio ficials revealed. As impregnable paint over or retouch the mural, as ing of the Shrew" than'in all three The jokes—for which the Bard kisses Katharine with such "a as the Maginot Line was supposed would be possible if it were done of the aforementioned . .., , is famous or infamous—will be vo- clamorous smack that all the to be, it fell in the same way—the in oils." A new slant—leg 'art 7 -;-has been ciferated by Harold J. Raab '42, church did echo." Donald-R. Tay- Japs simply went around it. To repair the mural it would be added to the Players' „Offering .set . playing the part of drunkard Chris- for '42 plays the part of the lucky BATAAN PENINSULA—Strong necessary to have Varnum Poor cut for 7:30 tomorrow night in Schwab tofer Sly. - , . Petruchio with Elinoi! F. Herrman enemy reinforcements have moved out the entire damaged section and Auditorium by director Frank S. Because of its -comedy scenes '42 as -the Shrew. .o into position -for what is believed replaster and repaint it all over Neusbaum, professor -of dramatics. which have a slightly lewd•-tinge, Modest, gentle Bianca—younger to be the final drive by the Japs :to again. This.new touch is supplied by five the Sly sequence has been cut by sister of Katharina—is played by push General. McArthur's forces ,Still more serious, Ebert be- glamorous coeds in shorts, acting many professional productions of Jean E. Hershberger '43 for whose from the Corregidor fortress. lieves, is the fact that the recent as boys pages. "The Taming of the Shrew." hand three suitors nearly cut each • WASHINGTON— The War Pro - damage done to the mural is typi- The duties of theie pages con- In the induction scene, Sly is other's throats. The suitors are ductiOn Board took heed of the im ' cal of the destruction being caused sist solely of shifting the scenery found drunk by a nobleman who, Leanore Notis• '44, Lueentio; How- pending fall of Singapore by tak by students who refuse to grow in full view -of the ;audience. Al- for amusement, dresses him in rich and J. Oppenheimer . '44, Gremio; ing steps to curtail the use of tin in up and learn to respect the rights though they speak no lines, their -clothes and carries him to the fin- and James W. Payne '45, Hortensio. cans for beer, dog food, and other . of others. effect on the audience will be ter- est bedroom. He is surrounded by rfq fyn--a• products. • - • ~,,,,,..*:,,,, • . rir,4 43 1 4 , i l 44,11 r IM O ' ill . 'ANI OF THE PENNSYLV THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 12, STATE COLLEGE, PA A STATE COLLEGE rgiatt WEATHER Snow Flurries And Cooler PRICE: THREE CENTS es . . •
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