1 B A If Kffl TB'WITr -j amnio cor ! ft Tv La ii ii J(5 4& ? osi A.T T O R N R Y-A T I; W 5? CYwW Snnsytvanva Dunk N .- The most implicit l reerv mm '.' t'tfrtrtn. Ibe ttahea .Telegraph. nolo or tni voaicto tirAitMi Withm-Wlri aoepy Hn . V ' ", ' ' With whieTteiro Willed kt rtrjC. v. ! I". X Wier eat with ae,rd ., ' - ' -. AitttmrttfrlntW ' ' v Workwork wbfk, . Thetc band shall never tfursus, '. While! no ti'brain lottf nlrov to etrrek. Of ifltrwtfiw. 1 And he eplTsapTts-pitt. . . ; When rrron la braktr bright ; 0ite spite pita, . ; . When Sol has tlimVi W "heirht ; ' tpite ipits aptta, . . . With day'e expiring gleam, A nd supperleee felling asleep on a bench, -Keeps spitting away in his dream. ' TT in kit dream ba dreams, , It ia by fate decreed, That ha la a graat tobacco worm, To extirpate tha weed And aa he worka awajr To make bia conquests tore ! A free and enlightened citixm, A aouffer, imbkef, and chewer. At market, church, or mill, In business or prayer S:sge-coachee,' care," and barber'a abopa, Bar-rooms, and everywhere- -He spits apita tpita, Evening, noon, and mourn ; And snttffa, and puffs, and blows bia note, Aa a fitberman blowa bia born. Sweethearta and wivee look here ! Ii this the RMin for you, . . . Whose noae it only fit to eoiiff, Ilia month to air.oke and chew T Spit spit spit O! 'tis a natty trick ; Enough to tain any lady fair, Unless she be able to stomach a bear, ' Or a loafer enveloped in whisker and hair, Abominably sick. Ve dimes who mean to wed, Come listen to my lay Your rbarms from all tobacco worms, Forever turn away, But if you wear the yoke, With resignation wear It Nor sulk, nor scold, nor get the blues ; But if be smokes, and snuffs, and chews, Till pigtail quids are over bia shoes, Dear madam grin and bear it. Tht Boot mt nil sCvil. BY TUOMAS HOOO. Gold ! gold ! gold ! gold ! Bright and yellow, bard and cold, Molten, graven, harr.mer'd, and rolled; -Heavy to get, and light to bold ; Hoarded, barter'd bought, and sold : Stolen, borrow'd squander'd, doled; Spurti'd by the young, but bugg'd by the olJ To the very verge ot the church-yard mould; Price of many a crime untold ; Gold! gold! gold! gold! Good or bad, a thousand fold. How widely its agencies vary; To aave, to ruin, to curse, to bleaa ; As even its minted eoia express ; Now stamp'd with image of good Queen Bess, And now of bloody Mary. Wash fob Hoasaa. Take two or three hanOfula of walnut leaves, upon which pour two or three quarta ol cold water, let it infuae one? eight, and the next morning' pour the whole in to a kettle and let it boil for fifteen or twenty minutea, In this infusion dip common sponge, and rub the horse thoroughly. The implication should bo ninet liberally oiedo In those parts generally aeaild by the fly; lor inn's nee, the neck, between the ears, end on the flanks and tally. I have repeatedly bad re course to this remedy, and have invariably found it t'til'ctual. Mr work borate on the tarns, are itiirinfl "fly time, constantly rubbed with it. Its application to other eoiinale ia also of benefit, and a prevention of much anfieting. -German town TtUgrmph, Eloqumcb at a 1'naaucM. 'May it pleaae the Court,' asid Yankee lawyer, before Dutch Juatice the other day, "thia ia a case ol the greatest importance. While the American Egle, whose e'eepleea eye walchea over the welfare of tbia mighty Republic, and whuee winga extend from the AhVghanie to the Rocky Chain of the VVeet, waa rejoicing in bia prile of place" . 'Shtop dare I Shtop, I asy, vat haedie aort to do roit eagles. Die has noitin to do mit the wild bird. It ish von sheep,' exclaimed the Jus tice. 'True, your honor, but my client baa right lino. ' Vc's gtient has no right to da eagle V ' Of course not, but by the lawaof language' What carce ' for de lawaof da language. inulershtaiil de laws of de State, and dit ih o nonob ir me. Confine ynur talk to the can. Well, then, my client, the defendant ia this c ia charged with stealing' a sheep, and' 'Pat will do! Iat will do, Your client is harped mit slHesling a sheep, just nine UiU Jin. Degourt will adjourn to Dill Verguson'e in drink. A Philo84ipimcal Qi canon. "John, can ) ;.u tell ma the difference W'lten attraction of gravitation end attracton of eohesioul" Ye, ir : attraction of gravitaron pulla drunken man to the ground ; aiuseiion of ccbeaioo pre enta hie getting up again." lama arty be fjaeew ipo W; a It Is tarefclly- nmpmna enth atal ooftaeieJ fVW aasTa Waperteii 1 ' ' ' r : . , ltAntti In rhUaOtilktav Notts ."At. JtAlf.i ana of Nwrti America , ' , tank of the Northern t.llrtle , Cornrrrarcisl BstA of Penn's. . . Fannera and Mecbanka Bans fCenslnglon flank . .' PhilaoVlphia Bank " Schuylkill Bank . . . . . . . Sotithwark Bank Western Bank ' ' .: Meriiaiitce Bank . ManafcrmrMs' & Mechanic' Buhk Bank of Prnn Township . , . OirardBank Bnk of Commerce, late Moyanvwing Bank ef Pennsylvania Country Dankt. , KWk- Disc, in Psiitan. '''!'' p . . pat . pat ; par par r par par par , l'r par psr psr aajaaasBMsIl Bank efrheeter Cminty1 Weatcheaiet pat Bank of Delswsre County Chester par Bank of Oermsntown - ' Oermantown par BaiA f Mohteonwy Co. N orris 'own ' sr Doyleetown Bank 0'vle4tiwn pr Bestaa Bank - Rneton par Farmers' Bank of Bucka re. ilritnt par Bank of NoribumberlanJ Northamtierland par Crrlvsnhia Bank Bridge eo.(olumli . par Farmers' Bank of Lancaatei LanciHe par Lancaster County Bunk1 IiiKrtter ' pir Lancaster Bank I.anr atet - par rarmets' Bank el Keadlng" KAing par Omee of Bank of Petin'a, OrtVca .- do do Office do do Office -do do NOTES AT DISCOUNT, lank of the United 8tates Philadelphia S3 Miners' Bank of Pottavilte Pntsille Bank of Lewistowa IewiAnwn I J Bank of Middlatvwn Middletown fat CarliaU Bank Carlisle 1 Exchange Bank Do : do branch of llairistniig Bank lehanon Bank Mercbante' 8t Manuf. Bank' Bank of Piitabnrg Harrieburg - These Reaitlng f do not Esston J iub n. IiewiAnwn Middletown Carlisle Pittttturg Hnllidavsbarjf Harriaburg Lehandft ' Pittsburg Plttsbctg Wllllamtpnrt Wilkeaharra Atlentown Reading Pmal.urg Erie New Britrhlon Chamberabnrg (iHtysburg Montrose Erie I Wsyneatnirg ' Washineton Honeadnle Hronnaville York failed do do i i !! ';l i i 2.1 West Branch B ink Wyoming Bank Northamptnn Bank Berka County Hank Office of Bank of U. 8. Do do 1o Do ' do do Bank of Chamhersbnrg Bank of Oettysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmers' ft Drovers' Bank Fianklin Bank Hnnesdale Bnk Monnngaheta Bank of B. York Bank N. B. The notes of those banks on which we omit quotstions, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia hrokara, with the exception or ttinee wnicn nave a letter ol rvlerrnee. BROKEN 1 Philadelphia 8av. Ins. , Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuylkill 8s v. Ins. Kenaingtou asv. Ins. A Penn Township See. Ins. Manual Labor Bank ( T. W roweiida Uank Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Dank of fctwalars Bank of Wsahingtitn Centre Bank City Bank r armera' & Mech ca' Hunk Farmera'& Merl.'ca' Bank Farmera'ek MechVa' Bank Harmony Iustitute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. BriJge Co. Nortbumu'd Union Col. Uk. North Wealern Bauk of Pa. Office of 8chuylkill Bank Pa. Asr.dc MaiiuC Bank 8ilvat Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Wiikeabarre Bridge Co. rry All notea puriiortiug to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the ebove list, may be aet Jown aa frauda. NEW JCRSUT. Bank of New Biuoawick Brunawkk ' failed Belvidete Bank Belvidere Burlington Co. Bank Mcdford par Commercial Bank Perth Amboy 1 Cumberland Bank Brtdgetun ar Farmers' Bink Mount Holly psr Fsrmers' and Mechanics Bk Rahway J Farmers' anJ Mechanics' Uk N. Biunswirk (ailed Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Middletown Pi. i A N K 8. Philadi'l.hia failed do foiled do failed do do Dyott, prop.) failed Ttiwanda . Bedford no sale Reaver closed HanialiUrg ' ctoaed Washington failed IMIfnie closed Pittburg no 'ale i'lltsburg fsilud Fayette co. failed (reencaatle failed Harmony uo sale Huntingdon no sale lwitown noaale Warren failed DuiiilarT no sale New Huc closed M ilton no sali Meadville ' cluaed Port Carbon . Carlisle failed Monttoae cloeed Uniontown failed Cireensburg cloaej Wiikeabarre no sale f ot lb eaia af fabi( and all MndVtf C .i r i . ... trf FrfldBavt ' . ii M CaWiawtes sfratr Wharf, 1 ' Cb' Mvarwea oh Consignments ! Teh iih,,!g4TSm. . TO VATCn IrlAXtBIin ,. . -v AND . . . .... Imxrtf of VVatcheta, Wltctt-Makef!l, , ; oiiI And W alch Materinls VFholNale It Retail. No. 33. Hutk Fourth it . PHILADELPHIA, HAH cotisisn'ly on band a large iisrariment of Lanrlt; P nei.t. and Plain Olaa; . Mln springs VergfS, Dials, Watch Hands, anl a com plete awortmenl of alt Tools sod Mateiiala b lnf ing to the rredei with a larre aaaftmeot of God and ftilvnt Lem, Lepioe, and Plain Watche t alt of which he wi'l gosraniv toaelt attlra loei IS' en York priees, All orders froaa the coantry pitnetu allyeiecuted. N. B. Covmry tnerchanta ando'hera sreinvited tj c II and examine at the Old Stand, No. 33 foU h Fotlfih Htr. Vh la.leljihi ... Jan.t.'l. 1W4T. m No. SI Worth Thin! street, (oat a Tar citt aoTrt.1 H X I. A Xm 9 It X A. C. MACK E Y, AtcTtoerR. TO tX)IJNTRVSTORE KKEPEKSt. VriNING SALES of Hardware, t'utfc.y, Saddlery, Wbip. Bmits, 8boe, II m. Uara, tiuns, fi-tola. Ltotblng, ' Watches and Fanry O od. At Markey'a Auction et. re, 31 4V rth Third street, nesr the City Hob I." ' ' The sttentf n of Country M- ubanta is invited. The Good will be s Id in lots to suit purchasers, end all Uonda offered will be wsrran e I iual to the repres. ntalinna ihat may be made of them. N. B. A large as'orimrnt of Onola a) Private Sale. ian. l. 1847 ly Franklin Bsok of N.J. Jersey City Hoboken Bag At Oiating L-o ltoboken c. , , To.hc , 1. O. of 0 F. j..'.&e it: us t'oxe:s,'5 WnBrActUrajrg'V Prf tftfufn 'Odi.Ff C 'w V TMW.Rfigtiiii, ; .'lr e - No. H Mmktt reef, PHILADXLPHIA, ' First Clothing Store below th Btreet. - 1 ' i I - ! It mm THB Mbaerflieta having taken that ptemlurn at Franklin Inetltnte, at the lent etbibttion. for the beat RagsHa, they Invite the attention of the frder their 'establishment, where they will find a splendid assortment of P. 0. and Encampmehl Re galia, They alo make U order for Lodges and Enrampmsnts, Aegalia, "asbra, Cotume and Kes. and Tarnish every thin requisite for the e.nvanlenc of new LodgVae Bntemptient.'" J. W.8TOKfc, v ' E-D. STOKES. Pbiladeipkta.Dee. f, tjB.ly Wa, U ltmh FkiK Hintf; unitr tto Mer. FBlladwlpliia. ' - a Is xtant aanta.J TTjT EEPS constantly en hand an bttensive as illX sortment of all kinda of Silk, Fur ami Bes ei Hata, which bo efTera for sale en the moat rea sonable terms. Hie Hats are made np of the tost materials, and in the aaost approved style. . Per eons visiting the eity will find it to their Interest to all, . July 11th. 1346. ly COLOMBIA HOUSE, OKBSXTVT STB EST, PHILADELPHIA. . - aunsuAS, a-a. MOUNT VERNON sat IS- VH North 2d at., bet. Arch & Race (., Philadelphia. BKADY PAKKER rrspectrully inform th-ir frrrnd ami tba public that i h y b ive taken the above named house, recently kept by J., 8. Adam, an I are piepared In seenramnttsle ruto ro.'ri in the most sitisfsclory manner and at rea sonable prices. Their table will be supplied with the best vari. ety the market arToids their parlors and sleeping spirtmonts will t in the beat order. The house has been thoroughly retired snd furnished with a view to the CMiiTort of trave.ners and strangers. Having hsd several years experience in the business, they hope to give geneial sa'isfsrtion, jnd respectfully invite travrlbrs snd strsnaers to gie them s call. BR , DY A PARKER. Philadelphia. Janu.ry 16, 1847. tf CHEAP WATOHX3S7 The Cheapest Gold and Silver Watches IN PHILADELPHIA. ' N. S North Fourth Street, : ' . PHILADELPHIA, . a Invite Mercbsnts and Milliners to at-fTa amine their siock ef Bonner, PalraH L.af and Leghorn Hata. For and C'oth Caps, ar d India Rubber Bhoes.. Ii will be fond to eontain all of the moat desirable kinds, and wgl be dd at tha lowest market prices. No. tt North Fonrth Street, between Maiket and Arch Streets. - Ph-tadelphia. Dec. Iih. 1B46. Bm New Firm. THE Undera gned bareVy gives not're. that he has ssspciaied with himself, aa a partner in the meresntile business, in bis store adjoining Weaver's Tavern, in Sunbury, John Hsas. and that the said store will hereafter be conducted un J. the firm X Clement & Han. 1'be store at the S -uth Wrst comer of Marked tVlare Wilt be conducted as heretfins by the subscriber himself, to ahrch be respectfully in rites bis customers and friends. He ae.i n -tifini it! iboae Indebted to bim, to eaH between thia and the 1st of Jsuosry neat, and set tle their accounts. All kind of produce will be taken on account, at cash prices. Hereafter no longer than foar mfntb credit willbeaiverf. IRA T. CLEMENT, gnnbury. Noe; 14. 1B46 tf. CL131TT &, HAAS, RESPECTFULLY infirm the public, that on the 9th Inst., ihey entered into partnership, in the mercantile business, at the atnre recently -copied by Ira T. Clement, adjoining Weawr'a Tavern, in Sunbury. They have -..lf received" a new stock uf Roods, which they will lioe of st the lowest prices. All kirda of produce will be taken in etchange for 'o.l. No longer (ffsn four months credit will be given. IKK T. CLEMENT, .... . JOHN HAAS. Hunhurv. Nov. 14. 1846. tf. EXTRAORDINARY IjlSCOVEUY! ' . t i THIS large and commodiona Hotel ha recently j been -fitted -np wnh entire new lerniturav; The aubseriber therefor solicit the patronage afj tb fiblie, and riant that their riperteoee in thai business arffi enable them to give entire astisfac- I tion. Terms SMvlerst. , , . - . , BAULEY, McKCNKlC & Co. July 4th. I84. ty . .uwnnrw siirviuTTU .V III luv ywuillls . VT thurpl ef land, Union, Lycoming and Colnika. gtolke ai P. J A. RavorilT. Lowan Jr. Baaaea, Sonaaa dr. SaoaeaAsa, ' Rttota, MeFatAt &Co. Seamae, Oeen St Co., PUELIXUBI SOAL Dal' Cetel rated Rail Road t m a .! uoi ana rise " Iron Msnofic's t Portable Platfoi SO diflarrat sat Dot did tor riooa. & dirT rent ail Counter 13 diflerent ait Tbe above 8cales i made either single double beam,, and t PI 1 I do ' do kgmmm 1 ' do do I dav . . do I dj do its. Sale FOUNTAIN HOTEL, ! sLIarht Street, TH E House haa undertone a thoroufh ref sir The proprietors solicft its former psVrohsga. Terms II 35 per dsy. WM. W. DIX. - v arthur t. rrrrtt). July 4, l84--ly Proprietors. Ifeller &i tSi t ciiomrIi, PATS51TT ATTOP.N'E'J'S, AivV nir.tnnnitAi. r.nou r.r.ns, WLSMUTtlTOK, XK C, ITkRA WINGS and Papers for the Pi-eht Ifif. Ujl flee will be prefiarrd by lhem at their offi.-e, opposite the Patent Ofllce. 1 July. 4th. 1B4 ly - . SILVEU MEDAU AWaaasa tt ral tiiitm lasriTtrra, 1845. City Dafnrrrrciype Ettatlinhmcnt. (I. ATS Bixoas & t'oLims,) No 100 Chtunut ft., nbwt 77.W, South aoV, . ZaiXsAX)EXsPHtA. iaB"INtATCRE3 taken ec,ua!ly ss well in clou ItB dy ss in c'e.r wether. A dark silk dtes for a lady, and a black suit for a gentleman, are .rrft.rebl in sittiitg fur a pictu e. Ha extra charge ia made for coloring, snd perfect likenesses sre I gUnrsniied. . July 4th. 184B. ly l Sri O il T A X T TO ali.colntrv HOUSEKEEPERS. - YOU may be sure of obtaining, at all times, purs andbighly Savored i t decidedly tbe most durable, accurate and eonva j ent c nVa ever Inva tied. We also bare Platf. it ! and Counter Scales, Patent Balaneea and S kind uf Weighing Mschines in uae for sale, who ale and rstail, at low prices. All Scales sold by to go out of Ihs city, sre holed free of charge, si wsttanled to give satisfaction to the purrhsaer i every particular. OKAY dr. BROTHER, Manufacturers snd Iealera, No, 34 Walnut atrat Jur.e ST, IMS. ly Philadelphia SALT. New York Srt irTbarriu and bag,( ash st toanufketurcts' prices, by GRAY & BROTHER, June Y, 184 ty 34 Walnut at. Phil HORSE SHOES. Burden's Pstei Sliorsv far sate at manufacture! lersey City Bank Mechanic' ttnk Msnufscturers' Bank Morris County Bsnk Monmouth Bk of N. J. . Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Manef. Bk Morris Canal and Bkg Co Post Notea Newark Bkg V Ina Co New Hope Del Bride Co M. J. Manufac and Bkg Co JU-rsey City Pstierson BeUevill Morrtstown Freehold Newark Trenton Jersey City Newark LamberUville Hoboken failed failed failed failed failed i failed i par no aala i I failed N J Protecton aV Lombard bk Jersey City failed Orange Bank Orange 1 Paleraon Bank Peterson failed PsopUa' Bank do Princeton Bauk Princeton par Salem Banking Co Salem par Stale Bsnk Newark Stale Bank Klisahetbtown I Btete Bank t Csuwleti f par Stale Bauk of Morris ' Morrutown . Stat Bank Trent. mi failed 8alem and Pbilad Xlaiiuf Ce Sakin failed 8uel Bank Newloq I 1'renton Banking Co Trenton ' par Union Bank Dover Washington Banking Co. ' ' Harkenaack failed limWARE, ' ' Bk of Wilaa Jr. Brandy win' Wilmington .- par Bsnk ef Daisnsrr Wilmington , per Bank ef Smyrna . Smyrna , v par Do . bisnrb MiUord . .. . par Faiaaeta Bk ef Slate ef Del Dover i par Do branrb Wilmington par Do braorb - Uaorgetown par De branch Newcastle . par Union Bauk Wilmington par dy Under 5's t" bwas maikrd nar couaieriatl or ailarad nolae noaaiaatiooa, la circulation. vanoue da- Gf)LD I-evsrs, full Jewelled, f 00 8.ler do. do. MOO U .till Lepines, Jewelled, . 30 00 Silver do. do. . Ift 00 S,!i r Qo sriirrs, fine qu.ill'y, 10 1)0 OolJ Wslrhes. .ain, - 15 00 Silver irctscbs,- Gold Tencils, t 00 Gold HrceUtN . 4 00 A Is', on hsnd. a large nsar)ment of C. -til snd Hsir Praeeli ts, finger r'n ga. Jret pins, hoop esr rings, ,4J ena, silver xsins, augar tongs, thim bles, gold neck, curb and f-b chains, guard keya and jewelb ry of every de.cription, st equally low (ricae. All I want is a call to convince' custo met; s All kinds of Wstcbes snd Clorke, eepaire and WHirHiiieil to keep g.tod time for one j esr; old gold or silver hocght ot taken in eiehsnge. For sale, eight day and thirty hour braas clock', at LEWIS LA DOM US' Watch, Cloek and JeVelle.y Snne, No. 4 IS) Market street, above Eleventh, north aide, Phils phia. rj I have aome Qold and Sifvet Levera, at II much cheaper thin the ab wices, , , , Pbiladclphia, Dee. 86. 1846. ly ' AUCTION STORE. No. 0 Nurth 31 u third door above Market St reel. HILASBI.l,BZA. C4ALE EVERY EVENING, of a general as- k sortment of Foreign and Domestic Hsrdware, Table snd Pocket Cutlery, Trunks, Locks, Latrhets, Bolts, Saws, Peddlery, Whips, Booia, Hhora, Hs s. Cans, uuus, PiatoK Trlmruinaa, Clothing and Fane Goods. The attention of city snd country dealer la in vited. The G.wxls ar fresh, snd will be warranted equal to the rrpreaeiitatlona that may ba mad of them. BAYLI9& BROOKE K, Jutfroneerr, No 6 North Third at N. B. Purchasers can have their Goods parked. Several tnveicrs of Goods have bten reeeived to be sold st private sal. ' ' I'hilsdelphia, Dee. Itb, 1846. I y CrB iioiisscl's Onnjcrwl SHAVING CREAM. Small quantiiica given without Charge M 114 Chrtnnl St PHILADELPHIA. FIHIS nest end splendid article, a its nme de 1 notes, is pofeeaed t bo aoperine to any Hba vipg Crasru in lb United ttea Of Eutepe. It ia tinamwiaa.d 1 bQiy, uuiitv and f aBinre, iho1 somewhat anelarou to Goerlain'a Amhrnelal Cisam and other similar eompounda. tt far nr paasea tkeea sU the em I ienl ctaaty aaaaasssairy of its lather, which o eofWji ih besrd as t. rend, r shsvtng plasaiU snd easy. II .further poseasse the advantage over the tmporleJ article, in Mieg freshly pripiie-l.ee skill bsiiig'.wan'uig in its msui- uuctura. E.Koussel having nal many vwrs" i aierienee In tbe eelehreted Ijborstnrj of Laugur, Per et FiU. new Rensud ot a., of Parte. Bsaiile bring lb best, it ie the cheapest article for ehavtngr it is eleeantlr put up in boxes, with eolendid steal naraved laWla. Pries $g par' dogen, or 37 eenta for a single boj, to absve one year, l la stso sold si fl 0 par lb. ar It) tenia per o., so that gentlemen rsn have their bote filled st EUUENC BOLBSBI-tj. Wholesale and eMail Perfomery and Mineral Wa tor Es sblishment, 114 Cbaarul Streat. Dtc. 19. ie9.s- PHILADELPHIA. aliens Horse Kh piicti, y CRAY t BROTHER. Jur. 87. 1S46. ly . 34 Wslnul -t. Phils. PENNSYLVANIA" HOUSE, SJSATirSSS OAX? SS CTJBZ2tt ASntieRR'M KTKRI4I. Oil A nrotnol and V J la-ling rameilv for Ustrvssa, slso for pains ami discharge of matter from the Ear. Hundreds of cure in raea deemed utterly hope lets have firmly established it superiority over e ve ry former Medicsl disrovery. 1 bis valuable Acoustic Medicine is a compound of four different Oils, one of wbii-b, the active snd prinripal incieilient, is ol'ttinej from the bark of a cerisin species of Walsct, a new and effectual agent In the cure of Deafness. Person, who hsd been deaf for 10, IS and even 0 years, have been permanently cured by using tbia oil. In fact, so numerous and so emphatie bsve been the testimonials hi Its favor, that the in ventor claims for it the diatinrtion of an Infallible Remedy, in all cases, when lb Ear ia perfect in ila formati' n. Fot farther partirolarr, snd evidence of its great value, see printed sheets, in tbe hsnds of Agents. For a .! in dunboiy. by J. W. FUILINU. September 19th, 1846 I y UNKIVALLr.D AND UNEQUALLED In ruling Cold, Coughs, Asthma, Influcna. Whooping-Cough, and all Diseases of tbe bte-st snd lungs, leading to Consump tion composed of the concentrated virtues of the herba Horebonnd, B.4iesett, Bloodtoot, and seversl other egeta- tie substances. ... Warranted PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. a THIS invslusble Medicine is the most sredy and certain remedy ever discovered for the s love com pis n is, ss thoussnds who hsve Used 11 will testify, . For sale, in Sunbury, by J W FRILING and in Nortt an.berlsnd. by D. BRAUTIGAM, snd at Wholesale, in Phllsd. Iphia, by F. KLETT ak Co, . Comer ef Second end CaUowhill street, September Uih, 1846. ly . . D EN T-JsT It Y. JACOB HffiLLER, ' ' FVHANKFUL for tbe liberal encouragement I which be has received, would respectfully inform bis friende and tbe citisens of Nortliumlr land county in general that he haa prepared Lira self with the beet Ineorroptibte Teeth, Gobi Plate, Gold Fe.il, Ac.; thst can be had In tba eltV of Phi ladelphia v and thai b will endeavor, I lb almost el hi ability, to render full satisfaction to s'.l who ausy think proper to engage bis services. He Will be hi Sunbury st the August court, where he will be prepared, at his residence, to insert Teeth oa Gold Plata, er on Pivot, on tba leteet and aaost ap proved pNns, snd attend to all the branches belong wgnj DENTAL 8UFCEKY. Lsdiea will he waited on at their place of yaai denre, if desired. His cbsrgee will be reasonable, end bia woik warrsntad. Ha will vialt different parte of the eeontyi gbont once iu three month. Hanbnry, July 18th, 1146 Bm ' By the single pound or larger qoartily, at the Peklo Tea Coiupana'n Ta rehouse, 30 South &eond itrtet, Icluxcn Market ami Chti nut itreet. raXX.ASLFXJXrV- Heretufore it hta been very difficult, indeed, aU mort Imposaibla. alwaye to obtain, good Gre n and Bl k Tess. Bu now you have only to visit tbe Pekin Tea Company's 8lore, to obtain as delicious snd frsgrsnt Tes ss yon could wish for. All tastes can beie be suited, with the advantage of getting a pure srt'rrle st s low price, June tih, 1941. , - ' CIO ? miiolesaim: A!'U retail. THE sttbaraibere are constantly manufacturing from the beat Pnricti, English and American maiiufsttuieJ Cloths and Cassimcts, CLOTHl.VU in s very superior style, cut and workmanship. Persona buying to sell again will find one of the largest snd most fahionsble stock of goods to select from in the city, and st unprecedented low prices. .i; J. W. A E, Dk STOKES, 194 Mstket at. Phtlsd. N. B. A Urge aeeortment of Odd Fellows' Re- gaits cnnstsntly on band, and all orders from lodges or individuals punctually attended to, on the most liberal terms. J. W. rk E. D. 8. Philadelphia. June lTth. 1 646 I y "D A N V I L L if tong'a v fug, of a sopatior quality, for sale cheap, st the store of July atb, . UCNRy MAB3ER. WOOLEN FACTORY. SaUrViraLB. COLtTBIBtA COUNTY, PentMjrlvginla. THE Donvilk Steam Woolen factory, former ly owned and occupied by Dr. Patatkia, ba recently barn pnrchssed by the subscriber, who respectfully announce to their friends and the pub lit general y, that they are now prepared to de all kinds of wjrk in their Una at business, st the shor test notice, according Ui or Jet. and in th beat com parative ntannor. Having gone to considerable expense in repairing Ibeh a chine ry end eiiaratos. snd being vory p anicnlar in securing tbe service of ei penanced mocbanie, they reel confident teat they are capable of aaeetiting all kinds ef work in a atyle superior to st-y other eaiabliahment In the country, ai the old customary p-lees. CLOTHS. SATIN ETTS, FLANNELS asb BLANKETS eonstan ly on hand, and for sale at redoced price, for Case ne Bseer. CAUDlNCr AfsD ri'lLl0 ' will be done in the lei manner, at the uaual pri ces. All kinds of country produce taken in psy mnt for work, st Dmville market peieee. ' For tbe accommodation of those who live at ' dwtance, Wem and Cloth will be taken in at, and, when finished, returned to tbe following pie ces. Plain written direction must sccompshy each parcel . Coamoia Ceny .KoUp h. Mart a atom. We abingtunvtllet B. Fruit'e atore, Jetsaytown Yea gsr'a inn, Roaring Creek Sharpie' s0i. Cat la wiaset C P. Mann's stole, Mtflinvitlei Millet's store, Berwick i J. C hoe's Mill H ckii'a atore, Otangevilla; pair's store. While HslL , Iftrthumbtrhnd Count Michael Reader' Inn, Tnrbutville; Ireland dt Hsv's aiore. McEwene villet E. I, Ptpet'a ssoie, Wataonsaewn W. I. Cosnly V Cu's toia. Milteni Utheon'a inn, Chll llsqusque i Foray lb' etoia, Nurthumbcrland j Young's store, Sonbury. Ltlttmt County. Reyaald's store, Kingetont Gilderslee' slots. Wiikeabarre Gsylotd's surra, PlymoWb Si) sV slots, NsnUook! JuJg Msek's Milt, Huntington. - Lywmimg Cesusav 1), Clspp' store, Money Sboeosskar'e More, Ksaiib'g M W. . t T 4 . GEARHART.aV KOWNOVEH. Denvirle. Mar . 1646. ' 8 SPIRIT OF bOAP, lor eg otfice at ' WVEXrinrrS Ujf waelingC WaJ, rka. freaa area. Dry Painta, Vamiah, Tsr, clotbmn ef aaf dsaenstion, ranted 0.4 to injure the cloth the aaoai eerksie eoler. This hee d baa esse anon need with great auceosa In ess at Bern. Scald, Tetter. Pimples en tbe face, Chspped bsnd. Bore lip, Rheuma tism, Hard ot A Cora. sVc - txj- Price, 19 eta. ter boHl. ; Tot sale at the store of.' . July J, IM.: H. MASBZ5. , bAXrVft&iad A . THE sMbecttber, late of tba Cnion Hole), Mur cy, Pa , respectfully informs tbe old snd nu meroui customers of ihs Pennsylvania llouae and the public generally, that be ha kaaed th Tsv. rn Stand of John Rhodes, in Danville, wher he is now prepared to entertain travellers, and per sons visiting tba town, in tha vrry best styl. Tb eccommoJjttnns will be aurh as a well conducts public houe should slford; and ho effirt will N spared to render sitifst'tion, in every respect; to si who n.sy call. The citixen of Lycoming count; are invited to put up wilb tbe undersigned whei they visit Danville. HENRY WEAVER. Dani't. Mav 3. 1848. ."" CmTTJSTPaT. l'ETKIl 11. MASSEtt, RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA, ESPECTFUI.LY inform tha citisens ol Hunbury and vicinitv, that he haa opened all the resilience of Henry Ms.et. in Msrtel street, where he is prepsied to etecute all ktmla ol Dsnrsr. Suaesar. Piste Work, Ac on tbe Istesl and most approved plans. Having bsd some experience and instruction, Under tne of the mo'l eminent end successful Den tists in Phi1ad1ihlv, be believes Ihat h will b able to give satisfaction to those who mey went bis services. Ladies' will be wailed on at their place of resi. dence. Ills charge will be mddtnsle, and Hie wok wsrrsnted. Sunbury, Msrrh S8th, 184. TO Purchaser of DRY GOODS. ,b. Ill Ws.v NEW.VORlt, HAVING ertablUhed a Branch at No. 144 Cbas nut st Philadelphia, is now opening, and "ill be constantly receiving from the New York AuO lions, sn er tensive assortment of . TJkXtQY ft STAXE DBT OOOZtts. which will be sold at tbe lowest New York piicca, at Wholesale and R. tail.,. Among b s stock will ba found A good assortment of the following articles: Jaeconets, Plaid, Hair Cetd, Late, Strii. BoCk, Swiss and Tarlatth Muslins, Bisbop and Lineo tiawns, Fancy Cap Nette, Fancy and Ball Dresea, Thread Laces, Application Do., rich Black Silk Trimming Lace) Irish' Linens, Linen Cambric, Linen Cambrie Hdkfs.,Cttrtain Fringe, Cashmere d'Ecoss. Moneelme d Laiae, Kllk and Cotton Warp Alpaccss, Quu'e Cloth, Gala Plsids, French Merinos, BUck Sitka, Glove. Bilk Hose, thvrr, Crave', Ribbons, Kmbreideries. Ac, Ac Country Merchants arid other visiting Philsdek phia or New York to purchase-, are teapecifklly in vited to call and ristnine the stotka. Nav. I. I8li. ly , ' B1SL1EVK AND L1V. T H o Hi it 6 . . S . e. Compound Sy rnp of Tar fcrfaoa Naptba. , . THE unprecedented suceesa of this medicine, id the restoration of hsalih, to those who, In da. psir, had given tip all hopes, has given it an eitP ted reputation almvo all other rernediea, furnishing evidence of it intrinsic talae and power, ss th os- ?sgent which ran l relied upon tor tha corn of utlfionaty . Consumption, Bronrhittis, Astbmat Pain in the aide end Breast Hprtting Of Bloeo, WbopingCougb.L!iobp, Ac ' Attention ia requested to the following ASTON. ISIitNG CURE.b Thomson's Compound 8yrnp of Taf and Wood Nspthi ! t . PkiloOtifkim, timy 3af, 1644. a MR- THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful feelings 1 inform yon of tbe astonishing affect el your medicine, which has llttfslly tela- a tea Bera a daatnbed I My disease. Pulmonary Consomp. lion, bad reduced 'me so low thst my physician pro nojneed my ess hopeless I At this kweitbn I ba gsn 10 n-e yoav asedicio, snd mtracolon aa it may seem. H baa completely restored ma to bsaUb, sftet eVetytbUig else bsd fsiled. Reepmifully youra, (. , ' WASHINGTON MACK. Charlotte stret aaev George street. Tb enoaiaignsd. being liaraenlllr eeeeaintoti with Wsabiegton Msck and bia aunWinga, knar, witneas te lb sator.Uhlng effect ef Tnmon e Cempaond yrep ef Ten and tha trirth of the ea bovftaUUrmMU. ' r . - ' " ' " " ' JOS. WIN NER IIS Nefth Third trV 1 DAVID V1CKERS. 4 Aliswnd street, . I HUGH TaTGINt EY. S. E. oaenet TathejiJ end Peejeih erw, ' " Prswwrs. only by B.P. Tbesn-n. It. B. tsrner of bus and Hpriace tret, PbiladUsdtisx Akvnt- H. B. Maseer, Sonbory D. Graaa, , end Dr. Mscphseaon, HaerUbarg ; Joo. G. Brawn, Patnreilfe Ow. Cel. Keaelng I Heoete A Ms-' n, Tewsada. BrsdAitd eonnty.Pa. Prse M csnaa p bot or f S rr aVaiM. , (T invert ef elt imilclitni. WatSaJfbTe.ioteJWrlW.-Iy -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers