While the ’Varsity was tearing through Univ. of Pittsburg, the annual farce foot gall bame, Toothpicks vs. Tumblers, was witness ed by a crowd of shivering students on Beaver Field. The “Billy Bounce” class were the only warm people on the field as it proved. The Toothpicks kicked off and a Tumbler covered the ball. Now began a fight up and down the field, which made the game less of a farce. The roly-poly set hit the line and the “long legs” went round the ends. Floury on an excursion around right end upset a Tumbler and froze fast in the puddle. Fife was his sub stitute. Cal, Waller continually labored under the delusion that someone was “slugging him.” This worked on him so hard that be started down the field with the ball, his swallow tails floating and his silk hat jumped up and down. He made a touchdown, which was beyond the reach of the linesmen’s variable line. This line was made ’of rubber, and could be stretched more than the referee’s decisions. There was a mix-up of plays and students until the end of the game, which was announced by the ringing of alarm clocks, when the Tumblers were within one yard of another touchdown. The line-up: TOOTHPICKS. POSITION. TUMBLERS. Kittridge (Capt.) left'end “Bill” Detwiler. Gates (“Si” Over) left tackle “Bob” Campbell. Curry left guard.'. (“Pickle”) “Fats” Mylin. Johnson center Ludwig. Risser right guard Milholland. Tritle right tackle Eshleman. Woods right end Fox. Bryson quarter back Cal Waller. Shaner left half back “Kid” Norris (Capt.). Fife (“Ginger” Ale).. .right half back “Rusty” Bowers. “Horny” (Fife full back. (Culbertson) Hendrickson. Toothpicks, o—Tumblers, 5.
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