The Beaton "tlMiftr." Thii EiJtttNewb Lotter'coni"pl!(?'th JW xw'mg interesting statistics from a recently published volume ol biographical notes, relating individuals taxed in Boston, and reported to br worth nne bund rod thousand dollar and op wards. ' Wo make few eitracts wliietr will iiu.Tcst the rendert ' " f r. - ' 'Petof C. Drooka is considered to bo fho wealthiest man in New England. ' In tbo pam phlet before iia liia property is estimated at t0. IH)0,(X)0. Ilia income, sceordinir that valuation i- nearly a thousand dollar a day. Mr. Brooks' was a native of North VsrotoMh, Me. His w ife wa a 'daiiff htcr of Nathaniel Gorhsm.of Clnirlestown, Mass. He ia large owner of real estate, and will not allow any of his premi ses to be occupied for grog sellintj purpose. Ilti resides at Mndford . during the summer months. Hia sons are Edward, n lawyer, Peter C jr., a merchant ; and the wivceof President Everett, the Rev. Dr. tVuthinghem, and the I Ion. Charles F. Adams, only son of the late I'regident, are hia daughters. 'John P. Cuahing acquired hia fortune in China. It ia estimated at 2,000 (HX. He re sides at Watcrtown, where his elegant house and extensive garden and hot house are gene rnti-dy opn to the public. j Abbott Lawrence ia set down at fc-2.000 000; ' Amos Lawrence at $1,500 (XN), and William Lawrence at $1,000,000. They arc brothers, n 'i fives of Grotnn, Mas., and sons of a farmer who mortgaged hia farm to act Amoa up in busi ness. Their eldeat brother waa a lawyer in t.roton, and the youngest, Samuel, is a man ol roat wealth in Lowell, and the founder of the tin city in Metheitn. Abbott larcnce has h -en a Member of Congress, and ia aaid to have given way, in various charities, for several yeara past, more than $50,000 a year. 'Thomas II. Perkins was a native of Boston, and acquired a large fortune (estimated in the punphlet at 1,500,000) in the trade to Chins Mid the Northwest coast. Ilia brother James was a benefactor of the Boston Athenteum and Harvard University. One of his sisters, Mrs. F rbes, in the mother of Robert, John, and R. B Forbes, each of whom made a fortune in Chi iii ; another of his sisters is Mrs. Abbot, of Ex for. Mr. Perkins haa given a valuable estate lu the Asylum for the Blind, and is the Presi' lent of that institution -Ol his children sre Thomas H., Jr., who has been in the China trade, and the wivea of Thomas O. Carey and VVm. II. Gardiner. 'David Sars waa an only eon, and inherited $(H) 000 from bia father a larger turn, says Hie pamphlet, than was ever before inherited in New Eugland by a single individual, His for tune was increased by hia marriage with a daughter of the late Hon. John Mason. He is now estimated at $1,500,000. He has a nu merous iainily. One of hia daughters married a Swiss nobleman, but is, we believe, divorced i'rom hirn. 'Samuel Apple ton, Nathan App'eton, and Win. Appleton, are set down at $1,000,000 each. We believe they are natives of New Ipawich, in New Hampshire. Samuel common ' ced business on a capital of 'fourpence happen ny.' Ho was in early life a hard laboring man in a new township in Maine, but removed to IJ iton, and got into a small business in the dry goods line, and became an importer, manafac turcr, and one of the 'merchant princes' r.f Bos ton. He has no children, and is as id to give a way more money annually than any man in Boston. ' A Fkat. -Not long since, acme half down of the Congoea brought here in the "Pons," while engaged in clearing away brush on a firm on Buahrod Island, started an enormous anake. As if apprised of the Congo, predelic tion fureuako meat, hisanakebhip went off at full speed for the covert of hia houte, but the Congoos as determined to have him aa he was to get away, raised a deafening yell and started in chaae. The snake run in the direction of Hie house, in the vicinity of which there was a Urge bug-a-bug hill, which had been long aban doned by its builders. The snako reached this mound and had auccceded in getting one hall ita length in a hole in ita side, when one of the C'ongocs, to whose feet hunger and hope and a desire for a delicious repast had given winga, reached the place. Quick as lightning the Congo seized him by the tail, and a severe struggle and trial of strength enaued, the snake trying with all his might to pull his person in, and the Congo tiying with all his might to pull the snakes person out. They were pretty near ly balanced, and the struggle would have las ted tame time, had not a cutlaas been brought tj the contest. Thesnake was despatched, snd, when measured, was found to be fourteen feet long. It waa ot the boa species. The mound which he attempted to enter was afterwards dug down, and it waa found to contain one hun dredand fifty enake'a eggs, measuring one b. thel and a half. They were without doubt, the egga of the snake which waa killed. We need not say it waa a high day for the Coogoeu. It waa indeed to them a teaat ol fat ihin-s. An inquibitive country gibtleman once ac coated a boy, who was feeding pigs, tbua; Boy whote pigs are those V 'The sow's, sir, replied the buy. 'Well then, whom tow it ill' FstherV 'Well, well who's your father. 'If you will mind the pigs, I will run home and ak my mother.' There it a word of meaning in lbs following from our scrap book : If thou withesl to ba w ise, Kaap tbes word before tbius eyes What thou spmakeat, and haw beware, Of WHOM, 10 WBON, VMS AKD WHAM. "BANK WOT B X I ST. The Mowina' riit'Aewa the current vain ef all -enawvltanfa Ban N-vtcs. The moat Implicit re l anee taay r placed OF. It, a '!7rl jarefulty compared with and corrected front Bick aeU's Reporter;'-' ' ' J ' ," '. ' ' . Ilnbkr in Philadelphia. ' - Disc, isj , mar. ajocatio., , . ..NOTES AT PAR. Bank of North America - ' . Bank f th( Northern Li!rlies . Commercial Brink of Perm's. . Farmers' and Mechanics' Hank . Kensington Rank. t Philadelphia Bank . . Schuylkill Bank . Southwafk Bank Western Bunk . MechmihV Bank Manufacturers' A Mer.hsn'cs' ilank of Prnn Township . firard Baak . . Bank nf ('on-.-nerre, Into Nfoyainenoilij Bank ofTennylanU Country tlanli.. Paitatr. par par pr . par . par : rir l" par I'" p psr par pa? par pr Bank of Theater Count Westchester Bank of Pelawnre County Chester (lank of (Jermantown Uiiinantown Dank of Mnntomnry Co. Noiris'owii Ooylestown Bank Doj lesiown Gaston Rsnk Etston Parmers' Bank of Rucks rn ' Rri-tid par par par par pur par par Bank of Nnrthnmberlnnil N.irllioiTiheiland car I'olumtiia Bank A Pridee rn.Mnlumhia psr Parmer Bmik of l.anmster f.ncitri psr l.anrastcf l;nuniy ISxnk Lancaater Bank Farmsra' Bank of Readini; OtTire of Bank of Teiin'a. Office do d Offira J da Oflice do do'ster r l.nnr-ter pi Ki'ailiug par HiriiJiiiirO Thee l.sncaster I ollices l!eiliiis; ilo not Easliin J issue n. NOTES AT D I 8 CO II N T. Rank of the United HitrV Philadelphia 21 I'otisvillo i I.ewif town I j Midilletown 11 Carlisle 2 l'iltsl.ur i llollnltvsl'urK i Harrinlitir jj l.el.smin f I'iitshurg j I'iMfiSuiK i Williainspnrt Ij Wilki.hstia Id Allentown Reading Pitlshurg failed Erie do New Brighton do ('hsmlersliuig J (irttyihurg j Moutrona Ij Erie Hlj Wayneshurg Ji Washington Ij Honexdule I i Brownsville 1 4 York ll Miners' Bank of Potltvillo Bank of lwihtown Bank of Middlctown Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Do d hrini h of Harrislmrit Rsnk Lebanon Bank Merchants' it Msnuf. Bank Bank nf rittshurs; West Branch Wyoming Bank NorUinmpton Bank Berks County Bsnk OHioe of Bsuk of IJ. . Do do do Do do do Bnnk of I'hamliersliurg Rank of (Jellyshurg Bank of feuKqaahanna Co. Erie Bank Farmers' St Drovers' Bauk Fianklin Bank Honesdale Bank Mononijaliela Bank of B. York Rank N. B. 1 he notes of those hanka on which wa omitqnotationa, and substitute a dssh ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the axception of thoae which have a letter of n Termor. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia 8av. Ina. PbiiaJelptiia Loan Co. Schuylkill Sav. Ina. Kensingten 8a v. Ina. A Philadelphia do do do do failed failed filled Ponn Township 8sv. Ina. Manual Labor Bank (T. W; Dyott, prop.) failed fowsnda Bank Towsoda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver BankofSwatara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' & Msch'cV Bsnk Farmers ot Mech'ra' Bank Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bank Harmony Iastitute HontingdoG Bauk Bedford lio sle Beuvcr cliism Haritsburg clored Wskhiugton failed ItelU'folite closed Pitubuig Piltal.urg Fayette co. (irceiicast!e Harmony no ala failed failed fulled UO tals Huntingdon no rain leiHlona noajle Juniata Bank . Lumberman's Bank Wancti DundafT New Hope M ill on Mead'ille Port Carbon Carlisle Montrose Uniontown failed uo sale closed no sale closed failed elnaeil failud closed Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope I'll. Uridire Co. Northumh'd Union Col. Ilk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of 8tut Ikill Bank Pa. Agr. & Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Pcnn'a. Westmoreland Bank (ireenslturg Wilkesharre Bridge Co. Wilkeshsrro nossla fXj All notes purporting bil on any Penny. vania Bank not given in the above list, may ba set lown aa frauds. Bank of New Biunawick Brunswick Belviilure Me.lford Perth Amlioy Brld;otoii failed i par i par par BeKulere Bauk Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank UuniberUnd Bidi Farmers' Usnk Mount Holly Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Kaliway Farmers' snd Mechanics' ilk N. Biunawick failed Farmers' snd Merchants' Bk MkMlctowu J't. I Franklin Bank of N.J. Jerry City failed Hohoken Ukgdc Uiaziug Vo Hobuken faded fuiled fulled failed i failed i par no aale lerncv City Bank Jersey City Mechanics' Bank Manufacturers' Hunk Morris County Bank Monmouth Ilk ol N.J. Mrchamea' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Morris Caual and Ukg Co Post Nolea Newark likK & Ins (?o New Hope Del Bndge Co I sttrrsou Belleville Morriktown Kieeholl Newark Treuton Jersey City Newstk I.ainherUvills , i failed IsiUI failed N. J. Manufuc. and Bkg Co Hoboken N J Proteclon & Lombsrd bk Jeisry City Orange Bunk Orange Peterson Bank Patersn Peoples' Bsnk do Princeton Bunk Princeton Halem lisnkiug Co 8jli-in Htate Bnnk Newark Htate Bank Klizutwihtown Hiute Bsuk ('aiiultsu Slate Bank of Morris Morusionii 8ute Bank 1'rrniou Kulom and Plolad Manuf Co Kalcm 6uaM-s Bank Nawum Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bunk Dnver Washingtou Banking Co, Hackanaack nuruAiTAiiE. Bk of Wilm A. BraiidywirMi Wilmington Rank of Delawara Wiliutiigtou Bank of Smyrna Hmyrns Do branch Millurd Farmers' Bk of biaie of Del Doer Do branch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do branch Newcastle Lnion Bsnk Wilmmcton trr Ua.ler .Vs "V par J f-UM laile.1 i failed par par par par par par par Pf 1 (LT On all bunks uaiked thua () there are ek ther eeuniarteii nr aliased sola af the varua da oootinatioaa, ia cicculatioa. mtmr-mmw. 1 1 - I - U..J- l.SJl .1.1 J J! To TiicTrboro. r. 3 ,Y."ii e!( !:, tr.'p'.'K'V : MnflufaCfyrcrs fifPromitim OttJ t l?cl- i' lows'. Roarvlia, . u . : . fo. t4 MarlMMrcct, PHILADELPHIA, '.; Firsr Clolhiig Store below 0th Street.' . . ' i ; i . THE sulwCtibers having taken the premium' at Franklin Institute, at the last exhibition, for the best Regalia, thev ' invite the attention nf the order to their eatabliphment, where they wdl find s eplendid assortment nf P, O. and Encampment Re ealia. They also nuke l onler for Lodges and Eneampments, Regs'ia, Hashis, CoMume aid Rubes, and furnish every lliina; requisite for the C'nveiiicuca of new I. mines or Eniampments. J. W. STOKES, E- D. STOKKS. Philadelphia, Drr. 19. ISIfi. ly Sltjam Umbrella MANUF AC TORT. PlIll.ADEI.l'lIIA. WM, If. RICHAUDSON. IN sildiliiin to vs'ious other improvvmems, ha vina si pl ei) aTKAH vnw'Ka pi ?he maouficture of UMUKELLAS, iseoobl. n to sell thrin at very low price. (LT Merchants are Invited to call and aeo his Works, ami etsnvne the aas irtinent. Pliilailelihis. Nos.SI, 1846. -3m New Firm. fJIHE Unders'enetl here'-y rjives notice, that he I 4. ha sssocis'ed with l i'i self, ss a partner in the metcnnlih' bus'ne, in his More siljuiningr Wevcr't Tareru, ii Mimburv, John llss. and that the e.-il.l tore will hercafier be eomlnc'ed un di-r ih firm of Clement A Ifsns. The store ai the H.'Uth Wstcoinrrof Msikei St) will l conilurled as heietofoie, bv lh sulmerih r himself, to which he r Seclfu'ly invites Ins cii'tomris sml frieni's. He a's.i n tifies all thoe indebted to him, to csll between this slid the 1st of January iiext, and set t'e their account. All kind of produce will he taken on sceonnt, st c.ish prices. Hereafter no longi r than four month credit willbeisiven. IRA T. CLEMENT. Nnnbttry. N.v. 14. 1S4fi if. CLSMEiTT & HAAS, T E8PEJ ITULLY inf rm the public, th il on Ik ihe 9ih inst , ihey entertd int' partnership, in the mercantile businea. at the store recen'lv ccupied by I'a T. (Memrnt. adjoining Wrsvei's Tavrru, in 8unbury. Thev have lat'-ly received a new stock of good, which they will dispose of st the lonet prior. All kinds of produce will be tken in exchange for g o,!s. No longer than four month credit will thriven. lt T. CLEMENT, JOHN HAAS. Siml.urv. .,. M, 46. tt. iirD iKooljfl, flcto C5oos. C heaper Than luierl JOHN II. PL'RDY. haa just received, st his New (Store, in Msrket, a freb supply id &essnnnMe CJoimIs, such ss Cloths, CoKsiiners, Siitinett, Kentucky Jeans, Ctrl, Diillings. Alpscrss. CingliHrns, Piiut, Muslins, Hoviery, (il.ivis. &c Al-o: tjueen.ware sml (Jroceries, which will be sold very low. Purrh.-isers are invi ted to call and examine his stock before porrhasiug eluevihere. The' prce paid for Produce. Munburv. October I7rb, l4f. tf. TENS OF THOUSANDS of unhappy being in the "Ague Scctiona" of our country sra now tormen'ed with thut ' listed complaint" FE VER A AOI.'E, oa BILIOUS INTERMIT TENT FEVER, or CuitLa ana Favka. aa it u variously e died. The eniveistl voice of this en tire community "from Msine to Georgia" snd from the Atlantic to tbo R.-cky Mountain, declsres ItOWAiND'S IMTUOVEU TONIC MIXTURE to I the grtal and only tuft, nut and radii al cure, when piopeily used. This esnnnt be con. titivrited. it reulores the natural fetlingi and e latlicily of the comtilution in a mauuer that no thing tl will. Extract of a letter, dated Lawisrowa.Ps.Oct. 10, 1843. -Every bottle nf th Improved Tonic Mixture sent bss oeen sold, and I do not know of ona in stance that it did n l allccl a cure. Four bottles cu re J five cse of the worst kind of Fever and A K ue una ciae wss myself. After trying (jumine snd all other eurea ihoughlof by my Physician, finding no rslief. I Anally sent for iie b.tllo of your Tome Mix'.ure. and wss relieved, in fact cuied in 24 ho'ii. Please send on a fr ah supply, aa tbire ia none lefi." Yous, truly, 8AM EEL HOPPER. dj" Sol I on Agency in Stmhury, by H. Masacr and others, and all the 8ton-keepera in the adjoin ing Counties. Ort'ber 17, IHtfi., i:xitAOiTmNAK V DISC-OVEilY! DBArriEss gait ss ctjresi: COOPERS ETEKIAL Oil A piompt and lating lemmly f r Datr-ati, ul fur paina ' ale I dtchaige of mallei fioni the La's. Hundred nfcuriB in ra-es diemrd ut'eily hope lehav firmly a tahlinhed it .upeiiuiny over ve ry firmer Medicjl dtscoveiv. Thi valuahle Acoustic Medicine ia a compound of four dillereut Oils, one of whi. h, the active and principal iniiteilic.rit, is ol't iined f-om the bsik of a certain speens nf Winur, t new a..d etl'rctujl agent in ihu cure of Deafness. Person who had becu if. -a f for 10, I N and cicn SO yeara, have bean ermneiiily cured by Hsing lid till. In foci, mi uuiueious and so tmph .nc have Ifjrn the lotiimonials in u favor, th d the in ventor claims for it tl.s ihs irnlum nf an lotallil.le Renirdy, in all ca, when the Ei is pcrUcl in its finimw n. Fui fuither psrticulsrs, tad svidencs of its great value, s-s prmtud sheets, in iha hand of Agent. For sl in Sunt uiy, by J, W. FRIL1NU- Kepteruber I8ih. 1840 Ij Keller 9c fareenoiigli, PATE1TT ATTOH1TETO, AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, WASuzxtOTOxr, v. o. DRAWINGS and Taper for ihs Patent Of. he w ill ba priard by them, at thsir oifi'. s, opposue tba Patent Offiee. July, 4th, 1843. ly Vat TTT Tg" h al 1 IfaTaaTilsMi - I IJNRIVALLKD AND UNEQUALLED In' curing Colds, Coughs, Asthma,' Infliisnai, : Vbooping-4Jough,' snd all Diseases or the ' and lungs, trading to Coimnmp lion t coinfod of the concent rite J vir o a of the herb llorehound, B ineactt, Blondroot, and aeveial other vege a Lie sub.-ttnees. ' Wsrranted PURE FROM ANY MINER L WH ATEVER. '"PHIS invnliiahle MeJiciue i the most - and eeitsin ever discovered f r the a- I ove compla n, thouand who have nied it .id testify. Fur sulo, in Sunhury. by J. W. FKff.INn. and in Norl' rtmd. bv D. BRAU I IOAM, snd at whok-sale, in I'hilad. Iphia, bv F. KI.E I T A C, Corner of Peeon.l and Cnllouhill street. September 1 9ih, 1846. I r CIIKAPKST I TIIK "V()RI.lTl Slrum IteltntHl Suyar CiimlUvt, 12 ckt rvn poisn, wh trfi. J J. RICHARDSON, N-. 42 Moket Street. . PHiitnririn t, lake p'evure in nlonning the public, that he Mi'l ce.ntinurs to sell his very 8u ierior 8 R fined Candy at the ..w price ol $12 50 per 100 pound, snd the ipu-.dilv is rqu .1 to any manuf o tiif eil in the Uni ed Sli,le. He abo olT. r nil kind of good in the Crnfm tionery soil Fruit line ut corre-potidini low puces, aa quick aalea and mall piofits are lit, order of the day. Cnll nr etd your nrders, snd you ennt fiil to be satisfied, lbm't f.oeet the number, 42 MAR KE I' STREET, PHILADELPHIA. J. J. I.ICHARDSON. August 29ih, 194n fim BOOT & DHOE STOPaE. CHEP FOR CAH. No. South Thinl Street, olmvt Chfnnut, PHILADELPHIA. vastihs ami cirr MASi-racrtiiian hoots An ' siioxa. f tHE Siibrriber ha taken ihe liberty ot sj.lrcs I ing the pcblic, nti-fid that they will find it to their interest to csll snd cianvne his stor k of Moo's snd 8io , sud acquaint themselves with hi prices. 8s lling exclcslvelv foi tl e Cah, he is enabled snd determined to sell lowrr Ihsn any Vther rcgu lar house in the ciiy. Perrons will plpnae exsmine the market tho roughly, and, befo:e purchavine, call at the store of THOS. L. EVANS. No. 35 South Third, above Chcsnut St Philadelphia, A ue. 5, IMG. DEN TS T 11 Y. JACOB KELLER, TH.NKFUI. for the liberal enc-urigement which be has rei.-ived, wool I respectfully infirm his friends snd the citizens of Northumber land county in general, that he has prepared him self with the best Incorruptible Teeth, Cold Plate, (-old Foil, Ac, that can be had in the city of Phi ladrlphia ; and he will endeavor, t.i the utmost ol his ability, to render full satirftction to s'l who my think proper to engage his ervice. He wilt le In unhury at the Augual court, where he will be prepared, al hia residence, to insert Teeth on Hold Piste, or on Pivot, on the latest and mol air proved Nn, snd attend In all the branches belong ing to DENTAL SURGERY. Ladies will he ailed on at their places of resi denee, if desired. Hi charges will be reasonable, and hi woik wsrrsnted. He will visit different psits of the county, about once in three months. Sunbury, July ISih, 1840 Am 12. KXXvXBER, JR., A'o. 34 A'orlA Fourth Street, under the Mer chant' iiotci, Plilludelpiila, a L mods PS paaia KEEPS constantly on band an extensive aa nrlment of all kinds of Silk, Fur and Bea vei Hat, which he offers for ssla on the most rea sonable terms. His Hats are made up of Ihe beil materials, and in the most approved sile. Pet son visiting the city will find it to their interest to clh July nth, I84C ly tfLVEtt MKDAL, awianta av ths raASKLia isstituti, 1845. titj DagncrrtotYpe Eilablishmcnt. (Lats Siaioaa A Colli aa.) So. 100 Chennut tt., nlxive Third, South tide, rHIX.ASEX.PHXA. INIATl'RES taken equally a w. II in clou dy as in cloir iiSer. A d irk silk die.s ioi a ladv. and a bbu-k anil fur a aeiillemsn. are I in aitiing for a picture. No eilra charge ia made for coloring, and perfect likenesses are guarantied. July 4th, 1840. ly TounWnYotblT IMitlst Mrrrt, rn.-4T,rp ir,-ygry'Ti. TIIIE House haa undergone a thorough repair. l The proprietors solicit its former ptiouai;e. Terms f I '2b per day. WM. W. DI.Y. ARTHUR L. FOtJO, July 4, 1446. Iv Proprietors. COi-TOCBIA HOXTSST- CHEBfTJT 8TBEBT, P II I L A I) J. L I IJ J A . riHIS lurpe and cnmmodioiia Hotel haa recently 1. bieii lined up wiih ni'iie new furnituie. 'I he suhacnhcru tin r f."e solicit the patrouugeof Ilia public, and tiiwl that their rxpuiuuce in the but-tiic will enall iheiu to give cuius saluUc tiou. Terms moderste. BAliLEV, McKENZIE A Co. July 4th, IS 16. ly clTte I IT o, W'IIIui:S.tLi: AD ItUT.llI.. 'lHE ulaoaibeis are ronatantly manuf icturing fiom the beat Fr.nch, English and American manufatluiaJ Cloths snd Cassimers, ('LO I'IIIMl in a very superior atyle, cut and stork man, hip. Persona l ujlog to sell again will find nne of the largest and most fashionable slock of goods to selocl from in Ihs city, snd l unpiecedenlcd I w prices J. W. A E. D. STOKES, ' 194 Market t. Phl'ad. N. B. A lara awortmrrt of Odd Fellow' Ke gsl s eanstantlv on hand, snd all ordrr from lodges or individuate punctually stunded to, on the runt.! liberal terms. J. W. & E. D. S. PhJadclpbia, JuneS7:h, 18 IB ly PREMIUIVl SCALES. I Dala'a Calel ratrd lt ,td Scale, do di do Cord snd.Hav do I 'on Manufnc's' do Portable Plalfotm do do ' 20 dirTereni slinf, Dormnt or Fl 'Or do 6 difTi-rent Coiititir ' do 12 different size. The Scales are msilu. either or doiihle beam, and are decidedly, the nioal durable, accurate and conveni entrcdis t-ter inxe ,trd. We at .o bse Plasf urn si ll Cotit.t r Scale, Patent B .Unci s and every kind of Weigh'ng Macbinrs in oe f r sale, whole. ab' Slid retail, st l,iv prices. All 8c.ile sold by u n. g't ooi oi ma cny, r uijiu irr e Ol course, biui , waiianiid to give -alifjclioii 1 1 the pnrch er in- I ivri) pirtici.U. GRAY A HIM I1IKK, Manufactoieis mi. I Pealels, No. 31 U'nlnut slteet, June 27. ISIfi. ly VUHuJrtyliin IIORSR SHOEV Burden's If l MoifC Klinci, for sileat iiiniuifii inri ti' j II ll p. ice, by 4 CJRAV A BROTHER, Jur e 27. ISlO.-ly jM Wnlnut I. I'hil.d. j iALT. New Vork Halt in barrels snd Ugs, for i side at miiuolaciurets prices, bv CRAY A BROTHER, June 27, 181fi. ly 34 Walnut t.t. Philid I .11 1 O II T A X T TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. YOU nmy be sura nf nl.t .iiniij, at all time, pure and highly fl ivorcd By the single pound or larger quantity, at the PcUIn Tea l!omimnj s "rVnrcIiouc. 30 Airi Stcaml tlrrel, t.elwrtt Maria! and Clm ti'u I ttreetn, rnXX.ASEI.PHIA. Heretofore it his been very diiTtcult, indred, si m.M impnsible, always to obtain giMMl Ore. u snd III ck Teas. Bui now you hsve only to vi-it the P kin Tea ('oropany's Store, to obtsin as deliriou and frnijranl Te.i as you could wish for. A II tnnles can heir be suited, with the advantage, of getting a pine article st a low price. June 27th. 184(1. Have von iicartl the lYetv i NO! WHAT IS IT? WlIT, BAv'ft ioi-nxau Til T MARTIN 1RWIi, At hitthpp, in Market itrert, ndjuining the tfu-ee ttory Brick mine, HAS jqt received from Philadelphia the larget, handsomest and btst of ROOTS AND SHOES of evety . cription, that has ever been brought to this l ire. And what ia Mill better, they any he sells so cheap, that yna can buy Two caim fir the tame morrry that ymt used la jtay fur sue pair. He Hi t roa Casj and Sklls roe Csn, and that it the lesson thst he can nlfurd to aell them so much cheaper. If you don't want to buy, just call and aee his atork. He is always gloj to aee his customer; and it is no troulile to him to show hi goods. Jut to give you an idea how cheap he does e!l, the following is a li.l of prices of a psit of his ri. rk : Men's Thick Bo. t, worth ft 00 st f 2 75 d i I me Grain do " 4 50 at 3 00 do cir do Ann at 3 00 Boys' Thick do " 9 Ml at I 7S Youths' do " 2 on at I t: I Men's Thick Bmgsns, " 1 87 at 1 00 Women's Morocco Welta and Kid Sprine. " 1 50 at I 00 Women's let City 'Vnade Kid Slippers, " 1 C2 at 1 IS Ladies' j Ouittrs and Gai ter Boots. " 2 00 at 1 37 A'so, ev.ry variety of Ladie', Boy' and bil- diens' shoes, at pria a lowrr than ever before oflVr- td. Cawie om Sre Sunhury. June I3ib, I ft ft 6m d aWv i iTle WOOLEN FACTORY. DANVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, I'cniiN Mania. riHE Danville Steam Woolen h'aetnry. fmmr r M. ly owned and occup ed by Dr. PiTaiaiw. h a recently been purchased by the subscribers, who resBtetfully announce to their friends and tbe pub. lie general y, that Ihey a now prepared to do all kinds of wjrk in thrir line it business, at the shor test notice, according t ordei, aud hi Ihe best com parative niannor. Hiving Rone t. . considerable expense in r pairing (heii naehinery and aparatus, and being very particular in aecuring Ihe aerviee of expeiieitced mechanics, the) feel confident that Ihey are capable of excelling all kinda of work in a atyle superior to ii,y other es abli.hrnent in the country, at the eld custoinvry prices. CLOTHS. SATIN E'lTS, FLANNELS avd BLANK ET8 eunstsn ly on hand, and for sale at reduced prices, for CatH or Barter. C AUIll.Vr; AMI Fl'lXIXG will be done in Ihe best manner, at the usual pii eis, Alt kind of country produce tsken in psy nnnt for oik, st D-mvills market prices. For the accominoilaiion ol those who live at dUtaucc, Wool and Cloth will be taken in at, and, when fini.hid, rn urn, to the following pla ces. Plain written diicctions must accompany each parcel ; Columbia County. Roup A Mart's store, Wa-, chingtuiville; R. Fruit's store, J rcvtown ; Yea ger's inn, Roaring ('reek ; Sha'ph s.' s'ore. Calls wis.a; (. F. Mann's atoie, Miltllnviile ; Millei's lore, Berwick! J. Chile's Mill; Rrckrl'a fcWtc, Oiaiiguville ; Derr's store, hue Hall. MorlhuuUterhuid County--Michael Read, r'siun, lurbutville; rliiiid A Hav store, Mchweiw ulle; E. I. Piper's sloie, Wstsonstowu ; t. I, Comly A Co' bloie, Milton; (iilwon's inn, Chil linumpio ; Forsth's .to e, NoilhumbtiLud ; Young's kloie. Sunbury. Luzerne Cuunty. Reynold's stme, Kingston; i.ilib ikUevo's sluie. Wdke.lisrre ; (iayUird's store, Plymouth ; Stjer's store, Nantlc, ke ; Judjs M aik's Mill, Huutington. l-lroming County. D. Clspp'a aloie, Muury; Khoeuukei'a at ore. Kmith's Mill. (EAKHART A KOWNOVER. Danville, May 9, 18 IS. D E X I E It's" PI K I I s O F ) A l'7 f " i. trading Orssss, Dry Paints, Varnish, Tar, Wax, Ac, fmin clothing of any dsRciiptinn, wai ranted nt to injure the cloth or the rs4 delicste color. This liouid has also lieen uoo.l wi'h gr,st auccee in case ol Bum.. Scald. Tilt. r. Pimple on the face. 4'bspissd bsod-, Soa liis, Kheuiua tim, Hard or soil 43oria, See. (CJ- Pi ice, 25 cts. par be tle. For sale al the awie of ... July 1. 1846. H..-MABSEM CM'At.'iVrSA AA. blua and BJoik CeigiSHi I Ink, ad S soj arior tjualiiy. for sale cheap, al tbe ttora of IlEvNKY MASTER. ,' do ' do dj do jty IB, IMS. I .' ' H.B.lCASSEPa,, A T TO K N li V A Ti b AW,, SUX4TBURY. PA Buslneit stteiidcd to, in. the I Aunties of Nor- ' thunU rlani1, Union. Lvcomine and Columbia. ' Itefee to I P. V. A. IfuriiriiT. " Lnara & Uixnov, Somhi ,1t Knnitnaxss, l'ilaj. Ktyrotna, McFaar taa ti Co. SeKaraa.Oooti dc Co.,' lKXX S1 V A X 1 A HOUSE, Tjir,' DANVILLD PA. IIIE subsciibrr, Ute of the Lnion Moi. I, v. cy, Ps , n .p.M tfully informs the old and iiik rnemu citlnnipr of ih a. di. . . w . . j and the public generally, thai he has leaned the I iiVi rn Siand of John Rhode, in Danville, where he is now prepared to entertain traveller, and pr. sons vixitin the town, in the v, ry l-st style. Ths sreommod ilions will be r-uc-h as a well romlui tr, public l,ou-.e rboiild hll'or.l, snd no ilfuit will ! spared to rnob r ili-f,n lion, in every r'pict, to I who to ay rail. The cit-t-n of I.M'ooiiiie couhit nrp ii.vited to put up with Ihe undc when they visit D'tiivilV. HENRY WEAVER. Dmi'le. May 2. ISIfi. E; E IT TTiRTe P F T K H . MASS K P, RECENTLY FROM PHILADF.LrillA, W ECECTFIILLY informs the citir.ens of 9mj Sunbury and virinilv, that he has opened ii olfice at the reriileme of Henry Ma-er, in Mmkrt street, where he is prep ned to eiccule all kinds .if Dkntal .vi'iioraf, Plate Woik, Ac, on the latent mid mo.! approved plan. Hiving hid come riierience and instrucliim, ntidrr i n of ihe ni Ht eminent snd successful Den tin s in Philaib Iphir, he believes that he will be able to give satisl.icion to ttioce who tnsy want his services. Lailirs will be waited on at their place of resi dence. Hi charges will le moderate, and his wok warranted. Sunbury, March 28lh, 181B. WHITS'"0V".lfECTELi Kack .v'run:r. 1'iiit.Anr i.I'iiia. IIY J. IMVIKItS. 'T'HIS on ia roiiveiiient for Business men I- viaiiing ihe city. Every p iius is taken t se- ure the c onfort of tiavellets. Much 7. lS4fi. ly MONTOUR HOUSE, I .ATI'. liHADYS IIOTF.L. ftpjmxile Ihe Court House, DAIfVILLE, PBIfN'A. Sja THE Siib-eribi-r, vtho ais'eil fir e jPSk veil I year in the mariaeement nf Ihe -;jJJAboe Hoiel. lately kepi by Mi. 8. A. lira- I ?dy, b g eve to infirm the t'aecllinir public, that be has tjken the elablirh'nent on hi own account, on the first of January, IHlfi. The Honrs has, ol late, undergone many impor tant alteration., and the present conductor pr. rni-e to leave nothing undone to muke it a comfortaMs and agreeal'te, a well as a cheap and accoinm ul-i-ling stopping place for strsncers who may vinit our flouri. hind village. No pains nor expense will he spar d to fill the table and the bar with the be-l tbe market atfiiid, and will) th- di terminaiinri to de vo e hi entire peroti.d atli ntion to the comfort of iho-e whs mav reake bis hur their tem;torary s hode, snd sidol by active, careful and obliging er van's, he hi'pes In give gen- ral satisfaction, snd rc crivr a li'n ral i-hare of cu.toin. 03 Large and commodious STARLES are tt lacbed to the eaiahl.shment. which ate attended tj careful and obliging ho tier. (illiEON to. SHOOP. January 24th, 184fi. tf To Tui fliuserVr"" DRV GOODS, ,o. Vil t'enrttt, NEW YORK. Tl AV1NO etblihed a Branch at No. 144 Vbe- A ,nt fl.. Philadetpbis, is now opening, snd will fie cons'sntly reciving from the New York Auc lion, sn extensive amort merit of FANCY A STAPLE DRY GOODS, which will Iw sold at the lowest New Vork puces, at wholesale and Retail. Among h'S stock will tie found a good asfortnicnl of the folio wieg aiticb: Jacconets, Plaid, Hair Cold, I. see, Stripe, U ok, Swii-s and Tatlaran Muslii.s, Bish p and Linen Lawns, Fancy Cap Nett, Fancy and Ball Orese, Thread Lsers, Appliisiinn Do., rich Black 'si'k Triinmiig lace, Iri.h Linens, Linen Cs rubric.. Linen Cambric HilUfr.. CuiUin Fringes, Cm-hiueie d'EcoSre, Mouselinn dn l.aine. bilk and Cotton Warp Alaccae, Quei.'s llbuh, liala Plaids, Frtmb Merinos, lll ick Mlks, Gloves Si k Hose, Sliuwts, Crsvas, l!iloii-, Embtoiderii s. Ac A c. Coutilrv Meichants and oihera viaiiing Phil nlel phia or New Yoik to purchase, ere reaiecifully in vited to call and cmmine the stocks. JVosl. 115. ly fl K l7l K VE A ND LM'Tf. THOMSON'S C'ompotiud syrup of Tar & Wood ftapttia. rilHE unpieeedented mere a of thi medicine, in JL the re.loration of heath, to ibose who, it) de. pair, had given up all hoies, bss given it an mal ted reputation shove all other remedies, furnihir i vidence of it intrinsic value and power, as the on ly agent w hich can be relied upon for the cuie uf Pulmonary Consumption. Brouchittis, Asthmi, Pain in the .ide and Biea-t, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cour;b, (Troop, Ac. ' Attention is lequcalcd to the following AS'I'O.V. 111 1. NO CI'RE, bv Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood ! ! rhilmltlnhia. May 2d, 111. MR. THOMSON Dear Sir With grateful feelings I inform you of the astonishing siTtcta of your medicine, which has literally tatd me from a do.ilh-bed ! My dirfa-e, Pulmonary Consump tion, h h1 reduced me .o low thnt my physician pr.i no.incrd my case hopeless I At this junc'ioii I be gan to ii-eyour ineibcine, and mirsrulmt ss it msv com, it ha completely rc-oieJ me to health, Iter iiiythii'g Ue bad faibtl. Repectfullv vours. WASHINGTON MACIfi Charlotte street, above Ocorge street. The umlcnucned. beiog peraonallv acquaiiMvd with Wa-liingl'ii Mack and hia su Ileuses, best w itness to tbe al,Miibmg efbcls of TbamMin's Cuoipoood -yrtip of 'J'ar, sud the truth of the s hove statement, iVHi." WINNER, at North Third street, DAVID V ICKBKS.4H Alanead sjrvri, ,: HCCH M til.NLEY, . E. cornti Taaasny snd Fourth atiieis. v Prepsied ooly by S. P. Tbomsop, N, E cornet if 5tU and Spruce at reels, Philadelphia. Ajirnls. II. B. Ma r, Suubiui ; D. Gross, snd Dr. Macfihrsn, HoriUburg ; Jon. IX Brown, Poltsarille Oen.Xarl, KeaJieaji ILaastoOi A Ma oa, Tewaiuha, Biadord county, I'a. J'lice 0 oauU (h i bottle, or 5 p r doaen. . cXJt flsM'arrj of all imilutian., Philadelphia, Juna sbth, IMS. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers