PAGE ETCITT ed, and it is hoped that this portion of the campus may be made more attractive. W. M. Kinney, assistant inspect ing engineer with the Universal Port land Cement company of Pittsburg, will'give an illustrated lecture this , evening at 7.30 o'clock in the old chapel on "The Manufacture of Ce .ment," before the combined engi neering societies. Mr. Kinney is a 'graduate in mechical engineering of Lewis Polytechnic Institute of Chi (cago. ALUMNI. Leßoy Harley 'OB is with the Chalmers comp:my at Cir:cin- nati, 0 William Vetter 'OB is with the In ternational Correspondence Schools at Scranton, Pa. A. J. Garrett 'OB is engineer with the Philadelphia & Reading Coal and Iron company, located at Potts vill e, Pa. Michigan will very likely drop basketball. Cosgrove, the Cornell guard, is developing into a strong shot-putter. The annual eight-oared shell race between Cambridge and Oxford will be :rowed over the regular Thames coarse, from Putney to the ship at Mort lake, April 3. ELLEFONTE CENTRAL RAILROAD .11.): Time Table in effect Jan. 1. 190 E. Westward Eastward Read down Read up No. No. No. btatlons No. N +1 +3 5 12 f ( 4 ). tit am am Ai r itm pm pa 630 10 15 210 „Bellefonte.. 850 12 50 611 6 35 10 20 2 )7 ...Coleville. 8 40 12 30 5 50 16 38 110 23 2 :2 ... Morris 18 .17 112 27 4 43 16 43 110 27 2 17 Stevens . 18 35 112 25 5 4,) Lime Centre. f 6 46 NO 30 2 Hunters Park 18 31 112 21 3 0 16 50 110 34 2 25. .10111 more... (828 rl2 18 535 66 55 110 40 2 32 . „Briarly 18 24 rl2 14 5 30 700 10 45 235 ...Waddles... 820 12 10 525 17 12 110 57 250 .. Krurnrine.. lB 07 111 57 507 723 11 10 305 State College 800 11 50 500 f 7 27 310 ..Strubles... 17 45 420 f 7 37 3 15 ..Bloomsdort. 17 40 4 0 735 320 Pine Gr. Mills 735 40 t Daily except munotty. f St, Trains of the Bellefonte Central nect at Bellefonte with trains of t, THE STATE' COttratAlq L -7,U IF yoti doht own a dress suit or tuxedo and want to; or if ypijr old,one ought to be discarded; here's your chabCe; : mid ,here- a Hart SChaffner & Marx dress suit NVaiting for you. We can fit any man correctly, and we'll show, you that even in this most critical matter in clothes buying, ready made is the only right way to 'buy dress clothes, or any other clothes. ClYou'll find these Hart Schaffner & Marx suits perfect in every way ; and the prices are low enough for anybody. Full dress and tuxedo suits to order. Full dress accessories—shirts, collars, neckwear, gloves, waistcoats Jas. E. Harshberger State representative 139 Frazier street IgiDistritutor Hart Schaffner & Marx, Carson Meyer & Co., Rosen wald & Wiel Pellham clothes. op on flag R. R. con he Penna, SIM THE CLOTHIER CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN BELLEFONTE
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