Pefifer and Newell was one of the features of the evening as was also the wrestling match between Brown and Zentmeyer, won by Zentmyer. The following are the events : 30 Yards Dash. Ist. 0. M. Thompson '96. Time 2nd T. R. Cummins 'OS Srd D. P. Conrad 'O7 Putting 13 Pound Shot* Ist B. F. Fisher 'OB 2nd F. B. McGee 'O7 3rd . J. A. Dunsmore 'B7 440 Yards Danli# Ist 0 A Mechesnoy ’OB 2nd F A Kaiser 'OB 3rd H T Price 'O6 Putting 10 Pound Shot Ist BP Fisher 'OO 2nd F R McGee ’O7 Brd E V Rawn 'llB lluniilng High Jump Ist E P Harder 'O5 2nd T R Cummins 'O5 3rd F W Jessop 'OO Hull Mile Walk Time n min 43 3 5 sec Ist H T Price 'OG 2nd DP Conrad'o7 Standing High Jump Ist 0 M Thompson 'OO 2nd E P Harder 'OS 3rd F W Jessop 'O6. Pole Vault Ist O M Thompson 'OO 2nd H D Bullard 'OB 3rd J M MoKlbbln'oo Half Mile ltuii Ist HT Price'oo 2nd F A Kaiser 'OB 3rd D P Conrad 'O7 Standing Broad Jump Ist E V Rawn 'OB 2nd C M Thompson 'OO 3rd F W Jessop '9O One Mile Hun Ist HT Price'oo 2nd F A Kaiser 'OB 3rd O Spreoher Obstacle Knee Won by Ewing Wrestling Contest F K Zentmeyer snd J F Glosser E L Browm “ J Dnrragh Jr E L Brown “ F K Zentmeyer •Indoor record Putting 12 pound allot broken by 1 ft 4)4 In «i <« o lo « »< *» *« o «• 44 30 yards dAHh 41 pole vault THE FREE LANCE. 34 6 sec. • 43 feet 5 inches* 39 44 8 44 38 44 10 41 Time 1 min. 046 sec 3D feet 0 inches * 83 44 10 44 33 44 1 44 b feet 2 inches 4 44 R 44 4 feet 7 inches 0 feet 6 inches * Time 2 min 43)4 see 0 feet 7 Inches 9 « 4 14 9 44 2 44 Time o min 0 3 6 sec won by Zentmeyer 44 “ Brown 44 44 Zentmeyer 44 2*6 sec 44 2>£ in —Thursday, Jan. 31, being the day set apart for prayer in behalf of colleges, was so observed at the Y. M. C. A. A meeting was held at 6.30 P. M. which was quite largely attended. The Constitution of the Athletic Asso ciation of The Pennsylvania State Col lege, with Proposed Revisions. Adopted, .January mil, 1892. Devised, January Btli, 1894. Second revision proposed, January 14tli, 1895. Second re. vision adopted, Fobruary 12th, 1895. ARTICLE 1, Section 1. —Tills Association shall be known ns "the Ath. lotle Association of The Pennsylvania State College, and shall be dividod into three departments: Football, Base, ball and General Athletics. Section 2.—The General Athletic Department shall lit elude all sports exoepting those of football and baseball, ARTICLE 11. Section I.—This Association shall consist of activo and assoelate members. • Section 2.—Any student, member of tho Faoulty, Instruc tor, or Alumnus of this Institution may become an aotlve member at any time, upon payment of the regular dues to the Treasurer and recording his name with the Seorelary. Whenever an active member shall cease to pay dues and assessments as pmcribeil lie shall forfeit his rights as such. Section 3.— Associate members shall consist of'all former members of tills Association, all Alumni, members of the Faculty and Instructors. Section 4,— Both assooiate and active members may at tend meetings and have equal rights to the floor, but vot ing and office holding shall be oonflned to aetive members. ARTICLE 111. Section I.—The officers of tills Association shall be a President, Vice-President, Scoretary, Treasurer, and a Board of Auditors consisting of three persons. Section 2.- One year shall constitute a term of office. 1 Section 3.—The election of these officers shall be held during the last week In April. ARTICLE. IV. Section I,—lt shall be the duty of tho President to preside at all meetings, to expound and enforce a due ob sorvanoeof the Constitution and By-laws, to-deehle upon all questions of order, to eall meetings, to appoint officers and committees, not otherwise provided for, to All tempo rary vacanoles, and to issue orders 011 tho Treasury for bills not belonging to either of the three Departments. Section 2.—11 l theabsenoe of the President the Vice. Presi dent shall perform all duties of that office, Section 3.— lt shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep In books provided for the purpose full and complete min utos of tho proceedings of the Association, a complete and correct list of the vurlous sports of the Association, and un accurate list of all active members, lie shall, at the .
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