I " I ! I NOM1 rm iLlLo MJ X Of V JLdLJ'-JJLM: s-miii J J. - . - - n , i i ii ; T JAC03I & IKELCR, -fnbllsheri. ........ XXX j OLD SERIES. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL VALUABLE ESTATE 1 IN pursuance of an order of the Or phans Coart of Columbia county. Pi, oa SatuidayLhday of March, 18G6, at W o'clock In tha forenoon. Jacob Ysarer a id Washington Yeager, administrator of John Ycnger, lata of Locust twp.. In said county. dee'd.. witl ez- hmiahI Iwnnhlie tenJfl. on thfl nreifliaea. the foil owlaf decacribsd Real Estate, to wit: All that certain 'l factor Lana niaau in ijocus; iwp , umbiasoanty, bounded on the North by land of de cedent, on tbe East by land of Mary Mowery and others, on tba HouUl by heirs of Samuel Hampton and jsamuel Piikiagtoa. and on the West by land of Kacbel Evans ood others, containing ' ONE UUNDKED ACRES, rtricf nwasnre. on which are erected a two story frame DWELLING HOL'SE. BANK BAE and oaerout butldings, a good Spring near the door, food Anp:e Orchard. e. ALfcO ; One other Tract of Land situate in same twp.. andjoiuing land of Geo r'eiisterinicnirr other lands of decedent on the North. Michael Mowey's hairs on tba East, other land of the decedent on the South and West, containing 77 acres, and onu hun dred and seventeen perches, strict meauiurc, about Twenty acre of which is cleared lant. .ALSO; Ona other tract of lind, aituata in same twp- bounded on the North by other lands of the de- i - - v. I. . K taii.li nf Jnhn I.Jiziirii!f- Ra CCUSHI. VU bliu wa i v; " " - - w.- - , .-ciicl Evan and other : on the South by other land of deeedenl, au on ins ei uj umcr "" dent, aad land oT Lacn Fakriiuer, coutai ning -NINETY-TWO ACRES, and two perche trict measure, on which are erect ad a Twi Story Frame Dwelling House, Bank Barn, Haw Mill, and out buildings, a good spring and good i .,..k.. ALSO; Una other tract of load, situate in aid twp. bounded on the North by land of Rachel Evan, on the East by other lahd cf decedent and Samuel lilkinston; on the SeutB by land of John Snyder, and on lh Weil by other land of decedent, conuia -ins ' FORTY-ONE ACRES, and twenty aeven perches, strict measure, nearly all of which cleared land. ALSO 5 Ona other tract of land, situate in the same twp., bounden on the North by lands of Peter K. Her beln and Lucas Fahrifer ; oh the Eat and South by other lands of decedent, on th West by lands of Jtfua fihinsr and other lands of decedent, conuininj -FORTY-FIVE ACR&S, and forty two parches strict m .-asure: onVhich are erected a two tery Frame House, and Bank Barn a good arping and applu orchard with cider mill. uiot ' ly cleared lind. '. ALSO; One other tract of land, situate partly in Locust and partly in i.'atawissa townships, bounded on tba North by lanJ of John Arndt. on the East by Joseph Carl . on the South by Micbeal iftme and Wiu Bach, and on the West by Mary Henry, cor.uitmug ONE HUNDRED ACRES. mostly timber land. Roartngcreek runs through this tract, and there l a good mill eat on the auie. Lata tba Eauta of said deceased, situate in the t a of Locust aad County afore-aid. JEdE COLEMAN, Clerk. Bloomsburg. Feb. 1", lt. Conditions of Sule OnMbira of the purchase money to be secured on the premises dur ing tbe lifetime of the widow of John Veair.tr, dee'd. the interest on tbe same to, be rwid annually on the 1 si day of April, aad the principal at her death to the heirs of said dee'd. Yen prr cent of the purchase money tr be pud on the sinking down of tue prop erty, the balance of the onc-lhirJ on the 1st day of April neat, i he remaining one-third to be divided into- two equal payment, payable on the lt day of April. Idl.7. and the 1st day of April 13, -with in terest from the 1st day of April next AUtndauc given el the undersigned. 3 JACOB y EAGER, WASH. YtAUEtt. Roaring creek, Feb. 17, 'Go U- A Am'. II)Iic Sale. "TTriLL be .exposed at Public Sale, at V the residence of the underfigned, Ha Briur creek twp Columbia county, on . Tuesday, the lZtkc'ai cf March, 1800, The fotlovi!?J described v a5'6 ProPei'tT' vi ; Sixteen Head of Good Horses, One of which is a Wild Warrior Cols. 4 years old this snring, and can go bis uiiM in 3m. 3ec, I Black Hawk Colt 1 vear old 1 Pacing Horse 7 retrs old and can go it io 2-41, 1 Gray Ware, 9 year old, can go in 50. FOUR MULEES, WELL BROKE, TWO MILCH LOWS', fieib. in March, FAT OX, i 2 GOOD SIZED SHO ATS. Three Top Dnjigirs. 1 Sulky. 1 new S.rin Wagon, 2two liore Wasons, waijon Ulders. I Fi!J Roller and Har Fork. 14 Plows H Cultivators. Harrows. 2 pair of Bob-sled I Sled a lot of LnR.cUaiu, with Farniine utensil general y. One double m:t Silvei Plated Harness. 1 tingle set ditto. 'i w t of common inple Harneio, Plow Ilarnus. 6 set of Tu llarue.s, 4 st otSieitb Beil. . v , ONE FAIS'CY SLEIGH, Tliree Buffalo Rcb, 1 Wolf-skin Robe Fly-nets. 1 Hore Power Hay Fork, I cuttiug Box 1 Circular baw " Grain by tlic Bushel, AnJ &llibe Grain in the Giound. A!o, HouseholJ Fuuiture, consisting of TWO PARLOR STOVES, One Cooking Stove and utensils, I Rocking Chair, anri a balf-dnxen other Cnairs, 3 pair of Bedsteads, 3 Leaf Tabic. 