is already aproaching completion. The bricklayers have finished their work ahead of contract time. —The trial debate 'for the purpose of choosing men to repre sent State in the Inter-Collegiate debate to be held here December nth, with Franklin and Marshall College was held in the old chapel on Tuesday evening, October 27th. /The debators put up good arguments. The men chosen were as follows: Mr. A. Hart, Jr., ’O5 ;■ Mr. O. C. Hays, ’O6, and Mr. W. U. Williams, ’O7. Mr. Haverstick, ’O7, was chosen alternate. ' The judges were, Professors G. G. Pond, B. Gill, I. L. Foster, J. H. Leete and E. W. Runkle. The question, “Resolved, that labor unions tend to injure the in dustrial welfare of the country,” was the same question which will be debated in the inter-collegiate debate. —A marked feature of the improvement in the "State stand ard” is the fact that so much enthusiasm is shown in mass meet ings this year. A large majority of the students have been pres ent at the several meetings held, and have very creditably shown interest in the team. A number of new yells and songs have been composed, and several of our old and somewhat objectionable ones have been eliminated. Another beautiful phase of college life is being brought out by our able college choir. All honor to the boys who go out on the campus and sing good songs well. -The first number of the Y. M. C. A. concert course was a musical entertainment given on Saturday evening, October 17th, in the auditorium by the Ovide Musin Company. The audi torium was well filled. The music issuing from tlie violin of Mr. Musin entranced everyone;. Fie is a wonderful violinist. Madame Musin, although singing very classical music, charmed the stu dents with her ability as a soprano. Prof, and Mrs. Reber entertained the senior and junior me chanicals at their residence on Hallowe'en. Every one present had a most enjoyable time playing games and other Hollowe'en diver-
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