.1 H: T --ill Pf a use ana A : Office in Centrflliey, in tk$ rear of ff. Ma i ,.. ter't Store.) , ,, i THE" AMERmXNTlibnaeWf8.tui day M TWO DOLLARS Mr annum to be pffd hf yearly 1 advance. No paper discontio ttea'tifl ktt, iiMriN are paid. ... Nosuhecriptibn received tor a lata period than en aoRTas. All communications ar letters on .busineas relating to tKa office, to Inswe attention, luafba POSTPAID. "WATCHES ( ' a til "Philadelphia Watoft vmf Jewelry Store No. 96 Jforth SECOND rreet, corner of Quarry. GOLD Later YVetobee,full jewelled, 18 carat caret, $ 46M Silver Lover Watcbta, rull " jewelled, Sitter Lever Watches, se S3 00 IS 00 ten jewels, colter Lepioe Wetcbts, jewelled, fineat qorfity, 14 00 ooperior "VlueMler Watche, 10 00 Imitation Quiff-Tier Watches, not warranted, 5 00 Gold Spectacle, , - 00 Fine Silver Spectacle, I 75 2ld Breci leta with topal stonta, t SO LaSaVGotd I'enC.U, IS carats, 3 00 . Gold Finiret Kings 87 eta to ft 8 t Weeh Glee era, plain, IS cis? aient, I8j; Lunet. $5. O fber article in propoitinn. All good warranted to lie what they are sold for, O. CON II A D. On hand, eoase Gold and Silver Latere, I.eniors no aarnere, loteer wear mm a wive price, rtnladatphii, Dec. 8, 1846. ly BbStlfc SliocT ESTABLISHMENT. DANIEL nnUCKEMILTiKIl, At hit Old ErlMishmcnt, in Market Street, Sunbury, . . . (opposit tk wno mon nom,) RETURNS hia thank for pct favor, end re epeeifully inform hi friend and the puMic generally, that he continue to manufactute to or der, in the ovate! and latent atyle. ' CHE A I floors AND SHOES, warranted of the heal materiil, and made by the tnoat experienced workmen. He also keep on hand a general attortment of faebionable Boot for gentlemen, togerher with a larte aturk of fashion able gcntlvmeu'a. boys', lailiea' sod children's Shoe, ail ef which hkte been mnrle under hia nwn imme diate inspection, and are of the beat material arid WerJunanship, which he will sell low for caah. i In aJdition hi the above, he baa juat ficeived from Philadelphia a large ead eatenaive evpoly of Boot. Shoes, Ac. uf all descriptions, which ho l-o tilers for ca.'h. cheaper than ever be Its re off. red in this place. He maectfwll invitee hia oej cueto seere, end. ethers, to call and examine for them, a. Wt-a, .... Repahnvg dune with neatneae and despatch, Sunhurt, Auut tSth, tetfj.- . T I A N OS. THE SUBSCRIBER ha been appointed agent, for the aale nf CONRAD MEYER'S CEI EBRATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PI ANOS, at this place. These Pianoa hate a plain, tnansive and breuttfal exterior fini.h, and, for depth and areetneas of tone, and elegance of workman hip, are not aurpaaaed by any in the United Stalee. The following ia a recommendation from Caai Uteri, a celebrated performer, and himself a man ufacturer: A CARD. -. HiTise had the pleasure ot trying the excel Ivnt Piano Fortea manfactured by Mr. Meyer, and exhibited aitheliat exhibition of the Fr..rtkttn In atiiute, I feel it due to the true merit of the maker to declare that theae inirtrumente are quite equal' and in kim re(ieeta eten i.opi'iinr, to all the Pi ano Forte, I aaw at- the capitate nf Buiope, and during a sojourn of two year at Paria. - Theae Pianos will be paid at the manufacturer' hvwwi Philadelphia prices, if rmt something lower. Persons ere requested to call and ' examine for themaelvea, at the residence of J he ubacriber. ' Sunbury, May IT, 1846. . H. B. MAS8ER. . . Counterfeiter' DEATH BLOW. The pul4c will pleaaa observe that no Brandreth Pilla an genuine, unrest the boi baa three la bels upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom) each containing a fae-aimileaignature of my hand writing, thua B. Baiscarrn, M. D. These la. beUaie engrated on steel, beautifully deaigned, end done at an expense of over $ 8,000.-Therefore it will be seen that the only thing neceasary to pro cure the medicine in iu purity, ia to cbsere these label. Keaneenher the top, the side, and the bottom. The following letpeciit peraona are duly authori ked, and hold osaTinoATBi or agbxtct For the sale of Brndreik' VtgttmHi Itinerant ftUfc. Northumberland county I Milton Mackey &. Chambeilin. Sunbury H. B. Msaaer. M'Ewena ille Ireland dr. Meixell. Plorthum!eiland Wm. Fotayth. Georgetown J, k J. Walla. Union County i New Berlin Bogar A Win ter. elinagroe George Gundrum. Middle burg tsaae Smith. Beateriown David Huhler. Adamahurg Wm.J. May. MitBinaboig Menacb ak. Rsy, Hartleton Daniel Long. Freeburg G. A F. C. Muyer. Lewiaburg Walla A Green, v Columbia caunty t Danttlle E. B. Reynolds A Co, Berwick Shuman A Rittonhauaa. Cat. tawiaaa C. G. Brobu. BloomaburtwJohn R, Mover. Jeiaey lawn Lett BiaeL Washington RoM. MeCay. IttrjMatone Bailie A M:Mneh. - Observe that aaeh A gent has an Engraved Cer tWcaaaof A fancy, eoalaiajing a NpremUltoa mt kit BRANDBETH'S ManuCsctory at Sine Bin a. and upon which will also be seen ax ad eoplea of I tha w 10 UkU taavtr uttd upm tht Brondrttk Pitt f 0OVaW " 'tie i. r ' i ' ' , Philadelphia, office No. 8. North 8th street, i ..... B. BRANDKBTH.M.D. June 4thj 1843., , . ., iiforge Jrivenref, . BOPS ISAKSB A mr CBAKPLCB. A'o. 19 Kurtk Water litreel, PkUodttpki. nnAl ronatantly on hand, a general assort- 11 U aaeat of Cordlga, Seine Twhtea, Ac, viii r Hoeea, Hahlng Ropes, While Ropee, Manit la Hope, y9m Line fol, Canal Aoata, . Also, a complete aaaortment of Seine Tarinea, Ac, such, aa Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Beat Patent Gill Net Twme, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Shoe Threada, Aa. Ae. i Alao. Bad Coad. PUuah Linea. UWtara.Tracee, Cotu0 end Linen Carpet Chains, etc., ail of which he will dispose of on reotuble yMadetpfcla, Wotambor IS, IMtw-Iy. ' frot AiEtJ-1 ka Aral quality Begat House lyjl Meleaaaa, early lt tenia par e,eer alao, a aupsr" erttcle ef yellow Mnto.s.s for bakirfg, on ly It cents pet quart for sale si lbs store ef ' Jaa 18, 1146. MENRT MA6SER. Hj B.fAtSTJR, JOSEPH EISELY. eZ: Absolute acquiescence in the eda!otli of the Bjr Maner A Etneiy. lttt70ll ARDREADT. The loldler'a Blory. , The following specimen of martial poetry, the heat that we have aean for many a day, we copy from the Boaton Daily Time. It is from the pen of Mr. F. A. Durivage, a poet of some celebrity, tire roductrcm fa -edijre, highly to, to its author, and telle the atory of old Rough and Ready's character and vrctorie rn spirit. tliYring and truly harmonious rhymes 0 'Twas in the trench at Vera Cruz, A f roup of soldier lays Weary and worn with working At the guns the livelong day, Their faces were begrimed with sand And soot from shot and shell Explodinf in the crumbling earth, For fast the missile fell. Vet cheerily tty halted, For their hearts with hope best high, And they knew the hour of victory Was surely drawing nigh. -There came a war-worn soldier, To mingle with th reit They bade him welcome to their cheer, And gave him of the best. He'd served with General Taylor, And they acked bim of the man Who first and last hart M the way To victory in the van ; On the winding Rio Grande, On the 6th and 9th of May, Through Buena Vista's carnage And the storm of Monterey. "I knew him first," the soldier said "Among the Everglade, When are gave the aavage red-akina Our hayoneta and our blades. I think I hear bis cheerful voice : On', column! steady! steady ? So hardy and so prompt was he, We called him Rovgh nnd Ready ! "He rode upon an old white horse, And wore a brown aurtout Sut oftener, when the ground waa deep, He trudged with ua on foot, The man frnm whose canteen be drank, Was envied and thought lucky ; He had the brave and kind good heart That honored old Kentucky. "By wounds outworn, 1 left the field ( .But when a new campaign Against another foe commenced, I joined the ranks again. 'Twas fun alive, boys, once again To hear the sabre's clank, . To tee old Rough and Ready ride His white horse on oar dank. "At Palo Alto, comrades there He gave us vmrk to do, And o'er La Palma'i sulphury amoke His flag triumphant flew. When from the Are hi aid-de-camp Would have the thier relit, Old Rough and Ready merely said, We'll ride little nigher.' "You should bave seen the brave old boy In the streets of Monterey--Wben the cannon swept the platat How he sternly stood at bay. When shell, and grape, and cannon ball On their deadly errand Went : The General seemed a man of steel, And Are his element. "And if a wounded soldier In the street of Monterey, Or friend pr foe looked up to bim Imploring, whence he lay, He stooped to wipe the drops of pain, . That dimmed the marble brow, Or proffered from hia own canteen A drink aee him now. "At red Been Vista .. Mf part I eooid not hear- - But they tH me that the brown aurtout And old white heraa were there. And well do 1 believe it, For the fee stood four to one, And without old Rough and Ready How had the fight been won ! "I've Worn the sargent'a chsVren And! may wear it ytt But old Rough and Ready tells me I shall wear the epaulette But in the tank or out of them, ' To him I'll still prove steady, And long a I've a tongue to talk, Speak out for Koueh and Ready !' i So ipake the war-wua ioldir ,. To hia eororadsa e thsy Isy , Beneath the breastwork, where they'd aervad t Tb Jan th livelong dsy ( And thir sleepiness and weariness . Jt (airly chased away,,,, Whan of Rio Grands' hsro . Spoke the man from Monterey. An eminent writer tiaa said tbat: wben' eey ffewt nasfoftsjM hepeena t yon, Mam in f oer self well and you w eJwaya perceive that it was, in tome measure, owmf to yotir own ItulU AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. ' .-J, tire Viul ptinclp of RepubUea, Tro which Sunbtti Hfaberlauttj ttra trot atVavl With discrimination 'fcYiicn aeeWi Cnlfrely Jrtrt and free 'froVn inviditmt refloctiona, the New Vork Courier -apeaka bt be battlee fought in MeJtico within the past year. In refi-rcnce to lh briHfant effaft a Cerrottorrfd t Cottrter Cvn. Porvrt wreompliehed all that NArti.Wt or WelUjiotoH eonld have accomplished under aimilarclrcnmatanoea liti eo at Vr CVw But those sffaira cam.ot bo compared to Buena Vuta. That waa, altogether, e very diff. rent concern, and offered M npporiunfTy tot disTirro t on which very rarely occure in whole centu riri or war. Monterey, Vera Crtri and Cferrrr Corrfo, are of the earne clasa or baMea whete the victors did all that men could accoroplii-n ! that circumatanrra would permit But buena Vuta ia another Marathon it is tut' eenem it stands alone amnnr; the many won- oerrul derencca which history records.' and in aMhtrrnan rmti1'iy, centuriea may elapse wunout an fipporiivfuiy r.rT. rin for auch eno Iher signal triumph. We look in vein for anv thing of the kind in the fcattTre of the Revolu tion or the war of 1SV2; and even European hiMnry offera nothinp; superior, if there he anv. thing to eaal it. en. TxW dcerminalion to fioht th. battle of Bufna Vnta, lftsnearj of retreating to Monterey, ae advised by Gen. Scott, demon- etratea in itself the highest order of miliary teniua; it ahowa a comprehensive and clear intellect, tfio heroic reliance oT courage nn it ownttpecity lodrt and rjatr, and that prompt boldness of decision which marks the faculty ot command. Tim Courier intrrnatr tfint the nrettiee of the gallant schicVemenla of Palo Alto, tteeeca. and Monterey, wa a powerful element in Tat- wn'e succcm at Buena Vista. No doubt in eo far aa those baUtea had shown th quality and temper of the man. A rrd thia we presume (a the meaning intended, since the rsharqucnt re marks take that turn, "lie poeaeaaee wye the Courier, "the ektraordittary power, eo eel- dom bestowed on man, of inspiring hia army with the conviction that where he is, defeat ia impossible. The veteran and gallant Wool did all that t3orr or any man could have done in the early part of the day , and ye when TY ton tame nn the field, hie troops me actually giving way lo the overwhelming number of the foe. The mere presence of Gen. Tit Loft, how ever, turned the current of eventa, and gave us victory instead of defeat. The "LitUe Corpo ral Waa on the ground, end hia soldiers drought no mole ol retreat.' When the newa of Sata A Hill's advance reached Salnlln, with the intelligence of the capture of Major lloaUhtj'n command, the ru mora which came thronging into the town of the great force of the enemy Med out little ar. my of volunteera with alarm. Gen. TaVLou, returning from a totir of observation, arrived at thia time, and aa he entered Bsllillo, says I pH vate letter, "every hat Waa lifted, and fear and epprehenaion Bed from eVery CoUhlehanWj" The last remnant of distrust gave way to eonfi. dence and txnyancy when Tavlo gave the memorable order to march to Ague Nueva, twenty mile nrnref the enemy. One would almost think that the heru-epirit of JibitiaCA ska. had prompted Uiie. And throughout the whole of an nrtfttal eo terrible that those who paseeti through it so manfully cannot kmh back oponitnow, perhaps, with eahnneB-ihe spir its nf our men were high and Confident c and when the Mexican lines deployed upon the field in glittering array and ill CoUhtleta ntlnibefs, t shout went up from our little host that made the gorgea of Buena Vista ring again. Our military critic whom we have been quo ting recapitulates hia discriminating eulogy of Titrt k ly jsyingi . We repeat, therefore, that hia success at Oitt na Vista, ia mainly attributable to the fact ol his poaseaaing the extraordinary quality ol im pressing his men with a confidence nf at Ceesa which admits of no defeat, and which bia eo rarely been poeeeaeed by man and Wall tend np dlarespect toothera when we aay, that he ia the only man living who Could have won that bttle,wbich ia Cettaihly without any parallel in modern hiatory abd which, in all human pro bability! wll! atind Uolated and alone on the page of history for centuriea to come, The New York Journal of Commerce aay si ' Immense order for flour have been tent by telegraph to Buffalo within the last week. One boose alone, agppoaed to be connected with th Rothschild bia remitted 50.000 to that city for the purpose. , Indeed, mora money went up by iritlngaton & Well' Eipreee, o) lloaday night, than, ever we forwarded at any. one time before, tod chiefly for account of floor epecoll. tore.- . ... The bags ef Ireland, which eceepy nearly ewe seventh ef the entire aurfeee, Contain an naAdoat ef terf feel nli mated te kw ecjawl te four hundred ad eighty Bullion ta efeeatl, anl worth at five shrfrings the lea no leaa than X130,000,00 sttrliog. AMEMKCAK tW. tt0 m tWlteUmfiliy) tny HO, is4T; btaattt mT erailVlMAMk. ' kd'y MotTtington waa tompeltei last week 10 make apptteetron at e Police ttottrt Ibr relief. Her husband la a nephew of the Duke of Wel lington, better known aa the profligate " Long Pohj Weelef. The lady ws vjjvorwj from her firnt httVrd.on account nf a ti pat with teY ptcaent Visband, who haa deserted her ra ther from whom aire is "separated. I cannot Mtrr then riVe tt lowing ateonntttr the Timee. At the Marlborough Street Police Cotitt, on WedVieiJy, an elegantly dreeaed lady, evident ly auffering nnder mental distress, accompanied by a genttewmn nndersfood to be her Ingsl ad Vieer, wteteifl the tinrt to mslsekn application to Mr. Bingham, the anting msgietrste. The gentleman who waa apokeemsn, said, Sir, I hero tr anlwit yoi.T advice m t Case of a -Vety pinf) nanire. It is aae in which 1 do not know whether ;t ia in the province of thia Court to give assistance, and thia increon-a, it poai. hie, the painlulnrae ttfthia ptthlie application. Thia lady is the Countess of Mnrnington ; she haa been aeparated from her husband, the pre aei:t Earl of Mort.incton, tor about fourteen yesra. At the time of the teparsimn the Earl of Mornincton eettled on hia lsdy 1000. to he paid out ot Wa estntee. The arrrara, which haveaccnmnlatrd for thirteen or fourteen y aV amount to 14,003, or, if Lady Morninptnn is entitled to cbarge interest, to ilt.ftOt). Abrtnt six or aeven monthe ego, Lndy MorYtingtnn came to England to aee about her Chancery etiif. fihe reaided at tiarehelt Hotel, er,d ahe baa no canae nf complaint arrsinst Mr. Thornas, the proprietor, except that looking to hia own interest, and eevirg rm prospect of vpfwly pay rnent of hia hilK he gaVe her )sdy-htp notice to leave the hotel nn Saturday, lriy Mornine Ion, therefore, at thia moment, ia really in a elate of drat Hut ton. 6h haa rmt t rarVhrrig in the world. Lord MomingWe family have been appealed to, but tlrey alt refuse to interfere in any matter in which tord Morrtlngtnn iirnn berned, and alkie that in everything connected with liOrd Mornington the law muiit take its Courve. In eooserjnenee of Lord MnrntngrnhV Conduct, Lady Momrngtrn is reduced to a moat pitiable ait oat ion. God fcirowe what ie to be come of her, for she haa ntt t aik-pence at pre. svtit, twi rmt even the means ofgetting a night's lodging. Aly application to yon, air, ie to know 11 you, fey eome summery pro!, can bring ltrd Mominglon, who is now at Mivsrlvu Hotel before you, to show cause why he does not pro perly maintain hia wire. When Ixdy Morn ington, waa ill at tlatchett'a Hotel, an applica tioh waa made by Mr. Thumasj to Ixnl Morn ington lot assistance. The anwer of the krl nt Mornington was, 'Bring rne Word that she ie dead, and I'll pay your bill ( other wiae, I'll not give a farthing.' I hope yoUt Worship willtet leastt give thia lady your advice.' Mr. B.ng ham; t aee nod faculty in the cave whatever The trouree tu lake appears to be perfectly plain The lady Complains that her husband doea not allow her support. I undertrtaud she livee at tlatchett'a Hotel, which la in the Batfeh nfSt. George, HanoVer Square. She ia at present without the ineaoa of support, and ahe there fore Comet within the description of casual poor. The lawful Course la for her to apply to the pafiah authorities to be relieved. The husband re bound to aupply means of subtiftence to his Wife, and I prhh haa power tu Compel hitn to do What a huaband ia bound to dd-uKlmely, lo contribute to the support of hia wife. The ap plicant, nit behllfof Lady Mornington, thnnkl thB magistrate fr hia advice, and then with drew. Gk&. La VttU flieTCiuirier dee Etats U' hia femteine a paragraph 111 relalinn to this dis tinguished Mexican General, Which veeine td verity the opinion of the "Ancieht pltilrtMipher, Wba bad read Alexander Roll rjver. And ivXore the world, aa he could prove, Waa made of fighting and Of leva." For, according to thia authority, it would ap pear, that the gallant Mexican, at the very tune he waa righting nttr countrymen in Mexico, Waa himself subdued by one of out equally irrCsiati ble countrywomen. Se i the Courrier, speaking Uf the Captured Mexican Generals, "Among them Waa Gvneral La Vepa, who, doubtlesa Calling to Irlihd hie previous captivity, appeared delighted tofXHlH to the United States, and chatted quite gaily with Gen. Scot! the tery uvenihg of (be battle.' "If a certain chronicle ia lobe believed, Whlth we have reason to think la predicated en good information, Oen. La Vega goes to New Orleine to recommence pleasant, aweet romance, which hia release abd return to Mexico had in terrupted, and the cefimierf.efit of which teemed post potted to the conclusion 6 (he waf. Thi la the explanation of the fesignatton with wbeh he mteU liia new cfptifity." - Gee, LaTega perhape, may ittiie dour In tttW Orleanav eftd after bavirrg eerved K euffi. eiently long appreftfieeahip' aa a kitiuen ef (Ira (7. Ststea, represent Loofaiaaa In Cohgrea; Why not, u ti ea Central tlcfatew, Texas! Vtol. Vte-.Y1wvh ttwa4t Vh Veyee er kttraA ' Th 'Letlreon' ia coming Into ure for t. riety of purprttoa tteVer thfingnt tiT by 111 raetll ty. Unrnfy hoTsei ate po 6 Wp t& Waken tip new-shod; equaling pig are rendered In aehatb'!e amS witten vpn the London magia irate said) ' with their throeta ciit; and now. at last, hivea of bees aretrtupifled by the ether, and flrrl ttierrmevea when they begin to btitt afiain, minus their honey. A eorreapondetit of the RoMnn Trsristrifft g iVra the following live ly and interesting sfceount of the Isst proo.si A friend eTrfiine having neglected last Fall to aelrtte the horrey In a hive of beee, determi ned to take what remained nt it to day ; not in reifdmg, however, that the "yellow-breeched philosophers,' aa one of nor poeta terma thetr should keep 'fast' ton stttetly, he provided them with sugar and water. " At about annuel we repaired to the bee hrnise ; taking with ua aome highly rectified Sulphuric E'her. The bee had Jrltt retired. Wetting a sponge with the ether. We thrttal ft Into the hive, filling every part of it with the fnmee of the a. The excitement ettd huxx"ng wis Intense for a moment; the next, all waa still, calm and qui. et. Now 1a the time, whispered Toro, and o peniog the hive. We speedily secured the hon ey. The beea ware scattered about in every di rection, dYearriiTip. have no rfdubt, lb most pleaaartt and delightful things, Vnd aeptbg vi sions of apple bl-uentoe, rosea, and an intermina ble fcw esrden in the perspective. A alight boiling warned us that we hd bettiff depart. Cloaing th hiV", We removed tie sponge, and in a Tew minute the ho!n air wse alive with bees, drltiog out awA in, over and about our hcavls; aVtd we Kndirig our position rather un rafe, tmotc np our "line nf march" with about the am epeted aa th Mexicans td when "Old Ri'gh knd Vteady' ia after them. He aaya further, that the beee the next morn ing were in a s'ste of high m-ntsl and physics I eJrcit'ement, thtnlTesting etery sigh of health and pleasure. Certainly the beee would much prefer to be put to sleep with ether, than to be euftocated with smoke. i i i i ' t ... . IUkk kit tn Anatt k, a DakectV Dion tt Alter a poni'O oflhetloopa .bad lauded on the beach near Vera Cruz, oo the night of the Oth or March, a bndy Of the enerny com menced a brisk 'fire Cf email arms' into the en campmont. Of course, all hands Were on the qui Wve expecting the Mekicana would made hie rJtettinnstratiiin uponciir lines during the night, end wheh the Bring Commented, conclu ded thero was about to be a general attack. The tines Were etton tntmed and note word could, be Ketrd ftom the adltllety, but there waa a negro who kept running from one little point of hill to another, apparently in a stale nf great ex citement. He Dnlly laid himaelf Dat on hia tare, and Commented working hlmiell into the suit una wttn a irrkia deal ol energy. . uo Be ing asked what he waa about 1 he teplied, ia 'fraid soma lib detn 'ere copper btlla will put I atop lo mo drw In my rhuni. Why lak ed the party speaking to him, 'don't yoll get op and fight them V 'No, air eel' h Mid, dat'a my masaa a part tb tie biainest ( he dona been to Weet pint, Where dey rrlakes fightin' people to teatn tat, and yo'j tJch't ketch die nigger meddlin' heeaef wld other people bi tineas. ' My maasa doea d flfhtin' an I wait on him and nu.eahim. If he geta promoted- 'You get promoted! What good will your promotion do you .' inquired the individual 'Oh, dat ques tion ia been settled lung time ago In dca parte down hero ; a Colored gemtnen What waits bn a kurnel alwaya. outranks one dat waite on a Capteni an' tJb wsy we Cidored gcmmen regu- !ars makes deae volunteer Ulggere aiiUat 1 a Caution to white ftilka.' TO rnkKT fit Pot A to Rot A writer in the Laiiceftter Union and Tribune, who aay ha s pes ks from experience in Hie matter, auggeeta the following mode Bf preventing tho polatoiOt, and of pidsilbing the Ustlal crop.' Let every Termer plant hia pclatnta above gtollnd ih the fhll0ing way; When your grnund ia Wkll CoVered with maoQfe; every 2 or 3 feet throw two light ttirrowe together, with in 8 or 8 indhe, ttt 1J yoUr eeed ott the top lOorlSinCbea apart, nd cover it , lighjly. Afterward glle tlleih the ordinary, ploiighlllg end ilfaaalrlg. The eeed remain beef the aur ftrei the groilnd beoofflea rriore mellow, the po tato growa, much largef, arid lit a wat eesaoa the Unnecessary water will rtie oil and prevent the Rot , .Thia cipafiment w4 tUd by ; tlcrntn in a lot, one Mf of which waa pot ih the crdloary atay, by piotfgbitfg down, and tot other half pat Kt a above. M tbe.falk wbcj taken Up, (fut one could be found dieeaaed, and more tbsb doobh hf qeanlity id jbulkal (bey bad grown roucjb (afgef than tkcM aiuted on the trthef part ohe.loC . t , x In Ruesia the Emperor' a acheaae of a rail rod frooa fit fetcfeiofg tb Moaeeta- te rreged with bia pace) knperloue Wilt, lod CO.0OQ goV tfiere Were recently ptit ttpoq i aa kVfera, pq that iu coIflMicm ia all - ct year misty fa, falfCVe 1 aenere I insertion, I do t ee I do I aa Ey avbaeqaent mserrkw, 1 r.wry suoeee.avjmmsevtvtw, . ' . . - u Yeertv Arnjaeateeia em,llAthro.rl on avjOate, A HaltXyearry t one column, I8 , MrTVjaNtno, fit t three sqoares, & two aauareet Ml Mih bqnar; l bt ' - - "quareaj r -AltltlaQejvMte let wlltremt Street inn aa In lerttb of Wwb they - are to be published, will H cVrVrtrad vrntil ordered chH, ami chatgvd accord f lean Itnve t tee make t square. Btati or Ttttmra tit taatANO.'-An rdsh of the deatba from famine in thia county, say a the Cork Reporter, may be formed from the statements of three Roman Carbolic Clergymen, whose testi mony we are accidentally able to adduce in thio day'i impression. The Rev. Mr. MVinnv aavi. . J -j -w that In bia pariih orCore"hhrd, the population of which ia 6000, the average of deaths from famine ia fifty weekly! the Rev. Mr. fiarrv. V. r . etatea that nearly four thousand persons, if not mere, bave fallen victims tn famfaa in ftt. alone; and the Right Rev. Dr. Walsh. Bishop of Cloyne and Rosa, atatea On the authority bf a par. Ian prteetCTnfa Aloceie, that ih Me ef bia par hbee. Containing a oermTatien of 9700. the nnm. bay ef deaths for the laat ttbfitb waa two hundred and eighty; and that "to One of the set-coast vil. tagea, Which six months ago cdnththed a popular lienor 330 persona, there aVe now standing bnt three tmvela. With abont a dozen nations ha adds, "the other ham! eta have been entirely da populated." The Cevk examiner eentafna the rollsw1 shocking statement We Vhla'day wftnevaed t meat horrifying and appalling spectacle kt the Shendon guard heoss, at the foot bf Mallow lane. .Under the sheda attached to that buildin Isy seme tbirty eight human beines old and yotrag meYt, women, ebildVe'a nd infants of th tendereat ige-all huddled together, like) so ma. ny pigs or does, On the ground, without inv Other coveriag but the riga on their persons, and theae m the Tatt etafe T filth and hideeutnets. There they Isy aome dving some dead-all nnnt and yeitow, and hideous with famine and disease. 1A 1 v a have seen many siekta of hbrror within th last month, but never anv thtnr eonal tathia m. gregated massof humkn debaaemeht. The smell that came from the unfortunates was ofcnsiv in the extreme, knrl waaaufEcient of itaelf to pro pagate diaeas. Twooftbet wTerched OeoOle died thia morning, a man and a child. How ma. my will fallow tbem before lit everting to their borne of eternal peace we may hot calculate. Savertl dead bodtea, yirtnclpally of children, were found thia morning In various parts of the city.. .Hundred of wretched objects lie about under sheda, Without food or covering.'1 WIh Answers. Ithetet wsa one of the Wiae Men ef Greece A ceriaiu person weled to oviiU him wiihdif fica t questions, but he replied to them all with olt (ho least hesitation, and with tho Utmost precision aa fol Iowa : What is the .tWr of all thittgaf Uod ; bo csuae he alwaya exiated. , What ia the roost beautiful 1 The world) bo csuee it ie the work ot God. . What ia thB greatest of all thiog f Space because it contains all that has been created. What ia the moat constant of all thinga 1 Hope because it Mill remain with man, after be) haa loat everything else. What ia tho boat of thinga t Virtue, brcaOi withO'Jt It there ie nothing good. What is th quickest of all thinga! Thought, betauxe io lees than a moment It tan fly to tho end Of the univer. What ia th strongest That which make men fsce all the dahgera of life. What is the easiest! To giveldvice. What 1 the hioat difficult I To know youN aell. " On Mr. Patrick T. wa Annoyed exceeding, ly fey I strange dog a Coleridge aaya, i "harmleesdog." who invaded hia domicil, mldo abstractions Irdrn hi cellar, and wae very mbe! in the way of Mr. Patrick F. in the kitchen. On t Cold winter hlght, the Wind cutting lika a knife, and the show frozen so s to hbm like Carbonic acid gae frozen, after the dog had beea turned put of door no lee than three time, and th laat time fr quested to go to a warmer place unmentionable, Patrick waa awakened from A warm ihd Comfortable ateep by the bnlae bf A rather expensive fracture of glsss, The ting waa In. the house Igaih. Patrick waited oport him out, and both were absent some fifteen mitt, utea eotbat Mra. Patrick P., becoming sutpfl. led if htit atartued at such i prolonged absence, arose alao ond went to the window. . From her point nf observation ah aaw, In the) Cleat ttlObntlght, her told atandiog "jnnatUrall bus," bsrriog his shirt, and the wind ma I Wig free with that, aa of course It would at th nOhh esst Coroer of ibe boUse. The dog eeoiod to be iutlaihtd bn hi ''laat leg,'' bia fottf legs) fotmifig two aide of so acute (riahgfd. "What ten yrjtj be doing there, Patrick 1" There was auch a ehaiterlhf bf teetb that tfiA' apwr for some (.ifcafe wa omwhat bniflt)! , gihle, ( At letit ism; Pro M train to fral the dltitiih beat) let d. d death r A Labi "fl AO a.-A laflr Ih othor itr waa Isked b an enaioba female acoo ;nViH- k age, ,'ReaIIy,' ald ahe, 'l do 0t ktlow, but I mot be aWyt thlftjr.' 'It Ys wj extraordioa ryjfepjiod' tb Wher, wi jt a eater, 'that you da oat kaOw o(Jr age . -.y count m. VMrs. . aid tb lady t j afraid of Jooaipg ein. gra year, rpoa nr female friend will, low - "earaeier ta iiae weatie, n leaea aeaulra it. but the aatlona f a boor may jstroy it foratar.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers