State Defeats Indians. Continued hone page r Twohearts running almost a dead heat about two yards behind, until the finish, when Stapler dove over the line, sliding on his face on the track. There was a discussion as to who got second place, but the judges awarded it to Twohearts on the ground that his foot crossed the line before Stapler's hand. It was a game finish. State failed to score in the weights, but Brewster tied Exendine for first place in the high-jump, while Montz barely missed a place in the broad jump, clearing 20 feet 10 inches, Charles and Thomas win ning first and second by jumping 20 feet 11 inches and 20 feet 10 1-2 inches respectively. In the 220 yard dash, Henry fin ished first with Arnold directly be hind, wearing a grin as broad as the track, because that event "cinched" the meet. The Indians are game in their con tests and treated the State team royally, the best of feeling pre vailing at the end of the meet. The summaries follow : 100 yard dash—Henry, State, first; Arnold, State, second; 10 sec onds. 120 yard hurdles—Libby, Indians, first; Zink, State, second; 16 seconds. Half-mile run—Kaiser, State, first; Blackstar, Indians, second; 2 minutes 3 2-5 seconds. One mile run—Gregg, State, first; Snow, Indians, second; 4 minutes, 47 2-5 seconds. 220 yard hurdles—Libby, In dians, first; Long, State, second; 28 seconds. 440 yard dash—Arnold, State, first; Twohearts, Indians, second; 52 2-5 seconds. Two mile run—Smith, W. W., State, first; Schrimpscher, Indians; second; 10 minutes 23 seconds. 220 yard dash—Henry, State, first; Arnold, State, second; 22 2-S THE STATE - COLLEGIAN seconds FIELD EVENTS, Pole vault—Strayer, State, first; Zink, State, and Mitchell, Indians, tied for second; height 9 feet 3 inches High jump—Tie between Brews ter, State, and Exendine, Indians; height 5 feet 5 1-2 inches. Shot put—Exendine, Indians, first; Thomas, Indians, second; 37 feet 1 inch. Hammer throw—Billy, Indians, first; Exendine, Indians; second; 127 feet. Broad jump—Charles, Indians, first; Thomas, Indians, second; 20 feet 11 inches. First place counted five, second place, three points. —State 52 1-2, In- Final score dians 51 1-2. Michigan's new athletic field cov ers thirty-two acres, but will not be completed this year an account of lack of funds. When completed, Ferry Field will be one of the finest athletic fields in the west, plenty of space for practice being afforded by several gridirons and diamonds. TRUNKS TRAVELING BAGS HARRY W. SAUERS HATTER & FURNISHER STATE COLLEGE, - PENNA College Hardware Co. General Hardware, Tin Ware Spouting and Repairage .S , l - ate CAD 1 1 eg-e, Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty All work done promptly . . . and Guaranteed F. P. BLAIR & CO. Jewelers and Opticians BELLEFONTE PA. GO TO GEO. B. JACKSON —FOR— CIGARS. TOBACCO AND FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS A Full Line of Smokers' Faniy Articles. ALLEN ST.. STATE COLLEGE, PA A. F. MAI.KLE DEA I.EFt IN MILK AND ICE STATE C( 1.1.EG F.' COTRELL & LEONARD ALBANY.. N. Y Makers of CAPS. GOWNS AND HOODS o the American Colleges and Universities. lass Contracts a Specialty. ALL READY To serve you with a Quick Lunch. Oysters in every style. Soups, Pies, Oakes, Baked Beans. Sandwlc es and Hot Drinks. Also a choice line of Con rectionery constantly on hand. Soda Water and Sundaes In all flavors and to suit all tastes, at the Old Drug Store Stand. Try us and Be Convinced C. F. HARRISON, Prop. Catering a Specialty. NOTICE Any picture taken by D. A. BARNETT can be obtained from G. D. BARBEY Room 370 Main
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