opening of each mooting, determine by roll call the nura. her of active members present In ordor that the presence of nqnorn lll may 1)0 decided. He shall carry on all corres pondence not within llieprovineo of either of the Depart, monte. Section 4 It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to col lect all foes, dues, and assessments, to receive donations and, from the managers, the reoeipts from all Athletic events, to keep a full and correct account of all money re ceived and paid out, under four separate heads Assocla. tton; Football; Baseball; and General Atlilotics. Under the head of Association account shall all Items not belong, ing to either of the other accounts bo entered. He shall pay out monoy from the Association account only upon written order from the President, and from the several Departments accounts upon written order from the respec tive managers. Nor may he transfer monoy from one ao. count to another without a two-thirds vote of the Associa tion. Section 6 —lt shall be the duty of the Board of Auditors to examine the boohs of the Treasurer wlionevor so direct ed by the Association, and at the end of each term. In eaeli case the result shall bo reported lo llio Association. ARTICLE V. Section I.—All elections shall be by ballot. Section 2.—A1l ballots must be cast In person Sections.—The candidate receiving a majority of all le gal votes cast shall be duolared elected- Section 4.—lf on the first ballot no candidate has re ceivod a majority of all legal votes oast, on tho second bal. lot all except the two candidates receiving tho highest number of legal votes east, shall be dropped. Seoiion 5--At least twioe as many persons shall be nomi nated for caoh office as aro required to fill It. Section 0.-Tho names of all nominees must be handed to tho Secretary and published by him at least one week be fore the election. Section 7.— When a vacancy occurs in an offleo a succes sor shall bo elected ns soon as possible. ARTICLE VI. Section I.— Assessments may bo laid by a two-thirds vote of the active members. ARTICLE VII. Tho Association may on a two thirds vote of tho aolivo members dlroot tho Treasurer to transfer funds from one account to another. ARTICLE VIII. Should any offleor or member of a Committoe neglect, or be found incompetent to discharge tho duties of his office he may be removed by a vote of two-thirds of the aetlvo members. ARTICLE IX. Section I.— The Football Department shall bo governed by a Board of Directors composed of three elected mem hors, Captain and Conch, members Ex-OQlcio , and tho malin ger a lay member. Section 2.— The Association shall, on tho second Monday of the winter term, elect a Manager, a Marshal, mid a committee of three for this Department. Section a.—lt shall bo the duty of tho Manager to make THE FREE LANCE. and accept all challenges and to attond to all business mat ters incident to the Department. He shall deposit, with out delay, all money he may receive belonging to the De partment, with the Treasurer, and shall issue oi'dors on the same for tho payment of all debts contracted by tho Department. ' Section 4.—lt shall be the duty of the Marshal to tako charge of all goods when not in use and trophies belonging to this department. Section 6.—Tho duties of tho Board of Directors shall bo to select the team, to advise with the Captain In the plac ing of the selected men, and to aot as an advisory commit tee to the Manager. Section o.— Beforo the Saturday following Thanksgiving day the team shall eleot a Captain for the next season. Section 7.—The word “team,” wherever used, shall mean the regular players'and substitutes as solected by tiro Board of Directors. The control of the Basoball Department shall correspond to that of tho Football Department, excepting the Captain for the next year shall be elected on the Saturday preceding commencement nnd tho Manager, Marshal and Commltteo shall be eleoted on the first Monday after Thanksgiving Day. The control of the Generul Athletio Department shall correspond to that of the Baseball Department, excepting tho Manager, Marshal and Commltteo shall be elected the first Monday in Ootober. No person shall represent this Association In any athletic contest or game, either at the College or elsewhere, unless such person bo at the time an active member. Any part of the Constitution or By laws may bo amended or repealed by a four-flfths (4.5) vote of all active members, providing that the proposed ohange shall havo been pub lisliod at least two weeks before. Tills Constitution and By-laws shall go into ciruot Sup tembur Ist, 1805, and all officers thon serving and fulfilling the requirements shall retain office until the same expire under this Constitution and By-laws. Section I.—This Association shall call its meetings at such time and sueli place as the President may direct. Seoiion 2.—Tho President shall hold a meeting ut the re quest of throe members. Seoiion 3.—Forty per cont. of active mombors shall con stitute a quorum. Seoiion 4.—At the oponlng of eaoli meeting the President shall designate the section of seats to bo occupied by active and associate members respectively. Seoiion I.—Each r-otivo member shall bo rcqulrod to pay yearly duos of one dollar. Seoiion 2 —Said yearly dues must jin paid before October first of each year. ARTICLE X. ARTICLE XI. ARTICLE XII. ARTICLE XIII. ARTICLE XIV. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. ARTICLE 11.
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