1 Clothe Pre- iiClock. 2 8pinnmg Whfcl I Desk. Three Cupboard. Barrels, Kegs, Firkins, &.C. too numerous to mention. . ZD" Sale to commence at D o'clock, A. M..and con tinue from day trrdny. until aUild, when atten lion will be given aud conditions made known by JACOR CREASY. J03. O. WINTER3TEEN, Auctioneer. Feb. 24, IBCC-t -WESTERN KOTEfi, Noa. 911,13,15, 17 Courtlamlt Stree NEAR BROADWAY, . NEW YORK CITY Thi old-established and favorite resort of the Bu siaes Community ha boeii rr-ceut: refitted, and is complete in everyUimg that cau minint-jr to the com fort of its patron. Ladie and families ore specially and carefully provided for. - . ?.h.J,. It is centrally located in Uie bn-mes part of thecjty and i eontiguousto the principal line cf steamboQ ears, omnibusse ferrioa, &c. - . . , me table is amply supp.ied with all the luxnrietf the eaon, and i equal to Uiat of any other hotel in lnleaccommodationi are oflered for upward ol , 4IA guest. . , ,,. v3 1H not believe lanner. nackmen, and other b7 ntt ay "the Western Hotel i full." S T ' D.D. WINCHESTER, Proprietir. , THOS. D. WINCH ESTER. Feb.15.18G2. . ' American Hotel, t'cHESTrtlJT STREET, Opposite old Indepen dence Hall, " PillUDELPDlA. . r S. M. IIEULINGS, Proprietofr . Wm. II. IlEULiNas, Clerk. May 27. 1!C5. 12m JOHN CYEAOER & Co., MANl FACTURER t WHOLESALE DEALER LN CHATS, QAPS, STRAW GOODS, B02JNE TS AND " ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, .'No. 257' North Third Street, Phila'd". Nov 9. W. - V"1 fiH l"E TEAR! We vrtnl AiOvfvf agents everywliere to sell oor improfed f 20 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. . Under and op,ner feed. War ranted five years. - Above salary or large nrftmisiinna naid. v-The -ONLY laclne8 in thf United States for less than $10, which . - a - air t ' ' e . r..n licensed by 'Howel; VVheeler & are 'Giover & Baker; S:?er Co., and Bachelder.' AH'otaer Machmea ard , iafrinernents and the s!!eror user ara tie to arrest, fine and impawn roen. Cir 'co!ars free.- A.fdreM, or calhipon f Shaw & .nark. KidJeford.Jle.. Dec-20,'65-!y SELECT POETRY. The Congress of Tinkers. 4 A truthful account of a lot of Political Tinker who met at tbe city of Wahinton, ia the memorabfj year IdrVi. to mend an old Pot. oritinaUy m anufactared bv George Washington te. Co.. which had bem badly cracked by the Puritan Saints and bow tbe Tinker, after discovering the old Tot to be made of copper, demolished it. and wished te substitute an Amalga mation Kettle in its j lace. "Lean, raw-boned rascals, who would ever uppoo Tttey had uch courage and audacity f' Hkaav VI. Act 1 Scan. In eighteen hundred and ixly-six, At Washington, a lot Ofbotchinf Tinker thera covened To mend a. Union Tot, Which in a eufflf had been cracked And nearly r:nt apart. In Conjres Hall these Tinker met To try their tinkering art. First, tinkering Sumner tried hi hand. And said be t nought the crack Mijbt be repaired by fliinj in A leetle something Black;- - -Though such a thing smelt very strong Sometimes in aummer weather. No composition but Black Pasta Would kerp the Pot together. Then Brudder Kelly rose and said, 1 here is no time to waste. Therefore. I now propose to try To mend the Pet with Paste ; Moreover, let us hae a law TLat srY other crack Througrout tlfe land, no matter where. Be stopped with something Slack. "With Fumner'and with Kelley' plan I quite agree, says Tud ; "Although a Yankee squatter. Much experience I have had - Black things are better far than white. According to my taste ; So I shall vote to mend the Pot With Charley" anlcee Paste." ' Said Coutwcll, "Friend, I would 'ig3st Before you begin To mend the Pot.tsee iftbere Are any rivets in ; For if one with a copper head Within it should be round, I dare affirm that Charley' Pasta Will never make it sound." The tinker to seatch then began. And soon it was dU :loscd, Instead of rivets, the whole Pot Of Copper was composed, Ye gods I" they all cried in a breath, "Our trouble but increases. Instead of mending, let ut break The worn-out thing to pieces. For if the people should And out The Puti Copper made. Our occupation will be gone. And damned will be our trade'; So let uj smash the tUrncd thing u;. And hideaway the lui.tal. And substitute in place thereof An Amalgamation Kettle.' Then Sumner knocked the bottom out. And Kelley broke the bale ; Then but a relic of the Pot Was left to tell the tale ; And that they trampltd under foot, midat an awful din, Swearing their Kettle should not have One grain of Copper in. The debri then was gathered up, . And safely hid away : But for the tinkering job poor men More taxes ha vo to pay. And now the batching Tinker ara At work with all their might. Fixing a Union Kettle up. Composed of Black and White . SPEECH OF AT THE WHITE' HOUSE. Fellow Citizens : was about to tender my thanks to the committee who waited upon me and presented me with the resola lions adopted on this occasion resolution, as I understand, complimentary to the poli cy pursued' by thii Administration since it came into power. 1 am free to say to yoa, on this occasion, that it is extremely gratifying to me to know thai so large a portion of myfeliow citizens approve and endorse the policy that has been adopted and is intended to be carried ont. (Applause) That policy has been one which wa intended to restore the glo ticos Uoion of these Slates to their original relations to the government of the United States. (Prolonged Applause) This seems to be a day peculiarly appropriate for such a manifestation the day that gave birth to him who founded this government, tbe Father of his country, of him who su?od at that period al tbe head of the government, when all theee Slates entered into this Union- . . This day, I say, ia pectliarly appropriate to endorse the restoration of the Union of these States, founded by the father of his country, Washington, whose name this city bears, embalmed in the hearts of all who love free government. (A voice "So is Andrew Johnson") Washington, who, in the language of bis eulogists, was" "first ia peace, first in war, and firft in the hearts of his countrymen.-' No people can claim him, no naiion can appropriate him. His reputation and life are the common inheri tance of all who lore free government I to-day had the pleasure of attending the Washington National Monument Associa tion, which is directing its efforts to com plete the monument erected to his memory. 1 was glad to meet them, and, so far as 1 could, to give my bumble influence to a monument being erected to him who found ed (he govern rflent, almost within a at one's" throw of the spot from which I address yon: Let it be completed. (Cheers:) Let the pledges which all the States, associations and corporations have placed in that mon ument of tbeir faith: and love for this Union ba preserved. Let me refer yoa to the stone cut from my own State, God blether (A voice "And, bless .joa !") stale which Truth BLOOMSBURG., COLUMBIA CO., PA.; WEDNESDAY, MARCtf Union in the field and in the councils of tbe nation, and is now struggling, in conse quence of tbe interruption that baa taken -place within ibe Federal government grow-' ing out of the rebellion, but is struggling to recover her relations with the government, . . . i i i . , ana io use ner siana wnere ana nas aiuou since io. inncrioeu op ids aiuuo om here to be placed in that monument ot free dom, and in commemoration of Washington is a sentiment by which I stand, and by which Tennessee will staa J.- It was the sentiment enoncia'ed by the immortal An drew Jackson. "The Federal Union it most be preserved." (Wild shoots of ap plause ) "Th9 Federal Union it most be preserved." (Renewed applause.) Were it possible to have the old man whoe statue is now before me, and whose portrait is be hind mo in the Capitol, and whose senti ment is inscribed on tbe stone deposiiel in ghe monument were it possible to commu nicate with tbe illustrious dead, and could he be informed of or made to understand the working and progress of faction, rebel lion and treason, the bones of the o,d man would stir in their coffin, and he would rie and shake off tbe habi!imenl6 of the. tomb ; he would extend that long arm and finger of his, and reiterate that glorious sentiment "The Federal Uoion must be preserved." (Applause.) But wo ee and witness what has trans pired since his day ; we remember what be did in 1833, when treason, treachery and in fidelity to (he country and the Constiiction of ihe United States then stalked forth. It was his power and influence that then crashed the treason in its infancy. It was then stopped but only for a time. The spir it continued, there were men disaffected to tbe f.overnmentjboth North and Sooth. We had peculiar institutions, of which sorr.e complained, and to which others we.re at tached. One portion of onr countryman advoca ted that institution in the Southland another opposed it in the Nor;h, and it resulted in creating two extremes. One in the South reached the point at which they were pre pared to dissolve the goveroment of the United Sta'es to secure and preserve their peculiar institution ; and in what I may say on this occasion I want to be understood. There'was another portion of our country men who were opposed to this peculiar in stitution in the North; and who went to '.he ex terrn of being willing to break cp the government to get clear of it. (Applaose ) I am talking io yoa to-day in common phrjtses, and assume to -le nothing but a citizen, and one who has beca fightta for the Constitution and to preserve the Gov ernment These two parries have been ar rayed against each other, and I 6tand before you to-day a3 I did in the Senate in 1S(0, in he presence of those who were making ! war on the Constilutiop, and who wanted io J disrupt tho Government, to denounce as I i did, men in my place, those who were so J engaged as traitors. I have never ceased to j repeat, and as far as effort could go to car- ry out the sentiments I then uttered. (Ap- j planse. J I have already remarked that there were ; two parlies, one for destroying the Govern- t mem to preserve slavery, and the other for ' breaking up the Government to destroy sla-j very. The objects to be accomplished were j different it is true, so far as slavery is con- j cerned; but they agreed in one thing, and that was the breaking up of the Govern- ment. They agreed in the destruction of; the Government,-the precUe thiog which I : have always mood up to rppose, whether j the disunionist comes from the South or the North. I stand now where I did then, to vindi cate the Union of these States and the Con- 1 stitution of the country. Applause. ' When rebellion or treason manifested tself i in the South I stood by the Government. I , said J wa for the Union with slavery or J without it for either ajiernative. I was lor J r. rnn..;ni;ni rin. I HI J VIUTCI III1IOUI aUU IstQ VVUJHunw" 11' plause. The Government has 6tretched forth its strong arm, and vith its physical power has put down treason in tbe field. Yes, the eeciion of country which lias ar rayed itself against the Government has been pot down by the Government itself. Now what do these people say ? We said no compromise. We can settle this ques tion wi:h the South in eight and forty hours. How ? Disband your armies, acknowledge the Constitution of the United States, obey the law, and the qnestion is settled. .Well their armies wave been disbanded, and they come forward now in a spirit of magnanim ity and say, "We were mistaken ; we made an effort to carry out the docfrine of fcsjts slon and dissolve this union ; We have failed, and having traced this through to its logicalnd physical consequences and re sults, wtnow aain come forward and ac knowledge the flag of our country, obedi ence to the Constitution, and the suprema cy of the laws." ' I say that when you have yielded to the law, and when you acknowledge y6or alle giance to the Government, I am ready ko open the doors of the Union,and restore you to your old relations the Government of our fathers. (Applause.) Who, I ask, has suffered more for the Union than I have! I shall not now repeat the wrongs or suffer ings inflicted upon me ; that is not the way to deal with a whole people in the spirit of revenge. I know much has been said abot the exercise of the pardoning poer. So far as the Executive is concerned, there is no one who has labored harder than I have to have- the principal conscious and intelligent traitors brought to justice, to brave the law Vindicated aad the Treat fact i indii and Right --Cod and onr Country cated that treason is a crime. Yet, while conscious and intelligent traitors are to be puniahed, should whole States, communi ties and people be made to submit to and bear the penally of death ? I have, perhaps, as much hostility and as much resentment as a man ought to have, but we should conform our action and oar co nduct to the example ol Him who found ed our holy religion ; not that I would liken Him to it, or bring any comparison, lor I am not going to detaTn you long. But, gen tlemen, I came into power under the Con stitution of jhe country and by the approba tion of tbe people, and what did I find ? 1 lound eight millions of people, who were, in fact, condemned under the law, and the penalty was death; under the idea of re venge afid resentment, they were to be an nihilated and destroyed. O, how different this from the example set by the holy founder of our religion, whose divine arm touches the horizon and embra ces the whole earth ves, He who founded this great scheme came into the world and found our race condemned under law, and the sentence was death. What was His example ? insfcad of puliins the world or a nation to death, he went forth with grace, and attested by hi, blood and his wounds that he would die and let the nation live Let them recent and acknowledge their al legiance. Let them become loyal and wil ling supporters and defenders of our glori ous stripes and stars and the Constitution of our country. Lt their leaders, the con , scious, intelligent traiiors suffer the penalty of the law, but for the great mas who have been forced into the rebellion and misled by their leaders, I say leniency, kindness, trust and confidence. But, my countrymen after having passed through the rebellion and given such evi dence as I have, though men rroak a great deal about it now; when I look through the battle fields aud see so many of these brave men in whose company I wa in parts of the rebellion, where it was most difficult and doubtful to be found, before the smoke of battle has scarcely passed away, belore the blood shed has scarcelycongealed, what do we find ? The rebellion is put down by the strong arm of the government in the field; bui i that the only way in which we can have rebellion 1 They struggled lor the break ing up of your government, bni before they are i-carcely out cf the battle-field and be fore our brave man have scarcely returned to their homes to renew the ties of affection and love we find oor.