0113 - 4 3 N, : NOVEMBER-1. : 1940 Student Political Debate 'Republicans ',By ROBERT Z. TORRANCE '44 Leader, Students 'for Willkie -Wendell L. Willkie deserves the support of every citizen of the U. S. for a great variety of rea sons, but notably because he rep resents the forces that are deter inlired to return our government to the basic American principles upon which it was founded. By -evey word and act Wendell L. Willkie is committed to maintain the democratic process of govern , rnent. Mr. Willkie's election will de ',feat the wholly..Un-American pro gram 'of the New Deal party; it Will repudiate the false promises - that the federal, government is 'endowed with beaurocratic pow ers, and that only one man is qualified to direct it. The coming election may well he'Verthed the Most our hiStory; for should the Third Term tradition be broken, no man cdil safely predict the fate of our form of government. Therefore if you believe in the continuance of a true democracy under which business and labor —with renewed confidence—may work together towards a normal TeCoverY, and under which men of ability—not of Political influ nce—may hold public office, you may so-signify by voting for Wen dell L. Willkie. Leukemia is being treated with ari orange juice cocktail spiked with radioactive phosphorus de veloped in the University of Cali fornia's 200-ton atom smasher. 'KEYS MADE TO ORDER SCHILLING S. PUGH ST. . • YOU *ifAi - T ORE TEST IIE4 NE 4 CHOOSE A NAME FOR A MEN'S CLOTHING- SHOP $l5 First Prize and Five -Consolation' Prizes ' I. The name must consist of 3 words.. 2. First word of the name must be Charles. :8. In case of ties the answer postmarked ...the earliest - is the winner. 4. There is no limit to the number of entries. Answers Must Be Postmarked Not Later Than Friday, Midnight, 'Nov. 8. Reply to Charles Petnick, 109 S. Allen St. Eallit'S - 6ARAGE . FOR BETTER SERVICE • • REPiIIUNG ', •4_ GREASING WASHING • - TOWING • • 116 ,McALLISTER STRE E T THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK STATE COLLEGE - Member of - 77 • „Federal Deposit Iniurance Corporation Ry FRANK KINGDOM 1 41 Chairman, Young Democrats Much time and space ;has been devoted by the Republicans in this campaign to the question of a third term. President Roosevelt among other things has been call ed a tradition breaker and an as pirant 4o dictatorship because he is.seeking to remain in office long er., than eight years. These accusa tions are false and empty because history _teaches the opposite. , c in the first place the tradition is supposedly based on George Washington and Thomas Jeffer son and yet we defy anybody to find in the written or spoken words of eithel• of these men any thing opposing, a third term.l„. Washington retired from the of fice which he didn't want in the first place because he was too tired to - serve a third term and because he felt he had done his part. In spite of the fact that Jefferson wrote prolifically about the then_ young democracy• not once did he come out against a third term. As for the accusation that Roosevelt wants to become a dic tator—why didn't he take steps in that direction in 19.32 when the country was ripe and all the peo ple were on their knees begging him to do something—anything to put the United States back on the road to better times? ' Northrup On Rate Board Prof. Harry B. Northrup, direc tor of mineral industries extension, has been appointed a member of the Commtitee on ,V o c at ional Training for the American Petrol eum Institute to represent . Penn sylvania in vocational training for employees of its petroleum and na tural gas industries. Dr. Maynard M. Stephens, supervisor of petrol eum and natural gas extension, has been ,designated alternate member. 1111N111111illiNIM1111111111M11111111UMIM1111111111111111W1 Demonts Hell In Italy . War is hell! That is the text—of the' lesson Mussolini's millions will learn viv idly and well during ' coming weeks, regardless of whether Il Duce's Grecian campaign ends in checkmate, stalemate, or utter de feat. „Previous to Monday of this week, the people of Italy knew that war meant sending so:Ms and fathers away in uniform to the tune -of blaring bands and raving speeches. Sometimes the men re turned—sometimes they did not, but those at home knew little of crouching in the blackness of air raid shelters while tons of 'high explosives reduced their homes and places -of business to heaps of smoking rubble. • Now Italy is at war with Greece —a country not primitively armed and well over a thousand miles away as was Ethiopia, but a scant hundred miles distant and com paratively well defended with' modern.weapons plus a gopd por tion of the British navy—th‘t navy which Italy has been religiously dodging for the past three months. Already,'British troops have'oc cupied the island of Corfu,-some thing like 75 miles from. the Ital ian coast. 'To gain control of this "sentinel,” Italy must meet the British seapower. If she succeeds, both her navy and the Italian mainland will know they have been in a fight; if she fails, the island will be used as a base for' British bombing attacks on "the Boot." In general,•if Italy comes out on' top in this campaign, she will gain much, but only through , healiy losses..lf she•loses, then will each man, woman, and child in Italy learn of the hell of war. Exams Issued By Civil Service The United States Civil Service Commission has announced open competitive examinations for a number of government positions that will be filled by persons hav ing experience in the respective fields. Positions are now open for tab ulating machine and alphabetic ac counting machine operators. Ex- perience in the operation of .an electric tabulating or alphabetic accounting machine is neded. In addition, junior operators in each position must have experience in the wiring of plugboards or in the setting •of control pins. Applica tions-must ''be on file in the CQM mision's Washington office •no later than November 12. In the Apprenticeship unit, Di-, vision of Labor Standards, in the Department of Labor positions are open for a field representative, principal, senior and an assistant. Appplicants must have experience in industrial, trade-union or trade association work. Deadline for ap :plications is Nov. 13. Information as to application forms and requirements for the examination may be obtained from Grover C. Snyder at the State College Post Office. Novelist Sinclair Lewis has join ed the University of Wisconsin faculty as a teacher• of creative writing with the rank of professor. Lei 'Her' Inow What Goes On it Penn State The Daily Collegian - 7 - NOW ONLY $2.00 libsuiptions On Sale Al Student Oslo'n THE DAILY CO ILECIAN NIBBUNG AT THE NEWS J. GORDON FAY Bavarian Carvings Shown In Library Small wood carvings fashioned by artist inhabitants of the Ba varian village of Oberammergau are being displayed in the Library starting today and continuing un til November 25, Mrs. Sally S. Carey, chairman of the exhibits committee has announced. Most notable among the 60-odd carvings in the collection are the Christmas Creche and,,The Last Supper, which illustrate the deli cacy and feeling the artists pos sess in working on wood carvings. Another distinctive carving is the copy of the Regensberger Madon na, the original of which has been transferred to the Munich Na tional Museum. Circulated by Blanche A. Byer ley of Westport, Conn., the ex hibition will tour the country for the rest of the season. Movies To Be Taken Moving pictures for next week's newsreels will be taken of Satur day's state-South Carolina foot game by a cameraman from "the Newsreel of the Week." A new naval science department has been opened at Brown Uni versity. - - NIGHT FOOTBALL STAY COLLEGE HIGH vs. TYRONE AO BALD EAGLE CONFERENCE GAME . ,Friday, November 1 8:00 P.M. ADMISSION 50 AND 75 CENTS High School Stadium Art Display Exhibits Paintings for Homes Original oil paintings compos ing a group of moderately sized and moderately priced art works suitable for private homes went on display yesterday and wilt he on exhibit until Saturday, No vember 23, in the College Art. Gallery, Room 303, Main Engin eering. Included in the great variety of landscapes, figure pieces, portraits, still lifes, and industrial subjects is a small oil by Lee Townsend of the College Summer Session staff. sion staff. Examples in the show were gathered to include work by aca demic and modernistic painters. They are presented to represent American painting for the Ameri can home. Canvases are for sale at prices indicated on the labels. Inspection of the paintings can, be made from 8:30 a. m. to 8:30. p. m. daily except Sunday. Ada, Louise Comstock, president of Radcliffe College, was the first dean of women at the University of Minnesota. LEGAL PAPERS ACKNOWLEDGED Eugene H. Lederer ; 1 114 E. Beaver Ave. Dial 4066 MARKET 115 S. FRAZIER STREET PAGE THREE
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