PAGE SIX ith To Battle MacM 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Between The Lions WITH DICK PETERS liiimiminllimiliffimminnffinimminminniumium Headline Story Four years have rolled by since a. spindly-legged freshman report ad for his first cross country trial Monday, that young man, still spindly-legged, but now a senior, will make his last run over inter collegiate hills and dales. We let Collegian headlines of the past four years tell you the story of Willy The Wabbit Smith, who winds up his x-country career in the IC4-A meet Monday: 'Smith-Olexy Exchange Marked Hares Season.' (Headline in Col legian, following Smith's freshman season, in which he went unde feated and won the freshmen IC4-A crown. Pete Olexy, Lion harrier ace, was just graduating, and Smith was coming along to take his place.) "Harriers Upset Jaspers As Bill Smith Sets Pace." (Following Smitty's first varsity race in his sophomore year.) "Smith Sets Record As Harriers Wallop Lehigh." (His second var sity a ttemp t). "Smith Sets Record As Lion Harriers Down Syracuse." (Third varsity run.) . "Smith Breaks Third Record." (His fourth varsity race against Pitt.) • "Smith Winner By 200 Yards, Sensational Penn State Sophomore Captures IC4-A Championship." tThe climax to The Wabbit's soph omore campaign.) "Bill 'Smith Loses." (Bob Fehr, Michigan State harrier,• upset the Lion ace over a four-mile run. Smith, however, is yet to be licked in dual competition over the regu lation five-mile course.) "Smith Tops Course Record, Wins Meet." (Against Syracuse in his third junior year match.) "Smith Places First As 3 Lions Set Beit Times." (Against Pitt last year.) "Smith Loses IC4-A Title: Stitch In Side Hampers Billy In New York Run." (A tough break in winding up his second varsity year.) "Smith Shatters Record In His Last Dual Race." (The story to date, after an all-victorious senior campaign this fall.) So, at the writing, Billy Smith is awaiting his last curtain call for Penn State x-country fame, the IC4-A's in New York Monday. He's been pointing to it all year. We'll let him write his own headline for next Tuesday's Col legian. Seven Lion Frosh Enter 1(4-A Cross , :Country Meef Seven members of the undefeat ed freshman cross-country team will compete, in the IC4-A -fresh man cross-country meet in New York Monday. Freshmen making the New York trip are Tink Candy, Charles Hobbs, Curt Stone, Bob Hazel, Bob Faloon, Jerry Eno, and Dick Cress man. NOTICE! • The road to. Bellefonte is now open via the old route through Lemont and On to Pleasant Gap and Bellefonte. This information is given to you through the courtesy of your cordial host, The Hotel Markland.. For fun in the nautical style visit the S. S. Marklam,. The only pass port necessary is your matriculation card. HOTEL MARKLAND BELLEFONTE, PA. NYU Runner Promises To Succeed Cunningham Hailed by Glenn Cunningham as "the runner to do the four-minute mile," Les Mac Mitchell, last year's NYU IC4-A champion will be rid ing the crest as favorite in the IC4-A harrier championships Mon day. k Mac Mitchell is +he exception to the rule .that milers never make good cross-country runners. He is the only famous harrier since John Paul Jones who can run the mile better than 4:14 minutes. Never beaten, Mac Mitchell was called the "wonder boy" of high school track. He broke the na tional mile record for high schools in 4:21 and showed his track ver satility by winning the 880 and 1000-yard runs. Still in high school, he trained with Glenn Cun ningham and other famous milers. Big and strong-winded, he swept the college IC4-A titles in the in door mile, outdoor mile, and cross-country, arid set a new Van Cortland Park record this year when he speeded to a 26:22 minute mark. The NI U speed merchant is noted for his gaining ground dur ing the first three miles of his har rier duels and then striking a two mile steady pace to the tape. On the other hand, the Lion's Bill Smith runs his races like a Paavo Nurmi, timing his miles like clockwork.' Monday's duel may threaten to upset •both plans of Mac Mitchell and Smith as creain,of-the-crop competitors from all points of the nation may not coilcecle the prob ability of a grudge race between the Nittany and NYU leaders. Smith Bares Reason For Harrier Success During four years of sensational running for the Nittany harrier team, Captain Bill Smith has nev er betrayed the secret of his rec ord-breaking triumphs. But now, on the verge of his last IC4-A race, he has come through. Smith blossomed into the great est record-sinasher Penn State has ever claimed as her own, after an uneventful career as a mediocre high school runner. Even in his first freshman work outs, the spindly-legged Smith was not counted on as a winner, but his development theredfter was phenomenal. The reason for his vast improve ment? "Simply, Penn State spir it," Smith contends. "I never had a word of encour agement from my high school coach or knew what school spirit could mean,"__Smith says. "But, here at Penn State. I have had in terest shown by my . coach, frater nity brothers, and classmates. "The more I work under Coach Chick Werner," Smith concluded, "the more I realize how great a coach he is. He and Pete Olexy spent hours in teaching me all I know about cross-country and building up my running tech nique." THE DAILY COLLEGIAN tchell For IC4-A Harr A s " , Captain Bill Smith, 1938 IC-4A harrier champ and holder of many course records, will set out across Van Cortland Park's cross-country course in quest of his second title in Monday's IC4-A. champion Ship run. NYU's Les Mac Mitchell, last year's winner, is conceded a slight favorite over Smith. Lion Cross-Country Squad Strengthened For 1(4-A's Strengthened by the- - improved running of Chet Snyder and the addition of Al Bourgerie, the Nit tany Lion cross-country team will be prepared to stack up against the nation's leading harrier squads at the IC4-A championship race Monday. Snyder and •Pop Thiel, two Lion harriers -who never competed in a high school cross-country meet, Bourgerie, and Vern Kotz will be counted on to support Captain Bill Smith in stealing harrier honors away from such opponents as Man hattan; Pitt, Syracuse; Cornell, Princeton, and other eastern and western squads. Frank BUrkhart and Dusty Rhodes are the other additions to the INittany Lion trip to New. York. Both harriers made the varsity team this year. Promise of a keener competition between harrier teams has been indicated by the close scores that leading cross-country teams have tallied this year. For Pure Wholesome Milk Call I C. MEYER RD I 4220 Hifs Comeback Trial Eddie Casey, former great Har vard halfback and coach, is pilot ing the Boston Bears of the Am erican Pro League. A PERSONAL GIFT YOUR PORTRAIT TO NER Penn Slate Photo Shop 214 East College Ave. State College, Pa. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1940 er Honors :Monday Another .star it Nittany Lion athletic history will reach the ze nith of his career_ when Captain Bill Smith,- Penn State's leading harrier for four years,_race against a favored Les Mac Mitchell in the IC4-A's over New York's Van Cortland Park course Monday. Seeking revenge victory over the rangy Mac Mitchell, who wrest ed the title from him last year iii 26:31 minutes, the little Nittany captain plans to make -good. in his last chance to outrun the NYU harrier. Mediocre in mile El n d two-mile runs, Smith is a dyed-in-the-wool cross-country runncr. A distance plugger, who dotes cn -hills, he has offered a harrier career . that is incomparable to any of the na tion's other cross-country leaders. "Mysterious Billy" has smashed a five-Mile record on every course he has competed. Defeated only ' twice in his life, by Mac Mitchell and Bob Fehr in a , special four mile contest last year ; Smith has copped 14 out of 15 dual meets. Hitting a new high in cross country fame, the Nittany captain set a new precedent by flashing for a new record in each fresh man and sophomore meet, includ ing two IC4-A championships. His 1938 time of 26:33 minutes broke the varsity IC4-A mark. In his 1938 Syracuse dtfal meet, the slender Nittany runner broke the Penn State course record -in 25:25 minutes , considered by au thorities as one of the fastest har rier races ever run. No one has come near this Nittany course mark, Smith holding the next best time at 26:23. Last year, bedause of ' a 'Minor stomach ailment and a few bad breaks,. Bill Smith slumpkt when . he lost his only.two races to Mai.- Mitchell and Fehr. This season, however, he has come back strong er than ever, bursting the tape ai least 300 yards against Michigan State, Syracuse, IVlanhattap, and, Pitt runers.. • Monday's IC4-A battle will be another great dliel which comes only.once in a deimde. As for the winner being a slender hill-plod der like Smith or a brawny cylin der of perpetual motion like Mac- MitChen, only time will tell, and probaby record time at that. Smoky Joe, Negro trainer at NOrth Carolina State for many years, has thrown away his rah- - bit's foot and acquired a fox's foot as a luck charm. • Let's get acquainted ! - Step in and have a .cup of our delicious - NriTLE's HOT CHOCOLATE Served From Our mperature-Controlled. • Sc .CUP CHOCOLATOR REA & DERICK'S Next to Bank Clock Nittany Captain Set For NYU Harrier Ace
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