Dr. Gregory is the author of the following books: “A New Political Economy,” “ Handbook of History,” " Map of Time,” "Seven Laws of Teaching,” " Compend of School Laws.” Perhaps his most important work has been the introduction of Scientific Industrial Education in colleges, he being one of the first organizers of a college of this description. Dr. Gregory has probably travelled more and studied more from life in different countries the various sociological problems than any political economist of his time. E. J. Coi.cord, A. 15. —Colby IJniv., ’75. /). A’. /:'. Prin. High School, Beverly, three years, P. G. Newton Theological Sem., three years, ’Si. Vermont Academy, twelve years. Prin. of High School and Sup’t of Schools, Rutland, Vt., three years. Penn. State College, ’95. C. D. Fehr, A. M. —Lafayette, ’B6. Instructor German and Latin School of Lackawanna. Same at Dickinson Sem. Prin. Union Academy, Belville, N. Y. Prof. German and Latin, Cas cadilla School, Ithaca, N. Y. At Cornell, 1894. Penn. State, 1595. 1-1. K. Monroe, A. M. —Wesleyan Univ., ’BB. Prin. Shrews bury and Ashland, Mass., High Schools, eight years. Dep’t English, Millersville State Normal. Dep’t English, Wesleyan, Ass’t in Penn. State College, ’95, I. F. Foster, A. M. —Brown Univ., ’93. At Leipsig Univ., ’94-’95. '!> J 0 and 'l' B K fraternities. _ Member Verein fur Nettere Philologie at Leipsig. Instructor Modern Languages, Brown. Instructor in French, Penn. Slate, 1895. J. Leet. —Colgate, ’94. J T—'l> B K. P. G. work under W. E. Byerly, of Harvard. Ass’t in Mathematics, Penn. State College, 1895. George D. Green, B. S. —State College, ’95. Ass’t in Biol ogy, Penn. State College, ’95. FOOTBALL AT ATHENS, It is thought that in view of the interest in our college in the game of football the following translation from a very ancient and curious MSS. may be of importance to our readers. It is said that there is really nothing new under the sun. This is, however, a libel on our noble civilization. The wisest of the Athenians PROM AN ANCIENT MSS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers