—On Saturday evening, October 6th, a lecture was,delivered in the college chapel by Dr. Reed, President of Dickinson College, who took. for his subject, "Qualities that Win." The proceeds were for the benefit of the Y. M. C. A. Building Association Fund, and the large crowd which filled the hall, not only had the pleasure of hear ing a most interesting and instructive lecture, but also, of helping along a worthy cause. Dr. Reed conducted the usual chapel exercises on the fol lowing day. —The Autumn meeting of the Pennsylvania Board of Agriculture was held in the college chapel on Wednesday and Thursday, October 17th and rBtb. The Board is composed of mem bers equal in number to the counties in the State, and each representing a different county. The President of the Board, Gov. Pattison, with many of the members; arrived late Tuesday night and were given the Governor's salute by the artil lery. Wednesday morning at a quarter of eight, the battalion lined up in front of the University Inn and formed an escort for Gov. Pattison from the "Inn" to the chapel. Immediately after chapel exercises there was an exhibition drill by the cadets for the benefit of the visitors, and the battalion passed in review before the Governor. The Board then went into session at nine o'clock, at tending to thq following order of business : r. Roll call of members. 2. Address of welcome, by Gen'!. James A. Beaver, President of Board of Trustees. 3. Address of welcome, by G. W. Atherton, L. L. D., President of the College. 4. Address of welcome on the part of the County Agricultural Society, by Hon. J. A. Woodward, Howard, Pa. 5. Reply on behalf of the Board, by Hon. R. E.' Pattison, Governor and President of the Board. 6. "The State College and its Relation to the Public Schools," by Dr. N. C. Schaeffer, Superin tendent of Public Instruction. THE FREE LANCE. 7. "Catch Crops," by Calvin Cooper, mem ber from Lancaster, Bird-in-Hand, Pa. 8. Miscellaneous business 9. Adjournment. In the afternoon, after listening to short reports by Drs. H. P. Armsby and H. J. Waters on the work of their respective departments, the Board adjourned in order to make a tour of inspection through the entire college. Every department was given a visit by the Board and its friends, and expressions of surprise and admiration for the great advantages possessed by the college were heard on all sides. At 4:30 an exhibition drill was given by the battalion, In the evening Dr. Atherton gave a lecture in the chapel, taking for his subject "A System of Public Education for Pennsylvania," The hall was very well filled, and the audience was agreea bly entertained by an excedingly pleasing and in structive talk. Thursday Morning in chapel, short addresses were made to the students by the following gen tlemen ; Gov. Pattison, Dr. Edge, of Chester, W. B. Powell, of Crawford county, and G. T. Pow ell, of New York. Music was rendered by A. C. Sisson, a member of the Board from Lackawanna county. During Thursday morning and after noon, the final sessions of the meeting were held and various essays and discussions were read by members of the Board, after which adjournment was taken. All the members were well pleased with their visit and the institution. Ex-'97. W. E. Mackey is studying law in Ai- Ex-96. J. I. Robinson and J. J. B. Wall have entered the University of Penna. Ex-'97. Harold Walker is attending the Medi cal Department of Harvard University. Ex-'97, J. J. Connelly, ex-'96 M. T. Swartz and ex-'9B C. E. Babcock have entered, Lafayette, PERSONALS
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