- OLL _GIAN THE .•„ • . Bps Passenger ought For Clue Le 'Lost Student Thomas P. Meehan, Jr., '43, ''missing since June 29, was still unheard from yesterday but he had been traced as far as Harris burg where he had stopped while on' the way to State College by bus. It was learned that two persons, one of them identified as Meehan, Eight appropriation bills affect had boarded, in Philadelphia, 'a (Eastern Daylight Saving Time) I ing the College have been passed , bus which was scheduled to ar- TODAY by the State Legislature—seven . of them over the past weekend— rive in State College at 2:3 1 a. in. 8 a. in. to 4 p. m. Annual exhibit of books . and other. educational on June '3O. The other passenger supplies. Armory. and if signed by Governor Arthur '' was a girl, according to police. • 7:30 p. m. Program of one-act plays by classes in dramatic pro- James will bring the College di- They were both seen to get off the INTERVENTION in the present duction. Little Theatre, Old Main. rectiy $5,739,545 and about $BOO,- bus at Harrisburg where passen- European war by the United States 9p. in. Subscription dance. Music by Don Peebles and his 000 more by indirect means. gers must transfer to State Col- will be the subject of a talk la orchestra. Admission fee is 35 cents per person and matriculation Y card. Rec Hall. The bill for College mainten •lege. Philip LaFollette in Schwab - Audi- TOMORROW ance passed in the amount of $5,- The girl was not believed to torium at 8:15 Monday night. His sp. m. Industrial education picnic. Hort woods. 509,545—the exact appropriation have been traveling with Meehan ,speech will he sponsored by the 7:30 -p. in. Program of one-act plays by classes in dramatic pro- asked by the College. This is an but she was sought on the chance America First Committee. duction. Little Theatre, Old Main. increase. of $700,600 over the or that she might have information 7 p. m. Fun Night. Rec Hall. iginal bill passed by the House which would help in- the search n a . SUNDAY, JULY 20 The $700,000* was added in the for the missing student.6:3o p. in. Concert by the Band, Orchestra, and Chorus School. Senate and concurred in by the Local police do not believe that H riallip LaFolleffe Center mall. 7:30 p. m. Vesper Service. Address by Rev. G. Mason Cochran,. House Governor James set the figure . at $4,375,000 in his s budget. the youth got off the bus at State Highland Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh. Schwab , Auditorium. College.' They said that he has T None of the appropriations will. not been seen here by friends and o Speak Monday . Continued on page Four become final until signed by the has not been in touch with Col- . Governor. He will have 30 days lege officials. - Philip LaFollette, former gov- film.On4ocial Diseases No reason has yet been given ernor of Wisconsin, will speak in Henroffe To Lead from whie h theto e act nd andof the ah sieeslsvieoln. thein . for Meehan's disappearance. When Schwab Auditorium at 8:15 p. m. To Be Shown Tuesday appropriations but not raise them. he was first reported missing last . Monday -it was reported that he Monday inmeeting sponsored by a.* With the Selective Service Act Thursda Concert Main disappointment to the Col lege was the failure of the aero was an . amnesia victim but this the America - First Committee. His cWrr ) in si m- i y....,ima ' - .. , was-said- yesterday 'to be , entirely 'toptc - Nyin - be ''.":sliolT - Ct - tliea ea and - men' well are su im put rata t, - oaSsect the Senate but Vlt's - not - re- Pierre Henrotte; concertmeister unfounded. States Intervene in the Present the nation, the College Health of the Metropolitan Opera House ported out of the House appropri - , - - Meehan was a junior and regis- European Wm.. 91.9 Service and the physical education for 15 years, will be guest conduc- ations committee. The measure tered in the transition section. He LaFollette 'was Wisconsin's gov- department will present a motion tor and Georges Barrere, inter- was for $300,000, part of which was about 5 feet, 8 inches tall, ernor for three terms, from 1931 picture on 'venereal diseases in nationally famous flutist will would have gone for construction ge airport. _had a oe weighed about 145 pounds, and to 1933 and from 1935 to 1939. 'Rbom I_o Sparks Building at 7:30 serve as guest soloist in Schwab of _had black curly hair. After his last term he traveled in Tuesday*night. Auditorium at Bp. m. Thursday Other bills for appropriations to Europe and returned to the United The... State department He was a member of Theta • of health when the symphony orchestra of the College were: Kappa .._g'ili _fraternity. Ibis fra- - o become one of this will .su 1 - a speaker for the States t - pp y theßand, .. Orchestra and Chorus 1. The Williams-Kennahan bill ternity , rorothers have been asked country's leading non-interven- occasion which is being sponsored School presents one of a series of Chorus 1. coal research. This is similar to report to police if Meehan con- tionists. jointly with the Centre County concerts. to measures passed in previous tacts them. He is generally regarded as a Health Society. The film will deal Guest conductor for part of last bienniums and must be matched brilliant, forceful speaker. Louis with social diseases in regards to bight's ;successful band concert, (Continued on Page Two) Adamic calls him "one of the best the national defense program, as Henrotte has been rehearsing the campaigners in America today." well as their relation to civilian orchestra daily during his three LaFollette is the younger of two life. Adniission will be free. week stay on 'the campus. Associa- II famous sons .of the late Senator Old ted with him is Prof. Hummel Main Mural - Robert M. LaFollette, nationally Fishburn, regular director of the prominent Progressive leader, The Rev , Cochran Will Spea k orchestra. r • other son, Robert, succeeded his , Dr. Barrere is ranked by ex- S father as United States Senator At Vesper Service , perts as the world's greatest übjed Of Talk Last week's program having from Wisconsin. flutist and in addition has won enjoyed great success with nearly- Before becoming governor, Rev. G. Mason Cochran of the The "Land Mural," paint 900renown as conductor of Barrere's Grant attending the activities, the Philip LaFollette was a lecture in HighlandPresbyterianChurch i .- 'n Little Symphony in New York ed in Old Main by Henry Varnum second Fun Night will be held in the 'University of Wisconsin Law Pittsburgh . will speak at the weekly City. In the latter capacity he has Poor, will be the subject of a lee- Recreation Hall' from 7 p. m. till vesper service in Schwab Audi- School, a district attorney, and a . . toured every state in the 'country ture by Harold E. Dickson, asso midnight tomorrow. with a fecord practicing lawyer. 'tannin at 7:30 Sunday night. and appeared on national radio ciate professor of fine arts, in The vesper service will be pre- Room 110 Home Economics Build attendance _expected by the direr- chains. At present . Dr. Barrere tors Miss Margie Haidt and Arthur Student Sing Monday . ceded by a concert by the band of the Orchestra and Chorus School. holds the - position as foremost flute ing at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday. Professor Dickson said - yester- F.. Davis. composer in the nation and will The weekly assembly and stu- Weather permitting the concert give Once again country and square private dent sing will be held in Schwab will be on center mail at 6:30 'mural and to describe what the dancing will be featured, under platinum flute during his week's trylook , Auditorium at 7 o'clock Monda • Incaseof badweather,it .3 p. m. the direction of Mrs. Gertrude Mc-visit at the College. The concert. program: Dermott, state director for WP 4 i night. will be in the auditorium. added that he will also discuss of women's recreation. Social Air on G String, Bach; Der Poor's career and "development as , ancing to victrola music will unconventional Climax Features Freischutz Overture, Webber; Nut an artist." e dude the evening's program. Cracker Suite, Tchaikowski; a His talk will be supplemented ''7:,• addition to the dancing there Strauss waltz; Flute Concerto by by lantern slides and by a short . . Mozart, Georges Barrere, soloist; color movie sequence showing g . es and other activities which Pl ays V- be as usual a wide variety of lay in Auditorium, Wednesday New World Symphony, Dvorak. Poor and his daughter Anne paint _ '1:. red so popular at previous Fun Next W ing the mural. Poor began work in ednesday will be July previously announced cast. They Old Main in late April, 1940, and - ights. Badminton is the most 23 everywhere except on the stage . are: court bailiff, Alfred Man- Fraternity Booklet finished two months later. courts will be available to the fol popular of the games and several of Schwab Auditorium where it wilier; clerk, Myron Seeder; sten- In a recent book on Poor, Peyton will be "The Night of January ographer, Gladys Z. Lehman; Ready For Distribution Boswell, Jr., critic and editor of lowers of this rapidly growing 16th" as the division of dramatics secretary to the defense attorney, Art Digest, says about the Land sport. ' presents the first of two full-length Anne T. Darden; secretary to the The second annual edition of Grant mural, "the artist has - All game participants are re- plays at 8:30 p. m. district attorney, Sue E. Sander- the Fraternity Booklet, published brought forth one of the great quested to wear rubber soled shoes, •<, • • The Night of January 16th" is son. by the Interfraternity Council and acheivements in American mural especially tennis shoes, so as not a murder mystery with an uncon- Police matron, ' Martha A. Buch- the Fraternity Counselor's Asso- art; the College is the possessor to damage the gym floor. Admis- . .• ventional ending. Karen Andre is er; and three newspaper reporters, ciation is now ready for distribu- of a painting that will be . . . ad sion is free to students and faculty on trial and her fate is decided by 'Douglas A. Dean, Guy Fiore, and tion. mired as long as Old Main stands members only. a jury chosen from the audience. D. Garth Dietrick. Mr. Neusbaum The booklet will be -mailed „this —and it is a sturdy building." The jury hears the evidence, re- said that a few minor additions month to all male students who As further recognition of his tires to a juryroom, and then comes will still be made. will enter the College for the talent, Poor was appointed to the back with a verdict entirely un- The part of Karen Andre, who first time in September. Its pur- National Fine Arts Commission by known to the actors. After the is tried for murder, -will by played pose is to acquaint new students President Roosevelt in March. actors hear the verdict they im- by Helen Hughes. Thomas Francis and, their parents with the fra provise the ending of the play. is cast as Stevens, the defense at- ternity system and more, specific- Jury members will be chosen torney, and Robert Metzler as ally with fraternity life at Penn by lot a few minutes before the Flint, the district attorney. State. play begins. Persons willing to The set was designed by Bruce The publication is 16 pages and serve on the jury should leave S. Cook, assistant in dratnatics, cover, printed in three colors. It their names at Student Union or at and built by him and his class in is well illustrated. All fraternity the box office the night of the play. stagecraft. Alice W. Dennis is in members —b ot h undergraduate . Frank S. l‘teusbaum, . director, charge of costumes, and Alice E. and alumni—may obtain copies of yesterday released additions to the Ligo is in charge of properties. the booklet at Student Union. hid Fun Night Saturday Cap And Gown Orders Due Next Week Al l l ( studentc. expecting to grad uate at the end of the main sum mer session should order caps and gowns next Wednesday and Thurs day afternoons, July 23 and 2. Orders will be received in the mailing room in the basement of the Burrowes Building. OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE Colle • e Appropriation Bills Total $5,73 ei,545 Official Calenciar.-July 18 To July 25 Announcements Airport Measure Fails To Pass 81 Win Ag Honors Eighty-one students in the School of Agriculture won places on the honor roll for the second semester which ended last month, according to Dean Stevenson W. Fletcher. They averaged 2.5 or better out of a possible 3.
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