COKKICI.r,. Beachman Hall . . . Freeborn left guard Randolph Scliock center Murray Rogers right guard Scott Sweetland right tackle Dunsinore, J. A. Lyle right end McKibbin Wickoff quarter-back McCaskey Cool left half Thomas Saussv -right half Robinson Young full-back Thompson Substitutes, Walker for Thompson, Starbuck for Cool, McLaughlin for Hall, Heckel for Thomas, Walker for Ileckel, MeKeever for Henchman. Halves of twenty and fifteen minutes were played. The officials: Referee, Thompson, State College. Umpires, Hoskins,'State College; Dyer, Cornell. Linesman, Downey, Cornell. STATE CORREGE RESERVES, o; ARTOONA, 6, The second team played a close game of football with Altoona on October sth on the home grounds of the latter. Altoona scored a touchdown on a fumble made by the backs of State’s team. At all other times the game was in State’s favor. The line up: STATE COEEEGE RESERVES. POSITION. AETOONA. Painter right end Hall McGee right tackle McCrackeii Dixon right guard Devore Cromlish Dole and Haldenmn McCrea Black Greenland (Capt.) Brown Fulton Price . Umpires, Fisher and Gregg. Referees, Gregg and Fisher. Linesman, Baxter. Touchdown, Westbrook. Goal, Crozier. Time of game, two 20- minute halves. FOOT BALE SCHEDULE. Sept. 28. Gettysburg, at State College. Score Oct. 5. Cornell, at Ithaca, N. Y. Score: o—o. Oct. 26. Bucknell, at Williamsport. Nov. 9. University of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia. Nov. 16. Washington and Jefferson, at Washington. Nov. 18. Crove City, at State College. Games will be arranged with Cornell, P. A. C. and Bucknell. CHANGES IN THE FOOTBALL RULES. At a meeting of the representatives of Pennsylvania, Harvard ancl Cornell Universities the football rules have been thoroughly The Free f.anee. rosrrioN, . left eiift , left tackle . centre. , left guard left tackle left end quarter-back . left half-back right half-back . full-back . [OCTOIIICR, TKNN. STATU COI.IJiOK, .... Curtin Du«stuore,_J. G .... Allcot . . . . Carroll . . . Fisclier Stayer (Capt.) . . fcnfory Westbrook . Seibert . Crazier o—4B.
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