-elves almost in the midst of another rebellion. (Appla:i3e.) The war to suppress the rebellion was lo prevent the separation of the States, and thereby change the character of the gov ernment and the weakening ol its powers. Now, what is the struggle ! There is an attempt to concentrate the power of the government in the hands of the few, and thereby bring about a consolidation, which is equally dangerou and objectionable with separation. We find that powers are as sumed and attem pted to be exercised of a most extraordinary chaiacter. Wha are they 1 We find ihe government can be revolutionized ; can be changed "without going into the balile-fie!d. Sometimes rev olutions most dangerous to the people are effected without shedding blood. The sub stance of our government may be taken away, leaving only the lorm and shadow. Now, what tre these attempt? What is being proposed ? .We find that, in fact, by an irresponsible central directory nearly all the powers ol the government are as sumed, without even consulting tbe legisla tive or executive departments of the gov ernment. Yes, and by a resolution reported by a committee upon whom all the leaila tive powers cf the government has been conferred, that principle in the Conslito'ion which authorizes and empowers each branch of the legislative department the Senate at.d House .of Representatives to be the judge of the election and qualifica tions of its own members, has been virtu ally taken away from those departments of the government and conferred upon a com milteee who must report before they can act under tbe Constitution and allow mem bers duly elected to take their seats. By thi rule they assume that there must be recognition in respect to a State in the Union, wiih all its practical relations restor ed, belore the respective Houses of Con gress, under the Constitution, shall judge of the election and qualification of its own members. What a position isihat? You have been struggling for four year? to put down the rebellion. You denied in the be ginning of the struggle that any State had the right to go oat You said that ihey had neither right nor power. The is-soe has been made, and it has been seitled that a Stale has neither the riht nor the powgr to go out of the Union ; and when you have settled that by the executive and military power of the government, ani by the pub lic judgment, you turn round and assume that they are out and shall not come in. (Laughter and cheers.) I am free to say to you, as your Executive, that 1 am not pre pared to take any such position. I said in the Senate, in the very inception of the re bellion, thaf States had no right to go out, and that they had no power to go out. That question has been settled, and 1 cannot turn round now and give the direct lie to all I profess to have done in the last five years. I can do no such thing. . I say that when tbey comply with the Constitution, when they have give.t suffi cient evidence of their loyalty 'and that they can be trusted, when tbey yield obe dience to law, I say, extend to them the right band of fellowship and let peace aad Union be restored. But then, gentlemen, we swing around the circle. I have fought traitors ar.d trea son in the Sooth. I opposed theDavises and the Toombses, the Slidells and a long list of others whose names I will not re peat, and now when I turn roand at ibe other end of the line 1 find men 1 care nofby what name you call them (a voice, "call them traitors,") who stand opposed to the restoration of tbe Union of these States, and I am free to say to you that I am still for the preservation of this contract; I am Mill for the restoration of this Union ; I am still in favor of this great government of ours going on and following out its destiny. (A voice, "Give us their names.' ) A gen tleman calls for their names. Well, sup pose I should give them. A voice, "We know them." I look upon them I re peal it as President or citizen a much op posed to the fundament al priociples of this government, and they are as much laboring to destroy them as were the men who fought against ns. A voice, "What are their names ?: I say Thaddeus Stevens, of Pennsylvania, is one. Tremendous Ap plause I say Charles Sumner, of 'Mas sachnsetts, is another. I say Wendell Phillips, and others of the same stripe are among them. ("A voice, "Give it to For ney ! Some gentleman in the crowd says give it to Forney. I have only just to say that I do not waete my ammunition upon deiid duck Laughter. I stand for the Constitution, where 1 placed my leet from my entrance into public life. They may traduce me,they may slander me, they may vituperate ; but let me say to you that it has no effect upon me; and let me say in addition that I do not intend to be bullied by my enemies. Cries of, ''The people will sustain you !"' I know, my countrymen, that it has been insinuated, and not ot.ly insinuated, but said directly the intimation has been given in high places that il snch a usurpation ol power had been exercised two hundred years ago, in a particular reign, it would have cost a certain individual his head -. What usurpation has Andrew Johnson been