—Prof, and Mrs. Jackson, assisted by Miss Jones, also gave a Hallowe’en party for the senior and junior electricals. —The Sigma Chi fraternity gave a smoker on Friday evening, October 30th, at their chapter house. Quite a number of the pro fessors and other fraternity men were present. —The “stag” dance in the armory to celebrate the great victory of the foot ball team over Annapolis was very largely attended. The playing of the band was not up to its usual standard, and there seemed to be a general lack of the spirit which in the past has gone to make these affairs so spontaneously enjoyable. It is to be hoped that in affairs of this kind in the future the fellows will get together and generate a little more spirit. The class of 1904 held their Senior Banquet at the Park Hotel, Williamsport, Friday evening, November 13th, the evening before, the Dickinson-State game. Besides some forty members of the class, there were present as guests Coach Reed, “Andy” Lytle, as “a member of the class;” L. B. Grindlay, ’O2. also H. Warn and H. T. Williams, both former members of ’O4. After doing ample jus tice to the inner man, R. PI. Lyons, as toastmaster, rose to his duties, and the following toasts were responded to: Toastmaster, R. PI. Lyons; The Future State, W. H. Barnes; The “Old Main,” N. G. Miller; Retrospect, H. C. George; “Come, Brothers, Raise the Song,” class; The Battalion, R. P. Campbell; The “State Standard,” W. E. Ketcham; The Cold, Wide World, E. K. McDowell; impromptu, Coach Reed, “Andy” Lytle, L. B. Grindlay, ’O2; H. Warn, ex-’o4; H. T. Williams, ex-’o4. The whole affair was successfully and ably managed by the com mittee in charge—W. E. Ketcham, chairman; H. F. McKnight, J. F. Tritle, T. J. Mosser and E. Saums. College Miscellany. Senior Banquet. Toasts.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers