. . .. Successor to 0" . 1 ~ . , t ,.. 13 ttitg. ' . :,:/ dr Weather— .the- Free Lance, - \, .4. t ' 4 . , : 4 4 7'. a 1:1 i rigititt Continued Cold. - . Established 1887 .“- \ . . ~. Partly Cloudy. .. . ----en.---' VOL. 37—No; 46 Unbeaten Lion Team FaCesNYU Today Artists' Course Sales Dales Set ..Announcing the dates of sale of the Artists' Course tickets, Dr. Carl E. Marquardt, committee chairrnah, last night presented series of regulations governing`the 1940-41 season. . Student tickets will be sold . Wednesday, December 4. Faculty and administration members will . secure their tickets on Thursday, December 5. Seats for students will be sold on Thursday. Use of stage seats will accom modate 130 more people than last year. A ticket entitling the hold er to . a stage seat for the three - solo numbers will also provide -him with a seat in the foyer for the Cleveland- Orchestra perform . • ance. Sale of tickets will be reduced • to a - maximum of three per indi vidual in an attempt to correct abuses which were noted in the • ticket sale of last year. Purpose of the regulation is to prevent seats from going outside the col lege communi•y while hundreds of students can not be accommo dated. "In recent years, the concern of the Artists' Course has been not so much to sell tickets," Dr. Mar : - quardt stated,". as to see that they are - sold to the persons for whom (Continued on page four) , Norse Suggests: 'tliiifilikediiii The possibility that it might be advantageous Pm- some students to have their draft order numbers advanced to the head of the list was suggested yesterday by Adri an 0. Morse, chairmen of the gen eral College draft committee. By doing this students who might be called during the 1941-42 College ycar would probably be taken in July or August instead. Mr. Morse said, "It appears to the committee that it would be advantageous for the student to begin his service in July or Aug. ust and have it end the following July or August and thereby lose only one College year instead of parts of two years" It was pointed out by Mr. Morse that the Selective Service Train ing Act provides that deferment of training for students until the end of the College year is not auto matic and must be requested. "The committee does not under stand that it is necessary to pre sent evidence from the College that a student is in attendance," Mr. Morse said, implying that a student, in order to obtain defer ment,' needs only to indicate on the draft questionnaire that - he at tends the College. Alumni 'Board, Cabinet Will-Meet This Morning All-Collgge Cabinet and the Executive Board of the Alumni Association will meet jointly in the Alumni Association office at 10:30 a.m. today. The meeting will follow a priv ate session of the Executive Board Which is scheduled for 9 am. ' Honor Students Register . - Secretary Lawrence NI. Andres '42 announces that registration for . _Eta Sigma, freshman - honor Society, will be held in Room 209 Liberal Arts-Building at 7-9 p.m. SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 16, 1940, STATE COLLEGE, PA mmumuutimunnulutuuthiummumuniuminum PSCA Drive Lags Behind 1939 In Incomplete Report only incomplete reports, were made last night on the progress of the PSCA . finance drive, but on the basis of these, it appears that this year's drive for support - has not come up to 'last year's mark. Complete reports will be filed Monday night, when a more ac curate, piCture will-be obtainable. DiiVe leaders tare hoping that a last-minute spurt may yet bring this year's total up to that of previous years. - - 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Students Discuss Japanese Problem "Must. We Fight Japan?" was the subject 'cif discussion at the regular meeting of the Interna tional Relations Club in the Lib eral Arts Building, Thursday. Mary J. Pope '42 presented an analysis of "How the old sea pow er is passing away under increas ed land power," and John Basarab '42 gave a book report on Tolstoi's "War and Peace." - The discdssion on the Japanese situation and America was then inaugerated by Mary Betty An derson '42, who attended an Inter national Relations Conference at Hawaii last February. Other members of the club took an active part in the discussion, with_enlightening view points be -151'eS-diltedts,by.::La-Yimg graduate student , of horticulture, Shuk Yee Chan, graduate student, in botany; and Pao Wah .Lee '43. Plans for attendance at an In ternational Relations Club Con ference at Washington in the near future were drown up, and topics for discussion at future meetings were selected... Soph Hop Attendance Estimated At 400 Couples An, estimated 400 'couples at-: tended last night's Soph Hop, ac cording to George L. Donovan, Student Union manager. Last year's dance drew well over .900 couples. Weather, a succession of "big" weekends, a poor week end in comparison with last year's Pitt game weekend, all detracted from the success of this year's Hop. A complete report on attendance and finances of the dance will probably be released in the near future. 1,500 Brave Snow At Rally Under a powdery snowfall, 1,500 Penn State fans stood shoe-deep in the mud of the Jordan Fertility Plots last night to cheer their un defeated football team to victory in this afternoon's game with New York University. The crowd heard Football Cap tain Leon Gajecki, Coach Bob Hig gins, _and Dean - Carl P. Schott in brief victory talks after a soaking, stubborn pile of wood was finally urged into flame. - Immediately after they were in troduced and cheered at the rally, the-football players left for Spruce -Creek where they will remain until time for the -game. The talks were brief: "This is a sure -demon.stration of. the old Penn ‘State spirit. -Tomorrow will be Perm. State's day," Dean Schott told the cheering crowd; "If I were a student I wouldn't have bravedl OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE Leads Lions In Lasi Home Till T Probable Starting Lineups N.Y.U. Position Boroff left end • Jovans . left tackle Cherico left guard • Feibish center Blonquist right guard Jovans right tackle Petereit---• - . rights end ... Wittekind quarterback Varmak left halfback Bates right halfback Tighe fullback . *Penn State seniors who will be playing their last home game under the,Blue and White on New Beaver Field this afternoon. Drydock Is Sell-Out For Tonight's Opening Table reservations for tonight's grand opening of the Drydock have been completely sold out, and only those fortunates already flaying tickets will be admitted, the soft drink nite club committee announced last night. Perhaps this week's wild rush for reservations was 'provoked by the carding of the top-notch floor show, featuring the Meyer Broth ers, Roy Rogers, Leon Rabinowitz, Connie Konopka, and George Sum ner. Perhaps the revamped nite spot's new decorations, based on a jitterbug theme, had something to do with it.. weather like this to come out and cheer. I hope we can show our appreciation on New Beaver Field tomorrow," Bob Higgins said; "I'm not going to talk. We're going to act out there tomorrow," Gajecki promised. The tone of the other talks was the same. Bulwarked by the Blue Band, 80 pieces strong, the rooters went thru the . list of Penn State songs and cheers. Walt Sottung '4l, head cheerleader, and his squad of pep rousers led individual cheers for the team in the flickering light of the hat men's bonfire. The rally finally broke up in a parade and snake-dance down town wijh the Blue• Band leading the marching. Exuberant students attempted _to crash all three local theatres but were unsuccessful and had to be content with singing and cheering in the streets. CAPTAIN LEON GAJECKI Students Favor Special PM Bus In an incomplete balloting, only two dissenting votrs were cast against a special train or bus to the Pitt game on November 23, while 20 favored the proposition in a survey being conducted at the Student Union desk. Sixteen students preferred to travel by bus, which can be hired at $4.20 per round trip if 37 per sons charter the bus, or at $4.35 if 25 signify their intention to go. Only four wanted to travel to Pitt by a special train which would leave-State C01149',e at 1:30 p. m., Friday at a. $5.59 rate for a mini mum of 150 students. Fifteen students though it would be more convenient to leave on Friday, while five voted for a Sat urday train or bus. Since there is a possibility to get special transportation facilities at lower rates if more students in tend to go to the Pitt football fracas, all students should fill in a questionnaire before the dead line on Tuesday. Comedy Skit Features Hillel Social Tonight - Hillel will sponsor another of its regular socials at the Founda tion, 133 W. Beaver Avenue, at 7:30 p.m. 'tonight,.it was announced by Hillel President Harold J. Berger. '42 yesterday. • A feature of the :evening's pro gram will be a comedy skit pre sented by Norman Racusin '4l and Civia Cohen '42... State Gridders In Last Home Game Its march toward an undefeated and untied season stopped by the sensational 13-13 stalemate at Syr acuse last week, the still unbeaten Nittany Lion footbE.ll team will unleash all its offensive artillery at the New York University elev en on New Beaver Field at 2 p. m. today in an effort to remain among the rank;mi. powers of east ern football. This is the third meeting be tween the two teams, with the Lions still seeking their initial vic tory over the Violet. The two elevens last clashed in New York in 1929 when NYU scored a 7 to 0 victory. State and today's op ponent played to a 13-13 deadlock here in 1927. It will be a far from overconfi dent team of Lions who will charge on the field this afternoon. That Syracuse game and the Vio lets' upset victory over the pre- 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!111111111111111111111111111 All batmen are requested to report at the players' entrance gate on New Beaver Field at 1:30 p. m. today, Thomas C. Backenstose '4l, chairman of the combined hat society coun cil, announced today. A demon stration similar to the one in last year's Pitt game will be given with the Lion gridders running the gauntlet between two lines of hatmen. :3 +yjtc2: ko: Penn State *Parsons *Stravinski Kerns 'Gajecki (c) *Mori *Platt *Vargo *Patrick *Peters Krouse Smaltz 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 viously undefeated Franklin and Marshall eleven last Saturday are still fresh in +heir minds and though favored on their compara tive records for the year, the Blue and White know they have a bat tle on their hands. Eight of the players who will start today's game will be Making their last appearance on New Beaver Field. In all, twelve sen iors led by Captain Leon Gajecki, State's candidate for All-American honors, will be praying their last home game. With one exception, the mighty Lion line which has earned a place among the best forward walls in the nation will take the field at the opening kickoff. Captain Ga jecki will be flanked by Wade Mori at right guard, Frank Platt and Carl Stravin.ski at the tackles, Tom Vargo and Lolyd Parsons at the terminal poste. All are sen iors, the only lowerclassman in the• lineup being Jack Kerns, a sophomore, who replaces the in jured Mike Garbinski. The same backfield that started the Syracuse game is slated to get the call from Coach Bob Higgins tomorrow. Two seniors, tailback Chuck , Peters and quarterback (Continued on Page Three) Civil Liberties Is Topic Of Second Town Meeting "Civil Liberties and the 'Fifth Column' " will be the topic of the second in the series of Town Meet ings, to be held at the Hillel Foun dation, 133 W. Beaver Avenue, at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. The speakers of the evening will be Dr. M. Nelson,,,McGeary, in structor of political science, Prof. Charles C. Peters, director of edu cational research and professor of Education, and Mr. Ray V. Wat kins, College scheduling officer. The Town Meeting is conducted as an open forum at which vital matters of political, economic and social interest are discussed. All faculty members, students and townspeople are invited. PRICE THREE CENTS
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