IMSDA'Y, -- StrortNiatt,' 28,-164i ... • • .• • . • 50:004'.':.:Meisss Meeting:. :Sai.e4ii.a .. :..Nekt '',-Tulits446y, . In conjunction with increased ,-.Organization , Heads ~ ! interest: in Latin America on the part_of American universities, two ..-To-Be Introduced , new courses dealing with the sis ter Americas are being :offered on .*, Freshman . participation . in ex- the campus for, the first time this . tra-ciwricular activities will Ve year. explained by ' minims leader's 'in . ' History 22, taught by Dr. Wii , Schwab • anditorium Tuesday,: eve-' ham H. Gray, will deal with Latin . :iiing, *September 130, in the first, ,American history _to „182 . 0, to be of a series of' fiVe - freshman`-mass • followed next semester by History .._ ..• • irigs 'theet, , - - - . . .23, .Latin • American history from _C:Olistructive tips -on: activities, v .1020. . . 'oWhaCthey 'are, what they mean, - , ` o The second new course, offered • and 'how Treghrtien - . Will engage •- •by,'Dr. Henry! , J. Bruman, is Geo j.n : the& will tie the..therne of- the graphy 410, -the geography • of progr:im, Gerald F. Doherty, All- Middle America, which will be College president,* 'and chairman followed next semester by Geo of the planning committee, an- graphy 411, dealing with South nounced . last , night. . . , , - . , America. In additidri to' the IntrOduction' Students interested in Latin of student "leaile'rs, 'singing and America also have the choice of cheering will be led,. by John W. many. other. -courses dealing more Dague '4l, head eneerleader. ' or less directly with the subject. ' Organizatibri`headi - -to ;be intro=., • Among these are courses in Corn duced are: ' - -.NEW 'PR'EXY--Gerald F. Doherty, coerce, Geography. History, Poli- Gerald - F:-Deoherty; All-College new All- I Colrege president; 'will be tical!Seience, 'Spanish, and Span- President; H. Leonard Krouse, introduced to the freshmen - at' their ish . Literature. , knicn- - “Class -.Trait:lent: - Jerome second matgiiieeting next, Tuesday ; • • R.' Wakeslee, • itinior "class pi'esi- evening. •. - • ' . . ". • - , , -• -- -iietif: - Jack' 4.'"Giey, sophomore - ' . College Will Playliost r • ' 1 . 4 Pass ',president; • Thomas , ' Henson ' , --11-- ; - hi . , i 142; IFC bliairinan; 'Jean' A. Kraus :II 1 Hor neln El' ‘,. 1 42 . , Pan-hellen4c preSident; 'EI- IContinuedlrom Page brie) TO ccou fing-.Cfmic .. ~ den T.,§liailt -- '42, IIVIA president; form of a. "quiet - are !extending . Accounting problems related to , Mary Ellen Diehl '42, Philbtes ',from - ESE 'to WNW, it' qu'le tkly the - nem, - stale and • federal 'tax 'President; Jean 'Babcock "42, covered 'the northern half' of the iows.,as 'well as questions arising Wgea4 'president; -Arthur Pes . koe - sky. and finally " '.ook la - raindly , • • froni"the - recent regulationS 'on in '42, Penn • State ' Club president; •pulsating drapery lorm. ' .: 'stallment' buying Wilt receive' con- A.. , John Currier '43, 'PSCA eo- The center point of the.corona_ sideration at 'the fourth - annual . President; Betty L. , Zeigler 43,' was 73 degrees elevation from' the Accounting Clinic to be held here VritA _president; Ross . B. Lehman, south and' the . display cbvered tric actotie - r . 3 and' 4. - Dintdown Collegian 'editor; and'.james whole sky' ,o 12 de'greJs e 1... 1?s r.Y Ritter; :AA' president. ; evation from the south. • ' - . ;Second' 'class Meeting . planned The Phenornenizi .• lasted froro, by the .: :Freshman 'Welcoming corn, ,early ThurSday morning-until! 5:30 . Mittee, WSGA, PSCA, ' and' 'All- Fridayi, morning. 'diM-=-" - College ;Cabinet, will. be an: in. : "The...sePtember, 1938, - spl ay CATHAU n. J" Here Comes Mr forrnation • •Please' ~when' was :more colorfu , but not so orda freshmen 'will - have: the , opporT - b - fighr cir - fielf in VariCiformi." STATE—"Dive Bomber." tunity to stump a hoard of experts Dr. Neuberger said. "Nor was it NITTANY—"The Great Dictator." composed' of administrative heads as :rapidly pulsating - as 'the mcx.. and faculty, rriernters with . ques- recent one.", tions concerning the ' campus. ' - - A display 'which probably er- r----- ! : • - . - .. .caped . ... the: layman's notice wl . -3 . .. . _ . visible at, State .College April 9A,• 8111t.COPegellear ~ Plays y 4 s d a d i e e d. in 2 - e ttitnt f l: in ti: l h ow di i s n . ~ ... . • _ - - the''sky, ;/\TOrthern lights are more fre- Slat s -:Tomorrow . quent and more brilliant neartio; - • •''• spring • and - fall equinoxes," hc . "because the Magnetic, . The College will. start its 87th 9 ' 41 year tomorrow when more than .1241621, equator of 'the earthis in a MOLT favorable position in relation to 7000. Students,. .including a new clasa' the 'sun, and the electron rays ct 'of 'Over 1500"; begin' their, classWOrk. ' the sun are more readily cough. by - the magnetic field of tho The freshman ease hag been on. -• earth " the campus for ..nearly a .week . taking. - part : in "Fie'shrnari - Week :_actit . rities: , This period , is plan ned to acquaint new students with college life through - campus tours, mass . meetings, ' talks by College. officials, 'and conferences with prominent "upperclass students Registrar William S. Hoffman reports that Penn State's enroll nient. Will not be, seriously affect ed by ? the national emergency. The. freshman • class is 'approxi mately the same size as last year, and the enrollment drop in the upper Iclasses . is • eiipebted to be less than 500. Alumni Homecoming Plans Completed Plans were completed for Alum ni Homecoming on October .10 and 11 at the fa4l meeting of the execu tive board of the Alumni Associa tion 'Saturday evening- ' In the absence of alumni presi dent Earl E. Hewitt 'O2, vice-presi dent' B. C. "Casey" Jones "19 pre sided. The board decided to hold its next meeting on Friday evening, Octdber 10, and scheduled a meet ing of the Alumni Council for Sat urday morning, October 11, at which G. W. "Daddy" Groff 'O7, back on the campus after repre enting Penn State at Lingnan Un iversity in China, will be honored. All-College President Gerald F. Doherty '42 was present at the ex ecutive meeting Saturday night. The All-Cellege Cabinet will meet with the board at its Octdber 10th BUY COLLEGIAN NOW ' nationally heralded beauty <onsultatwand the special representative of Wnele_qeeee+ ,=4 will be in our toiletries department all this week. She will give you all the newest ideas in make-up, discuss your individual beauty problems, and sug gest the complexion aids , most beneficial to your skin. REA & DERICK Allen Street NEXT TO BANK CLOCK THE - DAILY COLLEGIAN Latin American Courses Offered Al THE MOVIES Have fun 7 ;l* friendly Treat yourself and others to fresh-tasting Wrigley's Spearmint Gum The Flavor Lasts ii'gi'M., NEW PROF—Dr,. Stuart A. -Ma huran, former ,• director 'of the Creighton University School. pf Journalism, will replace Louis H. Bell as assistant professor of jour nalism. Mr. Bell is the new di rect6r of Engineering Defense Training publicity. igli Holiday Sery High - Holiday services will be condilcted at the Hillel Foundation, 133 W..BeaVer avenue, at .9 a. m. today under the direction of Rabbi Benjamin M. Kahn, director. fl th.,o BATH h, _ , s: At .. ,:: e , .?,,, :: 70 - , 4 1 1 - N . , tx. i ~,,..:,, 1 1 ~ I 'l Ir \l , r ^)1 Nothin g like his at COLONIAL 121 W. NITTANYAVE. SiaZaFinestChibßesidence 2 .1. _.€lo4,pl4:ivittes . ~ so 7 #4,0047,4201.1 Oa f - • - roorn• PAGE THREE: CLIFF , s , . 0- . -u ~. A 1 7 1 R 1* '0 1 H • m 1 F 0 E' .0 A a s• . . : • KA s ~ N'T 11 A : H . 0 1 N M I D E ' , W 1 L • E 0 C 0 v if :: : -K . I I . N - .' - -L- - 6 ° .. : 1 ''P . .• . P . . U - i ...A :, I 1 • 7 IN § : E P. - ,A - ...R . ' ' c E S. ' . T Buy Meal Tickets and Save on Food, Milk Shakes, Fountain Pro ducts and All Pur chases at the Milk , - Shake Store. 145 S. Allen Street
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