aWAaas. . THE AMERICAN. jerdaw, .Was; 81, 1847. ,, t ate and -Oh -OTrr, fH ChtMtut ffrnh, Ttrtltrarlphta. ? ". IB" .Mun r-t,VK. ttwA, A ' St mte Street, Hmm, Uttutkii:d ewl .f sre, ewid rrtrtf fur all mem,'f '' vffce, fr Awftavrtssttari W tutcertUJ' E. W.CARR, turner f Third mnJ Dork Slrerlg, Sun Riiihlincrt, ttppotito Merrh y Exchange, Philadelphia, ti?sr authorised. M net a our Ag'nt. Dfwotratle XomlnftWm rot OOVEBNOR, rnAiicis r. suiMi, rait can At coy vismonfr, MORRIS LOSUSTRETH, Of Montgomery County. VVhio N'o.mimatioss. For Governor, 3k. AMES IRVIX. For Canal Commiiiioner, JOSEPH C, PATTOX. (jMNtTOn Tne. A fresh supply of superior printing ink just received, and ,'ar sale at Phila delphia prices. K7" News raoin tin Amt. We have given p nearly all rttr apace, this week, for the news from the seat of war, whrch is more inteiesting e our reader Yheh any 't'h'ffif else. Gn. Scott ana' his efmy wa rapidly advancing towards Mexico, and is, no doubt, Vfore ih'n in possession of the "Halls of the Monteznmas fuebla, it will be seen, has surrendered without firing gun, and the city of Mexico, no doubt, will do the same. Santa A firm ia raperted to be very much dejected, and anxious to leave the country. Tb Mexican have lost all confidence in him; and he has now more to fear at their hands theft from the enemy. The high price of grain will operate seti oasty upon the poorer classes. Many farmers have sold out so clean as not to have any to spate, and some not enough for themselves. The crop, in this section, have suffered severely for want of rain. If we are not teen relieved by copious showers, there will be but poor account of our next harvest, in both grain and bay. EThe tolls nnthe Canals and Kail Itoads of this state, have been doing a large business. The increase of tolls from In 30th of November last to the 1st of May, amount to $171,973 45. The prospects of our public work at highly fl altering. t7" We lave received the first number of the Democratic Cetiwn Extra, to be published at Harrisburg, during the Campaign. It is edited with great spirit and ability. CP" HelwicV Hotel, near the Broad Mountain, about 3 miles from Pottsville, wa entirely de stroye4 by fire, with all its fartntn, Thurs day week last. K7t?ot.. Roiikit M. Lex has been appoint ed Recorder of Philadelaphia, by Gov. Shunk, in place of Richard Vaax, resigned. 03 The correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger, writing from Camp near Jalapa, speaks Thus of the Pennsylvania Regiments : In speaking of Cerro Gordo, I am reminded that the first Pennsylvania Regiment, and, indeed, the whole of Pillow's brigaife, has been grossly mis represented in come of the unofficial reports of that battle. The American Star, a paper started in Jala pa on Sunday last, states, iu it accounts of the battle, that General Pillow brigade "re treated and in an editorial it lay that the "bri gade made a gallant charge upon fottification of the enemy, but from it length being assist ed by a fort on the left and ribt he Wa forced to give way, after sustaining a heavy loss, and before be fOnld renew the attack, the enemy had surrendered." Now, the truth of the matter is, that the brigade neither retreated nor wit it forced to give way. The second Tennesseean, who were tn the first line of attack with the first Fennsylvanians, were the only part of the bri gade which was forced to give way, By tome mean or other they remained in a wrong path, which we had all taken at first and had been ordered to leave, and received an order to charge from the General, who could not have known their position, a the chspparel is dense end the paths obscure. They did charge, under every disadvantage and in the worst place, and alter losing nearly a fourth of their number in killed and wounded, fell back on the main road, The rest or the brigade, composed of the two Pennsylvania and first Tennessee regiments, moved to ibe second position to which they Were ordered, and halted for the order to charge in front of the batteries and xpoie! to their fire. The conduct of the whole brigade was cool and soldierly, and well deserves the title of "gal Wat." That of the first Pennsylvania, who Were nearest to the forts, Was as orderly as that of a battalion on drill. The fir poured upon them was terrific, and yet scarcely a ma wavered, and all rushed up the bills with a about and a bound, aod took their aland upon th top, iihpa tient to hear the word "charge." Col. Wynkoop wa exceedingly anxious to moVe Upon the toe niy'i work at once, and J beanj him exclaim, a ha sent request to General Pillow to-permit him to advance, "If I dont get at) order bf soM tort in les than half a o hour, 1 Will tbtrgs Bn ny own responsibility, by Heaven !" 07 Nws rttoj Epropi. Ry th arrival of the Brittahia, intelligence hat been received that the ptice of grain tiai again alightty advanced. The propects of good crop treat a promising ap pearance. Large quint it lei t)f potafoe have been planted, which art said to ha doing well, al though the potato blight ia announced to bar appeared In some plaeee. The immense amount of bread stuffs imported into Great Britain hat drawn heavily on their pec if. About 25 mil lions of dollar have boen exported to thii coun try. The Rank of England, fearing that tich heavy drain might lead to a suspension, hat rai- aed the rote of interest to nearly double jis for mer rate, causing much tightness and srarcity in the money market, and consequently many failure. K7 The city of Puebta, which has surrender ed to the army, i one of the handsomest and wealthiest citie in Mexico It ia neatly bnilt with many fine buildings, surrounded with a rich anil fertile country, and contains about 60,000 inha bUnls".' The cathedreal alone costs six millions of doi'.'ari. Many of the ornaments and chande liers beuig iadeof massive gold. C7Crtr.. Jcrrr Davis of Mississippi, has been appointed Bi iea'lier General in the place of ttriipadier General Guleon J. Pillow.promoted. Mr. bavis is a son in-U'w of Gen.. Taylor, and wis tie distinguished leador of the gallant Mis. sinipvhrtra is the battle of Buena Vista. C7 The Wttfee oJCerro Gordo and Waterloo, were botn fbucbt on Sunday. Those engaged in war hat test fit. respect for the Sabbath. PHILAMtPtttA MARKET. Ti'ssdat, May IS. Floi-r ajid Msr..-Tbe late news has had the effect of putting nptht price of Flour. We notice sales of 2000 bbls. at SS though SSJ is now asked at the close of the rnatket, and Would pro bably be given for fair brands. We ftotrfe a sale of Rye Flour at $5J holders now, however, ask S.'J. Sjles of 4000 bbls. of Corn Meal has been made at t't for Penna and $5) for firandywine on these prices also have made an advance, in consequence of the character of the newa. Grain. Sales of good prime red Wheat have been smtde at $2 per bushel, and ia in demand Corn is a'sn in request at 110c, and Oats at 52a 5c. WnisKEY, 30c DALTinORE IIAItKRT, ?j75ceof iJicUii-rtmoRe America, May 17. GRAIN. There were sale of several small lots of Md. red Wheat on Saturday at 168 eta. To-day there ia an improvement, and aalea were made t ISO et. and one cargo of 1500 bushel at 192 Cents. The aale of Penna. Wheats on Saturday and to day tttmprise torn 10,500 bush els reds, which sold at 188 cts. on Saturday, and at lSOal90 ctl trdey. Salea ofMd. white Corn on Saturday and to. lay at 93a9A cent, and of yellow at 103a10l cents. A 4ie of PennV yellow waa mad to day at 106 cents, weight. Md. Rye is worth 82a93cts., and Oats SO cts. WHISKEY. Sale olbbls. to-day at 32 ct. Uhds. are Worth 3 let. Drowsiness, Swimming of the Head, a roarinj noise in the Mrs, hrdVbc, palpitation of the heart, Ac. Wright11 Indian Vegetable Pill Ire a certain cute for the above unpleasant complaints, because they purge from lire hody those stagnant and cor-' rupt humors whfch when floating in the general mas of circulation, are the cause of a determm-1 lion or rush in the blood to the head, giddine, loss of memory, dimness of sigh', drowainew, pain' of the head, and many other symptoms of a loaded and corrupt etata of lh blind. . Wrights Indian Vegetable Pill are also one of the very lt meJicine in the world for llie cure of indigestion, and therefore will not tenl remove all the above unpleasant aymptoms, and entirely prevent any evil eorme,oen f resulting from a rui-h of blood to the head, but will moat asxuredly rcatoie the body to a atate of aoVnd health. Beware of counterfeits of all kinds! Some at coated with augar ; others are made to icarmhle in outward appearance the original medicine. The rafeal course it, to purchase from the regular agvut only, one or more of whom may be found in every villago and town m the tVaie. fjAgnl for A iteof Wright's InJian Vegeta ble Pills mSunbury, Hsaar Masse. For oihar agencies see advertisement in another column. Tsvst To IiaiafeiTai PiLta, take them so as to produce a brisk effect, and your steknea will be the affair of a day or two, while thorn who am Ijo wiao to foil j w this cominon-acnso advice, will be sick for mou'h Lei the sick enquire at the agents f Brsndreth Pills whether theee thing re so or not. Let them enquire among their friends and ask the same question. Verily if ei dence is wanted it shall be procured. To the sick let me aiy, use the Batanttkru Puis is the best advice tnorul man can give you. $y Purchase of H. Maaaer, Bunbury, Or of the agent publiahed in another part of thia pS(r. Physic for the Army. JALAP A TAKEN I "ZZJy MillY A. Mr CiV, of ma oofougn or NoilhUmKrlanJ, sue ceor to DanM Bisutig am. respectfully inform the public that although (ten. Scon army has taken Jalaps famous ftr ita pro duction 01 Jalap, sne still baa enUuaA of the article to supply tb wanta of her Coatomara, beaulea verjF otbir Variety oi drug a and iMMicimt utualiy round in an apotheeuy ahop, HaVing purrhaaed the atock of Mr. Drauligtrn, aha baaoperrj a naw atubliahnMitt, alanost nppoaito hia old etnd, and truaia, by athot atlac,iia to buainesa, lo metit the patronage of iha Vh inity and publie. She will enoalaoily keep on hand eve-y variety of Drugs, Paints, 8 ct, Parunl Metlieihea, 4e- thai ie usually found in a diuej atom, which the will diapoee of M reasonable ftn-r . . rhyeitishs an4 eiheie, fioai diataltce, kcpplied at wboleMlavpiiMs. rioiUiunstiland, May 23, 1 647 3m. HANCE'8 8ArsXTARILL. on BLOOD PII.L8 FlfTY I'lL LS Iff A BOX? The Cheapest at id best Medicine in exiateneel Every person who. ia -aubject to Bilioua Feer, ahould purify- then- blood and system by uain f k box of the -SARSAPAR1L LA "OR BLOOD PILLS f Persons s filleted with Xoalivenesa. ahould try the Haica'a 8 ARSAPAWLLA.ot BLOOD PILLS! oung ladies and gertftoman troubled with Pim ples on the Fftc. ahouM try the SARS.1PAR1LLA.OR BLOOD PILLS f Ringing in the fiera relitved by thn . . -. HAKCta 8 AKflAP ARILLA, or BLOOD PILLS? tleaiiache anj (iiililmea rured b? uain the- i- i -V. W.S.I PAKfLLA, OR Hl.OOD Pli.LSt ' Drow.ineaa and General Debility, eurr.l hv the llARca'sSAIiSAPARII.LA.or BLOOD PLI.S! Dy-pep.iaean be cnreil hv iieing- the S.mS.PARlLLA Oil BLOOD PILLX? fXj'PeTsnns who have taken considerable p.'Ttione of mercury, and in consequence have pain in the bones, ahould 0e fredv the H!.r, S BLOOD Plt.Ls! rjj' Piaoimn want of a P,ll that ia Pwtttf arrd m wntrantnl not lit contain a parti tic of Afrf iirs . ahould ue the 9AKMPARlt.LA.or BLOOD PILt.8 ! (TT THE VESVtSK fOK SA LE B YJt WET II 8. 1IA.NCK, tfl B-h.mofe at. and corner of Chrales and Pntt atreta. Baltimore, ' and hv GEORGE BRlGlt I'.Sunl ofv. 1. BRAL'TIU tM, NorihuMlnlan,!. May 22. 1R47. I f ANOE'S COMPOPND 8YRITPOF Ht)KK 1 - . HOUND FOR THE CVRE Oh' Cough, CtilJr, CiHmutnpi'iit, Suftintr of Bfwuf, J'aiti in thi SUU and Rreat, Bronchitis, Croup, Aflhma. and all ditrnitrt art ems from a dimrdcrrd eimdih'nn cfthr lung or nrgteelnl enltt. TAKE IIME BY THE FORELOCK. Is a piece of advice which la suitable to all aeaaons. and apphr.iMe to all purpose; though there ia no instance in which thia iiiree of advire ia more vnlu able, than to petaona who have a emgh or cold, for if they neglect what mv appear to them very trifling .V lilt; HKUMiVAtf, it may lead to Imflammatlnn of Luuga. and finally Consumption ! To all who have a cough, we would say, procure a b it'le of HANCE'8 COMPOUND SYRUP OF HOREHOVND. The medicine ia pleaaant to lake, and it may save you yeara of suffering Price 50 Cent per bott'e or ix bottV for f 2 AO. Prepared and aold by 8ETH 8. H A NCR, ICS Ualtimnre at, and coiner nfCharlea ft Pratt ata. and by GEORGE BRIGHT. Munbuty, D. BRA17TIGAM, Northumberland. MV t4.l847. TCSTI.tlOXV IS NOW RF.CKIVKD Fsom ail QtunTEaa or the Gunnr. f I1HE following letVrVa lire preaented with a view ,L of more fully ahoHj the opiniona tif pi vi rions in relation to the nieilical value of Da. Swim'i UoMFot'Hn Htai-r ov Wilm Caiaai. Da. tSw ttau Dear Sir : Having ued your Compound of Wild Cherry, eltem-ively in my practice, I waa requealrd by yonr agent. Dr. Cru'cher, lo express mv opinion in writfof, of it propertiea as a remejt il agv-nl. I moat cheerfully comply, a I feel by ao doing, I will diacharge a debt I owe the community at large, and phyaiciana in par iruler. Aa much a I dit quack reme dies and patent nostrum a. I wa Induced (Tom a failure of the moat potent rxpectoran a, recommen ded in out materia medicaa in me taws of Dia eaaed lung, to try your preparation of PTunus Virginia or Wild Cherry. Il ia Vufficnt to any that 1 waa so much pleased 'with the remit of that and suhaequent trials thai I now preaentM H in preferrttce to all oiber reo edie where an Vipecto rant is indleatrd. In the much dreaded Pneumo nia or Diaeaae of ttte Lungs in the alarming form in which il appears in Kentucky, I regard il aa an invalimble remedy in the treatment of thit diaeaae. To all who know me I have said enough, but a this my be wen by nermina nut of Ihe viciniry of Frankfort, t Will briefly add, that t ha been en gaged in an active practice of my profession for ? years, and am a regular graduate of Tianaylvani.i, and Ihia i the nrl patv-nt medicine I ever thought enough of loipr an Opinion fn wtirfriR. J. H. ELLISON, M. D. Jan , I ?4t. Franklin eo . Ky. FatiaVnaT. Kt.. Jan 7. 1847. The alnve cerificle i from one of our phyal cian living a few mifoa frotn hvir. he ie doing a very good pr itiicf. and ia conai Jerrd a good physi cian, and eiands farTf, he ia aa he si?, s regular graduate, H W. h.Cslrrau, OrUggit and Apothecary. fX Pir-te the introduction of my ankle tj ihe PuWic. there bav a number of unerinrioled Indi viiluala got up n struma, which they asert Cflntain Wild Cherry, soma are called Babma, 'Biilera.' and Wen Syrttp of Wild Dherry, but mine b the original and natty genuine preparation evir intro duord lo the pnblic, which Can be) proVr by the public of th ConinVwWeallh c I Pennayl- Vaniav Tift only safeguard agkinat imposition ia lo ee that my signstur i on each bolide. Da. H. 8 WAYNE, Corner ef Eighth and Race el., Philadelphia. Only Agvhl In Bunbury. ia HENRY MAfSER. Dr. J. A. Moore, D.inville; T. S. Maik'y & Pon, M ltottt M. t). & J. Wells, Munr ( C. A. Wyatt, Lealatlirg Daia 4 PehnulU, StlinsgroVe; John Renn, Line Mountain P. O. I'bilad. Ipl.i i. slO-c2m.f0 ly LR SMITH'S (St?nn Coateo) -IMPROVED l.UIAN VtUKI AUI.C PI1.1.S." Ffi J.illy tfleciing some of Ihe moet SatonUh- 5L Ing sn known, in and wontlerful cure that have ever bPen conarquenre of which thev have now become a shining mark against Which all the ar row of uiappointt d hope, envy, and uncharita Henna are levelled wiihout tSUUnbliOm The loWn and coun'ry are alike Riled with their ptalae. 1'he palace and the poor bouse alike echo with their vir tue, tn ail dim ilea, under all temperature, they till ictain Itieit wonderful powrta. and eiert them unaltered by age or situation. ' They are simple in their preparation) mild in their aftloni, thntaugh in all their operation and untlVathsd in their re full. Tbcy are aU't-bilioU, anti-dysptptie, and anls-sneicUrijtl and ibey are peculiarly beneficial m lh lollowing romplaitt'et fevct Sod ague, yel low and bilious fevers, Ay pptii eroup liver com plainti akk headache, j.iundlca, atthnis, dropsv, ple n, piles, eolie, oUlrUttronSj bs.Ht.uro, furred tongue snd folll Itofttnth, nauaea; dianhAa, coativo. nesa, loss of sppol ite, aall.iw eomplexiona, Cdd, And in all teases of torpor of the bowel WheTs t catherlle Ot an apeiient is needed - Nu Cug4r Coated Pills ran ha genuine, unless ever bos has a it the signature ef U. BEN J' A SMITH, M. D. (3 CAU TIONeAa a miaeraWi imitatioh has Neu made, by lb nam ef ,-8uar Coated Pill," It iaprceaaary lo be sure that Dakr.8attTa'l aignatura is on every box. 1'iice Xfl cents. Pimcipal Ufrleo. It Ureenwh-H Kt. firm York. Sold by JOHN W. FKU.tNG. SurtftUry. . . yVM. FOR8THE. torthum'd. My 15. IS47. ARK; I'bellighir'marlel price palXXr Bark," at ib atoie ef - an-htr.lUT. - J.lHKBOUAR. 5s!lh tlosen Corn Broonna fif sale,' by lb do. sen or aingls, si f I 60 per doten. bf hJ7, lt(47, JOHN DOG AP. First rrcmlHBi AVrilin? Ink. Mo 67. North Third Street PHILADELPHIA. . ' ITROM Dr5 Here, the. celebrated ProTeor of ; Chemistry la Ihe University of Penn'e. "Philadelphia, Oct. 1 1, 1M3. -uear Sir Hating lirel your Ink, t will Ihar k you to send me snot her bottle, as I find it to be ckccllont." r -' I sm yours, truly r-" " y .t.w Host. IIas.""- From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati ,liJii,..(,i.k.l f r hi nuineroo aclenriltc researches. "Medical College of Ohio. Cii cinnaii, Y' " J"iiy 17; 144. , Having nej Mr. Hov. r' Writing Ink, I am aatiafied that it i the but which has ever come to my knnwlnden, snd na(-iatly it ia rxr'llent for the uae of Steel Penii, rnid witt not cor.vJe ihom, even in long ifte. ... Jon a; Locke, Prof, of Chrmialry." IIOVER'8 ADAMANTI.M! CEMENT. Fioin a well known scientific g.-nileman Pliiladelphi,, KeK 27. 181. Mr. Joseph E. Hover Hit; A use oT ymtr Ce mnl, and some practical tcttn of it aupeiiotily, has induced me to reco nnssnd it to others s an inralueb'e afti.le for mvnd'ffg China. Glaj-, or Cabinet Ware, CanrnsLi Mnartr, Analytic Cheinl! n For -ale at the Mannfact .ry, Wholiailn and Re tail, No. 87 Noam Thirb Stssit, opposite Cheuy street, Philade'pliin. by JOSEPH E. HOVER, May 22. 1817 j:ttl ly Manufacturer. I'wlatc of John IIiIIIhi, lr l. No r.CH i hereby given, that leVeVa of ,1 miniKirilion havn been grantad In the auh acriber, on the estate ol John Phillip, late of the borough of Nortliumlierland, iS'orth'd County, dee'd All Mron indebleil lo said estate, or" havina claims agaiitttl llie same, are requested tn call and settle. CHRISTIAN PHILLIPS, PHILIP YOUNG, North'd, May 23 I, l47,-6t A.lmra. Spring Gioodse rilHE subscriber bs just rer-eived his New JL Spring ftoiaj, to which be invites his frienila and customers to rail mid examine for themaelvea, Hia coriaits in part of Ihe fill. wing : fr-'upoiior Cloths, of sflenlnTst (asimera of iHlV r rut pattern l utiu and other Vea'ing ; i'a liro. Lawns, tlinchams. tlN-k. Tick. iii. and summit wear of all kin. I and price, ; bUo, L'gliorn and Palm le f llal t'uilirellas ud Parasol, fr m 26 cenla npwa il- to. t Jroeenes, tjiieeoa Wte, Hardware, tilrVsre, Oil, Paint, Fih, Halt. (Vc..&e.. tit.. ami tn fuel, everv article usually kept in a country tnt Which wiR Us sohl very low. for cash or any kind of lra.le. JOHN LtHJAR. Hunl.ory, MT 16th, 1847. ntty jMorc New Goods! fHE last arrival ia at FunrtyS Stole, Market I Puare, whrre wilt be found a handsome as sortment of SPRING AND BUMMER GOODS. of Ihe laleat ami ttioet approved srylcs, cmiaiating of Cl.dbs, (?ainHeis, Veatingn, Suniiser 8tjff, Moil, d lairtea, LsWos, Giofjliama, t'e'te", Mualina, Jeana, Ae , &c, cVr als . s lull assortment of Groceries, all ef which will be Sold tower than ever rfered ill tMs matkit. Call nd examine for yourselves. 8unbury, My I h. is47. It' Ptwtft trainee, and General Commis sion xHcrchnnl'S, No. lift Suits' Wnaar, BALTIMORE, OFFEK their w-Tvievs to the Merchm.ta snd Faiioera r the SUqilebanna Va'ley, for the le of Floui lrin and Produce generally, in the U.iliiTil re tnirkel, and from then t'n.ive c Uxiutance smnng purchaser and ahlpjiera, cm safely Wirrranl s iinvfaetntv sales. t.'orrcspomtrnta will be romtatoi!y kept adviwd of the state of ihe inaike', Ac. R.Terto Messrs. Wm. Wilson Jt, Isaac RcynnlilseV Son, ! ,, . . . i , , VllaltirtUire. Davntson ox SaiH ileis, ( Reynotda Bc Smith. J ml Messrs. Tiocley, Caldwell dc English, Phila. May Iftih. 1BI7. 2m THE StorkhoUlrra arn hereby notified, thai an etection wi'l beheld at the hoUae of James Lee, m the Iwwouth of Northumberland, on Mon day tb 7lh day of lun' nrkt, HrlweVn the hour ol 10 o'clock A. Mv and 3 o'clock. P. M., for ihe purpose of electing ofticets fir the ensuint year. J. R. PRIESTLEY, N.thl,May M84T-4t Pm-'i. Orpiistiis Court snip. IN pursuance of an ntdtr of ibe Orphana Court or Notlhuml-eiland county, will I dd at pub Irt Vendue, on Saturday the Itlhdsy ol July nett, on Iha i.remieea. to wit t A rtriain tract of bind situate in Shamok n township, in siid county, con Uining 800 scree sml 113 perches, triti messurr, ad lining land f (he bclr of MartiH WiiaVer, Juhu L'nger, Bolomon Fegely, ud taaae Treibley, whetedn la erected a two elory log house sod a'one kitchen, a Urge tame bink bam. aionv emnfc house and an excellent orchard of thole fiUit. AI'O, one other tract, siluaU in the township and enUnty breah!, containing 3fl acVe' and bH per chcSj adiotnlhg the sboVO krtlled tract, S .mind Habs, Gootge Ungrr. snd lac Trubluy, where n are erecied e one and a half story fralne house, s Irsme aUt'le, snd a tog ahop. With a gooj well of waer at the house, end a thriving young orchaid ofrboica fiUiL A to trfsin other trsct of wood land iiUl in the Idwiiahip aforesaid, cohlaiuing 81 acres And ol perthca, dkOining Crthrad Yeagtor, Joseph ChairiUerliil. and ugustua Huey. Also, a Certain oiber tract of IkikI in aiid township, roo. Isluiiig 33 acrfe and 147 perchu, a rid nica-ure, of which ubOul Onto ba!f U cleatcd. adj iolng Au-gu-tu Hii- y.! Bakton, and oiher Al aok a cortain oiber tract :tt.t In Mid Ittwnsblp, fconttiiilug 9 sC'M snd U ptutbe. lricl eiessur. adjoining SolontiHi leg. ly, aod ulbar. Lau lh aisU ef Chrtatian Fegely, depM. . Sale to eomtnCnce t 10 o thick, A. M. of said Jar. vVhu lh telm of tol will bis made knowu b, SOLOMON FEGELY ' . REUBEN FEGELY, By order of the court, Adiprs. .. . . CWAS ursrsa, vi a. u. Poi.hury, "April aiih, luJi. rEDAR WARE, Qoeenawsrfc, H.idWare, I OfiiMrisM Ac for sale Vary low. b Tan. U, 1(47, J? SS&Zn PROM PERSONS sfflieted Whh fjaneer. Semfula, ft E'Teiw, Ssk Rmum. Brysipelss, 7.- ! r -"""i iiaeases. end si! romplsint rts3in f rrasjaa a sh... ' . . H. , r , " . "' 7 ne lllrwt. sre requested nl itio Folio WlBff II! fu. rTh"" , W- -CenT"Free1, grei., witli a abort bi t, it y of my ease. ' -..W,,M " ';"' yr. or ,Cn w.. ai.rVed with njng a Ld. I was under the csr of sn minont physicun, arid afier a long course of medical treat mi nt, w ia pr uiounccd cured. At 14 years of age s di-ease, ptoiionncnl by n-mf of the medical ftcul ty a ScoiM.!.' and by others 'Canrwr.ius,' muni feawi jisi If diea-.e incieaaed in its ravso, till my throat was filled with oVer. and my face waa covered with them t my Ttoo was ulcer.itsd and swollen lo apparently four times its tislural a' ' tumour in my breaat, and ulrera on il llci. nl pstlsofmy ieion, I waa placed un der Ihe care al varioa Imrwi nf Ihe most eminent pl.sieianaf New York, Philadelphia, Halt imore and Cinciiin .tl, who after having jcd their mmol endeavor tn eff ct rurr1. my eie bv them we prooounee, incsrnbln. I have travelled over tl tie of Ihe Union Seeking relmf; nnexpennt waa rpared, and a large amount of m mey wai expend ed, hut M bt vain. then used large quantities of Sws m's Panacea. Hue abu tkcn Carpenter's Sarssparilla, Hchenrks Pulm.mic Symp, Town semi's Sa sspsritli, and tuirre-roua othrr prepare liona wiihout elfect j my throat, nose and rce were till tilci ra'ed, and nt length I lo I entireW theaenac of snit'lling. I continued in tbi d -plorable Ctndi lion fir about two year, having given up all hope f ncovety, I resigned myself to llie will of Provi. dence, aiirpoiii that every mean of re'hf bed f it'ed. On the 6 h ilay of August l.ial T commen ced taking your Dr. Crust's IaniAi Vsn eta sle Paacsa. having bul little hope of iia benefitting me. Af er having used one bottle, I discovered lo my utter Sstonishment and gratification, that my setiae of smelling wascntiivly reniomt, and that the Ulcer were rapidly dimini-hing in site. I hsve now tikfn three I of lea ofjhe psna.-ea ; my fce, iiioiilh. t'troat and neae areenlirely healed. I sm IH'W 40 ve.ira or age, hd after 3S f eara nf indWri lnhle sutf ring, my general hea'lh i lietter, and in f.A'1, at no reiunl of my life hate I f it a well aa I have ainee Using yout invaluahle Panaee. JULIA BIUNCH. N. Y., Sept 30, 1 fit 6. No. Ill Cliff at. We, the undersign being peranntiHr erqualn U, With Mrs. Julia Branch, of No. Ill Clilf street, ml having a knowt-dqe f hi r si'uanon fir sever t e-ra past, Jo henliy eerlitV. ihn the above is a rue etHt.-mciM i" her fa-, mo lir a nir penatnal knowledge goes; snd from her rhineter and slin ling, we hse full confidence in ber statement, ed in Ihe efficacy of Or. Cuttcn's Indian Vegets hbi I'e.nace. E Its in A. V,e, 11 S :iilV.-treet, Mariv Ware, do. ttamucl Banter, V Mulberry stretst, S. t5lnaon.iS R.e-eH ,trv, C O'Neal, III ClilTatretit, Emily Earle, Hudson stieet. Ye b srrred ones of the He ding An,' if ye can ar, far overcome profeaional pride, aa lo use med cine which y know not how to compound, ye may premise many valualle lives which will otherwise le sacrificed. Will ye not prescribe it 1 If it shall not acc.impli.h all we claim for it, after a fiir accotd rg to directions, we shall puSli.h an account of it latlute in any three papers in the United Slates at our own expense. Dr. fn I re,,, todi.n VeftetsMe Panacea ; do. d. Secific; do. do. Pile rlemeW ; Dr. Aptdetou's K.iuedy for Deafness; Rowanu'a Magic Lotion. Warranted to cure. CVi lilies tea of rures, in pamphlet form, Wsy lie had Gratia, at the offi. es of the agenta. These niei'itinea ere prepared and od by ihe proj rotors, Rowand WalloU, No. 3r? Maikct stieet, Phil .dulpl.ia. - . fV W Danenhowet. No 1 Murray at. N Y. - iaiiroii.iwr-T, s S c J J W Danenhower. No f (5 T Jenkins, No 6 Cn JS N Robinson, rrGav I s I J ' Daneiihower. ?ia 1 (J r Mall, Cin.O. final at, N Orleans. v 4 Sintoga k'.s. Bait. Agents: II. MASSbR. Kunhttry. I. It. R .aer, Milton; J. S.-el.old, New Ber lin i Mr. Muaaer, Millhcm ; Sharps D. Lewis, Wilkea'iaire. ioid also by DruggUt throughout the United Stale. April 3d, ISiT. Sm f6y SOMETHING NEW ! rilHE Sulscriber have the rxe'Usive light of 1. vending J. M. THATCHER S Hot l!lt ttt.t I'ooklus in the c iini.ea ot Notihombeilan.l, Columhia snd Schuylkill t and from the encouragement met with already, llivy ejiprrt lo to a large business. This loVe ia cotihtructrd on an entiiely new prirriple, nd on the only principle that can make both a good wood sml coal stove. The inventor has over come All the difficulties that so frequently belong to tllcr ilovrs. He haa by hia arrangcmenli con ltUee. a btoiling fXjO Cll III TrOlttt where in bioitmc, roasting, frying or baking may be dbnB, and all the smell that arises therefrom rnuat paa into the combuctilile chamber, an. I Is not si all thrown out into the room Jt tles'des tnia-, there i sn oven only two inches test than the whole aixe of the stove, wherein b .king or roasting may be dour as well sa it can be in the common brick ovrh. This oven la l4v fit lor tl-e whKn the s'ove i heated, as the Whule drau-hl of hot Air pat3 a rounil tl constantly. I'tibbc attention is pjrticelsily called to thia to. Ii can be Seen at our Store and Tin Cla lilllU'iant in North l)nvilb, al the sign of the lumbia Tin shop, and at tht Foundry of Itohrbach A. t'b-menl in Hunbury, When It particular quail tics will le fully shown and ctV silted to any person wishittg lo 1 1 niiii it. The aulwrlliers tnntinu lo have on hand sll kinl nf parlot stoves, men aa radiators, ry lender, fancy slid plain, suiul'l for all who may favor Ua sbh a tall-, also common abecl and Rusait Iron, ohichran lie mil in any d. SiraSIa shape; log.--her wiih general aaotlnienl of tin an.l japinncsl wair, taholtwal and leiail. Country m. r. hsnt kis iiiird to call nil etSinine our Stork, sa rur wink cannot be surpassed, snd pik-es mndovrtt. N . B. Wr ran sifely recommend the above men tioned stove lo parsons who wish In eiehsik in i good holiness I'l.S psielitee will sell f ither coun ty or aisle right, to auil purchasers, and on re thntia. 11 or hi sgtn's mav be found in Detivilhj, Pa. J. A J. ARI'ER. The u'nderaignbd, having reen in operation the hot btst hot Sir cooking stove, invented and pa tented by j. M. Tbeichrr, renify that we believe, from the manner of IU rohstruetl'R and opera'joit, that it i Iha heat on ever olf-rv.! to the public. The airsugeineiil iasd coiiiplete and thconatruciiori ao judicious, that there ia s saving ol one half the fuil and timfc. in doing sny given amount of i.-rviee, over Other celebrated stdve. . fn short We fceom mem il iii piefercnr to all ottirr, for (he simple H-aeon lhat it embracea every branch of economy. Samuel Garrett, John W Garrett, David Cb". fisld. W F John M Otar. E Ti ..,.n. ,1 Smith Thompson, J D Hshn, Job'o'0ka, sn uesr, tll; Cooiki, Geo :t ItUbll. Danisl Muff"n. Henry II iWl, f U Catver, Daniel i)rrisbach, Joseph V.nViik, Biovks Eplsy, ro.itive Trtutee Sale Tract of Land. WILL be exposed to public sale, si t,e court hous In Bunbury, Northumberland coun It, Pennsylvania, on the S4th day of May, 1847, at oYlock, A. M.. all that certain Iraet of coal land situate in Little Mahonoy I'ahn, North'd coun ty. irJoininT lands of Jacob Laitchrl, the heirs of Mandrel and others, Containing two hundred and twenty acres more or Ie, with the, being the same tract of land which Joseph Lyon and AVegail hia wife granted and conveyed loBurd Patteraon. h Jaad ,l.t..l ii.k ion i ...... for the cmrp,ea therein stated. The a id deed having been recorded in the offioe for recording deeds e., in NorthumUrlsnd county, in deed book , p,g 74 lnd 75 ,hB 8(h (, of Au Pottsvilte, May 8th,l47 t Titftee. CHEAP BLINDS! Venetian Blind Manufacturer. No 13 North ih at.s few d.K.r alsive Marktt at.) PHILADELPHIA, HAS now on hand the largest snd moot fashion aUle asaoTlmintof Narrow Klsl si.H v. Iietisn Blind of snv establishment in ih 1 . I 8tte, which ho will sill, Wholesahj and Retail, at tnv towcat ptlres. The cilitens of Sunhorv snd ieinit ,i r.r.i fully solicited to call on him before) purchasing elae. wuere, aa nn Conn tent or giving entire sstiefic tinn to W who may thus f.ivorhim with a call. OLD BLINDS Keuaint-d Htt TrifflMnl. an ss to look roual tn new. Ordere punctually attondtfid l and tho Blinds fiTwanhid With despitch. B.J. WILLIAMS. March 6. 1847. 3m. F A II M OyacDIXl gy,.aV.rp..T!n- rpilE subscriber offers Tor sale a cheap Farm, -- situate fn Shsmokin township, Norlhntviber larrd county, about eight miles from Sunbdry, ly. in between the Cvntre lurnpike and Irifh Valley, containing tfit otrts and allowances. Suid fnin ia in a g.d state of cultivation, with reasonably good buildings and excellent watur near the door ; and all kinds f ftuit. Ac. JOHN FA UN'S WORTH, Mhury. Feb. 20.JH4T. ClotliiiigEslablislimcnt XVPERATIONS iii CLormwri seem to be th F order of the day, at the Ph l.idelphis Ward Kobe, 105 ChcenUt street, where every article in the tine is kept, and sold at aatoni bing low prices, emhracin; Cloak Bangops. Over Ssck Coat, Short Sack Coat, Siiier French Cloth Dies Frock Coats, Pantaloons of every Rrado and style, any of which will he sold either by the rarment or dozen, it pii ces tbnt will j.i-tify the most economical in buying. Wusdvise all who want good and cheap Cloa thing, to call at No. 105 Chesnut stV'eet, Philadelphia. Feb 6th. 1817.-"-P.m ssasa S wSLITTElT at N THE BOOVt OF NATITE 4ND OP ax "." o'.' -l. i;ii me i.aiu ni v, Ket. ble p'oddctiona of i vsry eountrv are. if pi. r'.v sppfied, aftiply sufficient ihe cure of every m laJy irrcident to each t . culiar cli.oite. WllT'S INDIAN VfeGETililE PILLS, or THl Xorth American College ortteitltl. sre composi of all plants wh,-h grow cpontane oualy on our Own eoil. anil are therefore better a dapted to our conelitutinna than Mrdicinea concoc ted from foreign drugs, however well thoy may ba compounded; and ss they are founded upon the principle th't the human IwmIv ia in truth SUBJECT TO BUT ONE DISEASE, namely, conupt homnrs, and that said Medicine cures thia disease on Natc-bal Pel Jt'ctriE. by cleansing and purifying Ihe bwli, it will lie man, ifest that, if the constitution be not entirely ex. ha'us'fed, k pcrteveranca T.t their ikp, acrnnling tn ili.ections, i sosorurrly certain to drive disease of every name from the body. When We wish to ref.ire a sArnmp or mrirasa 10 fertillly, '0 draai it of ihe supein'uihdant water In like manner, if we wish to res-ore the body to health, we mUt cfcanss It of impurity. WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILt.S will le found one of the best, ir not the erv beat medicine irt the world f.r rami i-i out this G.n PcaiVrlS P'BistcirLS. beeauao they eXel front lh body sll morbid and crru;l hum 'r, tl csnsca of the diaease, in an ensy ..'nd Natural Manner and while they every day 'give eskk sun Mii-tui, di-esse il every tufclo Is rapidly d.iveu fr.mi tho. ody. the foil wing reaprctal.le atorekreperS hsve l ech duly appointed sg.'iit for l!ie aile of llVfjH?! Indian Vegetable 'ills, in Northumbtfs I .nd couutv t Jlcnry Masser, Sunbory, E. & J. KaurTinaii, Augusla township. Samuel llei'o, Lililo M .honoy. William Deppen, Jackson. ItcnevilU, Upper Mahonoy. John G. Kerin, Upir Mahonoy. Harnucl John, Shamokiniown. For.yibe, Wilson A Co., Northumberland E. Ia Hi per, Walaonburg. IrlandA llaya. McCenville. James Peed. PolUcrove. Wm. G Seott, Ruariviiro. Ilaitmsn Khible. Elysburg P. 0. Am. is 1'. Beiasel, Turbutsville. G:d on Sha lcl. Fpper Mahonoy. Rhtide A Farrow, Snydsutnwn. John King, Farmersville. SiUs C. Ce. k. Miitln's Cieki J. He Young, iticksvi'le. Abraham Srtehr. Richmond. Ftaniuel Taylor, Slatefor I. John II. Vincent, Chillsqi'siiuei Wm. Heinen A Btothur, Millori'. BswAskok CoraTEsr.iTS loo public s! cu'ioned aiialnat lh many rjiurious medicine, which in order lo der ive, are Hed hy hames si miUi to Wrinhi'a lodith Vegetable Fills. The .fe.l course Is to puteh of lh feguUf sgrnt only, hd sre gentlemen lhat may b re bed O't. , . fry Office, devo'.' eicltls.e'y t n"."'? WbtllHI'S INDIAN VEgE TABLE PILL, oflh Noilh ?.mrrtcn OMcgeof He. 8' SB t TAI tro V kT'-.1- ..... t9 Rc Stsskt, rnuaor.pu... Jan. 50h. l47.-s!9y. 7TiKl7WKfcKl.M. T.emei. Drs-j Stat P.P-V bln. v.,-. .IP-s. II mson-eCorumDia '"UjVn BOOAH, store of Jan. 16, ISO Danville, Mish f, I817.-y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers