The Free Lance. A Pui,r„ I love to sit and watch the leaves Fall fluttering to the ground, For nature has a “pull ” on them, As Isaac Newton found. A Student’s Episode, Crafty student, Pretty maid, Making love Fate he staid Two o'clock, What a shock! Papa’s footsteps Then a knock. Frightened student Blushing maid, Enters papa Very staid. Two o'clock Another shock I Student got it— Papa’s knock.— Ex, An A r.r,-Around Man. [n the class-room while students More brilliant are known, He finds no great hardship In holding his own. )n the gridiron and diamond With victories sown, 'here too he is in it And holding his own, tnd now in the evening When daylight has flown— lut words are too feeble, I-le’s holding his Own. Th« Cai.mno Ska. the sea is a-calling me, lassie, id the wild waves sing aloud; The great gulls scream, And the white sails gleam, d the sun beckons over the cloud. he pine trees are singing, my laddie, 1 the stream runs deep and still; [December, — Lafayette.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers