MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1941 -~he-~tec~clers'--~ZZey ._:.~.w—, 7.~Wheitinr• A-Profess-oi - -Tioltei Tniii. : - ..-.T - -"Olt:cli..Up -On His Re*adirit..,- . 1 By ROBERT E. GALBRAITI-1- Associete Professon of Ez glis. -Composition For the, pagt — several :summers, we-have been doing a bit of book ;-sCouting for 'the purpo§d of..cateb 'inknp-dn what we don't get dOne jri :what Or..giandi:athers used . to call :"the Iphg -winter ':Because we came across- Voluines that had been . iiri7iewed but missed - - 'during the- previous seasons, niany ward Inn, and Do Not Disturb, Of Which had been -for:Often a - fter vv .- kitten - 15y Frank Case, Prop., to • the : first blare of-publicity, we de- tell. the world 'not only about his •"Cisied that it would be a•good idea " hotel, but about ,the interesting if we were to - read and let ,athers People One - -henrs about but ,never 'know if they were worth spending - meets there: . . _ an evening or two . on. Of course,. These are not textbooks for those we • could have.- called up our in the curriculum of hotel manage friends, Who could not, without ment, but they could:be; nor are being rude, - ring off if they were , they lie - mi . for gourmets who are bored with - . our patter. I-lad we' searching for the secrets of . Epi-_ chosen this method of conrinica-"Turean -- , dieteilcs. But, if you . will - - ton, repetition would have' bored take . them as Mr. Case-means you ; tfs; So, - when -Summei'Colleg- - to, you will_ be a model giieSt in ian offered us an alley a week, we - any establishnient, in your 'suite. accepted.' , • or in. the dining room. Irou'will be .." Following up our Men of Medi- , , rine series, a relic of our. year in he pre-med curriculum, we sug . gest Behind the. Surgeon's Mask laY,Jarnes Harpole, the pseudonym_ , for a famous British chirurgeop. - 1-I \ erein he tells the stories back of tfie - most interesting twenty - eases. we've come across. Each deals with some, special and frequently novel operating technique, as seen through a surgeon's eyes, without, ~..16sing, sight of 'the human drama, AnvOlved=the fear of the sufferer,. othis family, of his fiiends. Since ,most of the. surgery. was successful, . . reader's will emerge without- shock. in. print. . - . or. pain, and 'with a lot of knoirl- - The atO"iie- - mentiorted volumes edge about the manner, in-which- are not-just hot from the Press, Vitt the minds as .well• as the hands of .we will'trY to, catch up on current . the specialist. work. Harpole's un—'reading- in the coming weeks. . derstafidirig of his" patient§ and. their troubles is -highlYindividual- . but his ability to portray each- Enroltmeitt step and each scene_ in the, case is 1 (Continued from Pane 9nel extraordinarily strong. Really, an College according to figures re appendectomy- is nothing at' all: -- leaSedthy Registrar Hoffman. - Four Just wait - until you read about hundred and ninety-five students really difficult jobs. enrolled. Having . been among those_whg ...... A comprehensive program in 47 different departments of instruction will be open to the students who register. today. Classes will be taught 1)3,7 a summerfaculty of 237 instructors, 70 of whom are from other colleges and universities. The main summer session' now beginning attracts a wide variety of students. Included are teachers and school administrators in sere-.. ice; graduate students working to ward advanced degrees; under graduate students taking extra work; high schOol graduates wish ing to begin work of the freshman year; and . adult Special - students such as graduate nurses, llbrarians„. and social workers. HOTEL BRO(KERHOff Cocktail Lounge On the_Diathond, Bellefonte AIR CONDITIONED Westinghouse • Appliances • Lamps • Fans . - • Clocks Marshall Electric Co. Glennland Bldg., Phone 2202 LAUNDERERS AND- . • DRY CLEANERS A Pers:Onal Service With Satisfaction Guaranteed • - -Dial 3171 - • - 220Y 2 S. Allen. St. State College . . first sampled the cuisine at the Corner Unusual more than a dozen wears back, ,and having witched it . grow in both space and the variety of its menu, we felt that We were among those who could read with intelligence those two recent books on ,the Algonquin, Tales of a Way- free . from affectation or ‘ fiissiness, because you will know - the drama that has gone on behind 'the degk to insure your physical and . Mental comfort during your stay. You will learn - about waiters, chefs, dish washerk,..roaids,, desk-clerks, head waiters; and the whole retinue of , the service staff. More, you will meet and listen to Irvin Cobb, Walter Kaufman, Alec Woollcott, Heywood. Broun, Dorothy Parker, .prank •P. Adams, and a 'flock of other .notitbles, whose wisecracks, puns, and bon mots IVjr ; Case has collected•.'ancl made imperishable Nu Epsilon Tau Tau, honorary inter-soroity group at the Univers, ity of Texas, is promoting a na tional campus knitting campaign to help the Red Cross': THE SUMMER COLLEGIAN • •_ •_, tryouts For Two Plays FlelciTTc'6day --Tl(3-morrow r • 'Night Of lanuarl,l6._ ... had a "recent and very successful run on Broadway and will soon be :Here On . July-23 - . made into a movie. • • - "Moor Born," the second play, Two - three-act plays will be .plo will be directed by Lawrence E. dticeci by therdivision of dramatics Tucker, instructor in dramatics, during the main session, it has been and will be produced on July 30. announced by Arthur C. Cloetingh, The theme of the play is one of in .charge of dramatics. who said ironical sacrifice made by the three that tryouts will be held today and — Bfonte' sisters for their dissolute tomorrow. . .. _ . ..._ e -... _ - brother. Branwell. "Moor Born" Tryouts will b held in the Little was the first play about the tragic Theater.. of-Old Main • from 7 to - 9 Brontes to be professionally pro . p. m. on. both days. Appointments. duced in America. MISS CHARLOTTE E. RAY,- should be made at Student Union. dean of women, announced the - • Professor dloetingh said-that ' Dra Registration • summer session residences for- is not necessary for candidates to ft . • women and the hours which will• be- enrolled in . the summer session (Continued from Page One) . . prevail. .or to have previous experience. been - asked to register between A novel ending features the first . 8 a. ni: and 5 p. m. ...._. ....... . .. ._ .. . ._ _ Homemaking. Course . . play,, "The Night .of January Six- Mr. Hoffman warned that failure teentii," w - liiCh — virlf -be — presented - carries "a severe penalty, a $lO,OOO Open To Students' Wives on .July -23 under .the. direction - of - fine Frank , S. NeushaUm. assistant pro-- and/or five years in jail." He pro-'that that students unable to register , . . • . A . speCiainon-credit - homemaking fe.ssor of dramatics. The. plot cen-_ Ire - cans - e.of illness should report by course will be offered to wives of, tern around a Murder and is cli- telephone or messenger to the com students - attending the main sum- maned by a' diiiirltrial. --- . , mittee Ti - i'Rec Hair - . . mer session' which opens tomor- . The. unusual - part of the.produc- Students enrolled in the ad-• Tow; it - has been announced by Miss- tion• is ,that members - of the au- vanced course of the Reserve Offi-- Laura W. Drummond, director -of ciienee play the parts of - jury cers Training Corps will not be home economics. - members. They retire to a jury required to register. Other groups - All wives who desire to take the room and return with a verdict, exempt from registration include course have been invited to attend - which is unknown' to the actors: men who, have been accepted for the first class meeting in Room 108, who improvise the ending of the" admittance to the United States Home Economics, at ll a. m. Wed- p)ay. .. _ . Military Academy, the Naval Aca-- -nesday. . "The Night of-Jarmary•Sixteenth" - ciemy or the Coast Guard Academy. You'll learn the lesson of economy shopping in .. cool comfort at Rea & Derick's air-cdnditioned drug store. ... lOc . Wash, - 1 , Cashmere Cinthe ,I Bouquet Soap 9c... . 4for26c LIGHT BULBS (40 to 60 watt) 13c 50c,IPA,NA TOOTH PASTE 39c GOLF BALLS (Dunlop Trubilt) __ 25c 10c . LIFEBUOY SOAP 4 for 19c :isc.-APAIL SHOWERS TALC- 39c -1 lb. WRISLEY BATH CRYSTALS with Free Talcum '--- -59 c NEW TEK TOOTH -BRUSH -23 c - ASPIRIN (5 grain) 9c 50c UNGUENTINE (Tube) 43c 60c NEET DEPILATORY -49 c 50c LYON'S TOOTH POWDER 28c 50c WILDROOT SHAMPOO 25c COMPLETE LINE, OF TOBACCOS CIGARETTES, CIGARS, PIPES, Etc. MAKE IT A HABIT TO EAT IN OUR COOL COMFORTABLE AIR CONDITIONED • • SODA FOUL TAI -* • BREAKFAST la° In Trade at Fountain $2 . 00 DINNER . LUNCHEON • 'MEAL TICKETS - - SNACKS l`►A THE FIRST LESSON FO Protect Eyes - Sun -- Glasses 10 c up ~'~~l Allen Street—Ne xt to Bank Clock SUMMER -STUDENTS! COLLEGE SEAL STATIONERY 24 eath Sheets and Envelopes 49C 12 S. gt E. Modern Seal Packet COMPLETE STOCK - STATIONERY NEEDS! \MIMIC% - 4 . 4 MENEMPliklbij You'll enjoy our fast, efficient service finishing . your "snapshots." KODAK and AGFA Popular Sizes FILMS 0 Fresh Stocks ' Complete Line of PHOTOGRAPHIC NEEDS sgs= EVERSHARP and PARKER PENS - PENCILS Smart. New Models . to Your Writing .sure iiiiIIMI , Efficient ALARM CLOCKS 89c .„ ItcFll PAGE THRE:I3 New Style BATHING CAPS
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