was formerly connected at Wilbraliam, Mass., and delivered an address. He was also at Wesleyan University and distributed the prizes awarded in the various departments. He was also invited to preside at the banquet of the Psi Upsilon fraternity. Professor and Mrs. Gill spent a week at Buffalo and Niagara Falls. The Freshman class at Ueliigh numbers 70; at Uafayette, 79; at Washington and Jefferson, 64; and at State, 116. WE notice a very good and convenient improvement in the building of the east walk. The Press club is now in a flourshiug condition. Great interest seems to be taken in the good work it is evidently doing. A read ing room has been established where the best magazines and news papers and exchanges from the different colleges are accessible to members. As usual, the reception given by the College Y. M. C. A. to the new students, on the first Friday of the term, was one of the most pleasing features of the opening days. The State College Band deserves to be complimented upon its good, yea, exceedingly good, playing. To members of the baud, we say, the students are always glad to hear you. The attention of the students is called to the well arranged catalogue in the college library. By using the catalogue the stu dents can use the library to a greater advantage. BRYANT UP TO DATE. Tlie melancholy days arc come, the saddest of the year, Of re-exams, and cruet profs, and recitations dull and drear, Heaped in the Dean’s office lie the papers dread;— They rustle to his touch, before him they are spread; The robin and the wren are flown, in the doorway stands the jay Who put off study till a more convenient day. Union College has instituted a new system in her electrical course. Besides the privilege of working in the shops at Schen ectady, the ten best men in each year’s examination will be taken into the service permanently. In a recent issue of Harper's Weekly , Mr. Julian Ralph had an The Free /.alter. [October,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers