The Free Lance " And then, thought I, Won't that be ' pie' To put on such a style; I'll. spend the day, In pleasures gay, Thus life away I'll while." Pour years had passed, Time came at last, I listened with a sigh; ror Casper dear, In words so drear, Told me an awful lie. He said: " 011, dear, Upon my ear 'roo sudden' falls the word; I will say ay Sonic later day," Now, was'at that absurd? COLLEGE VERSE COLUM A boy A tree A little cherry A fall A squall A little bury. A CHEMICAL ROMANCE Said Atom to Molly Cule, " Will you unite with me?" And Molly Cule did quick retort, "'There's no affinity," Beneath electric light plant's shail Poor Atom hoped he'd meet he But she eloped with a rascal Base Her name is now Saltpetre.—E THE LP:AWN 01 1 ' A LOVE-SONG. 'Twits a foolish little love-song That she chanced to hear that d As they strolled across the ineado Fresh and fragrant with the ha But a girl with eyes like bluebells Sang it tenderly and sweet, • To the rustic lover lying 'Midst the grasses at her feet I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers