PAGE VOIM 'A nnual 'Reception Tonight, THIKIEY OMER KETHODIST CHURCH STATE COLLEGE &illy t 5 pin. 85c , - 11 1 1 1 fillawfs ToDAY, SATURDAY )3(5)3 Hope, Dorothy Lamour in "CAUGHT IN lIHE DRAFT" 'with /...yorte.„ Eddie Bracken N,C011.. 'rums., WED,. I "OVER THE I11I0ON" in Technicolor featuring Don Ameche, Betty (gable, Robert Cummings and Charlotte Greenwood. Sack Haley. Carole Landis Carbine lArright, \NERIENIE2I2IIEIII2I 'rl-EURS.. rz.i. I ) TKeeler, Ozzie Nelson and His Band Harriet r-iilliard. in 66 SWEETHE ART O.IF 'I I HE CAMPUS" FR.T.ow:= 7:(10-8:45 TODAY Robert Stirling, Donna Reed Charles Winninger in "THE GET-AWAY" with Henry O'Neill, Dan Dailey. Jr. r MON-, 'rims,. I James Cagrvey. Bette Davis in "THE BRIDE • CAME e. 0,. with Stuart Irwin. Eugene Panetta —Added.— 'The March of Time • "New England." 011111111111111111111111, 1 WEDNESDAY James Stewart, Robert Young Lionel Barrymore in "NAVY BLUE AND GOLD" THURSDAY John Beal, Maurice IV.Coscovitch Albert Dekker in "THE GREAT COMMANDMENT" the Diviisiion of Dramaifila Ns holm Theatre Company Two Outstanding Plays !Night of January 16' '' The Howard Gale's Band Will Play For Dance The annual summer session re ception and dance, one of the highlights of the summer, will be held in Rec Hall starting at 8:30 tonight. Students and faculty members will be welcomed by , the summer sessions staff at the affair which opens the wide social program sponsored by the College. The re ception line will be headed by Dean Marion R. Trabue, director of summer sessions, and Mrs. Tra hue. Music for the dance, which starts at 9 o'clock, will be pro vided by Howard Gale and his orchestra. There will be no ad mission fee but matriculation cards will be required. The dance is the first of a se ries sponsored by the summer sessions office. For the remainder of the dances an admission price of :35 cents per person will be charged. The next dance will be Friday, July 18. Three (Gibbons Join Psychology Slat{ :Continued from Page One) lumbia University. Her name is a part of the scientific name for the species, Hylo bates, which means tree-walker. In Siam, she was tame enough to have free range of the expedition's camp, and of ten sat at the tale begging for her food. Unlike "Franklin," who is ouite wild, she is still tame. In an effort to solve the mys tery of the gibon "language," a simple form Of c ommunication ticequate—aor—meir • - neects- tests will be made of their voice pat terns. range of hearing, and its comparison with human hearing. Other sensory experiments are expected to reveal their aility to distinguish between colors, their visual acuity, their keenness of smell, and their sense of touch. The tests of ability to handle tools, when such handling is nec essary to obtain food, may show the quality and level of intelli-. gence of the gibbon. The monogamous gibbons have a family life resembling that of cur social structure, with the mo ther responsible for the children during the first two or three years of life. The children remain with the family until they are seven or eight years old and ready to form families of their own. U/ASSIFIEDS FOR SALE: 1935 six-cylinder Pontiac coupe—A-1 condition. State College 2731. LOST: July 5. Ring with carved lopis stone. Finder please re turn to Room 172, Atherton Hall. ltpd JM • Learn to swim—swimming les sons; reasonable rates. Results guaranteed. Call Glennland Pool 3481 or 3291, Albert P. Michaels, swimming instructor. • 2tchJM Presents July 23 'Moor Bun' ➢uly 34} THE SUMMER COLLEGIAN No. 1 'Caller' Here Next Week Step a side, jitterbugs. because the good old fashioned country dancing is here to stay and none other than the nation's foremost "caller" is coming here next week to give summer session fun-seek ers first hand instruction in the intricate details of early Ameri can dances. The country dance program will be held in Recreation Hall at 7:30 p. m. on Tuesday and Wednesday and will be directed by Benjamin B. Lovett. Mr. Lovett will be ac companied by a pianist and "fid dler" and will conduct the pro gram in the same "fun for all but not all for fun" style as his reg ular University of Michigan classes. He comes here from Dearborn, Mich., on a nation-wide' tour through the courtesy of Henry Ford and his wife as part of an ed ucational . program to revive early American folk dances. In addition to enjoying two eve nings of fun, the program will give teachers an opportunity to learn right techniques and will help them later in introducing old fashioned dances in their own communities. Because of the previously un scheduled folk dance program the faculty Fun Night has been post poned until next week. Bellefonte Building Corporation ta,t 114:1 : k. 1, 19,41. Culla&le in whole or in parr:, and if in part in the inverse order of their number upon any interest payment date upon thirty days published notice at 103 1 / z with accrued, (a)rrtparty will reiund 5 mills Permsyivaraia Persona/ Property ra,c. 1943—53,000 t 9 ,44— 3.000 t 9045— .3,004 11940 3.000 19.47 4.000 3.000 4.000 Viiso 4.000 11951 4.000 The.3e art to be iecured by First iNfortgage on property purchased from the School 4stricrof the Borough of Bellefor.te situate in Bellefonte Borough, and on a high school buildinig, together with ttx;'ci equipment therefor, to be erected and installed thereon. Said property together with the high school building iii - axed equipment to be tetisCll to the School District. I:•''' 'rhe :Bellefonte Budding Corporation is incorporated under the Pennsylvania "Non-p.rofn: Corporation. Law" a, a non.protit corporation and has as its stated purpose the power to purchase. own. age and ;ease real and penwrial property and to construct and maintain a suitable building or buildings in ord. m ! provide note ample tz NV fa,:,1.0:,11 for educational purposes. ' ' 1 2 rt. o r Viet.? - Pros Atirt t Secretary Atte•eior: rocfor arieting s made when, -1.5 and if ii?ued, and subject ro rite favorable tega/ opinion of M , t. , 3r.5. Saul, Ewing, Rer:zick .7P Saul of Philadelphia, for the hanker : and John G Love. Esq. of Sellefonte, for 'he corporation. Price.: 3.011 and accrued interest for ail matUrities Offering of Hicae bonds 1.. a made only by prosprictua which can be obtained fro'M the undersigned or your local Bellefonte bank. Otf.-;:ring of these bonds is confined solely to Penfisylwani a residcnta, c . • WILLIAMSPORT: Richard C. Lowe,Manager. Susquehar4Trust Bu g Telephone:Wiliamsport 2-6141 NJ EA,, r);()(: BOS'T:Vis CI:I4CACo? SAN FRANCESCO LOS ANGELSS Fun Night First Over 1,000 Persons Expected To Attend The first in a series of - Fun Nights will be held in Recreation Hall at 7 o'clock tomorrow night with square and round dancing the feature attraction. Miss Marie . Haidt and Prof. Arthur F. Davis, in charge of recreation, expect this summer's series to parallel last year's when more than a thousand persons participated on opening Thesquare dancing will be di rected by Miss Gertrude McDer mott, state WPA supervisor of women's and • girl's social recrea tion. This novelty, however, will only be a supplment to the vast diversion of activities that have been arranged for the evening's program. The directors urge that special emphasis be placed on the cloth ing worn. Participants are asked . to come prepared to play with low heeled shoes, rubber soles, and if possible, slacks. The program is open free to students and faculty members only. Following the floor events, which include badminton, volley ball, shuffle board, circle games, and bingo, there will be social dancing until midnight. The floor games will be under the expert supervision of physical education majors. First Mortgage 3 1 / 2 % Bonds TRUSTEE: FIRST NATIONAL BANE< OF 3ELLEFO,NTE MATURITY SCHEDULE—;Due Each May Ist as Follows 1952-34,000 1953- 5,000 1954-- 5,000 1955- 4,000 1956-- 5,000 1957-- 5.000 1958-- 6,000 1959- 5,000 1960-- 6.000 . 7 • Officers and Ozrectors oi Ilhe Bellefonte Budding CorporaOlon Ire: Arlill.ariole... - - . Assistant to the President fit Ttt:it .otlicer )t the Sethi for.ce Trust Company IK.. WILLIAM H. BF.P,OCSE School Director • LEWIS LENHART Assistant County Superintend ot Schools . .. HORACE J. HARTRANFT ?resident of the School Board ;•`-‘, ‘ - NEWELL B. LONG ?resident of the First National Bank of Bellefonte MAHLON K. ROBS E. H. Rollins . (Z., Soni .*- TYRONE: G. T. Nolan, Representative, P.O. Sox Telephone: Tyrone 244 $350,000 Due Serially Each May 1, 314..:, Z:fB7, upon proper application 1961-36,000 1962- 7.000 1963- 6,000 1964- 7,000 1965- 7,000 1966- 7,000 1967- 8,000 1963- 3.000 1969- 3.000 Incorporated FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1941 Tomorrow 11 Accepted For CAA; More Trainees Needed (COntinued from Page One) unlegs 'one of the regular trainees is dropped. Unlike last summer's course, no women were admitted. It was stated' that this was because the purpose of the course is no longer "general instruction" but "more to prepare!•students for service in the • Arm yor Navy air corps." ii A 'clause in the CAA applica tion binds , each trainee to. apply for training in the Army or Navy if his services are requested by the government. The group started flight training Wednesday. Training, which in. eludes 35 to 50 hours of flying, is given -at the State College Air De pot under the direction of Sherm Lutz. Ground school classes started . on July 3. Seventy-two hours of classwork are given as follows: navigation —24 hours; meteorol ogy-24 hours; Civil Air Regula tions-18 hours; and general ser vice of aircraft-6 hours. The trainees are Paul M. Gold berg, Charles B. Jones, Irving M. Jontow, James A. Leyden, Jr.; Michael Lorenzo, William M. 1116- Murray, Douglas B. Moore,-Ha rold M. Rcisen, Arthur D. Seides, Harry R. Stengle, and Robert S. Walker. Jr. Wellesley College has a war re-- lief worlwoom. 1970-$9,04 i) 1971- 9,00 1972- 9,4190 1973-10,009 197.4-10,000 1975 -10,000 . i :.. 1976-11.000 • 1977-12,0010 • 1979 1979-$13.46 , 1 1936- ,12.,61111 1981- 14,9001 1982- 13,11)(141 1933- 15,066 1934- 15,006 1935- 15,0110 1986- 16,0001 , 1937- 6,004
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