Thr Enling Patiiop Stronf la Drath ; ot TWO TtLLOW PflVRR ANBCDOTEI. ll ift an old proverb, that 'the ruling passion ia itrong iif death.' We are exemplification of the fhet every day, out never did wa hear of it being- earried out in it full exeot till yes terday. We ie the tale aa ihey were told to ua.' About two week ago a . young rnn, well known in lliia city, for hi indiiatrinu and ec nntnicsl habit, waa taken nick with the yellow fever. The young gentleman in question, we are entry to aay, waa very mean, in fact, ao much en, that, in all probability he would have tanned the hide of a certain ofienrnve insect, in order to have preserved ita kin. Thie young man, although the very pattern of probity, wouldn't even wear Blocking. . The conneqnencawaa, that he, took Coin one rainy day, took the fever, and would have died, had it not been for hia paraimony. The fever racked hia frame, made hia head feel like a vol cano on tho eve of an eruption, and ao palsied hia limba, that he waa scarcely able to move a finger. The eyee of the mean young gentle man were too weak to move in their socket hia tongue hung lazily in hia mouth, and hia heart had almost ceased to vibrate, lira face was aa yellow aa saffron, and hia miserable ap pearance showed that the 'scourge of our cli mate' had given him a aplendid thrashing. The doctor who had been tending him, came in, and really believing thai hia patient waa going to die, after feeling hia pulse, told him that he must 'prepare for another and a tetter world.' 'Doctor,' said the dying man, opening hi Ian guid eyea, 'how long do you think 1 will live!' My poor friend,' answered the phyeician, wiping the tear from hia spectacles, ! do not think that you can live mora than twenty-four hours.' 'Oh, doctor ! exclaimed the iying man, 'don't say that! But still, it I can't live, I sup pose I must bend to the will of Providence !' The dying man covered hia face with the bedclothes, and the physician not being able to endure the scene, was just about to depart, when hia patient called out to him, 'Doctor, what do you think it will coat for my funeral !' My poor friend,' answered the humane phy sician, with teara in hia eyes, 'it will not cost much probably not more limn (Jr25. The dying man started up in hie bed, and raising hia handa aa though he waa going to ex ercise a host, exclaimed in the moat pitiable tone, 'Oh, no, Doctor, don't aay that! I can't aflord to pay .$25 to be buried. It higher than other people pay, and 1 can't afford it. So raying, the young gentleman suck back and wept like iNiobe. Although worth some tour or five thousand dollare in solid cash, he couldn't afford to die, becanae hia funeral would coat him 25. The memoes of hi disposition striking into hia system, drove the fever out, and he recovered. The next anecdote that we have to relate, ia that of arc unfortunate man who waa taken sick with the fever, and who waa attended on by a gentleman, in every way skilled in his prutea aion. The worthy doctor, passing, in hia gig. by a hovel in the upper part of the city, early io the morning, heard some one moaning aa it in great pain. Hii sympathies being arouaed, he alighted, and weut to the pot from whence the noise proceeded. It waa a wretched apart ment; In a little narrow room, the wal!a of which were covered with mildew-in one corner there waa a bedstead that aeemed almost too weak to aland up. A pine table, with very rheu matic looking legs, stood by the bedside ; then there waa a trunk and an old chair, and these were all the article of furniture ia the room of the dying man. The phyeician approached the bed of the euf- ferer, and after looking at hi tongue and feeling hia pulse, told him that he thought he could not live. Oh, Doctor!' exclaimed the unfortunate crea ture, gasping all the while for breath, 'I've got somethin' on my mind !' What is it my poor fellow ! if ycu have any thing that weighs heavily on your cocacicnce, reveal it to me, for I solemnly assure you, that you have not long to live.' 'Oh Doctor ! I've been a great gambler in my time, I we hell ou chuckerluck, and. great at thimble-rig !' The physician told him that his remarka were nut at all suited to hi situation that he waa dying, and should place hia thought on aome more ceriou subject. 'Do you really think I'm going to die Doctor!' caid the dying man. 'You have not twenty-four boura to live,' re plied the doctor. The dying ruin, in a faint voice, requested the doctor to hand him a pair of blue coitonade irow.ers, which were tanging on the back of the only chair in the room. The doctor did so, and the unfortunate invalid, plunging hia wan, yellow hand into hia trowser' pocket, drew tortha bill, and iufortned the doctor that 'he'd bet him a cool $5, and go another 15 better, that be wouldu't tiie he'd be d d if he would.' The doctor left and the man aurvived. Dtlta. DtriMso a. rofcinoN. An elderly maiden ludy, with a pride above being dependant upoo a wealthier relation, retired daily to her cham ber to pray for a 'comfortable competency,' which ho always explained in theso word, with a more elevated voice: And lest, OS lord, thou houldat not understand what I mean, 1 mean our hundred a year, paid quarterly.' . Those who are of opinion that money will do everything, may be reasonably auspected of do- v everything: lor money. MOTE IsIST, 7 '.' ? . I RSNSYLTANIA. . The following list shows the current value of all ennay taenia Dank NoU-i.- The most implicit re liance may te placed upon it, a it It every lorek awfully compared with and corrected from Dick nefTa Reporter. IlankN In Philadelphia. N... I Disc, tw Pa it an. NOTES AT Rank of Noith America PAR par par par par par par par par par put par par par par pir Bank of the Northern Liberties . Commercial Dank of Penn'a. . , Farmera' and Mechanice' Bank KenHington Bunk , ',' Philadelphia Bunk Schuylkill Hunk , . Bnuthwarh flank Western Hunk Mechanics' flank . ' Manufacturers' Mechanics' Bank Batik of Penn Township . , Girard Bank , Bunk of Commerce, late Moyamcneing Bank of Peunvvlvaiih , . Country; Rank. Bank of Chester County Bank of Delaware County Bank of Germantown Bank of Montgomery Co. Doylcetown Bink Canton Bank Farmera Bank of Bucks eo. Weetch eater Chester Germantown Norrts'nwn Doy lest own Eastnn Uri-tol par par par par par par par par Bank of Northumberland Northumberland Columbia Bnnk At rtridgn co.Co!umbia par par pur pi par Them; offices Farmers' Bunk of Lancaatei Lancistei Lancaster County B ink Lancaster Lancns'er Reading Lancaster Hank Farmera' Bnnk of Resiling Office of Bank of Penn'a. Office do do Office do do Office do do Harriahurg' Lancaster Reading; do not Eastern J issue n. NOTE8 AT DISCOUNT. "ink of the United Slitcs Philade lphia 23 1 J al 'J n aimers Uank or Potleville Bank of Lewistown Rank of Middletown Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Do do branch of Harriahurg Bank Lehanon Hunk Merchants' Ac Manuf Bank Bank of Pittsburg Weal Bianeh B mk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank limits County Bunk OlFice of Bank of U. S. Do do do Do do do Bank of Chamberhurg Hank of Gettysburg Bonk of Suquehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmers' Ac Drovers' Bank Franklin Bank' tlonesdale Bank Mounngahela Bank of B. York Bank Potinille Iiewiatown Middleiown Carlisle Pill-burg Hollidavshurg Harriahurg I.ehanon Pittsburg Pittn'.lUtg Willininspnrt Wilkeshau Allitntown ft A IV K Reading Pittsburg failed Brie do New Brighton do Chambcraburg J Gettysburg J Montrose tj Erie Halj Wsyneshurg aj Washington H Honeedale 1 1 Brownsville ij Yo,k Jal N. B. 1 he notes of those hanks on which we omit quotations, ami aubstituta a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia 8av. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuylkill Sav. Ins. Kensington Us v. Ins. A Penn Township Sav. Ina, Philadelphia failed failed failed do do do do Manual Lahor bona (T f'owanda Bank W Dyntt, prop.) failed no aale cImmiI closed failed closed no mle failed failed failed lio sale 1 nwamla Bedford Beaver Harrisburg Washington Cellefonto Pittihutg Pitlshurg Fsyclle co. Greencastle Harmony Alleghany Bank uf Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of Swatara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bnnk Farmers' At MechVa' Bank Farmers' & Mnch'cs' Bank Farmers' Ac MechVa' Dank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumhermen'a Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge t'o. Norlhumh'd Union Cot. Kk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office ofHrhuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. At Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank ' Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. Huntingdon no sale LewiMown nosjle Warien DuiuUtr New Ho(ie M ilion Meadville Port Carboo Carlisle Montrose I'nioniown failed no sale closed no sale cloaed failed cloaed failed closed Greeusliusg W'ilkeaharre noaala Q3 All notes purporting to bo on any Pennsyl. vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set lown a frauds. WEW JERSEY. Bsnk of New Brunswick Brunswick failed i par p.. (ailed Belvidete Bank llclvidera Burlington Co. Bank Medford Commercial Bank Perth Amboy DumherUnd Bank Uridgetun Farmers' Bank Mount Holly Tarmera' and Mechanics' Bk Itahway Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Biunawick Farmera' and Merrhanla' Bk Middleto n Pi. I Franklin Bank of N.J. Jcny City failed failed failed fulled failed 4 failed i par tlolioKen Dlig or (listing Co lloboken Jersey City Bank Jersev City Merhanua' Bank Patterson Manufacturers' Bsnk Belleville Morria County Bank Morristown Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold Mechanics' Bsnk Newark Mecbsuirs' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morria ('anal and Ukg Co Jeraey City Post Notes Newark Ukg & Ina Co Newark no aale i New Hope Del Bridge Co Lanilteiutilla N. J. Manufue. and Bkg t'o Hohokcn failed faded failed i N J I'roiecton At Lonthsid lk Jervey City Orange Bank Orange Paleraon Bank I'alerson Peoples' Bank do Piim-elon Bank Prineelon biulein Banking Co Kjleni Htate Bank Newark Klale Bank Lliiahethlown Hist lUuk ('amden tiiale Bank of Morris MonUtown Blute Bank 1'reiilon Halem and Philad Maituf Co Kalem Sussex Bank Newuin Treulou Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Dover Washiiigtou Banking Co. llarkenaack DELAiYARE. Bk of Wllrn cV Braody wiiMt Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmingtoa Bank of Smyrna Hinyma Do twancb Milroid Farmera' Bk of htate uf Del Dover Do briuich Wilmingtoa Do branch (Seorgetowa Do braiu'h Newcastle Union Bank WUmingtoo Or Under 6' par par I par 1 failed failed a ") failed par P' par par par par par par Ojr On all l anks maikrd thua () tbsr are aw the couiiuiifeii ur alien-d note of the varoaa da oominatioi.a, in oirculalioD. IJ.. j JDaOL. rrra O3.0D "15523 Vcf?elahlc I nlTerfal PilU, The only knmon Mediciit that at tht tamt timt purge purijiti and itrengthent tht tyttem. Loanow, July 7, 1848. DTt. LE ROY'S Pilla are a new medicine which baa tost sppeared, and Is fast tsking the places iT sll other of the san e class. These pilla are composed of many ingredient, but the two principal onea are Harsapardla and Wild Cher ry, so united that they act together ; the one, through i'S admiimr with other subtavcea, pu rifying nd pU'gioc. while the other la strengthen Ing the system. Thus those pills ant at the same time tunic and npenine ; a desideratum long and eagerly sought for by medical men, but never be fore discovered. In ether word ibeV do the work of two medicines, and do it murh better than any two we know of for they remove nothing fr m the aya'em but the impurities t so that while they purge they strengthen ; and hence they eanse no i debilitation, end are followed by no re-aeiion. Dr. Le Roy's pttls have a wonderful influence on the blood ; they not only purify without weakening it, bin they remove all li"xi..ui particles from the chyle bcline it is converted into fhi'd. and thus make im pure tdood an utirr impoeitiliiy. A there ia no debilitation, to tlieie is no nausea or sickness at tending the operationa uf this most excellent of me-dieino-, which never Mraina or tortu-rs the diges tive (unctions, hut cau-es them to work in a per. fectly natural manner ; and hence person tsking them do noi heconie pale and em icinled, hut the contrary ; for whihi it is the property of th 8arsa psnlls, united as it is with other ingredient, to remova all that is foreign snd impure, it is equally the prorty of the Wild Cherry to retain all iht is natural and sound; and hence a rohin-t stme of heal'h is the certsin result of their united opera lions (j Pries 8ft cents per BOX, A gen is for Le Itoy's 1'il's, J. W. FRll.ING, . JOHN YOUG.$Sun,,ur7 M. A. McUAY, Norihumberl'd. August Sis', IS17. ly WILL BE PUBLISHED IN WASHINGTON, DC, on ma scvcaiii ov m;c next, no ami of th UXITKI) STATES UKl'OU'rEW. A Daily Journal of (iuvernmenl, L'gitlalive unj General Xtwa. T1HE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW ENABLED 1 to announce the completion of his arrange ments fo the eatahli-hment of a well-oruanUed and independent Journal of News at the Heat of the General Gnvermeiit. 'The leading features of the United StVea Re porter will he the fo'lowing : I. Early intelligence of the Movemen'a of the vapoua I paitments, in reference to dometic af fairs and to the foreign relation of the eoiin'ry. will he given with tcrnpulona fidelity. ing peculiar fai ilities for nhtaining information, the Reporter" will be enahled freqnenllv to com-inunic-Hte, exe'u-ively, intelligence of the moat im portant character. II. The veihmim Repor'a of the Proceedings and Dehati'a of the United Sta e Benatc, vhlchthe proprietor ia bound to furnish dVily to th it body, io accordance with the terms of the eeniract made at the close of last session of Congress. The ar langements now made will at once folly secure to the ftenate of the United Htates an autheetie and complete iccord of its debates; and to the people, in a greatly enlarged degree, the lenefit of the ex perience, sagacity, and atalesmnnship of that body to which they hsve ever looked with solicitous and respectful icgard. , ' III The Proceedings snd Deha'esin the House of Itepresentaiivea will also he given with fullness, impart ielity snd the utmost promplitnde. Each d iy's record will be completely mule up, snd ap pear in the Reporter" next morning. IV. A Synnprieal View of the Proceedings and Debates of all the Klale Legislatures will he regu larly given. Members of Congress, sod all clasae of readers, will thus he kept fu'ly and syolr mali rally infornod of domi-stic legislation in sll sec lions of the United Hla'ea. V. Early Intelligence of a'l important move ments in the Li gislalures of Great Briisin anJ France wi'l be cotumuniciled ty evary steamer front Europe, through reporter in London anJ Pana, who possa peculi ,r faciluiea f ! outlining inform itmn. VI. 'The General News nf the Day will be given in a ciMnleiiied harm, with industry and attention. II. Reports of Arguments before the Hnpirme Court i f the U. S. 'This department will he so conducted as to make the "Ri psrter" indispensa ble to every lawyer in the counirv. Kuch is a brief view of what the "United StaUa Reporter" iadesigned to be. All the plsna and ar rangements have been well matured, and the hope is confidently cherished, that tUe "United Statea Reporter'' will prove itself an energetic, industrious, ilifnified and perfectly independent journd. It will have no 'ty views no political bias. The proprietor, by the le'nis of hia contract i h the Seu-.le of i he IJ. 8., i Imund to the eondi j .n that "the paper shall contain no political discussions except the debates." It will tie Ilia vihicle of news not the nrgsn of sny set of opiui.tns. 'The grand aim of ihe auhsciilier is to establish at the seat of Government a faithful and promit reporter of all soils of intelligence s responsible sjent, on whom the politician, the business man, ths manufacturer, the mechanic, and every one interes'ed in the sf faiis of Congress and the Government, may lely at sll tint' a with implicit conHdence. It ia tlieved that tha rataldishment of such a reliihle j umal of inlet' igente on terms which place it within the reach of the great mass- s i f the peo pie, st the commencement nf what promises io he s most interesting snd eventful peri mI in the hi. lory f CopgreS'ioiial proceeding", wilt lie regarded with favor by all clasaea nf the community ; and having thua stated hia objects, the sutwciiher ro aperlfully .nlic't a hheial snd genen us rupport from ibeenlghteoed puldic nf the United Kiales. JAMES A.IIOl!STt)N. Htenngrspher to lbs Senate of the U. 8 The "United Stxtes R- porter" will be printed on a Urge and hsnJsome sheet, and issued every mor ning, except Sunday s, at the rate of six dollar per annum single copies, two rents. In connccioii with the daily aiier, there wUI be issued fr-jm Ihe tarns eslsblishineui, THE MIRROR OF C0SGRES8. Tie puhlirtion will contain exclusive 'y the rr ports of the procctdings and debatea nf the Core gress nf the Uui'ed Stales. 1 1 will be l-sued semi' weekly, in sn elegant quarto f urn, throughout the of t'o n gress, snd will be furnished to sub scribers st ths rat i f two d iUr for ths loug sea eion snd one duller fr ih short sessiou. It is he lieved that this gresl national work will be deemed indisitenaib'e in the library of every puldic inaiiiu. lion, politician and professional man throughout the country and that H will l r garded by the great mss of lbs iople ss the very best political text book for their own instruction and that of their children. IMPORTANT JSNOVKCPMENT, Throughout lbs sessi n of Congress. Extras will tie istiied from lbs office of the Uaiied 8ils Reporter," containing ths reports of such debalea aa uuy posaeaa particularly exciting inutiest. J All suhscriptioua and communications to tat post paid, addressed . "J. A, HOUSTON. L oited Slates Reporter, Washington, D,C. August 14th, 184?. tse OPINIONS OF TIE . PRESS, From tht Cam len Iimorrat. Tl7R,OH'r8 'ftttaaj VtotTanta PiLt.Thse relebrated Pills, eo onivekally uaed snd ad mired, have become to he conniipred almost aa ne. ce.saty in families a water or fuel. In fact, tha firinriple upon which thia oiediane bss estsblishnd Is reputation purgation is nlw pretty gene, ally acknowledged to he the only iua one. by which health may be p esuved, or reatited when impaired. Wright'a Pilla ar now univeival favorite. From tht Philadelphia Xaturfay Evening Pott. WmoHT'e Iwnt.v VxoFTt Pin, are at taining great . Mirity in New England, aa writ other part of the United Hptel. Th attempt of persons to defraud th public by Ihe s.te of spurious silicic meets with ' gor.eral teprohatinn. Dr. Wright is an indefatigable hntdnrs man. and shows an array of cures by the medoctne which warrant confidence in the viriueaof hia Indian VegetaUlo Pill. J'rom the Phitodrlphia Spirit tlhe Timet. Waimtr'a lanuvj VniTiiu Pitta. Peo pie are pretty well saii-fled by thia time that elo mel, and the other thooaand and one mineral pre paratione of the 'hops, are better adapted, as a gen erat rule, to kill rather than cure the patient ; a a mit er nf cnur.e, vegetable medicines are therefore in great request. There are many humbugs how-eve-, among the latter, and we would advi-e all those ho have the least regard for their health, to ny Wriiflil't Indian Vegetable PilU of Vie Hurth Amirican Culligeof Health, aa they are the pre. paration of one intimately acqnsinted wiih Ihe healing art. From the fio'tun Du'r Timet. Wntoiii's lamsa VioiTtsLK Pitts. Of all he public advertised medicines of ths day. we know of none Ihat we can more s.ifely recommend for the "ill that fleh is heir to." than the Pills that are sold at the depot of the North Amsiican Cut hgenf Health, No 199 Tremint street, Boaion. Seve'al instances we know nf where they are ued in families with the highest s toficiems snd no I nger ago than yeateidsy, we hard ane eim nt phvsnian of this city recommend I hem in high terms. 'The full wing highly respectable storekeepers have been duly spnointed sg nts for the ssle of Writht't Indian Vegetable PilU, in Nurthumber I n I county t Henry Msser, Sunborv. E. At J. Kauffioan, An mint a township. Hairuel Heib, Little M ihnnoy. W'illiam Deppen, J.ickson. Benevillo Hulahue, Upper M ibonoy. John G. Kenu, Upier Mahonny. Kamuel John, Shamokimown. Forvythe, Wil-on Ac Co.. Northumberland. E. I, Piper, Waiaonhurg. Irland At Hayr.ea. McEeniville. Jamea Peed. Poilgrove. Win. G Scott, Rushville. Ilartman Kmrhle, Ely-burg P. O. Am a T. Beissel, Turhuisville. (iiJ'Oii 8halel, Upa?r Mahonoy. Rhoiles At Farrow, SnyrUistown. John King, Farmrr-v.lle. Silas (5. Cink. Martin's Cieek. J. De Young. Hirksvide. Abraham ether, r Rirhmond. Hamnrl Taylor, HUt for i. John H. Vincent, Chihsqusqoe. Wm. Heinen At Brother, Milton. llrwtaa or Cocw-rvfaraiT. Th public are cautioned against the many epurioue medicines. which in order to deceive, are c died by namea ei- milar to Wrtithl's Indian Vegetable Pilla. Tha aiifesl course is to puichaae of the regular agents only, who ar gentlemen tbat may be re- tied or I. (T Office" devoted rxeluaive'y to he sale of W RIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS of the Noath American College of Health. No. 288 Greenwich Street, New York ; No. 198 Tremnnl Street. Boston; and PRINCIPAL OFFICE. No. ina Rica SraittT, Philadelphia. JuneJ2ih,J8l7. sl9y. DICKSON & CO., No. 80 Market Street, five doors below Third. South side, PHILADELPHIA, Importers Ac Wliotettale Oealeru In WATCHES. Watch Gla-ses and Materials. Jewelry of all dereriptions, quslilie and a'yiea, compiiaing sll the articles connected with the Trade, Clocks. Dtxon 4 Son's Britannij, German Silver and Silver-Plated Wares. Sheffield and Birmingham Plated Fancy Articles. Rodgeia & Son s and Wost-ajiholm s Cutlery, lis aors.Hc'asor. Erasets, ltetk Kniee, Ate. Dory Handled Table Cutlery, of the, medium and common qualities. A laige aseorlnieril of Gold Pens. Penfocsl Hpeelseles. Papier Macbe and Japanned Trays, various shapes and qu times, at re. lured rates Gold Wa'ch Cases, Dials and Silver. Ware, of all descriptions, manufactured to order. DICKSON & CO, having recently removed into the large and commodious warehouse formerly occupied by Messrs. It. Ashhcsst Ac Sows, and more recently by Asaajrarr o UgNiaoToaj, lieg leave to inform Watch Dealers, Country Merrhanla and others, that they design having at all timee a large a-sorlmcnl of Goods, of thru own importa tion, which they ar determined to sell at the lowest rule