guilty of? The usurpation I have been guilts of has always been standing between the people and the encroachments of pow er ; and because 1 dared to sy, in a con versation with a fellow citizen, and a Sena tor, too, that I thought amendments to the Constitution ought not to be so frequent; that (heir effect would be that il would loe a! its dignity ; that the old instrument would be Iott sight of in a small lime be cause I happened to say, in a cotiTeraiion, that if it was amended, such and such amendments should be aoopted we are tclJ that it waa a uurpation of power that would have lost a king his head at a cer tain time. And in connection with this nutject it was explained by the same gen tleman that we were in tbe midst of earth quakes; thai he trembled, and would no: yield.. -Yet there is an earthquake coming; there is a ground swell coming of popular judgment and indignation. The American people will speak by their instincts, and they n ill know who are '.heir friends and who are their envmie. What positions have I occupied ? I have occupied all position? under thi govern ment, ginning with an alderman and running through all branches of the Legis lature. A voice ''From a tailor op.' Some gentleman says I have been a tailor. Now ihal did not discomfit me in the leat, for when I ued to be a tailor I had the rep u'alion of being a good one, and of making close fits; a! ways .punctual with my cus tomers, and always did good work. A voice ' No patch-work.'" No, I do not want any patch-work. I want a whole suit. But we will pass fcy this facetious ness. My friends may' say, "You are Pres ident, and you must not talk about such things." WheiF principles are involved, my countrymen when the existence of my country even is imperilled, 1 will act as I have on former occasions, and speak what I think. 1 was sayirg that I had held nearly a! I positions, from alderman, through both branches of Congress, to that which I nowoccnp, and who is there, that will say Andrew Johnson ever made a pledge that he did nat redeem, or made a promise that he did not folfil. Who will say that he has ever acted otherwise than in fidelity to the great mass of the people.' They may talk about beheading and usurpation, but when I am beheaded I want the American peo ple to be the witnesses. I do not want, by nuendo2s, by indirect remarks in high places, to seo the man who has assassina tion broc t!ing in hi bosom exclaim : ' This presidential obstacle most be gotten out of the way." I make use" of a very strong expression wen I say, that I have no doubt the intention was to incite assassination, and to get out of the way the obstacle from place ad .power. Whether by assassina tion or not, there are individuals in this government, I doubt not, who want to de stroy oor institutions and change tbe char acter of the government. Are they not eatisG9d with the blood which hes been shed? Does not the mur der of Lincoln appeaso thg vengeance and wrath ol the opponents of thi government? Are they still unslaked? Do they still want more blood ? Have they not honor and courage enough to attain their objects oth erwise than by tbe hands of tho assassin? No, no ! I am not afraid of assassins attack ing me where a brave and courageous man would attack another. I only dread him when he would go ia disguise, his foot steps noiseless. If it is blood Jhey want, let them have courage enough to strike like cqoq. I Jtnow they are williog to wound, Two 7, 1866. but they are afraid to strike. If my blood t is to be shed because I vindicate tbe Union and lae preservation of the governmeut in its original purity of character, let it be shed; but when it is shed, let an altar to the Uo ion be erected, and then, if necessary, take me and lay me upon it, and tbe blood that now warms and animates my existence shall be poured out as a fit libation to tbe union of these States. Bat let tbe oppo nents of this government remember that when it is poured out, the blood of the mar tyrs will be the seed of the.church. Gentlemen, this Union will grow. Il will continue to increase in strength and power, though it may be cemented and cleansed with blood. I have talked now longer than I intended. Let me thank you for the hon or you have done me. So far as this gov ernment is concerned, let me say one other word in reference to the amendments to the Constitution of the United Slates. When I reached Washington for the pur pose of being inaugurated as Vice Presi dent of the United States, I bad a conver sation with Mr. Lincoln. We were talking about ihe condition of affairs, and in refer ence to matters in my own State I said that we had caHed a con vention.and amend ed our constitution by abolishing slavery in the State a State not embraced in his proc tarnation. All this met hii approbation, and gave him encouragement, and in talking upon ihe amendment to the Constitution, he said : "When the amendment tp the Constitution is adopted by three-fourths of the Sta'es we shall have all, or pretty near ly all. I am in favor of al least one other amendment being adopted." Said I, "What is that, Mr. President,?" Said be, "1 have labored to preserve this Union. 1 have toiled four years. I have been subjected to calumny and misrepresentation. Yet my great desire has been to preserve tbe Uoion of the Statea intact nnder the Constiiction as they were belore'." "Bat," said I, "Mr. President, what amendment do you refer to ?" He said "he thought there should be an amendment added to to the Constitution which would compel all the States to send their Senators and Representatives to the Congress of the United States." Yes, com pel them. The idea was in his mind that it is a part of the doctrine ol secession to break up the government by States with drawing their Senators from Congress, and, therefore, he desired a constitutional amend ment to compel them to be sent. How now does the matter bland for the Constitution of the country ? Even that portion ot i: which provides for the amend merit to the organic law says that no State without its consent shall be deprived of its representation in the Senate. And now what do we find ? We find the position ta ken thai the Slates shall not be represented , that we may impose taxes, that we may send our tax collectors to every region and portion of a State, that the people are to be oppressed with taxes; but when they come here to participate in the legislation of the country they are met at the door and told no you must pay your taxes, but you mnsi not participate in the legislation of the country whic,h is to affect yon lor all time. Let U4 admit into the.cnuncils of the na tion those who are enmiatakably and un questionably loyal these men who ac knowledge their allegiance to the govern ment, and mean toeopport the Constitution. It is all embraced in that. The amplifica tion of an oath makes no difference if a man is not loyal. But you choose to prove their loyalty. That is a malter of detail for which I care nothing. ' Lei them be unquetionatly loyal in their allegiance to the goveroment, and willing to sopport it in its hour cf peril and of need, and I am willing to trust them. 1 know that some do not attach so much im portance to these principles as I do,but one principle we carried through the revolu'.ion was that there should be no taxalioji with out representation, I hold to that principle laid down as fundamental by our fathers. If it was good then, it is good now. If it was a rule to stand by then, it is a rule to stand by now. Ii is a fundamental princi ple that should be adhered to as long as tree government las's. I know it was said by some during the rebellion that oor CotisMtu.ion haJ been rolled up as a piece of parchment and laid away, and that in time of war and rebellion there was no Constitution. Well, we know that sometimes, from the very great neces sity of the case, from a great emergency, we must do unconstitutional things in order to preserve ihe Constitution itself. But if while the " rebellion was going on the Consti'ution was rolled up as a parch ment, it it was violated in some particulars to save the government, there may have been some excuse to justifiy it ; but now that peace has come, now the war is over, we want better Constitution, and I say the time has come to take the Constitution down, to enroll it, re-read it, and to under stand its provisions Now if you eaved the government by violating the, Constitotioa in war, you can save it in peace by pre serving the Ccnstiiution, and the only way to preserve it i by a strict adherence lo the Constitution of our fathers as it is now un folded. II must now be readied understood by the American peopK 1 come here to-day, as far as I can in making these remarks, to viadicate the Constitution, and lo save it, for it does 6eera to me' that encroachment after encroachment is proposed. I stand to-day "prepared, solar as I can, to resist these encroachments upon the Constitution and the goveromeut. Now that we have peace,' let rj eulorcd lha Cabtitntion. Let Dollars per Annua In Adrance NEW SERIES, j VOL. I. NO. 2. os live under and Dy 'in provision. Let it be published, let it be printed ia blazing characters, as if il were in tbe bear ens punctuated wiih stars, that all may- t read and understand. Let os consult that instrument ; let os digest its provisions and- . understand them, and, understanding, abid by them. I tell tbe opponents of this government, t care not from what . quarter they come, whether from tbe east, west, north or sooth, yoa who are engaged in the work of break ing op ibe government by amendments to the Constitution, that the principles of tree government are deeply rooted in the Amer- ican beart. All tbe powers combined, ( care Lot of what character they. are, cannot destroy that great instrument that great, charter of freedom. Tbey may seem to succeed foe a time, but their attempt will be futile. They might as well undertake to lock op ihe winds or chain the waves ot tbe ocean, and confine them to limits. Tbey may think now it can be done by concur rent resolutions, but when it is submitted to the popular judgment and to the popular will, they will find that they might as well' introduce a resolution to repeal the law of' gravity as to keep this Union from being re -6tored. I'ts juet about as feasible to resist the great law of gravity which binds all to a common centra, as that great law of gravi ty wnich will bring back these Siates ani replace them in their relations. All these . conspiracies and machinations north and ; south cannot prevent i'. . All that is wanted is time, until the American people can get' to know what is going on. I would the ' whole American people could be assembled here to-day as you are. I wish we bad an , amphitheatre capacious enough to boll, these 30,000,000 of people, that they couli ' be here to wi'ners the struggle that is going on to preserve the Constitotioa of their fa thers. They would settle this question ; they could see wbo it is, and how it is, and what kiod of spirit is manifested ia break ing up tbe government. Yes, when tbey come to see tbe strcggle, and lo understand who is against them; if oa would maka them perform the part of gladiators ia tba first tilt, you would find the enemies of the) country crushed and helpless. I have detained you longer than 1 intend ed. We are in a great struggle. 1 am your instrument. Who is there I have not toilel aud labored for I Where is the man or wo man in public or private life who Las not always received my attention or my time ? Pardoa the egotism ; tbey say that mart Johion a lucky man, that no man can defeat him. 1 will tell yoa what constitute lock. It is to do right and be for the peo ple. That is nhat constitutes good lock. Somehow or other the people will fiad oof and understand who is lor and who is against, ihem. I have been placed in as many try- -ing positions as any mortal man was ever placed in, but so far I have not deser ed th people, and I believe ihey will not desert roe. f What principle have I violated ? What, sentiment have I swerved from 1 Can tbey put their fingers upon it ? Have yoo beard them point out any discrepancy ? Have you heard them quote my predece6sor,who tell a martyr to his country's cause, as go ing in opposition or in contradistinction tof anything that I have done I The very poli cy which I am pursuing now was pursued under his administration, and was beir.jf porsoed by birn when the inscrutable Prov idence saw fit to remove him, I trust, to a belter world tban this. Where is there ons principle adop'ed by him in reference to the restoration of the Union that 1 have de parted Irom ? None ! none ! The war, then, is not simply npon me, but upon my predecessor. 1 have tried to do my duty. 1 know ihat some people, ia their jealousies, have made the remark,' "the While House is President." Just lep rae say that the charms of the White House and all that sort of flummery has less in fluence with me than with those who are ta'king abont it. Tbe little 1 eat or wear itoe not amount lo much ; that required to sustain me and my little family is very lit tle : for I am not feeding many, thoon, in one sense of consangninity or affinity, I am akin to everybody. The conscious satisfac-' lion of having performed my doty to my country is all the re ward I have. Then, in conclusion, let me ask this vast concourse, this sea of upturned faces, to go wi.h me in standing round the Constitution ot our country. It is again unfolded, and the people are invited to read, to onde stand aad to maintain it' Let us stand by. ' -the Constitution of out fathers, though the" heavens themselves may I all. Let us stand by it, though faction may rage, though taunts and jeers may pome, though vita peration may come in its most violent char acter, I will be lound standing by the Con stttution as the chief rock ol our safety, as ' tho palladium o!-our civil and religions; Iiherty. Ye, let us cling to it as the mariner cling; to the last plank whn the nght and ten-' pest close aroond him. Accept my thanks for the indulgence you. have given me in making the extern pora- -yr. tieous remarks I have upon this occasion.' I.e us go forward, forgetting tho past and looking to the future, and try to restore our ' country, trusting in him who rules on high and on tbe earth below, that ere long our , Uoion will be restored, and that we will have peace not only on earth but especially wiih yie people of the United States and ' good will. I thank yoa for tho respect yoa bave t manifested to me o-iHuhis occasion, and if the lime shall comeduring the period of my existence when this country is to b destroyed and its government overturned, if you will look oat yoa will find ibe hum- . ble individual who stands before yoa there with you endeavoring to avert its final da- , struction. The President retired amidst a storm of spplacee. , Jcy When sitting alone by the aide of a beautiful Woman, one cares little how grasping 6be is. - teSr A Man can't help what happens . behind his laok, as the so rap said when ha wgj kicked oat of tba fjoir &t atl&nwt Si
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