ndctV the St LuuXtpUiia. Mlttitrwa4 Rail ( Pu. ''fiit(fcniA March 7, 187. . ftt1e army, I think. It becomin Infected mixture of religion, and tunerttition rby t few aingnlar circumttancea,' which tilbtieflyrcUte:,;-;;: (a lining through a ,mon,nfin gores, called - l-n Jrnada, there wax nut on drop of water- to fopd within evnty;jieel idmt . wearied rhti particularly the oseh-cameVxhanatj ad tank down, at we supposed,' to riee-fto r - Our tituation wae appalling, and relief led to bt beyond the range of possibility. At moment, a clap of thunder wat heard, and kt of lightning teen to play along the moun- black clondt rolled rapidly ufj, and the came down In torrentt; the parched detert tooii drenched the animala and men re led, and the army moved, wondering and re. ing. No rain had fallen in this part of Mexi or upward of four monthi, and no one ex ted a drop until the beginning of the rainy in, which commence! about the 1.1th of June. n the morning of the battle Col. Mitchell, and " a dozen officer! were riding tome distance dvance of the army, when a large black wolf i teen galloping eeros towardt the mountain sur left. Col. M. exclaimed, in a half laugh- nat tenon t manner, "Uentiemen, we are tain to meat the enemy thit evening. If that If crottetour path it it ominout of bad luck, I he will feast on our deadbodiea before morn- -" The men , immediately reined up, and -ry one watched the movement! of the animal :h breathlett anxiety. He wn on the point rotting in front of ut. when Colonel Mitchell bed to the left, exclaiming, I'll turn the tide ortune!" The wolf wat headed and driven before ut, which cauted a hearty thnut of tri P- ' : , During the battle, when a portion of our iopi were falling bark, from tome mistaken ler, the enemy raited a thout and poured in a leral discharge of artiMery. At the tamo mo ;nt the Mexican cavalry began to advance, 1 confusion wat beginning to ihow itself in r rankt. At this critical moment Col. M. hod up, at full tpeed, in front of the right ng, (which he commanded,) and cried out to e of hit friends, "there's the black wolf, about crost our path, but I'll ttop him! column uiardagalhtp " The hittory of the battle, if correctly written II thow tbat he -did ttop htm. Again, when ! consider the enemy's forces and positions, the xictn lost, compared with our own, it really )kt at if the hand of Providence decided the lole affair. H FXXlt. AOZLrRIA MASKS T. Ti'vsdav, June 15 Fuora and MxaY -e notice talet of tome 100 bblt. of Western Flour at $8) ; a tale of inna Corn Meal waa made at S.lj ; Brandy ine $5J ; Rye Flour it held at Wj. Gbai.v Wheat it held at It tfS a t7 for red ; rn SI 30 lor round yellow ; Rye 5l ; Oatt, tuthern, 60 cenrt. Wiiisket 37 a 38c, and dull. ' Bat-TinottR n irkrt, Ofllre olitlliiTnoM Awvairta, May H. GRAIN There it no Maryland Whett at nrket. We note tales or 3000 bushels Penna d on Saturday at I0S ctt. and 600 bushels red 193 ctt. , Salet of Maryland Corn to day at 1 Hal 13 ctt r both white and yellow. Salet alto el-6509 ushela Penna yellow at 1 1 3a 1 1 -I ctt. Salet of Penna. Rye at 125 ctt. Oatt are telling at 60ctt. for Virjina, and 63 tt for Maryland. " ;t " ' WHISKEY. There it little or no demand. :id we quote hhdt. nominally at 30 ctt. and bblt 1 37 centt, with very email talet. : DuoweiWKw, Swimming oTthe Head, a roaring mite in the ears, h-edrhe, palpitation of the heart, fce. Wright Indian Vegetable Pill are a certain ure for the above ttnpteaeent com plainly because hey purge Tiom tht) lody ihoefj atagnent and Cor n pt tumor which, when floating in the general nase of circulation, era the taut of a determine inn or rflsh io the blood t. the head, giddiness, ot of memory, dimness T sight, drowsiness, pain if the fieerf, and many other symptom of a loaded ind corrupt state of the bl n&. , ! Wright Indian Vegetable Pllla ate atao rtoe of ha very beet medkmna In the wotld for the cum nf indigestion, and therefore will not only remove til the above unpleasant symptom, attd rnttiety prevent any evil eoneeo,ueniea resulting from a ruth of blood In the head, but wdl moat assuredly restore the body to a ateta of aound brtltht Beware of counterfeit! of all kindt 1 Same are routed who. augat othant am made to tesrmbU io outward appearance the original medicine. The safest Course it, to potchate from the regular tgai.ta only, one or more of whom mty be found in every village aud town in the State. (EJ-Agent for the ule or Wrlght't Indian Vegeta ble Pill in Suubury, Haxar Mtstta. For other egencice tee advertisement In another column. No Cawett ia tat Watbib wilt materially afTect lb body if the blood ia pure. Every indl. vide at, even the moat diseased, hit within him a germ or root of that original pure blood of out common no nor E which germ af pure blood it the atipporleref bit life, and ia in constant bog gle to throw eff the heterogenous, corrupt bUroora, which era the eaUtee of diaraaa it) th individual Dy purging the body of thlt dieeaaed individual of its bad humor, yen allow the gate tf tjN blood to gain ground and to kaake bleed of a batter uU ty. Let all who with to be of a Ine, healthy hab it, and who tfedra to tw able to aand wlihotit iajeh. ry the continual change af ft it tnatatk,' Oaa lha Biatidrath Pillt, which will eJWctuWj cleanee la blood af all bad ar corrupt bvaxow, qJ Matore lb bursa body tt) the ttai of wealut e)iyed tafcre tbe introduction of mineral SMCklnet). $J T urrhatt pf tf. MtMerj pat-byrjr. or clipe ig tel f fctsliid .'a tr.ciltt pt.-t of thlt p;t At Mtnagmvf . on Fridays the ilth inat., -Miai BARBARA YONF.R, agdBl jeari. PRICU;CURKENT. " Corrected weekly , by Iknrg. MntetZ ' lit'.H Hi n.ht i ;. J ; 'riff " 't 'i ;. v Re a, "! sJt m Coniv.' ! , ' Oats, - BTTn, 1 Kant, ' ' Poaa, Ftttn. " "100 ' i - ,; 100 . 8 A. k : . till ; ..! I 5! '!io . io ; , 10 It Kit WAX, Tallow, '. Ftt. HacKLta Ft; HANCE9 8ARSAPARIU.A, on BI.OOO rfl.l.t flfTY PILLS tSA ROXt The Oheipett and heel Medicine in erirtenee! Every person who ia tuhject to BiliiWt Ft-ver, ahoulJ purify their blooil and ayttem by nine a box nf the ' SAIISAPARILLA OR BLOOD PILLS! 4'eraona atllieted wl'h Gnetlveni a. hntild tie the Htnca'a S A RS APARIi.LA.ot BI.OOD PII.I.S! Y.ung ladies and gentlemen troubled with Plmr plea nn the Fire. tSnutrl trv th SARS.tPAllILLA. OR BLOOD PILLS f t Singini in the Ear relieved by lha Hsart't SAR8APARII.LA, or BLOOD TILL8! Hetilaehe and Oiil.lineot eiir-d bv usinr the SARSAPARILLA, OR HLOOD PILLS! Drnw inett and Oenr.il Debility, fiiml bv the Hasch'i SARSAPARILLA. or BLOOD PILLS! Dypepiaran he cured hf ning the ' ' S.WSAPAR1LLA OR BLOOD PILLS! QPereon wbnhnve'laken eoneidemble p wiion of mercury, and in consequence hava paina in the bone, thnuld ue f eelvthe HASca'a 8ARSAPARILLA,or BLOOD PILL! 03 Persona in want of a Pill that i Puety Vegetable, and i wnrranti d not to contain a parti ele of Mereury,, should use the 8ARMARILLA.pr ItLOOD PILLS ! (TT THE ( EN VINE FOR SALE BY JJ) SETH 8. HANUE. 108 Baltimore tt. and corner of Chralea and Prill street. Baltimore, and by OEOROR BRIOHT. Mui.bury, D. BRAU I'IGAM, Noitbumberland. June 10. 1847. HANllEMTOMPOltND SYRITOF HORE HOUND FOR TllE CURE OF Cmmhn, CvLk, C!onumptlm, Spitting of BixhI, I'uin in the Side and Bread, Bronchitis, Croup, Ailhma. and all dieaet ari Ming from a duordertd amditimn of the liwgi or neglected enld. TAKE TIME UV THE FORELOCK, N a piece of advice which I r-uitab'e to all season and applicable to all purpnae ; though there i no instance in which this pieee of advire is morn valu able, than to persons who have a cough or cold, for if they neglect whst mv appear to them Very trifling IN THE BEGINNING, it msy load to Im(mmalion of Luugs. and Bnally Consumption I To all who have a cough, we would tay. procure a bottle of , , ... HANCES COMPOUND SYRUP OF HOREHOUND. The medicine ia pWs-tnt to take, and it nrny ave you eirt of u(Ti-rinj Piire SO Cenle per bottle or-ix Imtlle- fr 2 50. Prepare.1 and eold by ME I'H S. H NCE, I OS Ualtimore r. at lc oner of Charles it Pratt stt and by OEORttE BRIOH r.Siini-t.ry. U. BRAUTIG M. Northumlrl .n.l. June 19, 1847. To the, Electors of A'orthnmherland Count if : ElNO fo'icited by many of my friend-. I ti,t cnn-eniel to offer mylt at a Vlun rocrtahdidale for the office of TREASURER oTNthomherlnd eeonty. Ph oild you eee jri. p r to elect me. I pledue mt self to p.f.rm the duties of raid office with fib lily. HENRV W'EISE. Bonbnvy, Jutie 147. d i citToIco7 No. 80 Matkel Slrtel, fixietloors below TWrd South tdt, PHIIi A-t iLftttA. imrmrtcr & Wltttleaule Dtulcm In WTATCHES. WsH-.h Clt Mt and Material wy Jeaelrv T slUrewi(ittn. ulnie and a'v'ei, tfimpii-tng all tbe trticte ttthnjtte.l with the Trade, CUek. . Dixon r 8nnBriitnh(i,tlt rrnan MlVerand Bil ver-PUled Wuret. -. : t : , j SherTield and Birminahm Plated t'ancv 'Artirle. Rodger cV Bous and Wost. nholm t'utrtTy Ka. xors. 8c asnr, Eraeit, Deik Knurs, otc Iory H nded Table Outhrry, of the fln tt, nWtam and comm n tfuslilira. A l'ge ateortmenl of Quid Pent. I'enforal ajclsrlc. Papier Macbe and t panned Trsyt, Various shapes tod quililrvs. at re-lured ratva d.dd Wa th Oaa-e Uiala and Silver. Ware, of all descriptions, manufactured to otdee. DICKsON dr. CO bavins recently removed into the large and commodious warehnnta forin-rly occupied by Meaaia. U. AHnvar dc Bohs, and more rreently by AsaacaT 4; RaMiekToir, big leav to inf.m Watch D.-hjr, C tintrv M rchanta ai.d otheta, that they design baVing at all timet a large assortment of flood, of their own iinporia lion, which they are determined to still at tba lowest tile. Cj Every attention will be paid to lha Parking of tJood, and in the execution af Oid-ta, the e,u "U lies and price will be fully guarantied again ell competition. Philadelphia, June 13th, IM?.-ly W E think a man who will roakt and palm Upon In ahupecting herton, a "Kugsr Coated Pill." hot having nn the bat Dr. O. Beni'n Bmith'a tignatute, WnUld not hesitate in sell p.ii-0n, rrgtrJIeas of all consequence. No 'Sra'ak Coa tab Plti' can he relied upon, unlest Dr. Bmiih's signature is on the attd ry alt other ate either imitation or counterfeit, add of eourae dangerous to Use. (E? CAtJTtOX At a miserable imitation h been mtde, by the name of Sugtr Cuated Pill-, it ie neeetary to be tore that Da. Q BkXi. SiIitM'i tignatute It pn every bex. Prlte tS rente. Piineipal Oftlce. 178 Greenwich at New York. Bold by JOHN W. FRILIS'O, Banbury. " VVM. rORSTTHE. S-orlhim'S. June I. 1847. j?UIiLlO-0Al.a m . or- iTKN BaiUrtlat. rhe Bd of July next, kt 10 o'doek. Vjr A. Mi. will to aoki by public veatdue, at Ua tJuurt ntaiaa m Bttarmry, mi m claiaa, right, ti tle aad intoreel of tbe tioderaigned ia one h andtad and aixtyoue aha tea of Nonhurfcberuind Unk Stock. " t . ' !- ; . Tt MivreTtBme' da Hrree' ' Bah, dt, hUadalbi Ooun y. 5 , ' .... By bar Altornay, . BULLA 3. ' igvtty, Juise 9, :8JT.-Cr e V"' dr. BtrATSK t Titp goirritar TH B toUowhfg 4et'er jvmt eoma to' hand, and .will Ira read-with Inter. , The patient aufler ed Intoleratdjl, and onuld. , (ltd pn .relief until beJ used Dr. HwAtnt a CoBteotJitn Btatir.oe Wttt, Cmaatirfi ni Waihl the tnott woridertiil etire on ncotdt Read lu- . --. - -r Wilmington PL.C. Jan. ith, 1847. pa. BwAtna Deer Bio Having br almost miraculously cund by your traluablt (nediein), I Uiink it not more than common gratitude th the make one addition to - the long liet of eertineare wl ich you have veceived of temaikahle eurea hf your midicitre. During the. t Wo yeara prtreding laet Autust. I ws very, muoh ilittr.e-ed by a veiy had CoM and racking rotiKh. and during the latter p rt nf the time it evqinueil to iow wra, and inde.4,ifi July my frbnd gave me ner. having tried all kind nf medicine, said lo be good for euch difemee, without the least gon.l fieri. I wa re duced almost to,j perfi-ct rotpn, and bid acstrelf i y Hash UKn my tvody, and for a long lime ne v. r thouuhl lo ri- fmm my b d ae;Q. A fn'end one d y' ked me if I had Irird Dr. 8 w !' (compound Hrnp of Win CiiKjat, and ailvU-d me to do so at onee, a he heard that it bad wniked t tret! many wonderful rure. I took hi advice, and after using up eeterat bo'tlea of it, I grew an much belter th t I ws enabled lo leave my td, ai d afterwarda t walk about, the. house, and en out into the street. I a enenmngnl by this, and e. intiitutd the use of your medicine, and now, hy mean nf it wondeiful curative powers, f am per- f, ctly well, and enj-iy the use of all my. faculties, just ps much as if 1 hud never Wen fflicii-d In the way I described to you. I hsve written this nit th iik'tig that it w H at all interest you, but huml lv hoping that it will have it mite nf influence in cau sing your valuable medicine lo l-e tpiead am ng mankind, and in s si ng tn raise you tn thnt sta tion which you rirhiy deceive, fir your petsevering etT.rU fjr tbe public cood. Kr spec-fully your friend and admirer. J MES R. MAIHI.AND. Commeut on such evidence the abtve i ut. necessary. . A single trial will place Dr. Swtrse' Cos roc no 8tecer VA'un Ciimi biyond the reach of compel lion in the et-titnatinn of every pa tient. B.tt ilt healing virtue will be itt beit re comm-nilstioo. Beware of Impaction Aitemp'a have often lrii made by unpriuc pled indiv dual to impose upon tbe Community a pur'nu article. , Stealing ne.irlv the whole nf the ntme of my pn pralion. To fully guard aueinat tuch bate and palpable inv lo ition, the public should hn all preparation put porting to contain Wild Cherry, eioept that tieaiiug ihe sign tttire f Da. H. Swat at on eich b tt'e. The name of Dr. Svinr, in c nm-rtion with the Comoui d Hyrnp of Wild Cherry, ha never et been counterfered. Ho if persona would I ear in mind the name of Da Swavaa. they may be sure of obtaining theo-iainal and genuine arti cle. Beware of the w or hie a BaUam,' -Bitter,' Syrup-,' Ac. a they c-ntain none of the virtue nf the original preparation. The (onainal and omIv) g nuine article ia pre pared by DR. SWAYNB, corner olEighth and Mjce aire. t, Pbilaib-lph a, ami for tile by agenta in all p rta of tbe United Stales, and aoma parts of Europe. Only Agent in Sunbury. is HEXRV MA8SER. Dr. J. A. Milan-, Danville; T. S. Mack J & Son, M lion ; M D. k J. Wel'r Mtlntv; U. A. V yatt, l.eia'oiiir; Davis ,V fchniire, Sulinegtovr; John I'. Rertii, Line Mouulain P. O. , t . - I'hilad lp' i '. , ' ia cm. W Iv Sunerviwors' AcMiint. Johv Lannatt ami Eli at Bansina, lute Mipervi tore of the Borough of Snnbury, in aeeounj wllh taid borough, far the pear commencing in May, W&, andtntkng in Muy, tntf. !- Dr. ' - ; To whole amount of Dopli.' re. f463 16 To lial ince tlue on a ulement oT Buper- vlaor. account Of '43 and '6 1 SI 4S4 3B By thla am ttnt paid, coin-ifing ot suh- dry iMttrttSih rirdi-r-, $ By sundry expetiditurea T-.r Ubot In rts- ocj D1J iiairi.tu road ami nighWay wi hio said Imioueh. aa net jTePti 189 By thi am uni paid John Bogtt f.r n.iilliM-Vw rwer Vi-trill. 18, Dy hi' amount paid John W. F ri ling, tor nait and epikra.a per r c i. By this ttt -unt paid J. H. Zim- ii,erinan, for blaekamlthiug, a p r re-, ipt. 1 tf By thlr amount pard Sam I Mantt, Tor lumber, as r receiit. 1 td By thia amount paid I. T. Clement, for tumtictt ak er teeutpt. 9 Stt By thia amount paid 0- U. Brixht, ? , v f ftt lias. p hee, as pee reeeiit. 1 4 , By ihht anjrtlnt p lid 1). H kfet- (ow.for-aurv-yif.gbotoUghtatd, -' ' at per rrteij-ti By thia amnunt pair Ebem tet Uuwi- tillgh, On rc Villi of bit ileiuaud v. tsid Ihirougl ) prr rec-it, By thi tmoUm paid fietvU I reward nn account oThlt dtuiaitd Vk.ktid borough, aa r receipt. By ekontrationa of uncollectible lax, , By j) rrrntage on 44l. k By person! trivicea, ittitudtng auditors leit, (6 OTi 91 31 20 33 fi6 151 15 43 H f 416 60 46 71 S4S4 BO Balance due from taid Supeivisota, The under-igned, Borough Auditors, having examined ihe Receipt and Expandiluree of John LtuJaU and E'-taa Droamua, late Fup-roisora of aiiMiortttght aa e4 Mnh in the preeeeding state ment, eihlliitn a bilanee riiie from them tn said lMir--Ub, r-f t'wly-tix tluilurt and ttiknl jf-unc eenti.jAo a low and p lha ante. , ., ; In tenl'rtl.my f which, We hae hetcttnto set CUr hand, the 30th May. A. D. 1847. " E. tl MAKrtLEY. . MartIn ikwin, June 13. flifiDEklCK LAZVRUS. rnoBX ZvIbxicoi Sllso MARY A, jtr'CAV, 'f the borough of Northum.,rland aur mhai tti Daniel Ri an. ., tAVifiillw' inform th puMV' ihat. slinnVigh 7jn- Scoti's army bss ten jalapa, faanout fiy ita pro duction of Jalap, eh.' ttill Ita enough of lha article to euppty the rnt of her cutVomeia, beinle mt other vsrie'v of rlrovt and m'adi'cinee ueually jfnuTd jit n potheen ry tnorl. iltVing viirchasr4 the Itxi, ti( Mt rauiijam. the hf Mwhbd 4 new e r,iebliahmnl. aliaoat Vbpnie bia eld aland, and , a K.iaitiuaa. kk merit kha ivv, if nj.vinie'Ii i -' i " - , paiinnaga of tht Vicinity and public. t, . Sh will eunsiamly k.p on bind ery variety oriAMAfta, VaiaUakrucaa, Paleul MiMltaHeaa. 4e rh 1 1 utually found in dtug - atme, wbicb ihe will di-poaa of t r iMblfc price. . . Phyaieitn end other, from a dittgucg, tuprtlicd tt wholesale priet. :i,Jtluce.,t.-., Mty 23, INT. 2m. . wninrs.iJiDiili tEC8fA from Jkt CaitirrVn aTemrJcfol. TRfrlHt8 twkikir Vxomut pttu.mes celebrated Pdlav' o univeraally toted end ad mired, have' brnrha te 1-e tjoweidetrd elmrtlt a he Cessaty art familiel aa Water ee futA In f iet, lb prlntiple Upon wMeh thi medicine hat atabliehva.1 ftareYttttrton rtrrirntwri i now.pretty genetalle ckrmwledxed jo I jhtcnlj (TtTt or". -by which J health may ne ptmrtvett, or reetorerJ when impaired. Wright PiTt are rmw $ tmiveratl favorite. From the Philadelphia Saturday Eivning JW. ' Wntaar laeiaa VxeRTAnia Pt,a, are at taining"" treat clrlnitv in New England, wi ll a nthejr rpaita of tht) tlnited SVtt. The aurntpi of prrtnnt to itefrand .the public b the .te nf putinn aitirlet meet With general- reptoliHllon, - Dr. Wright hi an