a. Cj" Every attention will he paid to the Packing nf Go'd, and in ihe execution of Orders, the qu tii ties andpiicca will be fully guarantied agaiosl all competition. Philadelphia. June 19th, 1047. lv First Premium Writing Ink. No. 87 North Third Street, rillLADELl'UlA. I7,ROM Dr. Hare, ihe celebrated Pmfe'sor of Chemiatry io Ihe University ol Penn'a. "Philadelphia, Oct. 1 1, lH43. "Dear Sir Having tried your Ink, I will thank you to send me another bottle, ss I find it to he excellent. I SO) yours, truly. Roar. Haas." From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, diaiingui.hed tot hia numerous scientific researches. "Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati, January 17, IM4. Having used Mr. Hover'a Writing Ink, I am satisfied ihat it ia the bent which has ever coma lo my knowledge, and especially it uexellenl for the ua of SI eel Pent, and wilt not corrode ibatn, even in long use. Joua Locas. Prof, nf Chemistry, HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT. From a well known scientific gentleman. Philadelphia, Kch. 7. 1846. Mr. Joseph E. Hover Sir t A use of your (V. mint, and some practical tetlt of ita supenoiity, bss induced me to reeommsud it Io others ss sn invaluable article for mending China, Glaas, or Cabinet War. Camraxii. Mobmt, Analytic Chemist." For sale al tha Manufactory, Wholesale snd Re tail. No. 87 Nohth Taiaa Ktbcst, oppoait Cherry alreet, Philadelphia, by JOSEPH E. HOVER, May M, 1847. jSOly Macufactutar. SOMETHING NEW '. THE Sohacrihers hsve the exclusive right of vending J- M. THATCHER'S , , , Hot ni'J',r7.ji,n In the counties of Northumbrian!, Columbia and Schuylkill t and from the encouragement met with already, tbey expect lo do a large business. This stove I constructed on an entiiely new principle, and on th only principle that c in make both, a good wood and coal stove. ' 'The inventor baa over come all Ihe difficult s that o frequently belong to other stoves. ' He has by hie arrangement, con atructej a broiling (0"4V?n III front, where in broiling, matting, frying or baking may he done, and all the irhell that arisea rharefroin must paaa Into the eombastit'le 'chamber, and la not at all thrown out into the room Besides this, there it an oven only two inchea lest than th whole site, nf the stove, wherein tvdting or roasting may be done aa well a it can be in the Common brick oven. Thia nveh ia atwaya fit lor n.e when the a'ove is healed, as the whole draught of hot air passca a round H constantly. Public attention ia particularly called to thia atove. Il can be sr en at onr Store snd Tin Estab lishment in North Danville, al the sign of the Co lumbia Tin ahop, and al the Foundry of Rohrhach Ac Clement in Kunhury, where ils particular qusli. tie will be fully shown and exp'ained to any person wishing to examine it. "' ' The subscriber continue to hsve on hand all kinds of psrlot stoves, such ss radiatora, cy lenders, fancy and plain, suitable for all who may favor ua wi h a call; also common aheet and Russii Iron. which can be made In any deairable shape; toge ther with a general esorlmenl of tin and japtnned ware, wholesale and retail. Country merchants are invited lo call and examine our stock, aa our work cannot be surpassed, arid prices modocraie. N . B. WTe can aafely recommend the above men tioned stove to persona who winh lo emhrk in a eood busioeaa The patentee will sell eiitier coun ty or stale light, to "uit purchasers, and ou rea sonable terms. He or his sgi nts nil? he four,! in bauvillc, Pa. J.AtJ. ARTER. The lin.lersipne.l, having teen In pprration the hot b i'l bnt sir CHiking stove, invented and pa tented by J. M. Thaicher, certify that we believe, from the manner of ita conalructi n and nra inn, ihat it is ihe heat one ever odervd to the public. The arrsngement iaso complete and Ihe construction so judicious, that there is a saving of one half the fuel and tini. in doini any given amount of a -rvicc, over other celebrated stoves. In short we recom mem it in preference to all other-, fir Ihe simple reason thst it emhrsces every branch nf economy. Samuel Garrett, John W Garrett. Diviil Chat field, W F Kitch n. John M Gibv, E Thompson, Smith Thomp son, J D Hahn, John Oaken, H, siki ah Bear, Eliia F Oooricr, Geo M l!ihrt, Daniel HufTnisn, Henry H Itisset, F II Catver, Daniel Dreiahaeh, Joeph Vanknk, Brooks Epley. Danville. March 6. 1817. ly rTHE subscriber otTers for aale a chesu Fsrm, situate in Shann kin township, Northumber land county, about eight miles from Sunbury. ly ing between ihe Centre lurnnike snd Iri.h Valley, containing 16 seres and allowances. Said firm is in a g khI stale nf cultivation, with reasonably good buildings and excellent water near the door ; and all kinds of fruit. Arc. JOHN FARNSWORTn, Sunbury, Feb. 20 J847. CIT7 ATJCTIOIT ST03.E, iNo. 31 Worth Third street, (mTimr..m.) FHILADBLFHIA. C. M ACK li Y, AitTioxEER. c. TO COUNTRY STORE KEEPERS. IT, Vr.NING SALES of Hardware, Cutlery, 2J Saddlery, Whips. B.Kits, Shoea, Hals, Cups, Guns, Pi.tols, t'lolhiiig, Wstckea and Fancy tiood. At Mackey's Auction Store, 31 North Third street, near the City Hotel. The attention nf Country Merchants is invited. The Goods will ha s Id in lots to suit purch iers, snd all Goods offered will be wa'ran'ejqua to the representations ihat may be made of them. N. B. A large eenoruocrit of Goods al I'rivsle Sale. Jan. Ifi. 1847 MOUNT VERNON 1)5 North 2d st., bet. Arch t-V Race sis., I li i I n d c 1 1 li i n . BRADY Ac PARKER respectfully inform their friends and Ihe public thst they have taken the above named house, recently kept by J. S. Adams, snd are pi spared to accommodate rusio. mers in Ihe most satisfactory manner and al res aonable price. Their table will he supplied with the beat vari ety the market alToids their par lore and sleeping apvrtmente will be in the beat order. The house baa been thoroughly repaired and furnished with a view le the Comfort of travellera and strangers. Having had several years eierienc in the business, ihev hope lo give general satisfaction, and respectfully invite travellers snd slrsngers lo give them s csll. BRADY At PARKER. Philadelphia. January 16. 1847. tf rg JLlousscPs iTlnnjrrsnl SHAVING CREAM. Small quantities given without Charge. .It 114 ChnnHi St., PHILADELPHIA. THIS new and rplendid article, a it name de notes, is profeed t be surinr to sny Mis ving Cream in the United Stales or Europe. It ia uusurpsss d f or besoty, purity snd f sgrance, tho' somowhal analagoua to Gurlain's Ambrosial Cream and other similar compounds. It far sur passes them sll by th em. I lent peaty consistency of ils lather, which so softens Ihe hesrd ss to render shaving pleaaant and easy. It further possesses the advantage over the imported article, in being frei-hly pn pie I. no xkill being wanting in ita man ufacture, E.Rouseel having had many years' ex perience in the celebrated Laboratory of Laugur, Pet ei Til., now Itenaud At Co.. of I'uria. Besides being the lt, il ia ihe cheapest article for shaving; it ia elegantly put up in boxes, with splendid steel engraved labels. Price $3 per dozen, or 87 cents for a single box, lo ahave one year, It is also sold al ft Ml per lb. or 13 j ci nts per ox., ao ihat gentlemen ran have their boxes filled at EUGENE ROISSEL'S. Wholesale and Retail Perfumery and Mineral Wa ter Es'abliahmrnl, 114 Cbenot Street, Dee 19, 1646.-. PHILADELPHIA. FOUNTAIN HOTEL Light Street, . T HE House hss undergone a thorough tepair. I b proprietors solicit its lormer paliouaua. Tsrms 1 1 S3 per day, WM. W. DIX, -ARTHUR L. rOGCJ. July 4, 1616, ly Proprietors. - ATTOH N R Y AT LAW,:' BTJirBTJRT, PA. . , r Business attended to in the Counties of Nor' thumlerland, Union. Lvcomtng and Columbia. Hefer to I P. & A. FovocnT, Lowaa dr. Baaaov. Sonaaa At Bsmnoaae, S-PMlaJ, RsvaoLita, A Co. Sraaiao.Oooa Ac. Co., TasaTB33XaJtV7" AUCTION STORE. 1 No. U North 3d St., third door above Market Sireet. rHILADBLFHIA, At.E EVERY EVEMNtl, .f a general as sortment of Fnn'mn and Domestic Hardware, ' Table and Pm ket Cutlery, Trunks, Lorka, Latcheis, Bobs. $.iw. Saddlery, Whips, Bonis, Shots, Hi t, Caps, Guns, Pistols, Trimminaa, Clothing snd Fsney Gitmls. The attention of city and Country dealer ia in. vited. The Goods are fresh, snd will be warranted equal to trie repreaenlarinna that may be made of them. BAVLI4 Ac BROOKE It, Auctioneer,, No 6 North Third at. N. B. Furehasera can have their Goods packed. Several Invnicea of Goods have b,en received to be aold at private sale. Philadelphia, Dec. 19th, 1846. ty To Tlie iroTof 0."F. J. W. & K. ll. STOK K S, Manufacturers of Premium Odd Fel lows' Regalia. Ao. 104 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, First Clothing Store belo Cth Street. r!HE tubserihera having taken the premium at JL Franklin Institute, at the t9t exhibition, for the beat Regalia, ibev invnc the attention of ilia order to their establishment, whe e they w.ll find a sp'endid aarortmenl nf P. G. and Encampment Re galin. They aln make to order for Lodges and Encampments, Rega'ia, Snshia, 'olumea and Rohea. and furnUh every thing requisite for tha convenience of new Lodges or Em amprucnta. J. W. STOKE,-E- D. STOKES. Philadelphia, Dee. 19, 1810. ty deIttistrt. " P Fa t k n n. MASS Fa i?, RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, TT ESPECTFUI.LY informs ihe citizens of OB, Sunhurv snd vicinilv, that he has opened sn ! "Hire st the se-iilence of Henry Mas-er, in Maiket street, where be ia prepared to execute all kinds of DrsTAL Sl-sskst. Plate Work. Ai.c , on the latest and most approved plans. Having bad rome exierienee and instruction, under one of ihe mot eminent and successful Den lia'e in Philad, Iphia. he believes that he will be able lo give sstisf.iciiou lo Uioms who may want hia aervicea Ladies will lie waited on at their pl io e of reai dence. His charges will be mojciate, snd his wnik warranted. Sunbury, March SSlh. 1846. To Piirrliaicm of DRV GOODS. .Vo. 121 Pearl tt., NEW YOHK. HAVING estahli-het a Branch at Nit. 144 Ches. nut St.. Philadelphia, ia now opening, and will be constantly receiving from the New York A uc tiona. an extensive aasmamenl of rANCY V STArXaS DRY OOOD5. , which will be sold at ihe lowest New York pi ices, at wholesale and R' tail. Among h a slock will In, found a giod assortment nf ihe following articles: Jaeenncta, Plaid. Hair ('old, Lace, Siripe, B.iok, Swis and 'Tarlatan Muslins, Bish p and Linen Lawns, Fancy CapNelts, Fancy and Ball Drea.ea, 'Thread Lares, Application Do,, rich B ack Silk Trim mi i g Lace, Irinh Linens, Linen Cambrics, Linen Cambric Hdkf.. Curtain Frmges, Cnshinera d'Ecoa-e, Mouaehne de Laine. Silk and Cotton Warp Alpaccas, CJu -en's Cloth, Gala Plaids, French Merinos. HUck ffks, Gl .vo.. ti k Hoae, Shawls, t'rava's, RillHin. Emlnonleri' a A-c, Are. ('ouiitrv Merchants and others viailing Phil olel phis or New York to purchee, are respectfully in vited to call and rxamioe the st.atka. Nov. 1. 1M.V ly K I. I K V K AND LIVE. THOMSON'S Couipouud Syrup of Tar & Wood .apllia. rflHE unprecedented success of thia medicine, in JL Ihe) restoration of heal b, to those who, in des pair, had given up all bogies, baa given it an exal ted reputation alnve all other remedies, furnishing evidence of its intrinsic value snd power, as the on ly scent which csn be relied upon for the cure of Pulmonary Consumption. Broiirhittis, Asthma, Pain in the tide and Brea-t, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Couch, ('roup. Arc. Attention ia requested lo the following ASTON. ISHING CURE.hv Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Nsptha I ! Philadelphia, May 3d, 1844. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful feeltnga 1 inform you nf the astonishing effects of your medicine, which haa literally ieis.-d me from a death-bed ! My dines -e. Pulmonary Conaump. lion, had reduced me o low that my physician pro no.inted my case hnis-lese ! Al this junction I he gsn lo u-e your mehcin, and rniracul us aa it may seem, it has eornpletclv resloied me lo health, after very thing else had fatted. Keapertfullv vours, WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte atreet, above George street. The undersigned, being personally acquainted with Washington Mark and his siillif ings, bear witness lo the satonishing effects nf Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar, and the truth of the a bove statement. JOS. WINNER, 91ft North Third street, DAVID VICKERS, 43 Almond street, HUGH M 'GIN LEY, S. E. corner Tamsny and Fourth streets. Prepared only by H. P. Thomson, N. E. corner of Cth and Spruce streets, Phiiade'phia, Agents It. B. Masaer, Sunbury ; D. Gross, snd Dr. Macpheraon, Harriaburg Jn ,G, Brown, Pollaviile Gen. Earl, Reading Houston Ac. Ms mi, Towanda, Bradibrd county, Pa. Price (0 ceute per bottle, or f 5 per doaen. (j Heware of all imitation. Philadelphia, June 8lh, Itl4. Iv c6rgcJ, tVcaicr, BOPS rrlAXER & SHIP CHANBX.EQ. Ao. I Z Hurth Water Street, Philadelphia. WW AS eonaianlly on hand, a geueral aaaort U I inent of Cordage, Seine Twines, Alc., via l far il Roiee, Fishing Ropes, Whit Ropes, Manil la Ropea, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Heine 1' wines, 4t, such aa Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beat Patent Gill Nat Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Shoe Threade, aVc &.C Also, Bed Coida, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, CoUou aod Linen Carpet Chains, Ac-, all of wbkh he will diajKasa of ou rraonable teima. PhilJil,diia, Navcmbei 13, 184X. ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers