SAGE TWO) THE HAM COLIMA* • "For A Better Penn State" • iintalilished 1940. Successor to , the Penn State. Collegian, entablished 1904, and. the Free Lance, established , 1887. Ft!Wished! daily except Sunday'. and Monday , duningt the isegular College• year by . the• students of The Pennsylvania State College. Entered' as' second-class matter July 6. 1934, eit the post-o__ce• at State'. College; Phi, under the , act' of .1/11arch 3, 1879. Editor Business Manager fidlun A. Sznyser '4lt Lawrence-5. Driever '4l Women's Elithr—Vent , L. Kemp , '4l; Managing: Editor . Robert H. Lane '4l; Sports Editor—Richard C. Peters *414. New.i Editor William E. Fowler '4l Feature Editor Edward+S. K. McLorie '4l;. Assiatant Managing Editor— flayard4 8100211 '4l'; Wemeres.. Managing Editor—Arita L. lib/Thrall '4l; Women'; Promotion „Manager—Edythe Bi Riche/ '4l. - iedvertisim: Manager---Tohn FIL Thomas '4t Circulation NVonager--Robert G. Robinson '4l ; Senior Seeretary—lttith C•ddnhein '4l; Senior Secretary—Le_olie H. Lewis '4l. Junior I litnrial Board—John A. Baer '42. R. Helen. Cordon '42. - Ross B. Leliman '42. Witham J. McKnight '42, Alice •M, Murray '42, Pat Nagelb?r,r, '42, Stanley J. PoKenip. '42, :rearm,. C. Stiles '42. ,runior Ensineu Board—Thomas W. Allison '42, Pau M. G.91(11).2rg '42, James E McCaughey '42, Margaret L. Em bury '42, Virginia Ogden '42,, Fay E Roes '42. REPRESENTED' FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING DT Nationai Advertising Service, kr. College •Pnbllsbers RePresentative 420 MADISON AVE. NEWYORK. N.Y. CHICAGO • BOSTON • LOS ANGCLES • SAN FOAMCISCO Cladnate Counselor Pliftoriar and Business. Office •113 Old Rain Blair. Dlar 711! Managing EditOr This rssue __.____William J. Melt-night '42 •Nt•we• Editor This Issue Baer '42 -Women's Issue Editor Murray; '42 Sol►homore Assisthnts __Robert It Sieger. Richard' S. Stebbins Friday Mornings Dt.cezriber 13, 1940! IFC Handles. Its First Vilalgoe Of The New Dating Code That rnterfraternity . Council has caught awl punished a violator of the Interfraternity Dating. Code' is proof enough that it means. business. Just how much it means business and how cmickly it has acted' are testified , by this case; the. first' presented: to it. Monday morning, H. Edward Wagner '4l, Inter fraternity Council president, received a letter in ibrming him of the violation and giving informa tion that would suggest it was the work of some thing more than a crank. By Monday noon the house had. been informed. andi the violation turned over to the three-man TEC judiciary. Wednesday noon the case was heard and the penalty meted. out. No. one has been deluded into believing that the 'violation reported. is the only one committed. Phi Kappei Sigma, unfortunately,. is something', of a scapegoat. The fraternity, however, has received. it; penalty gracefully and the total effect is going to be . fOr the best of the Colitge, In. this first case both IFC and Phi Kappa Sigma have acted , commendably. The Judiciary Board , is to be commended, too, for giving a comparatively nglit penalty in the . first case. IFC Cleans Its awn Flands One of Collegian's readers has questioned its Molicy of giving publicity to the• names of frater nities, found, guilty of Interfratirnity Dating Code violations This reader, Prof. E. W. Callenbach, member of Alpha Gamma Rho, has based his objection not on the• fact of giving publicity but on the fact that fraternities are held , accountable for the action of their members while• other living groups are• not. How,. Professor Callenbach asks, does Collegian justify the distinction between fraternities and other groups which he correctly points out. Collegian's answer is that the College itself has drawn a line of distinction between the• fraterni ties and: the other living groups. 'To' the fraterni ties it has extended the privilege of regulating their own dating. The College itself remains di rectly responsible for the . social activities of the other living groups. Iki return for their privilege, fraternities are ex pected to handle their own enforcement. This fall the Senate Committee on Student Welfare, be lheving that Interfraternity Council so far had , foiled to provide adequate enforcement, served , notide it would take matters into its own hands if improvement were not shown this year. Acting on that, the Interfraternity Council president, H. Edward. Wagner 41, presented a• new and simplified dating code to‘ IFC, had it approv etii, and , then served notice it would be enforced. 110. cooperate in that enforcement the Collegian on October 25, 1940; pledged , itself to give full pub licity to violations in order that fraternities might ne• made conscious of the code. The publicity was planned as both a preventative , and a punishment. It has served that purpose. _O. Russell F,ik Downtown Office 119-121 South Frazier SL Dial 4372 We were deluged with mail. We had to wade through a colossal mountain, It took a steam shovel to , clear Collegian's front door-:--there were so. many letterS in front of it. • (Ed; note: Oh, yeah! Hereafter no more con tests in the column. It took us a week to get back to. work. Say, some of those letters were pretty interesting!) So we cut our classes and spent last week scan ning our fan mail. Some entries were really original like Lions Trails, Cassius' Curiosities, A *Maniac's Mad Dreams, and Compusrears. (Ed. note: Why don't you cut the dribble and come to• the point?) Okay, ed; old boy. The winner, none other than George Rumsey who knows how to call his shOts. Rumsey's prize-winning name now adorns the top of this space. As his spoils, he receives a ticket to Poverty Ball which hits town next Thursday and deserves everyone's support. This is the dance in which the• poot and needy make out. Calling all , rug-cutters (Hilarious Jay Kelly) and Jump-jivers —don't forget the can!• Some Typical Letters "You asked for a name for your column. Why not just leave- it at "???" That• suits it better than• anything; else. One never knows what to expect. It'S supposed to , be. funny, but is it??? It's sup pose& t% be , newsy, but is it??? It's supposed to have. pep; vim and vigor—in other words spice, but does it??? A good name—NO—' (Ed. note: There's something• to- that!) And while the next letter was not received in connection with the contest, it came from a gal and was about her mention last week in connec tion with pictures on money that you wouldn't mind kissing away. • "I really .don't know what to say About that Collegian the other day. It kept me busy from morn 'til night Trying to answer each one just right! Some of the boys tried to be funny And wanted to play this new game—Money! The first few remarks I didn't mind; I tried to convince them I wasn't that kind! Then at night when I was called to the phone And. told in a very sarcastic tone That Washington was turning in his grave— -1 tried so hard. to really be brave: Here's one thing I've really found, That Collegian definitely gets around! Just four little lines on the second• page And your life for a week is on the stage!" THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. itumniumlimmiumnwilimmimmin' COLLEGIAN-A 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Yehudi CAMPUS CALENDAR TODAY: Journalism seniors may obtain ,personnel , questionnaires• from. 'Miss Cori, Room 311 Old Main. Campus Center Club Christmas' Party changed to Atherton. Hall Lounge at 7:30' m. Admission•. to members, one ten cent gift. Any students interested in spe cial round• trip. train fares to- Phil adelphia or New York for Christ mas have until 3 p. m. to sign up at Student Union. Students wanting special round trip train fares to New York and Philadelphia over Christmas may sign up at Sttident Union until Saturday. The Graduate Club will hold their Christmas party tonight in the Sandwich Shop at Bp. m. • Agriculture . faculty meets in Room 109, Agriculture, at 4:10 p. Music quiz at the Hillel Foun dation after services tonight.' Senior Engineering, lecture on "What an Engineering Designer Does" in Room. 110; Electrical 'Engineering, at 4:10 p. , Players tryouts in 405 Old ,Main at 7:30 p. m. Sign up at. Student. Union. , Ski Club. meets in Room. 418- 01ct Main. at 7 p. Forestry Ball. in Armory from '9 to 12. Admission $l. College Art Group Christmas 'party in - .418' Old Main- at 8- p: SUNDAY: Kappa Phi Kappa, meets at Delta Chi- fraternity at 2:30 p. m. Letters to• the Editor-- Artists' Courie Draws Professor's Comment To the Editor The comments of your column ist "Cassius" on the method of ticket distribution for the Artists' Course were, accurate and timely. I have noticed that these . pro grams are enjoyable from all parts of the auditorium. Why shouldn't the committee at sales time call for written applications which may be sent by mail? Have these num bered, and then the series in the auditorium be alloted by chance. Then at our leisure we could get our tickets, or they could be sent to us by mail. Here' is the second suggestion. I have noticed that Commencement addresses and music can be done well in Rec Hall. With attention to amplifiers and• absorbent hang, ings, the course• could be offered there without the necessity of long queues that start at two - in the morning. The added- patronage would• also permit a longer series. Prof. J. P. Kelly Hunter College. recently dedicat ed, its $6,500;000• building. :F4l = 7:47 .Mil=?Elt;l'M/I:.'•;7'.AWIFOZ;MiItTzWXY:;ZMSnI,:r43FgI*A3tSfg . _ lAtisfithooksl You can be sure that a gift of books is always welcome.: It's the one gift you• can be sure will please. And;Yoli: can be sure of finding the kind'of books you want.inDour:'. complete stock. We'll wrap it up in. Christmas••paNr:: : and ribbons and make it really beautiful. A Complete Selection In • Our New Basement Store KEELER'S ... - I=ls 2 sozicatsllzgintSZtl===xlsAMM4l:2o:sNAZMC.= . 7•:;is:A=Zls/1? CATHAUM THEATRE, BLDG. FRMAT," DECEMBER' 12; 1940' ew Pgifientfreided f Facul4tileelhila Two- new RoAitipiis _were , creat ed in the Sato], of the Libeial 'Arts; Dean.. Chas=VF. Stoddhrt said yesterday: ] order. to better .quaint s un dergraduates tEe:- - liihool with job prospects and - vocational . guidance infofmation, Prof. Hen ry B. Young ant:Prof.-Julia G. Brill, both of the English compo sition department, will act as vo cational counselors for _men and women students, respectively. : The second innovation was the appointment •of Dr. • Robert E. Dengler, professor, .of . classical languagelS. as transfer- examiner. He will facilitate the -transfer of students to the Sphbol of the, Li beral Arts from other curricula. This Tea: . aiie- THE. DAILY COLLEGIAN SPECIAL GIFT PRICE-- $2.00 As A Special Offer. The Collegian Will Send A Gift Card With Each Subscription Keep The - Folks - At Home Posted On Cam pus News—They'll Be Pleased With Your Gift. Subscriptions On Sale At'T - . .7 Collegian Offiie - OT : - '''" Student Union •
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