indtfiiranle.hatnexmn, and ehowa an array of curee by the medeelne which wtrranl confidence In thte vlrtuet of hi Indian Vegetable PllMV.. .. . ..... . , From Ihe. PhUud-tphin Sp'rit of the T me. ' ' WuiaftVa laeiaa VaTABLa Pitt. Peo ple are pretty well sail fl'd by Ibis t me that eiln mU and the other thousand and one mineral pre ptrt'iona of ihe shop, are better adapted,' a'a a gen eral rule, tn kill rather than cure the patient; a a mat'er nf course, vegetable medicinea are therefore in great request. There are miny humbuta how. ever, among the latter, and we would ilvie all ihnee ho have thi least regard for their heal'h, to tty WrijrAf' Indian Vegetable Mlt of the North American Co!bge of Health, a tbey are the pre. paraiion of one in iigstely acquaiuU'd wi h the healn g art. - ' ' front the. Bo'tim Dn'ly Timet. Wainut' lvniAW VtotTABta Pitt. Of all the ub ic advenined medicines nf the day. we know of non that we ran more atifelv recommrnd for tbe ' il s that flesh is heir ta." than the Pd't H at are anld at the depot nf ihe North Am-.i n J.-I-l-ge of Healih, No 198 Trcnvmi atiret. Boat'on. Sevel iustaneea we know of wh-re tht-y are ued in families with the highest ant'of rtiont and nn I -naer ago than yesienlsy, we h-anl an emimnt phyai' ran of this city lecommend them in high term. , The .foil wing hii(lily resp-clalde storekeeier have'heen duly apooinled ax rn for the sale of Wrighfi Indian Vegetuble Fill; in Northumbcr I nd county : Henry Maaaer, Sunbury, E. dr. J. KautTinan, Augusta township. Ssmuel Herb, Little Mihonny. j , William Depien. J ickson. Renevill Holabue, Upper M ihnnoy. John O. Renn, Up:r Mahonoy. Ktmuel John, 8hmoUlnton. Fomytne, Wil-undi Co., Noiibunibeiland. B. L. rifier. Walsnnniirg. Island Ar. Haynea. McEenville. Jaim-a Peed. P.etaroe. Wm. U Scott, Ruahville. Haitmin Knteble, Elybur P. O. Am t T Beisset. Turl'iitsville. Uid on Shaitel, Upper MthontAy. Khodea & Farrow, Snydaralown. John King, Farmr-raville. Silas C. Co..k. Martin's Cr.k. J De Young. Hirksviila. Alraham Shrtrr. Richmond. Samuel Tsylor, ljt, frtr,l. J.ihn H. Vincent, Chitieqnarjuta. Wm. Ileinen & Biother, Milton. BaWaakor Cotwraarttt. 'lh puldlc are raUlinned aaalnsl the msnv spurious rttejic ne. which in order to decive, sre t dlej hy nsmct ah milar to Wrichi's Indian Vegitahle Pill. The a .fesl course i to puichtse of the VeftuliV ag ntt pnly, who are genilemen that nty be rev lied oi. (rr Oftice devo'e.1 exclusively ttt the h) nf WkIoht's INDIaN Vbei'Able pIlLs, of the Noun American College of Health. No. 288 (Ireenwlch Street. N wVork- Nn. 1 98 TVmrmt Street. Boton; and PRINCIPAL OFFlcB No. Itt Ratre Sk1t, Ptiilailelphia. June iSth, 1847. slfy AS my wife Ht-rt h vfi mv hed Arid board without any iut caute, t t'Ution kuy l-erton gamtt lrutihg her sYiyihtng on tny kt-routit, I Will pay nolhi- g of hV'rtontracliiig. , ., JONATHAN FaBNSV0RTH. ShamtlVin, June I, 1847. 3t YUitrt'txA oV JohtTl'fiiitiH, tirt?d. NUI'it'E is, hrreliy given, that leliera nt ad rltnUiraTion haVe la-en eranlad to ihcanh crilirr-nn the' r?at are of John Phillips, late of thi borough ofNotlhUmlwrland, tS'oVlh'd Ci Vin'y.ib c'd All prltona ind. bted lo ssid er-late. or having cla.rna againat IhB tame, re n-tJUisted in eatl and Msure. irtlRUTIAN PHILLIPS. PIllLlP YOUNG, Nnrtlid, May Wd, 1h47. 61 A.lmra. tlr 1'rctiiilllll VriliiifiT Ink. 'o. 7 Norili Thifd Slreat, PHILADELPHIA. - - - - I7HROM Dr. Hre, ibecerr' ralrd Profs enr iif Chemistry in the Uoiversilv nl Penn'a. Pbilad Iphia. Cel. U.tPi.l. -Doar Sir HaVlne tted yoUi lot, I will lha. k yon tn tend rt annther bottle; a I find it lo le -:ell.liti . 1 am jour., truly. Kiibt Htak." From br. Locke, of f'inCinhati, dill- jUi,hel f I tut nuineront scii-nlitlc researches; 'Medk-al Cllege of Ohio, t :ii.fein..ai. J.nuary 17, IH44. Having used Mr. HoW Wtuieg Ink, I am satirrHI that il it lha but whiih b eVer cr!rt- lo my knowledze, and eci'lv it iscjre .'r for the uae of Sletl Ft; tnd will not ccrrodt item, even in long Use. Join Let tt. Prof, of Chi misirj ." HOVER'S ADAM ANTiA'K CEMENT. . From a wetl known .c entific g. nileman. - --Pbiladi-lphia, Feb. $7, l. Mr. Joa- ph E. Hover Sir : A uae of jj,ur Ci -miut, and a.. roe practical ca4 of l'. tuptt oiily, hat induced me to rerO nipend ,t lo other a an invaluable artirle fdt "riie .u'ng l?hina OtV-,.oV Oabinct Ware. fl-arattt MoaViV, Aihltic Chend-4 " Fur aU ' the Mtnu(clory, W'tioleaffe and Rr tail. Nr., g7 Nontn Tuiau SVakAr, opxiaite Chfrjr atrect, PhilaJa'phi .. hy . , .- . Ji.-Cfcrn r.. ihivkk. Mat St. 1847 ViO y ' Ma'nutaeioree f Mr, Produce, dM rienfrtt rtfritoSi. stdn Merchants, OKo.Yft BatVrii'a Waaar, BALTIMORE, FfER their-aerv'icV1 to ne Merchant and jViner i f the 6utfa.h'nna Valley ,t for the ale of Flour, (train and Produce generally, in the DsllirtBol uiarke anJ IriHO then rk'eii.We c. iuiiitahce tmnng porch v'r aud abipptra, can tafvly wri'ant aalUfarlory aUa. t CorieapoBdenttwill be goottantly kept adviaed of the state atf the.qtaikgii V. , ' , , Rifet to. . , Me;.Vi.tiUli48.l.i,-t ' , 1-aae Reynold A Son, I n I. ' ' b.vulfcM;A;S.u.1de..lD1,,",w , KeynfOJ Si Stnlth. J tnd KTittrt. tlptb y. tldwU dt Englitb, FbiltT May 15th, !51T.-9a incusa Vcfclable PsnsccA i J' t' . '" ' ,;tri.Mi IS -' UBRKuiTAR V TrSTTER. t-m ' wvi Jfi aats-rU l, po ait month aibeO my H youngecf child, a dlbghler, had IMtantjett atlaeihrn, Which made ill appearance over Ita en lirj body,; It waa I rt 6f Heredifar Tetter, end o intletJi was the iMaeaae. that We wrshed, in ea81 rMkld HfUbe apefUly W1vd, that it might I rwri laid In It gVaee. Al thia stage of the die-1 ease my ls'e-ln-law Called upon you tn advise a to the beft prepkratioa ofBaraapariita that could heenoeitred, a an "lierre'ive wh-n ymi rreom rVieYl(lid 'be ne nf Dr. Cnlleii' Indian Vegetable Panacea, and I am pb-ased In eay that t,h g.oJ rlt-cta nf the medicme Were perc plihle When It had taken bin a frw doaej and by the time We bad need one sinx'e hoit'e, the d aetse had entirely diaappesred, and fmm th t time there Vita 1-er-n nn re-ppesriice. t really f el lhahV fill to yOu for having ri fom mended Iti Panacea in thia eite, fnr I frrl confident thai had not te di-rtar I.IkU ar rested, my child would, ere jhl, baVe Wn the tenant of the c-dd anil stliih' inm Rekpeeifiilly tniir, ' Rowast. A WatTow, - JOHN P. REE8. Phil. Dec. 0, 1818. ' 83 N. Seventh Bt. WHITE SWELI.IN'O. Mr. I.T RoWAKtr. rif. D t 10.1845 Dear Sir, Al your n rpi-l I cheerfullv giv you an aTOiinl of the wondetful cure efTerird upon me bv Dr. CuUcn'e Indian Veteta'de Panacea.' At the age nf 14 yeara 1 had upon my riaht Vnee a While Swelling, which e'llf.-ned the Joint, end rused some aeaen'ty or more I Ces of the bone pirCo of the bone to e-mn awav In the sores, tnd hlch wi trmpnrarilv relieved by the usual rem". di-e, but n o entirfev cored, i At times anres wnutd atain bVenk ttit, tnd become an d stnet-ing tttd p-iin-ful thai t toulil xet nn ret night nor day. In tli't way it Continued until la t siiriiij. when, having wiliicaaed the ettraordina-y rfl'ec' of ynur P tniOa aa an iernatie, Upon a dtttghter nf mitl who wt u-lng it tor a chronic disease, t Cnrlcluiled to muke a trial nf it in my nsn caae the result ha been an entire cure. vl am now G7 yearenf age, and hive aufTi red 64 yeara with the sores, I cheerful ly add mv testimmial tn the many 0 here I have tieaid, of the turet prfrmed bv vmit rtibbratrd Panacea. THOMAS W ALTON. 490 N. 31 at., Aid. tmn 7 h Ward, N. t. 8CORFULA , To whom it miy concern Thia may Tertirv h at my child almost from bo thy wt tfflicted Wilb Scorfula, which cover, d most f ils body with sorrs ; and that for 18 mrtntha, ihouch ennatsntly under medical trealmevl, no Mob afforded Yelief till I was induced to make trial nf )t. Cullen' In di m Veg table Panrfc. . Tbe t!trtdin phyti cin, ir W tnextint it fco-'d efterrx, recommended iU totitinOaVtce accntdiVtx io diretctimia. and hy n- ing tinale bottle nl thit Paniicva. the child wa appaientty cU'cd. his nnvV about 4 months tince tbe irafajb ine wta discontinu'd, and I hava no d .ubllnit the cre enmptere. Yours trutv. RttwAsrS At WaltcV. M. Mr4;LE'A. Pbiluk Aug i, IB15. dS0 Matkut L ttARBERS irrrt. Mr. J.T. KnWAkh Sir Hometirne I'ttt spVmg t Sal so unf.Kiurtata a to get ll.e "Jackaon, or flarli-1' Itch." by shaVing after tonfe one tfrected bv that irouliloome and i.bs'ihat'e dikeah. Voii Cannot have forgot'ten the s w .lien and dri- t led condition of tttv fa-e at the lime you rrtom rfivuled -Dr. Cd''eiiVlndiih VVftotabte Pance.v I haVe ho tltV pleaU-e to inform ynu, for the hem Tit of all wno are sirh:l irly tiYlicted. thai the ue of a aingle hotile nt tho Panarea cured me en tiielv. Vou mm well lud -e if mv itralificatioh at ueh a rVvUlt. a t hid o .f'en known the disea-e lb lamttnttle foV Vear Undrt the I'susl mrrrurial re- medir. tSigncn T.L.SANDERS. PliilAJ.v Aug. 0, 184! 5. Hedge Office 8(RFlJLA. Mi-skn. ttowXkn iL W'aitojt. 1 have been for two yeatt oi rW6ro Verely Mfflfcitd with S.-orfula, and tf'er havlnx I r toil ihti-e ferttiiient pb.yirlait Wit'ioUt nv Vellrf, ha.l come to the conrl'ilsion that I unit' die-. I had fourteer) open Ulcer oh rhy face and body at the same time. WhUe in thit eoniH'in, .a friend prortUed me a Vollle of your Dr. Cullen't Irtdian Vegetable Panacea. This was al-onl two mnntbi since. I have taken six bottles and Mil t-'ompleielv cU'ed. My general health i a'-U bfltt'r than it his tren f ir jeirs, E V. MAXWELL, Mary'a Couh. U.-rlificaifs of rii'r, iii pamphlbt form, may be sd Oralis, at the olTi.e. of he tgehls. Ti ia meilirtne i prepnred and eM hy lh .rrt ri.tor.. Rowatid a Walt.ih, No. 979 Market slteei, Phil ulelp' ia. . j"W W Daneii tow. r. No t Murray si. N V. t 1 J J W D-nenhower. No I OF Hall, Cin.O. ' 1 CT Jebkina, No 5 C.nal at, N brletnt. V.N N Robinoti,cortjv A Sataloga tt. Bait. Agrniti H. MASSER, SunhUry. I It. R-aer, Miltoni J. R-boU, New Ber, lin: Mr. "Muster, Millhem; Sliarpe D. Lewis. Wilkes'iarre. Sultl also by DrUgg'.ii's llougooVlt the t'niled 9talfs. June 5. lfe47. im. f8y Spring Goods. f1HC su'icriUr hat juat ic cited hi New JL Stins Oood', to vrbirh he in vita k friend and rUMrJiM't ltt Clll and eitanilHe fr.t themselves, His all ck const-Is in ii nl tb f.dluWingl SUrhriot t'li-tbt, nf all colors; Vavmera of cnt patt. rns ; Satin and cnei Veaiinge t, Ca . I'tjo. Lawns G'-j-nam, Qback, TK-k-i . ina, and iommir wear of til kijida a - j price. Uo. leghorn and I'alm leaf Hais; Untbrll4t a .d ParttMs. fr m 35 eei.ta urwa jl- I alwl .'i V", lj invn s-win-, lludwre, l.'e.larwire. trtiK r.riw, Fih, Salt. &c.. A-c. Ac, , sntl in Vict, e'vei irucTe n.na'lr kept in a country sn.re, which will be sold Wry low, fur paaH or suy V.nd of trade. , ... JOHN BOGAR. , rVunbuiy. Mi loth; 1817. nl4y 'jM'orti icw Goods!. rillft lat aiii'val i at Puidy Store, Mirk el X Square, b( 'mill be found a haiudkodle as aorln'iahl of ( BPRINO AND SUMMER GOOD&. of the latest and rnott approved atjWa, eontistiug of Clmh, ., i:amerf, ; Veaii'rig, ' Summer StolTi, Moo, d.- Ia.it "ee, Lawn, Oinghtm. Calco; Mualiria. , Jean. Ac, Ae, Ac i ate", a full ewoiim. nt of flrneerie. sll of which will t aold lower than ever aflered in t' l market Call and eiamipe for vourarlve. Sunbury, Miy 19 B, 184 7. tf - WEfU?TTtAMi tid SboutJ.ra, jurt recti Vrd ami t-r al, by JUne U, 1847. C. S. BOGAR. IKE'Slf M A'CK'EITELT a new lot, juiuivc4 - and f.r ale, low, by June 19, 1817, C, B. BOQAF rtrhAtV Cettrl le -X I ti pn rau nee af aa order of ike Oiphana1 Cmrt of Norihmtaiarrentr, wilt oe aoM at puha Re endu. Saturday the lth day of July next, on Ihe premise, to wit A rarttlb tract or lanI aitutie in BharBokitt toWnb,ip,4iL.Baid cuvpU(COi) tainiug S00 tCtft end-Lit petche,tr;ct'mcasur., ailj lining land nf thnhelra of Mtrtirt Weaver, John Unger,' HoKyrton Fegeiy, ted . . Trelbley, whereon la ereeied a two ttory log beute and atone kitchen, a larfr) f tme bank barn, ttnue amokn house and -an ekteltrnt orehnrd of choice fruit, Al-o, one other tract, eituate in the totrtiahlp and county elm-maid, containing 35 acre and 68 per Chra, adjoining the above du&crilied tract, Bamuel Htba, Oo 'ign Unger, and taaac Treibley, where, M are erected e one end a half story frtme lioti4, a irame ttaWe, and log thop, with a good welt of water at the house,- and a thriving young orchtt I of choice fruit. Also, a cer'ain other tract of wood land sini.ne in the tnwnchlp tforetaid, cnntain'ri 8t acre and M perchee, adjolninf Conrad Yer, Joseph Chamberlin, and Auguttna Huey. Also, a certain mhor tract of land in jid lo nUp, con talning 33 ace and 147 perchra, a rid mea-u.- of whirh tiboul nne half it t let ud. adj inlijg An-gU-tus Hu y, Nathaniel Sxton, and other AU st a certain olhor tract si uate In atid townlii , containing 0 acre and 14 perches, strict medsu-o, ai'Joinlng Solomon Feg-ty, and others. Late the estate of Christian Fegrly, dve'd. Sale to commence tt 1(1 o'clock, A. M. of taid day, wlren the irne of sale will be made knnwtt hy ' SOLOMON FEU ELY, REUCfcN FEGELY. By oidet of Ihe court, 1 Admrs, Enwten Otarsn, Cl'k. O. C, , .., SunhuVy, April 84ih, 1947. telSl SOMETHING NEW! THE Subrcriher. have th rxe.littive light of ven.nng J. M. THATCHER'S , ttotItwt Itfti Ajr. fcooklnd? in tl' counts nf Notthuml-erland, Columbtt tnd Schuylkill; and from the encouragement met with already, thvy ekpect to do a large tuainca. Thit stiive it cnnVricied ort an entitely now prii eijilr, and ott the nty printrpte thtt c-in make both a . good Wood tnd oal atoVe. The inventor hat oier. corrrt all the difficulties that no frequently belong lo other slot. Ite ht liy hi ar'rahtemtit, ron tlrUcted a hroilnB (TTOVeit III fYollt. where- in broilinc, rotilings fryin or baking may be done, and all th amell that anset Iliaiellom must pas Into the YdmhusVilde chamber, attd I not al all thrown, out into the mom TI) Bes:do tht, there is tn oven only twotnehea less than th whole stxa nf the rAoVe, WhertSin bAlny or roattina; mty be done ) well at it can be in lh Common brick oven, 1U nVcn it aiyt At for le wl en the s'ove i healed, a the whole draught of hot air ptssca a rOUnd it constantly. VMfc attention l pkYllcular!y called to thit love. It catt I tren at our Store and Tin E.-tah, liXhrrient in North Danville, at the r.ign of the Co lombia Tin shop, and at the f niind-y of Rohrbafh A Clement In Sunbury, where it particular quail, tic will lie fully shown and exo'airred ro thy person wishing to rkamine it. , Tti'e tUbscribeta 'cn'ntiVluo to have on hand ' kfttd of prloi sirtvrlt. rtch radiator, rvlen.lero, fanry anil pla.rr, sViitahle for all who may favor ua wlih a call-, also common sheet and Rustii Iron, wiich ctti be mid in eny d tirabln aVinpr tog -, ther With i general sK)rtment of tin and japinned wtre, wholesale tnd retail.-tJountiy m.r. hanta afe iriviied tit call and 'ettirtine our Block, is our Work cannot he surpassed, and p'h-ea modneraie. N. B. We can itlely teenmmend ihe above men tioned stove to (Aarsflri who Wish to emhark in A good business. The patentee will sell either coun ly or ttste righ'r, o suit purt'itsert, Bnd nn rea a.inal.lf let ma. Hepr hit tgetit mav be found id Danville, P. x J.&J.AUTER. The UmlterwgnxJ. baVing ejeen tn opera! iorrtha hof KtAal 1ml air onVin(f fllnvA. IllVntl-ll ami n. trJntfd by J. M. Thairhcr, ccrtlTy that wc believe, from the mmner of comlreeti -n aPd opera-ion, thlt it is the best one ever 'offered to the public. The ,.n..mii i.Mrt ..miillA and tli construction so n - - , t judicious, that there i t siting of or.e half the fuel tnd time, in iloilig any given amount ol a. rvic, over other celerirfttCd toret. In short we recom ment il in preference to all others, for the aimpla re son thai it embrace every braucli nf economy; Stmtiel Oarrelt, John W Oarieit. DiVld Chat fleM, W F Kitch. n. John M Uifly, E Thompson. Smith Thotnpaon, J D Hahn, Ji ftn OtVet, lies ki sh Bear, Lliie F Cooper, Cleo M Rkhsrt, Daniel HulT.nan, Henry H Rilafel, F H Caiver, Ditiiel Dreisbacb, Joeph Vankiik, Brooks EIey. Danville. Match P, 1817. ly CHEAP SXilNBS I S. J. WILLlilltS) Venetian ftlltid Manufacturer-! No IS North 6th at., (a few doors aUive MarktA at.) PHIItALlEIiPHIA) HAS now on band the largest and Vrioet ftahton. able tts r'trii nl of Narrow Slat and other V.. netiln Blind of any ctabliii'.inient 111 tha United States, which b Will aeh Wholesale tnJ Retail, at the lowest piicca. Tbe c-lizetie of Sunbury and vicinity ire reapeei fully aoliciied Ij cull nn I. '.in bi f.a purchasing elar. where, aa he la ono Wit of giving entire aattaLc. tion tn al', who mu.th'ua f.vor him with a call. OLD BLINP& r.t'paiiitcd And Trimmed, ao aa to lO.-k rqoal to n w. Orden pin'ctually attended o, and (bt Biinda foTwaiiloJ wiU dcapatcU, . . B. J.M lLI.IAMS. .iiV! 1. 1847. 3m. """P A SOI THE subtcribt,r offers for tale a cheap Frffi, situate in ShKmikin townhlp, Northurritd-r land coun'v. about bichl rrtilea from SonbOry ya ing beiwerat the Centre Ibrntdke ahd lri.h Valleg, rontainiiig I6'i aciU and allowance, bjij fffi, ia in a goinl iate "t cultivalion, with icitortstily g.iod l-uiflngi ind excellent water hear the door tad 41 kind ol frUit. (nc. JOHN fArnswobth. i'untary . FebJU.J tlbtliiiig Establishment OPERATl'tlNS In I'tnXittae eem lo he lha order ?f the A, t the PhiUdelpbia We. J Kobe, 105 blireuut aireet, wber eery atiicla in the line 1 kepi, and sold al aatoni hiug luw price, erSthraeiiig Cloaks', Bapgi'p. Over Sack U.t. 8:irrt S.cli Coat. Super French Cloth Die. Finek Coals, PanUloon of every g-d and i ttyla.any nfwbiih will he sold fcitbef ty the raiment er doXen, .1 pii Cea that will J i-l-fy h most ec mom. eel in buying. Wa tdvUa all who want g. oJ and cheap Clo thing, to call at No- 105 fbeanul aneet, Philadelphia. Feb e.h. 1817- KTmTfifrfiZTw watkcl J't'ce tid Ul Qm Us'k.at theatoit of Mtich T, 18,7. JOHN BOOAn.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers