Successor To The ,Free pince, Established 1887 VOL. 313--No. 5 18, Transfers Exempted From Frosh Customs , • Twenty-eight additional trans- SU Board Combines fer .students have been exempted w Daily Collegian Strives 72 Pledge Yesterday :; . . . from . freshman customs. The last Raising Total to 526 chance 'for students to apply for Dates To Cut Expenses For Accurate Delivery customs exemptions will be in A joint Soph Hop-Jklouseparty The Daily Collegian is making Fraternity pledging, which will 308 Old Main tonight at 8 p. m., Weekend on November 7 and 8 was every effort to make its deliveries end at 'noon today, overran last Chairman Ray F. Leffler '42, has approved last night by the Student as complete and accurate as pos- year's final record of 510 as 72 announced. Thirty-one other. Union Board along with the setting sible despite the many changes more names were reported to In -':students have also been exempted of 21 other important All-College in addresses, new subscriptions terfraternity Council to make a from customs, bringing the total dance dates. The Soph Hop will daily and the problem of estab- grand total of 526 last night. , to 59 Students exempted are: , be held November 7. lishing a better carrier system. Beta Sigma Rho, with .20 Donald Hosey, • Carlo Colombo, . The action taken by the board Our subscribers have been very pledges, continued to hold the lead Bernard Rubin, Marvin Kudraft, was designed to curtail the con- patient, and if circulation is un- among individual' houses. Phi George Sigler, Patrick Mooney, start loss suffered by the sopho- satisfactory, they are urged to Kappa Psi followed with 19 . . I , Gene Masciocchi, Bertram Hart- CHIEF JUSTICE—Raymond F. more class in their annual dance. call Collegian 711 between 1:30 names. fell, Burton Home, Frank Mc- Leffler '42, above, is head of Stud 'Other minor changes in the and 5:30 p. m. Howard H. Brink has pledged Kain, Robert Hershener, Merle ent Tribunal which has exempted ' The Daily Collegian wants its Theta Ohi instead of Theta Xi as Call. '• .59 students from customs because dance dates include the moving of subscribers to have satisfactory erroneously announced yesterday Benjamin Ulrich; Donald Elly, they had customs at another col-the WSGA dance from March 20 to Aprilll, Beaux Arts Ball from service. If there arse any corn- by ITC. .... Marion Slivka, James --Robinson, lege or are over 21 years of age.plaints please report them, and Only new pledges are listed in George Osgood, Fred McAdam, October 19 to November 1, and the _every effort will be made to the following table. Numbers in Richard Cope, John Gorgol, John February 13. straighten them out as soon as parenthesis indicate the total possible. Helmen, Daniel Reese, Robert N y A w number pledged at that house and Leibertz, Robert Bitner, ; Palmer- ork Lists The dances ai‘e as follows with Sharpless, 'Sam Pearson, Charles i the - day of the week indicated in are subject to change by the IFC i• . rushing committee. Barbour, and Norman Miller. ■ parenthesis: 1 • ssr Available Today First Semester—Collegian Dance, P i a Oct. 10 (Friday); Owen Dance, Oct. ayers To Horn . Acacia (6): Alpha Chi Rho (8): , - ' .. Pilot. Training - , Approved lists of students who .24 (Friday,); Beaux Arts Ball, Nov. 11. . Alpha Chi Sigma (12): Alpha Gamma Rho (8): - 1 (Saturday); Soph ,Hop-. Fall Final Tryouts • are qualified for NYA work will . Alpha Kappa Phi (11): Houseparty, Nov: . 7 and 8 (.Friday . . Alpha Phi 'Delta (2): O. ;applicants Lama offices tomorrow" the College NYA and-Saturday), Mortar Board, Nov. Final tryouts for •the Penn State 15 (Saturday)l Harvest Ball, Dec. Players' initial production of the Alpha Sigma Phi (14): • office, 308 Old Main, announced Alpha Tau Omega (7): James H. 7 , :Applications , for the Civilian 6 (Saturday); Forenry Society, season, "The' Male Animal," will last night. --- Edelman Jr., John 'McClelland, and Pilot Training .course are now Dec. 13 (Saturday); Panhellenic be held in the Little Theatre at Regulation federal blanks will Milton Templeton. - available in 208 Main Engineer- . Ball, Jan. 9 (Friday); Penn State .7 p. m. today, Mr. Lawrence E. hap:- Coordinator 11, .0, . Wiciser„, be:distritted to r the t ;offi e c h e of the , Clu,b, Jan. 1.(,) (Saturday). , • , Tucker, dramatics instructor, an- Alpha Zeta (8): Robert Beacher d • Th ' NV Ch c'h sham, professor ,of aerdriatiticalSecondemester Thespians nounced yesterday,. , . . blanks will 'be distributed at the , • , "Beta Sigma Rho (20): engineering, announced yesterday. Feb. 3 (Tuesday); Military Ball, The list of students qualifying NYA office as they have been here- Beta Theta Pi 017): John Brown, Applicants should be between • Feb. 6 (Friday); WRA, Feb. 13 for the finals will be posted at tofore. . • Howard Stiner, and 'Robert Wat the ages - of 19 and 26 and. should (Friday); Engineer's Ball, Feb. 21 Student Union 'at 11 a. m. today, NYA .students will be 'permittedson. haVe Completed at least one year (Saturday; Senior Ball, Feb. 27 he added. Formal rehearsals will to - work a maximum of 40 hours Chi Phi (12): Thomas A. An of college work. The. College has ' ‘, (Friday); IMA, March 21 4Satur- get under way Thursday night, . per month for a return of 1.4 aol- krim, Paul T. Luckeribill, Richard been alloWed a quota of ten stud- . . . day); IF Ball, March 27 (Friday); Tucker stated; ' lags. In • keeping with • a nation- G. Raab, Walter M. Robinson, and 'ents, with two auditors, for the . , WSGA, April 1 , 1 (Saturday); Ag At the Players' first Board of ... . , wide decrease, the campus pro- James R. Zeller. first semester. . Frolic, April 18' (Saturday); All- Control' meeting held yesterday • gram has ben cut 21 per cent over Delta Chi (16): Fred Ellsworth -_.Training will consist of 72 hours College Circus, April 25 (Satur- afternoon, the following technical that of last year. ' ' 1 and Arnold Nelson. of ground school work on the day); Junior Prom, May 1 (Friday); departnient • heads and their as - All workers must carry three - Delta Sigma Phi (9): campus and 35 • hotirs of flight fourths of a normal schedule and Spring Houseparty, June 5 and 6 sistants were assigned: Donald L. training at the Boalsburg Airport. • (Friday and Saturday).. Russell '43, stage manager; Fred Delta Tau Delta (14): Robert D. h must be between 16 and 24 y ears ßarbour, Allen P. Bollinger, Frank Students participating in flight Those Who attended the meeting T. Meyer '43, assistant stage man old. NYA work is not granted to Delp, Samuel Pearson, Joseph Sur work will be charged a fee of were Jean Babcock, Betty L. Zeig- ager; Marion E. Sperling '42, cos fraternity men or women. Approximately $25 tocover physi- • Stanley B. Maddox, administra- ler, Arthur Peskoe, Robert F. Wil- tume manager; Vera E. Hirsch- face, and John E. Whitinger. cal- examination, insurance, and son, A. John Currier, Walter N. berg '42, assistant costume man- Delta Theta Sigma (1): tive assistant to the President, is in administrative expenses. Shambaugh, James W. Ritter, Ger- ager. Delta Upsilon (15): Charles C. charge of NYA regulation, and o Frank E. Whiting acts as Ground school Work will be --rfice aid F. Doherty, Ross B. Lehman, Additional selections were Bond Jr., Robert 0. 'Mitchell, and supervised by Professor Wicker- manager. William F. Smith and Jean Krauser, all seniors. James E. Gore '44, lights manager; ' sham, while flight training will be George L. Donovan, Student Union James R. Ziegler '44, assistant Gamma Sigma Phi (18): Kappa Delta Rho (12): Under the direction of Sherm Lutz. manager, conducted the meeting. lights manager; William H. Cotton .ROTC Classes Changed (Continued on Page Two) 111101111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 F res h man an d s opho more ROTC '42, sound manager; Hazel E. Gassman '43, paint manager; M. • classes 'scheduled today and Fri- Jean Seanor '42, props manager; • Late - day will be in the Armory instead Albert C. Christoph Jr. '43, as- Navy To Train of classrooms designated in time- sistant props manager • Aleda table except freshman engineers who will meet for ROTC in Freshmen fees will be payable Schwab Auditorium at 4-o'clock to- in the Armory from 9 a. m. to 5 day. p. m. Friday, according to Bursar 1 0181 91111011111011110i18116011101111111111111111111111111111 . __ Russel E. Clark. - • Naval Aviation Training may -.• • - • SPRINGFIELD, OHlO—Work- Camera Club Meets Athletic ticket books will be • now be taken by graduates and un . ers at International Harvester Co., given out. Payment should be dergradVates in their own college The first meeting of the Camera Pershing Rifles Meet units, Ralph Cox, Jr., member of made at alphabetically listed making trucks and tanks for na- Club will be held in 318 Old Main tat 7:30 p. m. Monday evening. -onal defense, walked out today windows as follows: A-Bit, Bla- The Pershing Rifles- will hold the cadet selection board, has an:- nounced. Cry, Cub-Fre, Fri -Her, Hes-Kou, their first meeting of the semester after union-employer negotiations The introductory meeting is being 'failed in conference the last two The Navy Department recently Kov-Mat, Mau-Pin, Pip-Sga, Sha- in. the Armory at 7 p. m. next . . . held •as an organization of the . . . .. released authorization to physical days. Meanwhile, Consolidated Tra, Tre-Zur. Monday. group • • ly examine, enlist, and train indi:- Aircraft. and Curtiss-Wright Air- • . . . craft workers in California voted vidual college groups, keeping them intact throughout the entire to strike next week. • *A. BERLIN--,The biggest battle of Bri 1 Eir • ua o ids . s7so For Bl u e Band Debut training period. for admission to the Russo-German war is now be- Naval Reserve Aviation Training ing fought east of Kiev with more . than a million men involved. SEE EDIT . made, and another $375 could be 'We' includes not only our foot- are a minimum of two years of col - A communication: from the Buf. • transferred *from the budget of ball committee, but our entire lege, age 20 to 27, height 64 to 72 falo Junior Chamber of Commerce the Interclass. Finance Board. The membership, the Penn State and inches, weight, proportionate but yesterday which stated that the •-.. amount, it was revealed, Colgate alumni groups, and the, latternot over 200 pounds. The eyes group was in a position to offer at least, 25,000 people who will . must be normal, 20-20, and with could be covered partly from $750 toward transporting the Penn normal color perception. money designated each year for be at the game." State Blue Band to the Colga te- Units may file application to repair and dry cleaning of band The band would probably ap-Penn State football game on Oct.gather, or if any have already made uniforms. . pear at the joint Penn .State-Col -4 initiated similar action on cam- application, deferrment may be pus today. It was pointed out that the new gate rally at the Buffalo Memorial granted awaiting formation of the With another $750 needed to uniforms on Friday, October 3, ms which were purchased college group. Preliminary train sendand there is also a possibility that the band to Buffalo, .student this year will not• need the at- ing -will be conducted at the Navy leaders found two ' sources by tention or incur the expense which the band would broadcast over yard, Philadelphia, and advanced the Buffalo radio station that which funds could be made avail- was required by the old uniforms. training at Jacksonville, Pensacola, able in the , last minute search for •G. Mowson Berg, p; - ;:sident of same evening. or Corpus Christi. Immediate money. -• . the Buffalo Junior Chamber of Money for two Blue Band trips Fallowing the completion of thiS They reported that `-an appro- Commerce, asked that the band is . included in the Interclass Fin- training, students will be qualified priation of $375 from the Athletic attend the game • because' "We ance budget • each year. This' to receive commissions as Naval Association by- consent - of , the here in Buffalo are , very ,anxious . fall„ the - band is scheduled' to Ensigns, after which they will be Athletic Advisory !Board; which- to have your 'Perim State' band play at' the Temple and Pitt foot- ordered to regular duty at some meets this Saturday, could be at, the Colgate football game. ball games. U. S. Naval -Base. News Flashes National League Pittsburgh 4, St. Louis 0. St. Louis 9, Pittsburgh 0. ChiCagei 5, Cincinnati 1. Philadelphia 'B, New York 2. New York 8, Philadelphia 6. _American teagwe Philadelphia 9, New York 8. 'Washington 4. Boston 3. Detroit',4, ,Chicago 1 (Night game) Fall Sports Writers • The following sports , writers were named yesterday by Sports Editor Pat.Nagelberg:• Bob School ey,' football; Jack Olkehl, cross country, and Dominick golab;•'soc:-• cer. • WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24, STATE COLLEGE, PA. OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE Rushing Reaches New High; Soph Hop, Houseparty Joined Frosh Fees Payable From 9 to 5 . Friday tan Snow '43, makeup manager; Jean Sabcock '42, house manager. The advertising manager will be ap- College Units pointed soon, Mr. Tucker an nounced WEATHER Fair and Cooler PRICE THREE.CENTS
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