State Vol. 1, No. 13 Calendar. FRIDAY, Jan. 13 8.00 P. M. Basket ball in Armory; College vs. Williamsport High School. SUNDAY, Jan. 15. 9.45 A. M. Bible Classes. 6.Q0 P. M. Y. M. C. A. in room 529 Main. Topic: Advance, Japan! Opening of College. The Winter term opened on Wednesday morning, Jan. 4th, at eleven o’clock with Chapel in the Auditorium. The attendance of students was very slim, but the Faculty showed up in goodly num bers. The heavy fall of snow had greatly blocked travel on the rail roads and consequently delayed the arrivals. Quite a number of the students came straggling in on Thursday. Dr. Atherton congratulated the student body on the magnificent progress of the past year and ex pressed the hope that the year to come would be still more prosperous. He communicated the welcome intelligence that the College had re ceived combined Christmas and New Year’s gifts from good friends, and named Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Car negie as the benefactors in this case. Mr. Carnegie gave $25,000, the in terest of which is to be used as a Beneficiary Fund for the help of needy students. Mrs. Carnegie gave $25,000, the interest of which is to be divided into scholarships. It is ex pected that the Board of Trustees at their meeting ia Harrisbirg o.i the 24th of this month will complete the arrangements for the administration of these funds. Coll STATE COLLEGE, PA., JAN. 12, 1905 Semicentennial Jubilee, The Alumni Semi-Centennial Jub ilee Com nittee appointed at the meeting of the Alumni Association, June 1904, is composed of the fol lowing members : —Chairman, Geo. M. Downing ’BB, Jas. L. Hammil ’BO, J. F. Shields ’92 G. R. Meek ’9O, and H. Walton Mitchell ’9O. The Board of Trustees at their De cember meeting voted to permit this committee the entire use dur ing Commencement, of McAllister Hall, with a few reservations,for the entertainment of the Alumni and their friends and relatives. The Hall will be finished by the first of May. A professional caterer has been selected, who will have en tire charge of the boarding facilities. One section of the Hall during Commencement will be given over to the ladies. A matron will be in charge and every effort will be made to insure the comfort of the guests. Meals will be served regularly in the dining hall. At a meeting of the Alumni Com mittee on Pennsylvania Day, a cir cular was drawn up and ordered printed. This has been sent out to all the Alumni of the College and great interest in the coming Semi- Centennial is being awakened there by. Mandolin Club The Mandolin and Guitar Club has been organized for the coming season. All the old members have returned and there are several prom ising candidates from the lower' class es. New music will be secured and in a few weeks the club will be open for engagements. R. PI. Farring ton ’O6 v/as chosen leader, and G. L. Christman ’O6, treasurer and general manager. egian. Luzerne Co. Club Reception at Wilkes=Barre, The Luzerne County Club of State College, which was organized about one year ago, held an inform al reception at the rooms of the Wilkes-Barre College of Music in the Simon Long building last night and it proved to be a most enjoyable affair, l'he decoration of the hall was unique, consisting of a neat ar rangment of photographs and pen nants. A large number of friends of the College alumni and prospec tive students were present and were entertained with music, games and refreshments. The object of the Luzerne County Club is to help in all possible ways the students, and also to make State College better known in this region. It is only in recent years that stu dents from the eastern part of the State have realized the advantages of State College and it is thought that the reception given last night will have the effect of bringing more students to the college. Among those present were : A. Davis, ’UB, Plymouth ; Thomas S. Roberts, Plymouth; D. T. Evans, ’08; E. N. Goodman, ’O5, Pitts ton; C. W. Hubbell, ’O6, Pittston ; F. B. Garrahan, ’O7; G. E. Cohen, ’O7; B. Frank Bart, William S. Dickey, H. C. Kressly, Frank Nich olson, Oscar Behee, H. L. Freder ick, ’O5; L. H. Jacobosky, E. Saums, ’O4 ; Louis Ansart, ’9B ; J. J. Kaiser, ’O6 ; W. E. Kaiser, ’O5 ; T. W. Mason, ’O7 ; Robert Wallace, C. F. Doeson, P. W. hlaun, George Kaufer, Charles Dodson, Ross Lloyd, Frank Davenport, John B. Hawley, George O. Willets, William Hawley, E. G. Cohen, Wilkes- Barre ; E. P\ Hay, ’O7 , Ketchum ; R. E. Cooper, ’O5, Kingston; C. R. Stahl, ’O7; C. R. Smith, ’O6, Stroudsburg. —Wilkes-Barre Rec ord. —The Mallory Studio, Bellefonte, have established R. H. Farrington as student agent. Find him at the Kappa Sigma house. Price Five Cents
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