-'V3K . V frie Yewfh and Aft. 7 J often think each tottering form 1 That limp. alon ' life' decline, . .. -nc bore a bearl young, at warm, . As full of Idle thought! as mine ' .nd tach hat had it dream of joy, ' Ilia own unequall'd pure romance j Jommencing when the clothing boy Firtt thrill at lovely woman's fiance. And earb could tell bit tale of youth, Would think its scenes of love evince - . More passions, more unearthly truth, ' Than any tale before or tince. Yt ! he could tell of tender lays At midnight penned in clattic shades, .. Jfdays more bright than modern dsys , And maids more fair than modern maids. ?C whispers in a willing ear,'' 'I Of kisses ou a blushing cheek, ."ach kitt, each whisper, far too dear, Our modern lipt to give or speak, I f psitiotii too untimely 'crossed ; Of paations slighted or betrayed -. Y kindred spirits etrly lost, And bud that blossom but to fade. v beaming eyes and dresses gay, ! Elastic form and noble brow, ' ' nd form that have all passed away, And left them what we see them now ! And is it tints is human love . ." -i ... So very light and frail a thing?..; -? ii'l mint youth's brightest v-itioni move r Forever on Time's restless wing?' ' ' r ' ' r Au all the eyes that still ere bright, , And all the lips that talk of bliss, in. I all the forms so fair to sight, Hereafter only come to' this ? . " "ten what are earth's best visions worth, If we at length must lose there thus ? t fa'! we value most on esrth Kro long must fade away from us? ' An Emu ma. On the window of the travel n mom in the Queen's Arma Inn here, a . many queer hieroglyphics and oddities r.bbled with diamond pens on the glass, is the .o!, owing curious enigma : E C x x before marriage, X X r k after marriage. The first two letters being in large capitals, others very small. Can any of our readers .- lie the riddle make out the meaning of the . lifruis! We venture the following, although a believe it capable of various solutions: .. -eat ease (EE') and little crosses (xxV) before ..ferriage ; or more particularly, aud having te .srence to the number of enigmatical letters wo (too) great ease and little crosses before marriage; two (tnn) great croeeee and little ease I'f'.er marriage. Londonderry Standard., The Frenchman and tub Skdmc. We can- t retrain, eaya the Knickerbocker, from recor ding an accident, which we recently heard de pitted by a friend, a French gentleman, who u, ostentatious but princely hospitality awls ;-.vhat one could hardly deem possible) even a ir w charm and grace to the lovely banks of the Saint Im wrrnre, along the most delightful rearb ot that resplendent stiehin. 'It cea twenty yoar," as id lie, "rince zat i was in New Vork. and I go up one night in r." upper part do cite, ('i wan 'most in de eotitres,) to see a frnnde. Ah! wii ! Wen ! com by (!e d cor yard, I see aom'smg I know not what he eer, but I s'ought he was little rabbeet ; but he war ver tame. I go up softly to heem ; 'Ah, lia !' I my to rnyselt, l 'av gots you !' Bo I utrike htm big etrokn vis my ombre! ou his neck. b, ha! aup'H)se w'at he do! D aak! He ct r ike me buck in my lace ww his I can nut till! Vat you call bun ! It was orWf DAtAirui! He a me-l-l so you cannot roue him ami I de eaame ! I s'row myself iu lie pond up lo my necks; but it makes no use, I smell i tx icer'eik I I not like go in a room wis my Iraande. I dig big bole to put my clo'es in do grnundn; it nut cure I'-ui! I dig x-m up: ban !-it is an eaame 1 I put lem Inek and zey smell one year; till. wy rutin do ground. . Jt etrt fuuci F i , i iji ! And so it wu$ a tact i jor no mtu bom U wo man could ever counterfeit the feivor of difgnet which distinguished the graphic delineation of 'hat sad mishap. , A Kkplv. Mr. p., a French emirtier of all JynuslieH, a kind of chamelrou, who boast of liaving, by turns, sworn leally to die empire, restoration and revolution of July, lately sent a formal challenge to a man u ho had insulted him. I shall not accept, replied the latter; 'Dun Qwxotte has been the I. it id two centuries (or liaving fouglit tg.ii.ht a windmill; should be more ridiculous ihan the knight of La Mancha. if I fought epaim-l a weathercock." , A Wavuhlv Am pork. Sir Waller Suott told with bis usual gie, the story oft mmwier, near lluiulee. who in presetting on Jonah said; Ken ye, brethren, ti II what fi.h it was that swallowed him? Ablins, yn may think it was a shark 1 ou, na, my brethren, it waa ua, shark ; nor ablins, ye may think it was a sawmnn? or Mins, ye u.sy think it was dolphin ? na, oa, my brethren, it was oae dolphin !' Here an old woman, thinking to help her pastor cut of a dead lift, cried out: 'Ablins, sir, it waa a dun ter,' (the vulgar name of a apeciea of wbtie common to the Scutch coast ) ' 'Ablins, madam, va're an old witch for taking the word o Goal out o' my mouth,' waa tht reply of the dissp. poiuUd fLetuiician. II A R" XOTG LIS T.' The following; IM ahows the cum nt Vsloe of all Vnneylvania Bank M.Hrs. The most Implicit re liance may he placed upon It, as it is ewey uietk areftilly compared with ard eotrocled from Bii:k oeH's Reporter. Ilmiktt In riilladelphla.V Nae-e... - . l...r.T,.. " , , PHitsn. . NOTES . AT-PA H. . liaidi of Natih America" ..; t , flank of the Northern llwrtiK (commercial Bank of Term'a . , ... Fsrmers' and Mechanics' Bank . . Kftnaington Bank , , ' Philadelphia Bank", , . .. . ,. Schuylkill Bank ,t .. . . ', Snolbwark Bank, ,. , , . . Weatsrn Bank . . . . , Mecliauics Bank .. ,' Vf anufarttirers' A Mechanic' Naiik , Hank of Penn Township. . . '. (Jirard Bank , . , . .. . Hank of ('ommerre. lute Moyam. using Bsnk of Peiinvlan , ('otiiitry RhiiKm. ..-( par i par .' psr .. ; par ... psr . far , r, per ... par psr par par far v par : par i par Bank of Theater Pnumy1 ' Weatchemer par Bsnk of Delaware ('onnty Chester'' ' par Bank of Oermsntown r, j !-rntiiown ' ' par Bank of Montgomery V,o. . Norrisinwn , par Ooy leal own Bank DovleaMwn par Baaion Bank ; Kaatnn par r armers liana ot Hucha co. UrMol . par Bank of Nnrthuinhmlaml NorthuinWrland par l'nlumlia Bank A n'idre eo.t'ohimliia . .par Farmers' Batik of Laneasiet Lancmiei . par l.ancaxter ('nunly U.ink . . Lancaster par Lancaster Bank ....Lancaster , , par Frmeit' Hank of Reading H. a.linn , ' pat Dlfice of Bank ul Penn'a. IIarriliuig" Theae Office. . do . do . Lancaster 1 oflice Office i . do . , to , y Ke ulinn . , f lo not OlHce, . do , , , do . ,,. LuKton J itauen. NOTED AT DIHrjoiINT. Mank of the ITniie.1 Mates i rhilallhia 3:1 Miners' Bank of PottsTilr: fottsvilln " O 'I j Hank of Lewiatnwn ' Lewintown ' I J Hank of Middl"town Mi.lilleiown ' t'arlinle Bank Carlisle J Exchange Bank ' - Pittaliuie j I'"' do : branch of Hnllitlavalmrg J Ifarrithurg Bank llarrivl.tirg J Lenanon Bank 1 Lelianon j Merrhanis' Ac. Manuf Bank Pittsburg J Bunk of Piltahurg PiitaSutg J West Bianch B .nk ' Williamapori lj Wyoming Bank Wjtkealarre IJ Northampton Hank Alleutown Berks t'outity Bank Reading Orfice of Bank ol II. 8. rittsl.org failcl Do do ilo Erie do Do do do New Hriifhlon dn Bank of Chaintwrahorg ,; ' I'hamheraliarg ' Bank of Gettysburg ' ' (i. ttyaliurg Bank of Surquehanna ti. Mnntroae Ij Erie Bank Erie Ijalj Farmers' Ac Drnvera' Bank ' Waynealiurg . Franklin Bank ' Washington IJ Honestlale Utnk ; J t .. HooewlMe . IJ Moiinngaliela Bank of U. Brownsville.. IJ Vork Bank York N. B. 1 he mites of iIm. banks on which we jniil quotations, and aulwtitute a dash ( ) are ool pua-haard by the Pliilmhlphia brokers, wiih the exception of those which hste a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do failoJ Kensington Sa. Ins. A do Penn Townahip 8av. Ina. do Manual LaU,r Bank (T. W Dyott, prop.) failed IVwanda Bank Tnwanda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford no sale Bank of Beaver Beaver elated Bank of Swatara Hanislmrg cloned Bank of Washington ! WashingUm failed Centra Bank llll. f.mie closed City Bank Pitishuig no ale Farmers At Mech'ca' Bank - Pitislmrg fnilnil Farmers' At. Mec.h'ca' Bank Fayette co. filled Farmers' Ac Met li'i a' Bank t 'reniH-aatle failed Harmony Insiitotn ' Harmony im sale Huntingdon Bank Huntingdon no sale Juniata Bank l.ewisiown nosjle Lumlwrmeu'a Bank ' Warren failed Nonhern Bank of Pa. Duinlalf no sale New Hoie Irl. Bridga t'n. New Ho clwel Norlhumli'd rniou t'ol. lik. Milion no sale North Weatern Bank of Pa. Meadaille closed tMRre of Kchuvlklll Bank PorlCarbun Pa. A sr. At Manuf. Bank Carliale foiled Silver Ldke Bank - Moo tit mm closed Unioo Bank of Peuu'a. ' ITnioniown failed WestmorelaiHl Bank (ireunslHirg closed Wilkealtarre Bridge Co. W'ilkeetiarre no sale q-j All notes purporting to be on any Peunsyl. vania Bank not given in the above. Iit, may be set lowu as frauds. KKW JKRtiLiY. ' Bank of New Biunawick Brunawir-k (ailed Belvitlete Bank Helvnlere - Burlington Co. Bank Metlttird par Commercial Bank ' Perth Aml.i.y wuiulwrUnd Bank Bndeion par Farmers' Bank Mount Holly par Farmers' eisl Mechanics' Bk Ksliway J Farmers' snd Mechanics' Bk N. Biuuawitk faded Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Midillelowii Ft. Franklin Baub of N.J. Jejscy l.'ity failed lioboken Bkg Ac Uiusiug Co Hotkiketi . tailed leitey City Bank " Jeisey Cily laileil Mechanics' Hank . I'ituim : UoU-d Mauufctur'rs' Bank Bellevilia - tailed Morris ('uunty Bsnk MurnstuMii ' J MoniiMiuth Bk of N. J. Freehold failed MechanliV Bank ' Newark J Mechanics' ami Manuf. Bk TrenUiu - par Morris ('anal and Bkg Co Jersey City ' Post Notes ua tela Newark Bkg Al Ins Chi Newsik ' J New lloM) Del Bridt; lUi lnulwruvilla 1 j N. J. Manutsc and Bkg l'-o HotHiken faded N J I'roiecioii A. Ivmlrd tk Jnrty Cily tailed Orangs Bank Orange l'altrson Batik' Patersoo - fulled ProphV Jtauk Ju Priuretou Bank Pruicmoo par 8alem Bauking Cu - eialew . - par Plate nana lewark J Kute Bank . . tliialUiiowu : J Hi ate Bank Cauhlrn par His to Bank ol MiHim" Morrisiuwu J eitate Bank 1'reiitoii railed rtalem and Philad Manuf Co Mejeia tailed fcius- Bank . New ion . Trenion Hanking Ce . , Trentoa i . (par Uninn Batik Dvttr Waauiuglou Banking Co. Ilackenaack (atlrd nci.AWAitt:. Bk of Wihn At Brandy w me WiimuigUin , par Bank af Delaware ' Wilmington ' ' par Bank of Biayrna ' Hmyina . ' ,; par Do Uaocb . MiKmd par ui. .r ........ r" ... H i oiaia hi Uiivei Do Uancli . Wilmington Do . k traiKb Ueorgetowaj r par par f IN-aUca JMewcaalHi 1 . .. winainguio par QjT LniUsi &', ' i CTOubU banks msiked thus () there am tbet coqnteiskil nr altered oolee of the vsihius de botuiuaUuua, itt ciisulstiiu, ... t I a t fu kfl Kaka.lrV lit i DR. SWEETCBU up .-r, -r. .CD3-di jci. , THIS IVfilTcine la wirrintrd, "on oath, hot to contain a panicle of Calomel, Corrosive Sub limate, Arsenic, Chit ride of Oo'd, or any delete roue minerals. - The principle upon which this Medicine acta. la. bv aaaialtng atnd .hurrrioliisiiig' with nature It drivie out all foul scrimonious humors from the blood snd body, and by sasimilaiing with and strengthening the g istric juice of .the stomachy it ssslsts diges ion i in. short there is not s vein arte ry, muscle or nerve in the human, body,, that .is not strengthened by the PANACEA, and it also possesses the remarkable property .of removing mercury from the bones simI join's, i . FOR ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, , fcurvv. Scorbii'ic Affrctiims, Tumors, Scr..fuli or Kiuca' Evi , White Swelling', Erysiielia, Ulcers, Cnreia. Running Soies, Scalx and Biles ' lime i ami s determined iersecrsnr in D . 8WEET SER'S PAN ACEA, will effect scuie. . , " "!FOR IMWSRaTIOX. Rejeclinu of fiaid, NU'ea, Vemilinga, Nervous af . ctintia. Billiou' roinplsints. Head act e. IVenss, ,or F. in ile Irregularitie. D', SWF.ETSBR'S PA NACEA will si(ii eff. ci a cure ; but if obstinate, or Kllemtnd with ur'pina, flying pains, the dose should be it ceased, aud the CU'C, will aoon be ef fede.l. I.ei not the pa'iems lriglen ihemaves wiih the idea that liny are too e k to take much medi'-ine; but tear in mind that this mi'dly eia-r i ting med cine put not w skuee into the frame, but in. ul certainly draws weakn- a- nut, leaves strength in its pl. ee, and by giving Comi-ox d s'eep at nig t. snd lt Slttiel In .lh an Cilul f..anim.l ,k I -I I - "' wbo'n frain" will vig-irnu sciinn, clesiing the mi ml and improving .tbe sin I it. .'',; .X i t SCROFULAj AND fiLAN'DULAR "AFTEC i. -is. f locd ft. - 8rnfuU t a iid tt lie heritlitary. th"4 inffiit re ceivinit from ili paretita 'he seeds of litis disc . which' I'eras with its years.' if neglected Snd not snbmit eil to frequent punfiction with Dr. SWRETSER'SPANACE. Tt.eglan.l. are pis ceil in the corner of tl-e IhhIv, ai d nut of the way 'of direct communication ; their real o-e U a subject on svh'ch teiich dilfrr.-t cc of opinion pre iils ; ii ulli.-ea us to know th t vhen in a d aeaa.l ia'e they are eapa'de of lieing pur fied hnd elense.t hv s tog c.ior-e of Dr. WEE TSER'8 PAN A CEA, whirh res'orc them to sound and pmper action, f croful us persons can never pay too much attention to their blood, its punAralion hU'd la) their first tln ucbi, for afti r a long enure f pi re verence, they wlil ever cure heteditiry disease. ' In eases of JAVNVICR ASTHMA. UVRk COMI'l.tlSTS. 1IC DOLOREPX RHEU MAT1SM OR RHEVMAT1C GOVT, Dr. HWEETMER'S PANACEA cannot betoobieh ly extolled ; it seatches nut the very root of die lia -sse, nnd 'y r. moving it fmirt the Blood make a cure ceitsln and erm .neni. ' Ft.r distws- a of lh- CW'iv and Kulneif. Stric turei. Oravtf. Stnnt. Pile. FintuLi. Vihnirii Ob Mtruclumnnid I'rtrtntt. Citliiwu i. 8WEET SER'S PAN C E A is the Uat lemedy er ir e I : it reuiove all thoi-e acrimonious ho -no s fr m the Blood wbieb git rise to the shove dieaes. snd by keeping the blood in s pure condition, iusur s liealih. i . Fur DROPSY, FILLING nrut BOWELn. Jmpitr lien of l fie Rlontd, Mercurial Tanil. Wrak west nf the Sp'tie Flow of Bl1 to the Head Gtd iLixt', Si--ging and Rnzzing AVf'sa in lie Henit und Eur, Dr. eiWEETSER'S PANM'EA will gie certain relief; in all scree snd chn.ii'C easea. the paiients cannot he too ulti n reminded that rr gtr dotr and pet irtteranee ill i ffi-cl a cu e. I i Chill and Fever B 'linu Freer. AJfidimu of the Eye and Ear. Spongy and Htrrdttig (Sum llrunch ti ami recr.nt Cough and Colli. Dr. 8WEE I 8ERVH PANACEA will be f.unJ ieifectly surs and certain in its effect'. GRAVEL AND URINARY COM I LAIS' IS Thote comp am'a are generally attended with the most fstal on quences, and ate seldom or ne. vci lu-ed by the pirari.t mode nf treatment ; thry usually accompany the patient t the grave, alter -iill'eriug the most excruciating pain and torture. The cause of these c Hnilaiu a aie die same s ail ibeis (lie dios nt the bliHid lecom s enerutied on the till' si narmw passagea. whence sr a morbid serict-ona and i-toppact s of ti'ine. Y.u will find the in . at p rwcrlul d u ret ics of uo UM'.a- they only increaMi the (jumtity of urine and d.i not in it y ud strenctle n th irt. By pinifving the blin d wiib Dr. SW BETTER'S PAN ACEA, ou re moye the c.ium) nl ihediseise.cisjiaeqiientty it can not exist any longer, afti r sulhVieiil peiseteiaiiee in its use has deprived the blood snd btidy of all scrimonious humor and iucruatstion. DISEASES ur tb L1N(J8C NSUMPTION. Th s is s erv pr. S ilent and fatal disea-e ; it re aul'a ii.iMly frmu nealei ted cough', Ciilda aud bron cluli., also from nnitoer Irrslmvui in many ul'.er cases, such S meaale, fevers ii 11 immali 'tis and -inal1 pog snd a host of other l adly treated diseases; win re the cause, iustesd of having l e. n thoroughly removed from the blood and hotly, have only bieri palliated or rem.tveJ from one p irt in brek out in another. By diveaiing y wur Ixnlies of all foul hu in.es. through the medium of Dr. SWKETtSEK'S PAN ACEA. the cure U at once render. I cirtain and eruiaiunt- , U collect, while there ja acriino nioua humors fl.isting In the ci'ru's .m, (l is as a. lo settle ou the lungs as any oil er part ot the hi sly ; this is the reason th it consumption is so prevalent. BILES. 8(RES AND ULCERS,-' ' Which you see ou the exterior, come fiom and have their source in, the interior, snd migbt just as werl have etiel on ynui lunga, hvei.nr any other pail; wbieb we know they frequently do, and pro dure most violent inliaiuinatnty disorder. The humor which oceasiona these sons is of s h'ghly urnmnni .us burning nature. We know it from the pain it g' es in loroiing, and bfii-fard ila ra pidly u'eera ing snd cotr.Hling the (1ch and skin of the pait wbeie it briak out. ' This shows the necessity of frequently putifyiog the blonat with Dr. SWEETSEK'S PAN AC K A, snd keepine such malignant humors in su' jction. Should you have s le or ulcer, tie in mkfut that naiU'e baa taken ir. uhle to warn you of the dauuer your life and ho ! dy ia in, fur ii is a wanting tt at the hlo.d is foul, j Had ilua ssme scrimony a. l-c'rd 'he longs ia) teed i f the aurface of yur bihly for Us seat, consutnp- nun in me iiiok snu u bit.' ursru iiiv cwipijiiru'T, D- lay not then, to potify and rlesnse with Dr. Swei Iscr's Pana. ' 8PINK DISEASE Hpin.il aflTeclioti, inlargement rrf the bves and joints, white swellings, tip joint reinplsiut, rup luiea, fallu g of the bowela and mom tiieae, will find a speedy ouic in Dr. SH'EETER 8 I'A MACEA. Where the disease bss been of l ng standing, the lime required to make a cure will he longer ; bat the patient may reel assured thai a determined perseverance will effect it. BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA tit DISEASE OF THE WINDPIPE. These disesset proceed from the serlusity or corrupt lie mors of the blood, usving si tiled itself on lb throat sud lungs, snd slopped them up, so that they cannot draw eunV-wnt air irt' lot teepiration. Dr. 8WKE l'KRS PAN tCH t wiH gt imms diets rsluf and to insse (he Caf psrfert snj cer tain,, it thoeM be continued some Unit after,., to free the sysm nf all bad humors. i - r-t f' -i ' ss t :'- i RHEUMATISM, RIIKUVIAIIO COUT AND MERCURIAL DISK,E3 Find a safe and speedy cure in Dr. 8VTRET SER'S VANACE.i,. It aures l.y searching amy blood vessel snd artery, and driving out all impu rities and foul humors accumulated therein, which s the cause of rtl umatism, g.iui and swellings of the J.flnta. , The delelerous etfei't of calomel and other mineral poisons, readily yield to its sovereign influence ; indeed, when its val'iable properties lie come fully known, ths use nf sll miner I p iiann will be consigned to lho tomb of all the Cspoleta,' snd only be thought nf ss a hy-gnne cu-t mi nf the dar ker ages. , Dr. Sweelser's Panacea U alao a sure cure for dyn-pia, pile, coativetiesa, vertigo, hraj ache, pain in the breast nnd liver complaint. '.'' . FEVER AND AGUE. V, '. Fever is aUav caused by a disorderly move ment nl the hi Mid, strugglins to f ee itself of some thing that encumbers it ; in fai t, every kind uf fe ver i nothing m.re than a struggle l-eiween the bin d and corrupt humors, and as toun as the cor rupt humors sre expel ed. you hsv iu more fever. When a patient with lever submits to l hl.d, or bave hi ho; d poisoneil with mercury, it weakens his frame to sur h a degree that if he survives the proee-s, it always leaves him subject ti dislrsasing chills, when 9 time out of IU he resort, lo sjue pilU. puwileia, ot tonic mixtures; thi is going fr -m had rj wnr., n these vegetable pills, powd r, Ac, are n 'thing hut mercury and qu;nine in disguisi', which may for e lime, drive the diaease i t fir iul.i Ilia body as n H lo be perceptible, but very soon It will bre k out again with feaiful vio'eoce To cure ague ami lever, ine cause ol tne disea-e must he rq moved out of I lie l.h.od and body, which cri beef r-cto-llV doue by using Dr. SWEETSER'S PA 'NACEA.which purrfies,cl eansea snd strengthen. Tt rontons ii.. thing that can pos-ihy injure, and ila use is always a saVgusrd .igain.-t c'.iiils and fevers. ; ' ; '. piFes. ' ' ! 'Lr. t'tasa i.p Pn.rs. Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will eff ct a very specify cure. ' It re moves from the td.iod, stomach and bowels, ull ihoae foul acrid burning humor, which sre the cause ,.f I'itia snd Cotiiveui s', snd by strengthen inn the il'g-silve orgsus, impr.ivet every part of the nit e body. FUTULENOV AND WIMV The-e disc ses s-e cu ed by tbe stomach snu Imwels leing choked up with viscid sl:niy mailer, he air w hli h enters tbt m c innnt e C ipe until forced by some eontiaetion nf tie s omacb to expel it; her ce 'he cause of piin. A' few dn-c t.f Dr. SWEETSER'S pNA'E will convince the jtilfe.er thai relief is a it. lined CHEAT MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN. Parents wi fnd ihe PANACEA s v do b't iiii i'iriiie fur tlie-r rhild'en, keeping their bodies In s hcabhy e minim, thereby assisting their g o.h; hildrrn or grown petsons, after taking it, are not lia' le io be anscked with in epidemic a bifme, as it i.'ay leavrs the ho.xl in a pure c mlilion, and ihe i niire system in a strengthened stale ; it drives i.ut a I kinds nf weakness from the bd) and leavis -II boul hy will in. MARRIED LADIES Will fid Dr. SWE tVER'8 PAN ACE A a medi c lie .urely ad ipled to their use. M1 ladies do r ug the peri d of pregnancy aie a til c ted with pile-. Dr. Sweeiair't Panares, by regulating the howils. w ill entirely obviate this, aud ila purifying proia'i ties on the Mood and fluids, insures lo them h. a! thy off pring. No one who is a mother should he without it, and those who are nursing will find il of g.eat b n. ft i to ihe health of iheir mtarts. F"l baneni e-a and all diwasea of the womb, it is witb'.ut a rival in the entiie history and ciUlogue of medicines; by il extraordinary ttiengtheniiig (tower, it ktimulale and slreugthens Ihe wnmh, a weakness uf which is the csu-e ir fsUure lo have olTspuug. NERVOUS DISEASES. Under ibis head msy I claased Palpitation of the Heail, T'C Doloreaux or Faceache, Neuralgia, (nd gi siioii.TiHilhaclie, Melanchol) , Hysterics, snd in fact, every disea-e caused by the slurp, hiiing aciiiuonious buiunra irrital'iig Ihe neres ; the in rvca icceive Ihe morhid impieasiou lnnn the slo uiach, or ratbet from the hl.i.id through the ai;eney of the sioninch and dige live oigaua, and alth.uh other part uf the I o ly are sppireully tlie seat uf the dirase, still it is caused by ibe in.nl. id imp ft ri iu Cutiveyed from the blood hv ihe nr rve to thai pa.t A i w d.iaes of Dr. 8 WEETe-ER'S PA NAt'EA will aooii assure tlie patient th-t be has the cure in his possession. ERYSIPELAS, oa ST. ANTHONY'S FIKE. This is an inflammstory dio der, alw iyt aliend ed with m.re o less pain. It proceeds from the foul, acrimonious humors lodged in ibv blood and fin d-, settling on the Inn' s snd fsce, causing ex treme pain and fevers; all applications on the aur taie aie worse than useless, as they only hnd to throw the diaese in some other part, and perhaps cause du'th. Bleeding is likewise improper. To cuie the di-esae you ruu-l get rid of the cauao ; on ly ui4iiai;e t gel the foul buiimr out of j.iur blood, and vou will he well in a day. Dr. (SWEET. SEK'S PANACEA, a thorough purifier of the bloo.l, will w arch out every impurity in the more remote p.rta uf the UaJy and expel it through tlie mcdiuiu of the bowela. Theie i not a vein, arte ry, muscle or orgeu of the entire framewoik of man, that Dr. fcweelaer's Panacea does nol im prove, To lake il when you sre well U to keep we I ; sud when sick to become well. ItR. fiWEJiTSERS PANACEA, bin,eom (Hised vi.ly ol a vegetable matter, or meificai nerba, and watranieil, mi oaih, at rontainii g not one par ticle uf mercurial, mineraj.'or cbtmrcal sulMUneea, e found In lie peifectli barmtrss lo tht most tender sge, or the weakest frame, under any stage if kit man au liming ; the moat pleas.nl and benign iu its Oertlou tlul vi as eer ull-red to the world; snd al Ibe same lime ibe most certain ia searching out i be root uf any e implaiut, however deep, and of perfcrorng a e..re, ( , Price f ( biiltle, or six IkiIiIi s for f5. . For sale, wholesale and retail, al ihe corner ot CHARLES iiid PRATT Streets. Baltimore, and aUoby. r Jt GEORGE BKIliliT, Nov. 6 IH47. ,j ullbuly. MOUNT VEIINON D5 Norili yd st.f bet. Arch 6i Huce ila., Ii 1 1 a il e I p Ii I a . - WBHADY Ac PARKER respectfully inform their Il fneiid aud the public that lby htva taken the alio vu iiamed house, recently kejl by J. S. Adams, and sre pi spared to accommodate cutlo. mert in the most satisfactory mtu tier and at res sonshle prices. . ... Their table will be supplieJ with the bel vari ety '.he market tffoida ibeir parlors and sleepiog sptrlrurnts will be id the best order. The house baa been thoroughly repaired and furnished with a view lo Ihe comfort ef trtvellera and strangers. ilsvipg had several years experience in lbs business, they hope lo gi genetal satisfaction, and respectfully invite travellers and strsngere lo give them e tall. . BRADY & PARKER, Phildlpbl,Jtiiury 18, 187. ll The: GrandFurgative roa TICB CORD OP Headache, ttidilina-s, . Measles, Ssll Rheum, Rheumatism, Piles, . , Hesit Burn. Worms, Dyspep-ia, Hcutvv, ' . ('holers Morbus, Small Pox, Jaundice, ' f mighs, Qttin-ey, Painsinthe Bak, ', , Whooping Gough, Inward Weakness, Cotiaumption, Fits, ' Palpitation of the Hesrl, Liver Complaint, . Rising in the Tbros', w Erisipl:is, Desf .e, Dropsy, Asthma, , I'chioira nf the Skin, Fevers of ll kiiid, ' ('old. Gout, Gravel, .. Female Complaiuis, , Nervous Complaint", un t vteiKir nr atmkr dissasks saiaias Ihik latrDiilTlis nr tnk siuion, tan nt- - STSPCTIOSS I THS OSOANS Of BI- . ,. ' - - er-sTlot... Ktpcrienca h-t proved that riearl? every Dis ease originates finm Impinities nf the Blood nr d rsngement of the Digestive Organs ; and to secure Health, we mils! remove Ihoae olitruclions or re store the Hbied lo lis natural state. The aversion 'ct ts' Ing med cine it most crW tuilly rmpivcdby I'tteaara's Vsnrttats Prr siTtvi Pn.fc; being coiiphhly enrtlnprd wf'h a ranting of purr. uhte Sugar, (which is as dMinct from the internal ingredieuta as a i ul she I from he kernel) tan Hivb so Tttrx or atrntcMs, Hut sre ss easily swallowed as hits of candy. Moreover they neitlier nrMe.. O ur gripe in the slightest deiiroe, but iirate rqnally on sll the d a cased pail of the svstein, instead of coiifiuiug t'l- m-elies lo, ai.d ra-kiug any panicul r regi.oi. Thus, if tl e Liver he affected, one insiedient will operate on th t parl'cuhr nrgin, and, hy c'enni-ii.c it of an Etcessof Bile r store it tniuna'uril state. Ai.ol .er will oper i'e en the U ivnl. am emnve ail lmiU'itie in it circnl Oi -n ; whih a Ihild will iffectually, eil whntevrr impiiritie. iiiny havn henn dicliared into l'ie slum icli. and leiica thev stbikr t ths KiiuT ur niit-s. re move all Impure Humors from the h.xjv : op. n the pores exiernal'y ami imernall) ; s. pirat all fore gn and oh. oiioua particle fro n th" chyle, so th it the blood ro.iy he. ihorough'y pine lliu-i seen-r-ne foe and health action to the Heart. Lung" am! Livei ; and thereby 'hey aa-Toar. iikilth r- Tta Wilts SLbUTHiB flfl.1l 1IITI tl tkll. The entire Iru'h of ibe above can be asrertained l y the trial nf a sinsh- box ; and Iheir vinur ate a i positive and crrnon in res'or ng Health, that the nriMiiifJor hiiul hiioisdf . return lhemriiev J paid tor liieni in a'l cases where ihey do not gre universal ilia action. Ilrf all li It i5 (.. or n;x. . P lncipd nffn-e No. fill Ve-ey si., N. Yo k Sold hy JOHN YOUNG, Htinhurv. M. A. VtCAY. N. rlhuint e land. fXj" Remem'! Dr. C V. Clii kener is the in veiror ef the Suitar (oiate.l Pi Is, ai.d ttist no'h t 2 of the n was ever heanl i f until be ioi.oiliir.il them in June, Pmchaseis sl.uUl, tin r for.., always ark for Cliekrner's !ugr Coaled Pill, aud Iske no others, or they will be made Ibe victims ol a fraud. Sept. 18th, 1847 ly cow SOMETHING- NEW ! FlHE Suhacriher have Ihe etclusive light of JL vending J. M. THATCHER'S Hot lllast Hot Air Cooking (WTTOWJEs, in the c unt.es of Nnithumherlan 1, ColumhU and Schuylkill; and from the encouragement met wiih already, they exa-ct to do a large business. 'I hi stove is cwstrnced on sn entirely new priiciplc, snd on the only princ'-ple that em make both a good wood and coal stove. The inventor has over, come all lbs difficult es.thai an frequently belong 1 1 other stoves. He baa . hv hi arr.inaeiii-ut, con siiurt. I a bioibng 03'Oa'CII III f'l'Olll, where in broil-fur, roenng, fry ir.g or baking may be done, and all the smell that arises ibsielio n must pass into the comhustil.le chamber, and it not a1 nil thrown out into the rnoin D Iles;dra this, there is an oven only two inches lest thin the wbnle sire of the stove, wherein biking nr roasting maybe done aa well a it ean be in the common brick oven. Thie oven ia alwav fit for n-e when the active is healed, as the whole drsughi nf hoi sir passes a round it cnuauiolv. Puhl c attention is paiitcuUily iu'led to tbi atove.. It ran I sreii at Our Store and Tin K-tah-tithtnei.l in North Dinviile, al the ign of tlie Co. lumt-ia Tin shop, und at ihe l onnd y of Rohrhach A. Clement in funhury, where its particular quali ties will be fully shown and exp ained to any person wishing to examine it. The aulrscrihers continue to have on hmd all kinds of parloi stoves, such sa radiator, cyli nders, fancy and plain, suitable for sll who may favor- wiih a call; alao common shed aud Rusaii Iron which can l mule in any ib sirahle shape; tog., ther with a gemral as-onineul of tin and j ipvuned ware, wholeaais snd retail. Couutiy merchant aie invited to cell and etamine our stuck, aa our work cannot be surpassed, and pi ices modoerste. N. B. Wersa safely recommend th above men tioned stove lo ,-ersnus who wmS la emh.irk in s good business The patentee will sell either coun ty or stale rights, to suit purchsaers, and on rea atmahle lernia. He or bis agents ma he found in Danville, Pa. , J.ckJ. ARTER. - The u ode reigned, having seen in operation ihe but b'ast hoi air cooking stove, invented and pa tented by J. M. Thaictvrr, certify that we believe, from Ihe manner of Us contrueii.-n aud ora'ion, lhat il is the best one ever offered lo Ihe public. The airangemetil is) .m plots snd Ihe eonet ruction so judicious, that there is s sating ol one half ihe fin I and lime, in doing any givvu amount of a- rvio , over otbn relehraled. stoves. Iu abort we fecoiu iiieut it in piel.-rence lo all others, for ibe simple reason lhat it embraces ery branch nf economy. Samual Darretl, John W Garrett. David Chat field, W F Knch. a. John M Giar, E Thomp-oii. Sioitti Thomiaiiui, J D llsbn, John lakes, Hi s'ki- ah Bear, L'li F Cooper, Geo M Itiih.rt, Daniel ' Lf-.n. . . i u ii r't i nuiiniao, nenry il nissei, r il waiver, uamei Dreisbai k, Joseph Vanknk, Brmik Epley. r Dauville, March C, 117, ly . Tn ilottssrl's Clnfuf rsal SHAVING CREAM. Small qiianliiics given wiiliout Charge, 1 .Mil. Cactna PHILADELPHIA. FT HIS new and spleudiJ article, a its name de X note, is protaed to be superior to sny Sbs ving Cream in the United Stales nr Europe. ' It is unsurpaas d for beauty, purity aud fag ranee, tho somewhat analagous to Gu Main's Amhrotial Cream and other eimilar compounds. It far sur passes them all by ibe em. I ienl pasty consistency of its lathr r, which so soft r us th tesrd ss lo render shaving pleasant and easy. ' It fuitbrr possesses Ibe advantage over the imported article, iu being freshly pr. piied, no skill being wanting in its man ufacture. E.Rouaael having htJ many years' e I iwrience In the celebrated laboratory of Laugur, Pera at t'iU, now Rentud St coH of Paris. Besides being ths le(, it ie ihe cheapest article for shaving ; it is elegantly put up in boss, with splendid steel engraved labels. , Prif s $3 per dosen, or 37 1 cents for a single boi, lo shave one year, ll is also solJ at f I 60 per lb. or 11 piois per ot., so that gentlemen ean have their botes filled st EUGENE ROlSwEL'S. Wholesale and Retail Perfumery and Mineral Wa ter ErsbUbmeet, 1 1 Cbesnul Street, Dec 19, HI9 PHILADELPHIA. ATCJHSa A J2-rSL.R7, Af Tit , . "Philmhlphio Watch and Jewelry Store, Sn. UO North SECON D s reel, corner of Quarry'. - GOLD Lever Watches, full V jewelleil. tit carat ces (46 00 Silver Lever Wstchia, fu!l , S3 00 Silver liver Wslclies, se. ven jewels, , Welcbis, jewelled, finest 18 00 Silver l-epine quslHy, U 00 SupwrKw tjusriier Walchns, 10 00 Imiia'ion tj'isrlirr Watches, not wartnnled, 6 00 Gold Sp. ctscies . ti (id Fine Silver Spectncles, 1 75 Gobi Brae lets with tonal s'orea, 3 hO Ledies' Gold Pene la, Ifl carats, 2 0J Gold Fmser Ring :I7J eta to ft; Watch Glsa. ses, plain, 12 cts patent, 18 i Luuet, 25. C. ther srtic.les In proHiition, All g-mds warranted to he wt at they sremiW for, O CONRAD. , On hand, some Cold snd Silver Levers, Lepiues sud Q.isrliers, lower than ihe shove prices. Pbilidelphii, Dec. 6, IM6.- ly IMPOUTIJl T ' TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. YOU may lie sure of obtaining, al all times, pure aud highly flavored By Ibe single pound nr larger qnai tity, at the I'riilti Tea Compnnt'i vnrclionne, UO Smith SiennH street, ItelwHt Market and Cht. nut trm. FlilZiADEIsPHXA. Heretofore it haa been very difficult, indeed, al most impntsihle. always to obtain gmal Orer 11 ami HI .ck Ten. Urn noar von have only to visit the Pi kin Tea Cor.ipai.y ' Store, to obtain aa delicious nd fragrant Tea as you could wih for. All tssle can heia tar suited, with the advantage of getting a pure article at a low price. June 87ib, 1841. To liii'fli;isirH oF DRY GOODS. .r. I2J t'enrltt., N ti W Yt)Krt. T I A VINti estahlihed a Br .nch at No. 144 Ches- x. ,,U ,,(., ptiilmlelphta, is now . neninir. and wii be cona'antly ri ceiving from the New York Auc tions, an extensive assortment of FAKCT At STAPLE DRY OOODS. which will he sold al the Invent ISew York piictS, at wholesale ai.d ! lull. Aniong Ii a stock will ha found a good is-ortun l.t of ihe f iliowieg articles: J acmm ti-. Plaid. Hair t'ord, Lace. .Stripe, B.iok, Swi-a and Tarlatan Muslins. Hish"p and Linen I. its lis. Fancy Cap Netts, Fancy and Ball Urese, Thread l.aees, Application Di., rich Back Sr.k Triinndi-g Laee, lri-ih Linens, Linen ('ambries, I. men Cumhric Hilkf-.,Cu'tuin Fnngea, Cshmeie d'Eco-e, Mouselmn de I. sine, filk and Cotton Warp Alpaccas, Qa en's Cloth, Gala Plaids, Prenih Veiinos, III . k Silks. Ii..ve-i, Mi k Hose, Shw:, Cravx', Rihhun', Emhroideris. Are., Ac. Coui trv Meichsuts 11ml others visiting Philidsl i.hia 01 New York to purchase, are respectfully in vited to call and examine Ibe sharks. No. I, IMS. ly THOMSON'S Compound Syrup of Tar A. Wood .Vapthn. ntHK unpreredi uled ucce of this roeilicine, in X the restoratiiin of keabb, o those who, in des. pair, had ien up all bniiea, has eiven it an eis' j ted reputation lie all olhei remedies, furnishing j evidence uf it iulriuaic va'ueand power, as the on I ly anerit wh'cb csn be rel.ed np-.n for the cure of I ulmonary Consiimpunn. Brouchittis, Asthma, P un in the side snd Bres-I, Mptttiug of Blood, V hooping Cough, ('roup, Ac. Attention ia requested lo the foil. iwing ASTOX. SSHIXG CUKE, hv Thomson's Compound Syruo I of Tar and Wood Napiha ! ! j Philatlrlphia, Mui 3d, l4t. ! MR. THOMSON Dear Sir Wiih cr.itelol i fieiuiKa I inform y.-u of the aitontahing ellicis of your me-iieiiiH, which has liter-illy raia d me from a delh-l.l ! My di-ca-e, Pulniuinry Cnnsuinp lion, h'tl re. I need me -o low ihnl my physician pro. uo.ihced my caae bless ! At this junction I be (an to u-e your medicitn-, aud mifaeul .us as it msy . I. it 1 1 fl mnf.l.-li.lw Ml.l.krM.I mu ... ka.llh .fl... I everything else had failed. Respectfully yours. j WASHINGTON 'MACK. I Charlotte sired, shove Genige atreet. The nndersii;iied, hci g personally ncquainled with Wa-hington Matk and his sutlt-riius, heir witims 10 the astonislimg etb-cts of Tbumaou's t'om pound Syrup of Tar, and the truth uf the 1 hnve stutnment. JOS. WINNER, 31X North Third atreK, DAVID VICKERS. 42 Almond street, HUGH M "GIN LEY, S. E. corner Tauiai.y and Fourth stnets. i Preiiared only bv S. P. Thomson, N. E. corner .f Sth and Spruce streets, Phi'ade'phis. Agents. H. B. Masser, Sunhu'y ; D. Gross, snd Dr. Macpheiaon, llarrishurg Jo . G. Brown, Pntlsvi le ; Geo. Earl, Reading; Houston A Ma on, Towanda, II rail lord county, Pa. Price 50 cents pi r bolile, or f 5 p. r doieu. 53" Beware nf ail imitations. Pliiladelnbia. June 2Klh.JI 4S. I V P I A N O 8. ; rilHE SUBSCRIBER baa been appointed Ssut, 1 for tie sale. fttlNRD MEYER'S CEL- ;EBRTED PREMIUM R IE WOOD Pf- ; AMK m thin place. These Pianos have s plain, inasrive ami Uuu ifuleiteitiH li. i h aud, frdepl'i and rweeliieas o iiH.e, and cleg ilice ol workman- I ship, are not ui,-ed by any in the United" "'ate. j The following ia a recnmmendaiiou f.om Cist I Dists, a ecU buted wrformer, and himself a man- I ufacuier: j A CM 11 1). Hsvins bad the plea-urent trying the excel : lent Piano Fortes insnfacturt-d by Mr. Meyer, and , sihil-ited ai the h exbiUtiou of ibe Fr.nklin In i stituie, I fi el it due to the true merit of the maker I 10 I'eclaie tbal these instruments are quite equal' i and in some reiecie even uctiof, 10 al the Pis I ano Fortes, I saw at the capitals of EuiOpe, aud I duiii g a sojourn uf twoyeara at Pari. I The Piano will be sol al the manufacturer' lowest Philadelphia price, if not something lower. I Persons sre requested 10 cell and examine for ihsmselve, al the reaideuceof ibe subscriber. Sunbury, MyJ7, 1S45. II. B. MASSE K. CJeorscJ.IVcavcr, ' R0r MAKES aV SHIP CBANOI.CB. Ao. 1 3 Kurth Water Street, Philadelphia. PAH constantly on band, a general assort ment of Cords, Seine Twines, &., via 1 Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Msnil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Csnaj Boats. Also, a cooiplets assortment nf Seine Twines, Ate, such a Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beat Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Shoe Thread, Ate. Ate Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halter, Trscaai, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac, all ot which ha wiU dispose of on reasonable lei rot. ' Philadelphia, IN'evtmbei 13, litJ.-ly ' ."?l jeweled. 'aiiai-ijrj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers