. . , :` •A.1„,..3..t:0 . ( 4;': , ... V V V 4, , ,,, , .. , (1 -Sl' - . . VOLUME 7 NUMBER 23 A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY Phenomena Unearthed Is Miracle to Baffled Scientists EARTHLY ELEMENTS CONQUERED Original Research Work by Penn State Men Attracts Universal At tention. New Discovery Will Un_ doubtedly Revolutionize all Sci entific Theory. Are you a believer ? What was impossible yesterday is the common practice of today. Truly this is the age of marvelous progress and inexhaustible achievments. The recent discoveries of the Penn State men who have been consistently working on 'the practically unknown subjects of "Climatic Disturbances and Their Causes and Eifeets" have contributed to science actual facts which undoubtedly will replace all of the former theories which have ,seemingly appeared to have been well-founded. The terrible erup- tions of Vesuvius, Mt. Pelee and many others famous volcanoes have been beyond mortal control, mainly through the lack of science to provide feasible schemes to combat the combustible elements , reposing in their' cra ters, but now, there can no long er be any fear' for a repetition of these unwelcome shocks. Dr. Knowlittle„ who has had charge of 'the students that are work ing up the data on the subject claims that the climatic reversals and eccentricities are the sources underlying . these shocks in the earth's formation, and he further states that with proper application of certain heretofore unknown ele ments in the climate, results may be accomplished that will keep the volcanic Ciaters permanently at rest. Unquestionably, the State -Col lege public will have ample oppor tunity to verify the validity of the new scientific discoveries, as phy sicists have predicted the eruption of Bald Top on the evening of April 7, Should this ancient old moun tain burst forth, . its fury would be evidently little less than totally de structive, and the situation therefore is such that the eruption must be quelled. Everything depends on Dr. Know little and his ' "Climatologers". What his methods are,no one knows, but he states positively that he will, gucCessfully ward off the catastrophe and give the secret of the science to the, world.. The w,hole action of his experiment will take place in the Auditorium at 8 o'clock on Fri day night, Api il 7. European scientists and physicists have cabled ahead for room to wit ness this remarkable performance and the seats in the massive Audi torium are fast being engaged. Have you got yours ? Get it now ! Notice. During Holy week, April 10 to 15 intlusive, there will be a short Len ten services,lead.by•the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, from 12 noon to 12:20, daily, in the Foyer of the Auditorium. All are cordially in vited to be pieEent. Janney will tell students how to successfully elude payment of bills. Auditorium, Apr4l,7, at 8 p. m. Mr. Kent Leutittes Hely The lecture on "Imigineeling and Common Sense" clelet (Ned by Mi yVilliam Kent on Mon,l,l\ et e lane March 27th was gi ea tiv ted by the unusally large audience which filled the Old Chapel NIL Kent man of vet y wide expoitence, lie is a graduate of Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N J. and upon graduation was made assistant to Prof. R. H `Thurston, on the U S. Board appointed to test metals For a number of years he was en gaged in blast furnace construction and operation. On the subject of of boiler Econ omy and testing, heisan acknowledg ed authority. Mr Kent has wiitten papers concerning' practically c cry blanch of enginceiiug work and ha-, held many important positions in the diffeten'' enginetiing societies He is the authdr of one 'of the bes t Mechanical Engineer's "Pocket books " At presents he is engaged in Consulting Engineciing woik in New York City. It was a pleasure to listen to his ,broad—minded views so forcibly and entertainingly presented The local branch of the A S M. E. is to be congratulated upOn securing such an able man as Mi Kent. He made a second address to the Mechanical Engineers Society on Tuesday morning on the , ,subject of "Engineering Possiblittes " The Thespians Prize In orderlo secure for the use of the organization, a play which shall be the product of State men, the Thespians have decided to offer a prize of fifty dollar's for the best original musical comedy, suitable for the use of the Thespians, whiCh shall be submitted on or 'before October 1, 1911. The following ai e the conditions of the competition The executive committee .of the Thespians shall be the judges of the plays submitted. The manuscripx shall be , sut)mitted under an assumed name, the real name of the writer to be enclosed in a sealed envelope, attached to the manuscript The competition is open to , many one, but in caces of ,equal ent, preference will be given to manu scripts submitted by membeis of the faculty, students of alumni of the college. . The play accepted shall become the Thespians. Manuscripts are to be submitted to the treasurer of the, Thespian, Mr. J. H. Frizzell, and requests foi further information should be ad dressed to him. ' Saint Andrews' Cliurch, On April 2, the fifth Sunday in Lent, in addition to the regulai foul o'clock service of evening piayei, there will be the service of Holy Communion at 9.30 o'clock, in the foyer of the Auditoi ium. The Right Rev. James Hemy Darlington, bishop of Haiiisburg, will visit this congregation foi con firmation some time in May. Mean time confirmation lectures will be held every Saturday evening from seven to eight o'clock in one of the class rooms of Main, probably 114 Everybody is welcome to,any or all of these meetings I.)r. Wilfred T. Glenfell, the well known Labrador missionaty,,w ho h recently returned to America, hom a three month's visa to his native land, has beet' chosen William Bel den. Noble lecturer at Harvard Uni versity for 1911 12. - ES= srATF.-, COLLN,GE, PA , MARCIT 30, 1911 CALENDAR Tlit Iv-p‘), 'I \f (It o 4 20 p n OM Chapel, Lectm( on Ilionias fiat ,, v b.\ Piot 700 p in Ai moi y. P.osketball 1 0 13 1,9 1011, , 800 p. m Aucl:tm um The The College Widow. by the V. M. C A and V W C. A 71:11)A1, romt( li :11 11 10 a. m Auclitonur i Musical Clubs conceit and mass meet- 730 p. m. Old Chtpel. "Ittsh Song and Story" by Mi. Dye. .-;ATtIItI)AN , AVIIII, 1 2'30 p. m, New Belvei Field Baseball Penn State vs Bellefonte Academy. 8.00 p. m Atmoi y Fteshman Gymnasium Dull. SUNDAY APPII. 2 10 00 a m, Foyer of Auclitotium. Catholic services. 10 CO a, M. Old Chapel: Flesh man Bible class. 11.00 a. in Auditoii im. Chapel service. Di: W. 'l' Gienfell will preach. 7.00 p. m. Auditorium, Lecture by Dr. Grenfell. morinAy, APRIL t. 7.30 p. m. Old Chapel. , Meeting Liberal Arts society. TUESUAY, APRIL 6:30 p. m. Old Chapel. M: C. A. prayer meeting. , APltil. 6.30 R. m. Room 106 Main. Press Club Meeting. `V,lt.ctiuiL of officers. The Penn State Dinner Next Saturday evening, April first, at seven o'clock, the big - Penn State dinner will begin at the Uni versity Club, Pittsburg. This prom ises to be one of - the largest dinners of its kind eve' attempted by our western alumni and indications point toward a large attendance anda loy al time. There will be something doing every minute. Thew will be music foi the musical, "eats" for the hungi y and food fci thought for the intellectual. No Pcnn State man can afford to miss the the big time r That good old Penn State spit it that has been smouldering will again burst forth into flarneq , in line and send your acceptance now to A. K, Little, 10,12 Park Binklu g, Pittsburg. It is necessary that you secure yow place not late than Match 30. Do not foiget the date Saturday; April first. Bei zeliiis Society • On Wednesday evening the 21St of March the .13eizelitts Chemit al Society held the lust meeting of the yea' in toom ten of the amphi- theati Professor Churchill spoke about the annual chemistry liip which this yew will include the impottant mari ufaatuing plants in the. vicinity of New Yolk and Philadelphia. Late', Di. Pond gave some advice regard ing the trip and invited the junior and sernet Chemists to take chime' with him in Philadelphia at the con clusion of the UT on Aped the 14th ierotcoy views on , fe,hini; people id 1 ,11,,,,,!,,, Nin.‘ 1 ounill,n,(l. will 1,, thi<, week - , (),, A Reception at the Blue Goose. the' Au(hipiim". After the leo tit e last Satueclay night. Maich 25: the Y. M, C A. tencleted a teception to the Croft Day committee and a number of in vited guests, to mett Gen. Bed\ Cr and M .Cochian who wet e the speak ers annual Gioll Day exercise , on Sun(lay ~~~ << ~~~ . ~ thi't I de HT Recit,4l' In the Au I) t o7;t , to o cx (11 , PL; I\ll 10 11 o i :1 ;;at c an ato a , 11, t , ~ 'w , o' 1 t 01IC ot the litittt',et , it( e ICC VI c l . ti,' loin - In - toe 1;111,, a , ( ,1 c 1 ;1,, CI. CD 11l !Ile 1111‘,,H,`.,', 1"1 that we ; t't Mt cle 13 , e 1111( t rnannei lii gait Atill k‘ l t con-pan}, but ht; II .1 t,.i 1 1 1 waOulk dernont,t.ated on 1 -' ,ll (I,' he, Nl‘ id Intel piLtad, 'e , , acting, and Slf oilL; I he kept the attention 01 Il', ht, l , , at all tales A sttong gadned hti the:gd \lug of the f.ditn!).: , Glae.)mo" atte, the hghtft , work, "The En, butt d Skit Patticulady good \Ned: intettutt- , tiot t f cd", and the "Decant and Dt- d Mathins" tit rn - 1 he 1 C I 1,1( workhay ln tile Shaio in ,t li t - t'OrIS if 0111 1111 , t " , 1.(T) 1111 hlg111.11 " , 2tul " RI( 1 , 1111(i ti,e 111110 1' WaS Sl.l Ong and vo. 'There ",no doubt that the costume‘i,«lded aim 1, to the plaure,t but II V, .1 Sr (.1(,:, , 1 1 ' evident thal the chief ftlelt , ts in M de 131eansld's w 1 _lc 111' poweiful ttag, and ch,dn it per,onaht y The It 011. C. Of till Col lege Chehe'stia bem cell the numbcit, helped {;featly In rualchT "the entertainment a complete r..( Visit of House Committee Match S( 359 p m lye 1.. c wont ) I! 1? R . 4.20 Atli ye State College. (Au tomobiles ) 4:20-.4W. Gym. Class. Aimoi y. At. rooms. ' 5 30-7 00 Supper set yea by Do mestic Science Studcn(s,Wom an's Building 7-8. Sophomotes -vs 'Ficshincn Basketball gilme Alum: y, 8-10:30. The Collevc Widow" presented by Stuclei.l , iAu ditcnium. I ItIDA), NI %W I( 21 Ba. rt? Mottling Chaprl. op - 'tit - mai 9-11:10. Inspection of colictfy 11.10-11:15. Must( al Citilr. curt and Mass Met•tintt. Au " clitoitum, 12 in. Diluter Ntittwy-liiii. 2-3 30 p in.. Ins'pct il(r I tti "fcalo rind co,“ 330 1 .rnye lot 11-Ili Imito inlet cla:;;; 1) t e Notice t Itut•by ini,eit Owl it) , annual mitre lass bai,hctl),ill d will be held in Mi on Saturday ,nirtlit, Apiil .4 All no that wele On the ( squads (luting lie , ;e.1 , ,01i ate eligil)le to attend Iht, dant e A cordial invitation 1 , , e\ if ivied t), numcial ba4ichall men 0) lit. ',lrwin at this dance. Iland yunt name I() the chairman, I) H. Ici Pevie, (0 ()) some me-mbel of room - nit( I. ,I , § ~o() as possible I.alnadoi Intuit I,it cd 1)1 Gienfril ., , li'i thic svllli ~tt NOll 1111; gt I)1 I I ' n fVcltl I I ()( d 11 , 1 ' t ' II k a pleAlleY, V. hi Itct t , t tt 11l GI( Writ % , , , ii i , i: li Sunday fiko give ,i 11(e let 11 de I C\ el y one tk, oi,tt(tl / ' 4 • \ ' \ 4 I,\ ft I I% 1 , , CEN IS ;il;s7 Iri""dAINIVIENT t ,1,, , k, 7 ~;-1,,11, Oipinizations an Excellent Con- oile. , C Song Composed : : T,11,0q Well With M i, h 21 the com 0 ;,. ,I niost cieditable ire .'‘uklitoinirn. The r,i t , alt lenac:ttl in a ,o,(1 ~,( tirinnti, all of which lteic,t which men in ; limn; take in ,ttu.ir nlr , A111 , 1)1: h the event did ,1, LA' (h2',11 suppoit.of th.k tude , u boti., the numbers on 1), ,, .,1,1111 \\•, •l., all well received 'c, it , c, ,t' pi, ~ l. lit Ilw oprtimg numbers in each p on the plorron wtte given by il l .. 01 , lie' tia, "Obcro ." von Weber and the Egyptian Ballet by Lingini. rhe c!tt,tcut manar in which the (A elle:d ia gave these numbers prov e, that the otelicstia is , one of the be.,t BLit Penn State has ever pro- The third number, "Wooing" by R 0 ,,), and the ninth, "The Meteor" Bill v,tet e tit oduced by the Man dolin club and it may well be said 1-I,at this cicpattment of the musical clubs is doing its part to uphold the taftcl;,rd of the otganizations and th,it it canted out its share of the pioloam in bcttei form than it has cvci hel we shown l3arcorole, fi'n Tiles of 'Hofmann was given by a sextette composed of members 01 the - Mandolin club. The Glee dub gave "lie Coppah Moon" and Soldieis Chorus from Paost. This is the first time that the Glee club has ever attempted anything so difficult as the latter nom bet. and 'they deserve great pm! , c tor the way in which this numba was given. Tait , At Iw : di png rendered two I.euroliol bor hone solos "A. Man's and "In the Dark and the 1).:n" in in , : usual 17tilliant and ly)irn trw,tie manner. The cello rrlo 1 ? y Mi •Ai thur was also a plthi , ;tip, Icatrdc of the program and r> r pr. nt ki executed by him and iitl tic , icc'eived by tl'e hidicht t.. Ilic (AI( re song, TrinSic by 1: 11. thie ,ind the words by i ,1 ~V. l * 1 i CM Son ' l2, was vo h , . limo 1)y the college 0 ,, , 11 1,V.V4 exeeldingly o. i 4, tiY' till' audience. of a series of songs h inouthiced and too Him 1) et e,lll cannot he given to the of them. The quartette iip' ii) 11 , ,fifil standard and out ik wilt, in ploclucing „in] 1111)(piti( the songs in a very WO to utttct. 1» (ei i. Ulkh Gunie Irofct the interclass bas in Ir,ll \\,111( I) is to be played (/ ' l. lock. Both the ,/tit I fieshman teams , I t t li 1,11 , 1111111 y practising and t,,lmel team cleaned .1, Intt 1( las , , League r t !I, ( ploof that the to have I , I ,tic , Ali Intel( lass game ~ ot ii , ..1il ihe narni , is Over —IP, I) , ',llimi , ,c(l. The i A; I,,,wilation' Com- I 1,, 11, It Inc,, Evei y- T ii , / t 11(4 fu I'MV We can ;1 1.)111 R, 11(11'01.1'i
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