*895-] The University of Wisconsin gives credit to its students for work done in the University orchestra, There are twenty-seven universities and colleges in the United States, registering over a thousand students each. The University of Chicago has started a new magazine. It is a monthly, and is called the “American Journal of Sociology.” Yale College offers a new course this fall. It is an unique one. It is a course in modern novels! One novel a week will be tackled and mastered. It is needless to say that already the class num bers 250; and that, too, in spite of the fact that only Seniors and Juniors are admitted. Dr. W. S. Phelps is the instructor. His aim, it is set forth, is to train young men to read novels as mental food, and not as time-killers. THE UNIVERSITY OE MOSCOW The University of Moscow, in Russia, has over 44,000 students in attendance. Unlike the students in American universities, the Russians do not engage in athletics or gymnastics nor do they have clubs or associations of any sort. The students have to wear uniforms of a prescribed pattern, and it makes them appear like officers of the army. The professors, while lecturing, also wear a coat of uniform cut. The Russian University facul ties, historico-philological, law, medical, mathematico-physical and that of natural science. Each of them • requires four years’ study except medicine, which requires five years. The first semester extends from the 20th of August to Christmas; the second commences one month later and ends in the latter part of May. The fee for each semester is fifty rubles ($25.). Oral examinations are held at the end of each year, those at the end of the second and fourth years being exceedingly diffi cult. The most popular elective course is that on the history of the United States. The salary of a professor is about $l,BOO, and after twenty-five years of service he is pensioned, —Cornell Daily Snn. 11 The apparel oft proclaims the man,” As Shakespeare once foretold, nut since women are wearing bloomers His words no longer hold,— Ex. The University of Moscoiv , SHAICIiSrriARK’S MISTAKE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers