STATE , COLLEGIAN rtmlished on Ehurstlai of each ‘erk fiIITITIg the , coil, ,e year by Oa stud, OA of I tte l'en'n,i I ranta St.t r College in tli tott Ti t.t. JI au, Stud. nts lac ut y Alumni and 1 ru nits of tht cull, gt I etered at . the Postoffict., State Coll. e/ , I a , us sr aid class malts r Editor in Chief C. MacC. BREITINGER, 'll Assistant Editor R. F. HEMINGWAY, 'll , Associate Editors D. R. MASON, 'll W. S. KRIEBEL,JR.,'I2 W. P LITTLE, '2 . S . RUSSELI...Ir , Business Manager C. F. PRESTON, 'll Assistants E. A. JAMES, 'l2 H. S. COCKLIN,_ 'l2 THEO. LENCHNER, 'l2 suuscßlP PION 111. 50 per year or $1 25 If paid within 30 days after I rte of subscription THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1911 Can We,Do It would indeed, be Better? gratifying to send every subscriber a copy of the col lege papa' With a fresh boquet of spring flowers attached to the edi torial column but unfortunately the inconsistency of the student body at certain times prohibits it. In other words, have you ever 'heard of the Penn State MuSical Clubs ? They gave a very exclu- sive entertainment to about one hundred and fifty people on last Friday night. This vast audience warmly endeavored to show their appreciation of the merits of the different clubs and at times the ap plause was very nearly audible. 'Now, what•was the matter? A full thousand Penn State men strongly intimated their desire for a concert in - a Wednesday mass meeting some weeks ago, and in the course of a standing vote, they pledged their support, yet nearly nine hun dre,i of them enjoyed the concert froia 'some point where tickets were selli 1g at a figure approaching zero. It is not a question of "Can we do beiter," but' an actual fact that we can. If in the future, some Or ganization puts the question to the student body to decide, think he f decide and do not force it into literal bankruptcy by' encourag ing it to depend on money that will never materialize. Will You The Groff Day services Help were very poorly attend ed_ on last Sunday morning in the Auditorium, and as a consequence only a small fraction of the required amount of money necessary to sup port "Daddy" Groff wag raised. College men need no explanation of this mission and worthiness of its objects, so it is sufficient to say that every man in this institution should give something toward the maintenance of our ,representative in the far east. One thousand dol lars must be raised, and as each student cannot be approached indi- t vidually on the subject, he is asked I Rl.' . ' , lit I , I Tit to send his conbibution to the Y. l'"" M. C. A..,secietary, and theleby aid I I I to facilitate the mattes of making Pr - 1,0; 1 II . I the complete collection. 2' .1 I, ri _ Freshman Exhibition. .On Saturday night at 8 o'clock in so, , it, Ito the Aimory the fieshman class will 1 , 0 , i i , t wish. give a gymnastic and class exhibi tion which will be the fist freshman exhibition of its kind that has ever been held here. With the W C t \\ is con exception of NIL Weston 'l3, who s !tech d won tlx firms \ Itnamel one of the leaders, all the tdlent ed Wale comp in, dt , comes from the, fieshman class ~ pent the o.nn(t 1 it 1 tilt, I`, ek The piogiam consists of two parts, visaing iiiend- ,o the ot i I) , ,:, anti the ; I {1 1,11 added to to, t ;II \On; h was dultaions of tan v itt bt green by Messt el, and Path, •1 he t an L y \s ills elect' lc lighted t :01e to lie m\ en by Mr Holrri in IA ill be cnie of the special feature; CO the e ening the com plete program to:lows Selection, I'cnn State moliestia, class calisthent«li ill, do tsion one, conducted by MI Lev, is, \viestling exhibition, Me ,Sr , , Bantle and Grumbling, boxiug exnibition, Mes srs. Bastian and Bloomfield, bag punching, MI Banes, music, Penn State oirlustia, (la", duinbbell division two, concha ted by Mr. Lewis, tumhl;ng by the Leaders' squad, conducted by Mt Weston; Indian club swinging, Mr Holman, Indian club swinging, Mi. Meyers; specialty, G R. Buti; specialty, Mr. Roth, apparatus v, - oilc by the Leaders' squad, conducted by Mes sfs. Weston and Hammcnd, pyra mid building by the Leaders' squad, conducted by Mr. Weston. ' All the men patticipating 'in the aboNe events sil be requited to weal white suits, a fact which will create a favorable impression on the floor. The class is divided into two sections containing about one hun dred,and fifty men. A glance at the program shows its excellence, It being both interesting and in structive, Wolk of this natine con tributes largely towaid glace, easy, muscular control, - coot dination of the mind and muscle, spirit of fair play, and above all, organic, vigor. The admission to the exhibition is free to everyone. Seats have been arranged on the stage and in the balcony lot the faculty and' friends of the college, while the student body will be accommodated on the bleachers. The class of 1014 is to he com mended for taking hold of thii gym nastic work in such an enthusiastic way, as it will undoubtedly be con tinued and lead to greater results in future year. The Sophomore Banquet. A goodly number of the Soph- Wires took advantage of the oppor tunity of enjoying', excellent class spirit and the usual "good eats" at the banquet at Altoona, last Friday, March 24. 'At the Logan House, at 6 o'clock, they gathered fot their splendid feast and with "Cece" Cecil as toast master, the f tllowing toasts were responded to - "Us," "Flit 7" Rattett, "VVhv is a Faculty"? "Jimmie" "Effe minitis," "Dad" Engle, "Les Miser ables," "Ben Cohen," "Athletics, ' "Pete" Mauthe, "Down Town," "Stev" Stewart; "Sciaps", "L'n ch" Karcher. College and class yells were given frequently and is th peat vim and spit it Altoona did its hest to help make the visit a pleasant one by provid ing special enteitaimnent and dec orations tor the fellows and all are grateful fot the kind reception terd et Report of Football Returns Commit- 14,1 l I I \ lIIT STATT COLLTIOTAIcr - 7 - —— - I I I , I I arc )I 1 Fl - 1. - 1' C•::::! cr (...-•-• C -- -r 1 L 2 t C. - 2: C' 1_ :. . :..._.. 1 to try the High Stanclaid Launch y you are missing the opportunity to get excellent la dry work clone at moderate plices. If you want to be convinced, ask somebody, til ig h Standard Laundry . Philipsburg Pendsylvania , W E llca.•el / . . • N Boger • s`r u D p.Nr AGr N IS T W Piollet STUDENT AGENTS J. L McCreary / J W Maier, Meta Psi I I , . Lind ,11,1,'(11)(1i Get in the habit of asking us for a bid on your job work We will s drprise you in quality and price The Keystone Gazette Bellefonte, Pa. Both Teienlion(-4 J. C. Smith & Son Succesor to H D. IVletk IlaTdWate CO General :. Hardware , Builders' Material Oils, paints, -glass, cement and stoves Roofing and spouting Fine assortment of Sporting Goods A. D EA L SANITARY PLUMBING, STEAM HOT , WAFER, VAPOR AND VACUUM HEATING State C'fllege James M. Williams General Tinning, Roofing Spouting and Furnace Work Shop; South Frazier street cntre (tottntli 23 an It Sheffler's ~.. Restaurant Pies Sandwiches gaups I 0 I, STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES., FRUITS Best Quality Best Service Your patronage solicited ALLEN ST, STATE COLLEGE S. E. KIMPORT Headquarters for . Choice Meats of All Kinds Frazier Street Both phones J. C. MARKLE All Kinds of Choice Meat 138 College Avenue ":fg.l` Al7 - d 01,hc ti - ' POST CARDS COLLEGE JEWELRY F P. BLAIR & CO BELLErONTE JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Cor of Brock( rhoff house All marl orders Promptly attrodt dto Fine watch ,thrl - repairing a specialty both phones CHAS. A. WOMER Yo it patronai., soltctrli I ir,tclas, work owr The Ralston ' i I o f 111 ,t 411 L. L. FVIE'S Pennsylvania llellefoitte Opposite 1-lotel Fish in season Both phones G li „(:',13,1-,,, Tonsorial Artist ant UNDER HOTEL New spring styles of shoes just in at • We carry a full line of Students' Supplies 'The Athletic St Be leforite Central Railroad F. H. THOMAS, General Manager =Mil .1 111 1 . 11 111 I Jo 1) Al 4/ I 1 111 11,15 111 m II WI 710 111 1” IU H Ii t 2 1)0 , .±4. inn Lil'34+ol,: I 7 21 7 '5 ' 21, 1,1 10 to 1; 'it)! 11 10 7 .1 51 n In tt r•t rpt 01V— -I:\N 1',88 , 3 8111.1 11 1) liN ( mit c(i rhe Park Hotel WAliamsport, Pa. Headquarters for all "State' teams`---Located opposite the P. R R. station"—%Free bus to P, & R R R. station. Rates $2 50 per , day and up ward C. C M ISH, Manager S"A\kk‘k the "Notogyavhem an i dealer in Eastman snrAtes ' Also agent for eokv,valaka , acavktopholvas , and, 51viestro t etkb\ e Nt.ecoriks ?AZ task Co \\ege 'Avorme State College GEORGE B. JACKSON CIGARS. TOBACCO AND FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS A roll Line of SMOKCIV Fancy Articles ALLEN ST.. STATE COLLEGE. PA. The First National Bank BELLEFONTE C,rital. $lOO,llOO 0.. F. SHAW, Harnessmaker J. B. MINGLE, Shoemaker Allen Street Patronize the Co BP.LLEFONTE, PA Dee 29 1910 TA NSW YORK Ar In I'IIII.IDELPEIT 1, Ai ir \ RRISIII,T1{(1 Ai Ins P Pl"I'Sl4 .L, In %UMW: V 11 lA' TYHONM At La WILLI kMSPORT 11 LV LOCK n , REJ LFFONTEt COLE \ ILLE , MORRIS 411:1 ENS 11l TERs ', A RK I'ILLMORK , ' ILtl \ ILLY \ 11111 4 Eti ItUMIUrs. 'l'E COLLECIE S'l 111 FILMS S LOOM SDO RI PI \II I: ROVE MILLS Sheasly & Ge Dry Goods, Groceries, N Furniture and C FINE -:- CONFECTIO Nos. 200-206 College Vav't.sopkek' Shoe Store Headquarters for lUa\k•Over Cc eau S ova. waster 'Meek Bock 'Mtn. S The Potter-Hoy Ha - rdw Fat-21 . 011'1)g 111 -11.10% Dist111)111on, fol the PENINSULAR PAINT and VAR complete line ASPHALT ROOFIN our tipectalt , y BELLEFONTE, Surplus $lOO,OOO egian's Advertisers,- I No 1 No l i 1 0 2. 1 n I I 11 1 1 9 181 10 1. 2.1 7 Headquarter, for
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