The Free Lance. u a few minutes later Fred was escorting Bessie home she [y broke out: ‘• Oh Fred, I’m so glad. I knew it all along, lehow or other I couldn't tell you." Fred gave her hand a pieeze of gratitude, and as he left her at the door he said: you know now what I was thinking about that day on a when I made no comments on your choice bit of gossip." College , Pa. March 20 , 1895. IN SOLUTION. AS TO THE PROF. Curious reader, didst thou ne’er Behold a worshipful chemist there Seated on his revolving chair, Then cast thy longing eyes— It is a February day— And in his new-born state survey One here! AS TO THE ONE QUIZZED, The Lord had made it soluble. The old Prof, thundered, and the student once so voluble Dropped through the floor; although it’s not impossible, ’Tis queer. To rise from little into great Is pleasant; but to sink in state From high to lowly is a fate AS TO SOPHISTO M. ENGINOS. Too soon his shine is overcast, Chilled by the next reporter's blast, His blushing honors only cast He casts his fur and sheds his chains, And moults till not a plume remains; The next impending term distrains He slips like water through a sieve; Ah! could his little splendor only live Another short term, he would give So dear ? Severe. One fear. His gear. [June,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers