York Club Banquet The banquet of the York Club composed of students attending State from York and vicinity, at York on the 30th of December was a huge success. The purpose of the Club in holding such an affair was to inter est prospective students and the peo ple of York in general in State Col lege. In this they succeeded ad mirably. Members of the Club, for mer students, alumni, and invited guests assembled in the dining room of the National Hotel at nine o’clock. After disposing of the bountiful feast before them, President F. A. R. Hoffeditz called on a number of the guests present for remarks. Man aging Editor Fowler of the “York Daily,” who represented Hiram Young, Editor of the “Daily” and a trustee of the College, expressed Mr. Young’s regrets at his inability to be present. Professor Gill attended the function as the representative of the Faculty and entertained the company with an address on the growth, and development of State. The follow ing also responded to toasts: “The Alumni of York,” E. S. Frey, ’O3. “The York Club and Its Needs,” J. P. Kottcamp, ’O4. “Social Life at State,” C. E. Culp, ’O6. “The Assimilation of New Stud ents,” H. H. Hollinger, ex-’O5. Those present were, Prof. Ben jamin Gill, State College; E. S. Frey, ’O3; J. P. Kottcamp, ’O4; John Reig art, William Stair, Edward Gerber, Jacob Aldinger, Harry Hollinger, D. P. Young, Frank V. McConkey, F. B. Stieg, C. A. Bennett, W. P. Stine, Hodge Smith, E. F. Heckert, John L. May, C. E. Culp, and F. A. R. Hoffeditz, all of York; J. H. Zarfos, Red Lion; A. H. Kautz, Sev en Valleys; C. L. Goodling, Logan ville; D. A. Barnett, Delta; C. G. Evans, Harrisburg; C. N. Abel, York Haven; and H. R. Geib, Mar ysville; ■§ & § THE TAILOR IS A BUGABOO by g j whom many a man is awed into patron- & ig izing some dingy wielder of the shears, gi | The great shops in which ‘SIM” K- Clothes are made are true tailoring g -g establishments equipped with every help g. & calculated to simplify work and achieve @ ig more perfect results. "SIM” clothes g g are moderate priced. gi a g “Man wants but little here below, nor wants that little long,” But when it comes to his wearing apparel he’s pretty particular. The apparel bearing the label of is designed for particular men. | The suits and top coats sell at , I $fQ to $!5 Guaranteed by us and the makers and sold by us exclusively. Our fathers stood by Kuppenheirner & Co. clothes and our sons are destined to do like wise. There's something in a name after all—Shakespeare to the contrary notwithstanding. Step into our store and —the neatest, nobbiest, ready to wear apparel ever seen in this section. MONTGOMERY & CO. Bellefonte, Pa. Palace Restaurant Go llu*ie for :i full line of Sand wiches and Quick Lunch I We U'-e our owe home-boiled ; ham in sandwiches. Oysters served in all stylos Ecarcing by the week, day cr meal W G. CALDWELL, Prop. (JUOITPS BOOK OP pi.ash mu HTS c ou.m.i: vi rcw s Succcbsoi to V/. E. Ketcham ROOM 3IJJ, MAIN Y/vnAs oj ■SYmaYewr ’P\vo\oqva i p\v^ THE First National Bank BELLEFONTE, PA. KUPPENHEIMER & CO. EXAMINE THE NEW ARRIVALS FOR SALE BY US ONLY Tile Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. BELLEFONTE, PA. Give others a trial if you wish but if you want your work done right every time, send to the ‘‘OLD RELIABLE” EMPIRE STEAM LAUNDRY OF LOCK HAVEN Soft wash, J. J MORGAN I socudoz. 1». A. RAINEY I AKent - s THE Potter-Hoy Hardware Go. Has always been, and con- tinues to be, HEADQUARTERS FOR ANYTHING you may want in the HARDWARE line, We solicit your patronage,
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