A Stinging Defeat. It is, indeed, a sad story to tell what happened on Beaver Field last Friday afternoon. For the first time in the history of State College, and we hope it is the last, a State nine suffered a shut-out on her own diamond. Dickinson did it, 4 to 0 ! No excuses are offered, as the Dickinsonians most decidedly played better baseball in all depart ments and deserved to win. It w.ll be remembered that, last year, the Carlisle Collegians were roundly trounced on Beaver Field, 17 to 0, and on their own grounds, 10 to 2. This year, however, Captain Davis put "Friar" Hall on the rubber, and his puzzling twirling and con tented smile proved too much for th'e State team. The only thing left for State to do is to turn the trick again on Dick inson when our confident team goes to Carlisle on the Eastern trip. As Haverstick was out of the game with a bad knee, hurt in the Cornell game, Thompson was put on as Hall's Opponent, and he pitched good ball except that he had a slight lack of control. The loss of the game was not due to the pitching but to State's errors and Dickinson's good playing. For three innings, neither side scored, although in the first round State looked good with Cree and Kil mer on the bases and nobody out. In the fourth, Davis opened with a triple, which Mcllveen almost reached, and slid into third on a close decision. Latham's single scored Davis; Hall fanned, but a steal, and Crutchley's single together with a bad throw to the plate gave Dickinson another run. State worked hard, but every ball hit seemed to shoot directly into our rivai's anxious mits. In the last inning, Dickinson cinched the game by scoring two more runs on two bases on balls, a hit, and two er rors. Every misplay State made THE STATE COLLEGIAN gave something to the "Red and White" representatives, while our team could'nt get started in run getting operations. The nearest State came to scoring was in the fifth, when Mahaffey came in from third. on Cree's fly to Crutchley, but was an easy out at the plate. State's nine will certainly have to brace up for their hard schedule of games in the near future. The score : STATE R B Po A E Cree ss 0 1 1 1 0 Kilmer c . 0 3 8 2 0 • Mason 3 0 0 3 2 Mcllveen m .. 0 0 4 0 0 Thompson p Pearce 1 0 0 0 0 1 Ross 1. ...... . . . 0 210 0 1 Mahaffey 2. . . 0 0 0 4 2 Yeckley r. .. 0 0 0 0 U Totals DICKINSON Smith ss. . Davis 1... ... Simpson 2 .. Latham 1 ... Hall p.. . ... Crutchley m . . Simpson c.... Lingle 3...• Mclntyre r... *M'ason out on bunted third str.lte. Penn State . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 Dickinson 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 4 Three base hit—Davis. Two base hit--Kilmer. Stolen bases--Mcllveen, Ross, Latham. Crutchley. Left on bases--State LI, Dickinson R. Struck out-- By Thompson 7, by Hall 2. Double play--Thomp son to Mason. Sacrifice hit--Yeckley, Crutchley. Bases on Balls--Off Thompson 5. Cu Hall 2. Hit by pitched ball--Latham, Simpson. First base on errors--Dickinson 3. State 1. Time of game--1:3 , . Umpire--Dr. Fred Robison. H. A. EVEY -4...._ L, hi r y CAB WORK A SPECIALTY Both 'Phones RUBBER STAMPS are time savers and are adapted to innum erable uses. Write or 'phone us for any thing in the line of Stamps, Ink Pads, Racks, Daters, Stencils, Check Protectors, etc. Catalogues on request. BELLEFONTE STAMP WORKS Office in the Mallory Studio, Bellefonte, Pa. H. GRIMM MERCHANT TAILOR STATE COLLEGE. PA Thirty years' experience in Tailoring Samples or the finest Imported Goods always on hand. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY BORN SUITS F. E. WINTER, Successor to C. R. Stahl. 314 Main Building 0 6 27 14 4 R B Po A E 106 2 1 219 U 0 021 2 0 003 0 0 010 0 0 113 1 0 014 1 0 000 1 0 000 0 0 Knisely Bros. 4 6 26* 7 12 Billiard Parlor and Bowling Alley Cigars and Tobacco HOTEL BUILDING Watch this space for announcements W. IL,. IF - CeSir 1E IR. -State College.. REMEMBER The International Tailoring Co. is reperesented at State by RAINEY SD MATTER Samples always open for inspection. Measure ments taken at customers' convenience. ROOM 591 MAIN. A Perfect Fit or We Keep the Garment FIRST CLASS LIVERY
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