HANK JTOTE LIST. , PCffffSYLYAJCIA. 5 ? . The Mlwifi j list ehowe the current li of all Pennsylvania Bank Notes. Tbe moot Implicit re-ti-nce may he .pieced upon h,,'es H 5rserr wnfully cooaparail with ei-d corrected froea Btck neB'e Reporter.' t io ;? -- w.'ct 3f ! ' a. .a .(. -I' '. ....... UUIUM Ul i uuaiKiuin Nave. : 1) LaCkTlO. ) l Die. i Pa-tut. ",! . ' NOTES AT PAR. BawaaV et tf -.a-V .t. 1 , par pr p' pw p' par par P par P" par par par par pat P' par par par par par frank of the Northern Liberties . Cbtntnerelil Bank of Penn'a.-1 Partner' tnJ Mechanlca pack Kensington Bank ' T v PhtledetiftVe Bank ' . ' Schoylktll Bank v ". ...I 3nnthwark Bank Western Bank. Mechanics' Bank f Manofsetnrers' Mechanlca' Bank -Bank of Pens Townhip , . -Hjrar.1 Bank" Bank of Commerce, lata Moyamrncing Bank of Pennsylvania r , Country BanUi. ; Bank of Cheater County Weetehtstet Hank of Delaware Canity Serih oTTJermantown" Bank of Montgomery Co. Doylestnwn Bank Canton Bank Cheater Germtntown ' Norrhvown Dnyleetewn Farmers' Bank of Bock eo Bristol par 0nk of Northumberland Northumberland par I nlnmhia Bunk & Ttrldge co. Columbia -" par Farmera Bank of Lancaster Lancaster County Bank f .nncaster Bank " Formers Bank of Reading0 ("Wire if Bunk of Penn'a. OTice do do Office Jo do Office On do Lane -Mel par I.anciater " par Lancaster pat Reading ' ' per HarriihurO These Lanrneter I office Reading J do not Eaaton J taiuen. NOTES AT DISCOUNT. ntik of the Upitod State Philadelphia Miners Bank or I'ottevillo" Rank of I.ewistown Cank of Middlotown Carlisle Bank ! . Exchange Bank 'I'e tin branch of. iTsrrishorir Bank Lebanon Ilnnk Merchant' A Manuf. Bsnk romville Lewit-town Middletown Carlisle Pittiburf Hnllidaraburg Harrintiurg Iicltamm . Plttalrare ? DttTik if Pittsburg' Pittabuig , Williamtport Wilkesbarre Allentown Reading Pittihurg Wo-t Branch U ,nk Wyoming Bank Xnrihnri.pton Bsnk Petkt C.onty Bank Office of Bank ofU. 8. Do do do do do Dank of Chamberburg !?avk of Gettysburg D.mU of u-quehtnnt Co. F.rie Br.k F:nmr A Drovera' Bank Franklin Bank H one-date Bank Minongtbela Bank of B. York Hank 1 14 failed brie New Brighton Chainheratmrg Ctttyahorg Montrose do do i I 1J Erie ' VVayneabnrg Washington Honeadiile BrownaTille York N. B. The notee of thoie banks on which we :mit quotations, and aubititute a dah ( ) are not lurehaacd by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of thoae which here a letter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Bar. Ins. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. do Schuylkill 8av. Ins. do Kensington Bar. Ina. A do i'enn Township 8a. Ina. , do Manual Labor Bank (T. W- Drott, prop.) failed failed tailed failed i owanoa oens - J owanoa Alleghany Bank of Ps. Bedford no asle Bank of Beaver Dank of 8wstart Dank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' &, Mech'cs Bank Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Farmera' & Mech'cs' Bank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Vorihern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Nonhumli'd Union Co!. Bk. North We Urn Bask or Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Acr. & Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. - Beaver closed Herriiburg doted Washington failed Belhfonie closed Pittsburg no sale Pittsburg ' failed Fayette co. failed Oreencastls failed Hsraseny no aale Hunttngden tui aale Lewiatown aa s4e Warren .-. . failed TDundsff no sale New Hope - closed Milton no aale Meediille closed Port Csrbon . Carlisle failed Montrose closed Uniontearrf failed Greenebure; closed Westmoreland Bsnk Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. Wilkesbarre no aale OTTT All notes purporting to bs on any Pennsyl venia Bsnk not given in the above list, may be set town aa frauds. new jcrsi:y. Bank of New Brunswick Uclvideie Benk Burlington Co. Bank Coininrrcial Bank wumherland Bank Brunswick Belvidere Mcdfbrd Penh Amboy Bridgoton Mount Hollv . failed PV P' farmers' Bunk Farm ra and Mechanics' Bk Rahwav farmers' end Mechsntcs'Bk N. Bionawlck failed Farmers' and Merchant' Bk Middletown Pt, 4 Franklin Bsnk of .V J, Jeraey City rail ltowken BkR & uiazing t o Hobesea failed failed railed Jersey City Bvnk Jersey City M climes' Bititk Patterson Msniifarturtts' Bsnk Belleville Morris County Bank Morriatown Monmouth Bk of N.J. Freehold M.xb nirs' Bank Newark M.-rtirti ie ami Manuf. Bk Trenton MonU Cnl and likg Co Jersey City Pol Notes failed failed . i no (ala Na'k UkM & Ina Co Newark New Hope lcl Uridtte Co Lambeilavilte N; J. Manure, at d fikg Co Hoboken J J'run-cii.n & Loulsrdtk Jersey City fails) failed Orange i'aWsiTlJar.k Pater sua failed 1'tGptfcs' Uank Priitreiti Usi.k Salem Banking Co eiUU Back State Bank Slats Bank btata huk of Morris ' . Bsnk . ..k.n wnJ Phi:ait Manuf Co UkWI i3ai.k .,. I ifl)un KkoVing Cu , - " I'ttiuii liaolt Washington Banking Co, do Princeton Ssjum. : Newark Eltaabcihtowa Caradeit . MenuHowB . P . 1 reniuu Bales, Nswloq . Tisntoa) Dover j llsckeossck . failed failed fetl4 " DEJLArAItC -p--Bk of W 11m A Brandywme WihnragtOQ -DsukefDelaware- WMniafao Bank of Banyms ; ' ; 8ryro M .' v . Ds . Issncb v Mtlfeei -: Farmers' Bk of Bute of Dl Dover, v.i ., tpsr par Pf pw par par par Do Do Uanck branch ; brsuca Wifmiagtoa -' lieortetowei . JVewessUe i ' Wilmington Da. Union Bank (trJJnoetft'e rrrOnsll benkaiBisrkeJ thus () there ere ei ther cosjnierfMr ee stoeead notee e the vertetie netauieueas, is stiesilaasa and iChCaty, r Atiti ahd vzxrrrnri THE SuWrlbifW Joft JptneJ, ', hie old si and, (h Marks treat, Suflkurj, BaW as4 plendid etaiirtmsnt of . " ' ! - ' " , ' TaU'AND WINTER O0OD8, whkkhwUi eMl4 per sent, cheaper Aea esa be bad al any other atore In the plaee. ' Among part of U rtnek may be found' i r . ' Cloth fmm f 66 to $7, (hreteAtit Ctotk at f I 87 1 to t B7. Mntlnett from 41 ecttta to fl BS, - 1 8arNirw PMd Croaking fram 87 eeats laIRT slao, enpsiinr Calicos, -' ;: . Mselln. Cheeks. TickIna,anJ -j Shawls, Orucariee, Queens- " ' ware. Hard ware Ce darwars,' eke. for which all klnda of country produce will bs la ben In eichange, curb aa Butti-r, Efg, I.aiJ, Dried FruH, Grain, Potatoes, Cuiiketi. Il.rd Soap, Peathere, Lumber, Ac . Poiehaera lll do wall to gWe him a caH. It ia no troulla for him to ilo hU .xl, if thry Jo not buy. JOHN KODAK. 8unbury, Nov. 14ik, 184C. . .. , TENS OP THOUSANDS of unhappy beings in the "Ague 8cctlonsn of cur cuti'iy r n w tormented with that hatrj complaint' FE VER A AOIJE, on BILIOUS INTERMIT TENT FEVER, or Coitta sb FiTs. aa It U rarinualy called. The unires.l Tlce of thia en tire community from Mire to Georgia and from the Atlmtic to the Rocky Mountain, declerea ROWAND'S IMPROVED TONK; (: MIXTURE : to be the grtat end only $afe. lurt and raji-el ture, when pitpeily uaad. J Li ciinnot te con troveited. It realoree the natural fitting! and .Wiciy of the eonttUuJUin In a miuuvr that no thing alee wil. I Extract of a letter, dated Lt witTO-w jr, Pa. Oct. 10,181). Every bottle of the Improved Tonic Miature lent ha been eold, and I d not know of one in etanre that it did not affect a cure. Four bottle cured tvs catea of the worat kind of Fever end A gne one cnee waa myaelf. After tryina; tju nine and all other rarea thnught of by my I'hyaician. Undine nn relief, I finally acnt for one battle tif your Tonic Mature, and waa relieved, in fuct co-ed in 84 hour. I'leics send on s fnah supply, aa there ia none left. You-, tmlv, SAMUEL HOPPER. fjj- SolJ en Ageney In SunlKiry, by II. Mecr and oihere, and all thu btorekrepera in the adjoin- ing Countiea. October 17, 1810. A 1T-TTTP.AL REMEDY Suited to the Human Cantlitntion, and equal to the cure of every curable Uncase, will be found in UEICHT'S INDIAN TEGET1BLE FILLS, - 0 TBI " XortH American College of Health. FTHF.SE ettraordinarv Pilla ere romporsd of JL plants which grow rpontaneoualy on our own aoll, and ere. there! tie, better sdinted to our Con' stitutious than Medicinea concociid from foreign dings, however well tbey may be compounded; and as VVuiobt a Isniax Vkoitablb Pitts are founded upon the principle th.it thehumtn body la in truth SUBJECT J O BUT O.XE DISEASE, namely, corrupt humors, and that taid Medicine cures this diseeee oo IWicrai f mscirut, by cleansing ana purifying lite batty, It will be man ifcat thjl, if the constitution be not entirely ri heusled, a perseverance in their use, according to diroctions, ia absolutely ceitain to drive d.eeete of very name from the body. . When we with to re-4o e s ewmnp or mirssa to fertility, we drain it of the aupniabundsnt water In ike manner, if we wien to restore toe body to health, we must cleanse it of impurity. WRIOHrS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS will be found one rf the best, if not the verv best medicine in the world for earning out th'u Qasan Pcareiao Paiacirti. because they eipel from the body all morbid and corrupt hum r, the canse of the disease, In an easy snd Natural Manner $ and while they ovary day oivt tats ien rLtaacac,. disef every name is rapid'y diiven from the body. The following highly reepcctaMe etoiekeepere have been duly appointed egr-nie for the esle of Wright Lidtau Vtgttablt ruU, in r(oitbmber land county : . Henry Mssser, Sunbury. E. St J. Ksuffinsn, Augusta townabip. Samuel Heib, Little Mahonoy. William Deppen, Jackson. Beneville Holsbue, Upper Mskonoy. John G. Renn, Upper Mshonoy, Ssmurl John, Sbamoklmown. For.jthe, Wilson A Co.. Notihumbwlsnd. E. L. Piper, Walsonliurg. t Irlsnd A Hay. McEuenville. James Peed," Pottsgrtive, Wm. Q Scutt, Roshvills. " ' - Harimsn Kneebte, Elyaburg P. O. ' Am T-Belesel, Turliutaville. Oid on Shsdel, Upper Mahoioy. Rbedes tic Farrow, Snyd.rat iwn. - John King, Farmeravdte. eilsaC.Coik.Martio'sCrek. J. De Yoong Hicksvl'le. Adrabam 8hr. r Richmond. Samuel Taylor, Slateford. ' John H. Vincent, Chilieqnasjne. Wm. Heinn A Btotht', Milton, 1 i i ff- Offtcet devo'e.l r irlui-e'v to ihe asle of WKlOin -S INDIAN VEGE' ABLE PILLS of tbe North American College of Health. No 398 i Oret-nwich Strict, N.w York; No. 198 Trmnt Street, Boston and PRINCIPAL OFFICE No. t69 Race SrsetT, PlnlaJclpbia. 4 8 pWl9lb.l5tB.--ly. , V" i 4 lrVlWMlH)(VUVHlll facocaflgiaj UWKlVALLtD AND UNEQUALLED In curing Colds, Coughs, Aeihme, Influenat, Wbooping-Congn, snd sl utsesaee oj Ibe . bteat end lungs, tesding lo t'ousuoip- . f '. 'tion; compoaed of be eoncantr.led , . virture of ihe herbe lloreliound, ' Uoneeett, Bloodroot, snd " ' seeerel other eges " 'J' P" bis substances. 01 . Warranted PURE TROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. rp.Hia invaluabls Medicine is the most snood 5 nd ceitsia remedy ever dieeseeted for the a bees coinpla nia, M tboussnd whs hsvo awed it wiuieMiiy. r in Bonbury. by " a ,"'', L W. f RILING. end in Nortl.un,berind. by D. BRAUTIOAM, and at erbsitaels, in Phil.d.lphia. by I . ' - ! F. Kl.ETT fin. I . . Callowhill eVeetj. ; vrieaipef isaa, JStSrWly DXTRAORPINARY DISGOTERY! SZlATltBM OAXV BII QXSBXD 1 1 COOPER'S ETERIAL OIL A prcmpt end J taking reme.ly for Dstt kssei a I to for oains nd discharge of maltsv from ths Ear. i' ' llwndrrde of carte in cetee deemed tiPerty Lope leeheve fimly e tsbhtbed Us utrioritr over rve- ty Center MeJiCul dlaovsry. 1 hl vs'usbls Acousts) Medicine la a compoutid of four dilTofTnl O.ls, one of wbl-h, tbe ad I re and pnm-lpal InfteJiont, le oltiine.1 torn the bark of a certain fprcha f WsLaot, a new end effictuil agent lit the cure of VtA e-s. Portoa wno nsd been d.'T for 10, IS and even SO years, have; Lteti peimaneoify cured by usirig this vil. . In fct, so numerous and so imphntic bve been the lestlmoiiiale in its favor, that the in- v n'or c'aioi for it the dietinrtion uf sn Infallllde Remrdy. In alt casts, wnrn the Ear is pcrfet in It fi irmstt . ; Pot further particulars, snd evidence of ite great vdne, eee pitnteJ shafts, t) the hands of Agents.' F.irsdainSunbu.y.by J. W. FiJILlXU. September 19, b, 18 1 8 I y ; PA&X. MILLINER Y JOH1T OT01TE a SOITS, aJcalrri in siIKb. Jlibbon, ami Aliiit . nvvf Ciuoda, Ao. 45 Sotiffc Second "effect, PHILADELPHIA, HAVE now in Store a lnig aeaortment of . Rich Millinery Goods, . Adspted to Fall Stic, euch e Bonnei Silke end Patina figur.d and plain. Fancy Ribbons, of entirely new ') l-s. Plain Mantua and Satin Rilbone, of all widths, lil.ck and Colo-ed Silk Wltete. French Fancy Peathers and Flower. Farcy Ca( Nete and Lacee. Uiirkittnt, Wiiow, Crown Linings, Ac. Ac. . Many of the above sr'ii-let being of their own importation, tbey arc enabled to offer them et the lowest price Philadelphia. Sep 6th, 1818. 1m CHEAPK8T IN THE WORLD ! Steam Reflucd Sugrar Cnndlc, ' ISjctSTe eta rnois, WH'Lraavt. J J. RICHAKDSON, N.. 4U Miket Street, a PBilantLrntA, takes plessure in informing Ihe pul'lic, that he sti' I cniitinuee to eell hi very Su per i or Sieam Refined Candy at the low price of $13 60 per 100 pound, end ihe quality is tqu.l to Buy manufactured in the United Slates. Hs lo offi-rs sll kinds of goods in the Ccnfee tionery sod f-'ruif line wt corresponding low pi ice, at quick aale and smsll piofite are the order of fie dhy. . Call or aend your' order, and yon cannot fail to be aatiafied. Don't fm get the number, 43 MAR KET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. J. J. KICHARDSON. Aurusi291i. 1 84 fi. 6m W. H. THOMPSON, r Fashionable DOOT AM) SHOE MAKER, Msextn 8TttT, ScsacsT, rlH ANKFl'L for pa-t favors, begs lesvs to in M. lorm li e friends end the public generally, that Le has jo-t returned from the city wiih new and fashionable hsts, end a full assortment of Light- colored, Bronze, Black Kid, and all other kinds of Morocco for Gentlemen. Ladies snd Children's wear; and he assures all who may favor him with tbiir custom, that tby msy rely upon having their w.uk done in the must suoslsntisi and fashionsbls manner, end et very low piicee. lie also has a full aeaortment of low pi ice J work, seircti d by himself, which he will eell lower than ever iff red in thia place, viz : Mens otioes, aa low aa g 1 ,00 Eitra 8tout Boots, " X.00 Gooil Lace Boo s for Women, " 1,00 Women's Slips, " 60 Childr-n'e Shoes " 15 Sole Leather, Moroero. Ac, for sale low. -August td. 1846. aplBif "Boot &Slioc ESTABLISHMENT. DANIEL nnUCRKMIIalsER. At his Old Establishment, in Market Street, SuuLvty, (orpoetTC m ntn mow wotei,) RETURNS his thanks for pt favors, and re . epecifully iiifoitns his fiiend snd the puMic seuerally, that he eootiuufs to nur.ufuciure to or der, in the nealetl and latent ftyle. CIir.AP ICOOTS AK SHOES. warranted of tits tes nisterijl, and made by the moat ex pet lanced workinen. He also keeps on band a general astortme.il of fasbiunalde Boots for grntbmen, together with a larce st-irk of fjshiotf b'e gf nil, men's. h) ', la lies' and ibi!deu'a Shoes, all of which have been m 'e under h e own imme diate tos ection, snd ere of the best material and woihuitnahip, w hich he will sell low for Cish. In eJdilion lo the a' oe, he hae Just received from Philsdild,ia a Urge end rstensive supply of Boo s, trboes, Ae. uf ail docriptmns. which he tl-o flce fir canh. chesper than ever tiefore off, red in tl.is plsce. . II lenpeetfully invites hie old custo mers, snd others, to rail and rsamine for them slves. Repairing done wiiti neatness and despatch. Kunl urj, Aujiit 15th, 140. XV II O Is K S A L K BOOT & SSOa 3T0B.E. CHEAP FOR CAH. . Ab, 36 Suuth Third Street, above Chesnut, PHIXaAPSLPUIA. tasTtaa abb cirt amrrutctiii soots sis 1 . . aunts. j rilllE Subscribe ha taken the liberty et addrea .1 sing the public, ssti.aVd that ibey will find it to their inteteei to call and riamine bieatoik ef Boots and Shore, end acquaint thuinstlvss with bis prices, .... felling exclusively for the Ca-h, he ie enabled end determined to eell lower than any other rega lar house ia the eiiy. , , , ,. . ; Paraooe will ptoses examine the market tho roughly, and, helots purchasing, tall al Ihe store of. THOS. L, EVANS. No. 86 South Third, aeovs Cbesnot 8k , Philadelphia. Aug. 16, 1M6. . . tRXIWh Ujf treeting G Was, Ae. from 1 t SPlUlTS OF UikV. Jut es- Greats, Dry Psints, Varnish, Tar, clothing of ant deacription, war ranted n4 ta injurs the cloth er the saost delicate colore. ' This liquid hae else been nsl with great auceeee m esses ot Burnt. Scalds, Tetter, Pimples on the face, Chepeed bsnde. Sore line, Ilbeume lim. Hard o soft Corea. Ac. . (T Plica, 36 (la. net hottle. . Far sale al lbs stars ef Jury 13, !. ' H. MAMZR. DENT13TKY: JACOB HELLERS HANKFUL for ihe liberal encouragement which he hae received, woulJ reepcctfullf rrn hie friends end the citizene of Ndrthntnteti land county In general, that he baa prepared him elf With the best Incorruptible Teeth, Oold Plate, Gold Foil, Ac , tbst can be bad in the city of Phi ladelphia ; and that he will endeavor, to the utmost el hie ability, to render full satisfaction to ell who uiv Think proper to engage hie services.- Ite w be In Sunbury al (he "Aitgdat eoort. Where he Will be prepared;, at -his teaideriee, te loser) Teeth cm OolJ Plate, et on Pivot, nn the latcer snd most ap proted time, hd attend to all lbs branchse belong. Ing to DENIAL HURUERY. , - - Ltdire will be waited on al their tlaee of rei denre, if desired. '. ' '-. t... Hi cborgi's will be reaennable, and hie work Warranted. He will visit different part of the roenly, ebot once in three nvn'ti. - -, Sunbtirv, July IStb, lK16Am ' SSPia, sDKIaPb,CTa3s b. kxXvIbbh. jn..t AV 34 AorlA Torfi 3ref, vnder the Mer- chants' oft. . . . , Plil I a lc 1 tilt 1 a, ' a it mods ntetkie. . KEEPS constantly on hind en eitet.sive as tortinent of ell kinds uf S.lk. Fur and Bet tn Hats, which he i flVr for .sic on the moat rea sonable term. Hi Hat are made up ol the !cil mtteriale, and in the moat approved style Per. ont visiting Ihe city will find it to their interest to call. July 11th, 1640 ly S1LVEK MEDAU itiiiiit st TMarasaatiii lastlTCTt, 1846. Citf Bif Dtrrcolype EtlablUhmrut. r tG. CP. GaCSDLEaaialSSSSJ, (Lara 8iiioee A Cottiaa,) .Ye. 100 Chtsnut tt., nbote Thin!, South side, rmx.Axci.rxxiA. itiriNN Jll Jr. for a lade. INIATURE3 taken eooaly a well in clou aa in eier weitner. A durk stlk uieae and a black auit for a gentleman, are I rrfrable in titling for picture. No eitra charge i made for coloring, and petfrct likeneeae are guarantied. July 4ili. 18n.ly "FOUNTAIN hotel, Light Street, rllllt House hs uniloriron a tnorouen repair. X. The proprieiors lolicit its former patronage. Term $ 1 25 per day. WM. W. DLT. ARTHUR L. FOGO. July 4, 1846. ly Proprieir. COLTTlrBIA SOUSEj' OHBSXt-XTT STHEBT, P II I L A DE L P H I A. "THIS large and commodious Hotel hae recently JL been fitted up with entire new furniture The subscribers therefore solicit .the patronage of the public, end tiust that their ixpenence in the business will enable ihtm lo give entire satisfac tion. Terms moderate. BAGLEY, McKENZIE A Co. July 4th, 1846. ly Keller tt Carceiiou$rh, PATE ITT ATTOB.ITETS, WASnmQTON, 13. O. TlkRAWINGS end Papers for the Patent Of- U fice will be preps red by thtin, al their offi.e. opposite the I'e'enl Uluce. Julr.4ih. 1846.-1? IMPORTANT TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. YOU may be cure of obtaining, at all times, pure and highly flavored By the single pound or lerger quantity, et the Peklu Tea Company'! Wo rehouse, So South Steund street, let wet - Mnrket and Cku ' " nut streets, rniXAEELFUXA. Heretofore it hat been very difficult, indeed, al moal iinpoaaible. always ll obtain good Ore, n and llhck Tess. But no yu hive only to visit the Prkin Tea Company's Store, lo obtsin as delirino snd frsgraot Tea e yon could wish for. A II lsles can hsie lie suited, with the advemege of getting a pure article at a low price. June 7ih. 1816. ' PREMIUM SCALES? Dele's Cele rated K-il Road Scales. Coal and Hay d. Iron ManufacV de Portable Pisiform do tO different sites, Dot re at or Floor do & diff. rent tisee. Counter do IT difTerent site. The sbove 8csles ere made either eingle or double beam, and are decidedly the most durable, accurate end conveni ent tcda ever ine .I'd. We alto have Platform and Count r Scales, Patent Balance and every kind of Weighing Machines in aa for eale, whole tat and retail, al low price. All Settee told by ot lo go out of the rity, ere boxed free of charge, end weiiantrd to give salitfaetion ti the porehaser in every partiruLr. GRAY A BROTHER. Maoufactnreis snd Dealers, No. 34 Walnut street, Jot,e 87. 1846. ly fhiladtlphia. HORS If II HorM 8h V UP'ie. by HORSE SHOES. Borden's Patent Shoes, for sle at manufacloreie' CRAY A BROTHER. 34 Walnut at. Philad. - Jure 37, 1846 I y do do - d do do do do do de do SALT. New Yoik Ball in barrels and begs, for tils tl manufacturere pricea, be GRAY A BROTHER. June 87, 1646. I y - 34 Welnnt-s. Philsd CLOTHIlTGa" TTUOLESAEE AND RET All A THE inbscaibsrs tra constantly ntnufscturing front the best French, English end American manufactured Clothe and Caesiroers, CLOTHING in a very supsrior elyle, cut and workatenship. Parsons buying ta eell agsin will find one of Ibo largest end most fs.kionsble Block of gooda to select from In the city, and at pnareeedsotad b.w prices. J. W, A E. O, STOKES, .- . .134 Mark et Phited. ' N. B, A large assortment of Odd Fellowt Re gtltt constantly sn hand, and all orders frost lodgss or Midinlals puwetually attended to. nn the moot liberel terme. ,- . J. Vy. ok E. D. S.. Philadelphia, June 37th, INI ly . . n-e yon hir4-th ftewt no! ,y7UA,T is nrh Wir, Bifnt tee atain ai : MARTI.V IRWIN,; At, his in jhrlttt trer, sowms; the three I etory Brick House, TTAJnsl recrifed from Philsdelpbia thelergeet, hsOHsomest end best sesortmsnt of t i-r, r3 r BOOTS AND SHOES of eveiy deaalpUon.-that bee ever been brought to ibis pbce... And, whet la still belter, they esy he sells so cUsp. that yon cm buy two his fit the enme inoney that ytm ueea le pay for ens pair. Re Bvts Cask end Seats ton U, snd that la the reason that he eta afford to eell them en much cheir. If yoo don't want to buv. lust call and st hit noek. He ie alwav clai to eee hie customer end it i no trouble to his la thaw hi go.xl. Jail to give vou an idea how iliea.i lis doaa tell, the following is a list of prices of a part of hi r v Men'e Thick Boots, worth M 00 at 12 75 d i Cine Urain do do Calf do . 4 60 at son . 6 00 at 50 at t 00 tt I 87 at 1 60 at I Ot at 3 00 I 76 Boy' Thkk . : do . . . Touthi do 1 35 I 00 Men's Thick Brogans, Women a Morocco Welts and Kid Springe. 7 Women't best City made K'd Slionete. 1 00 I 13 Ladies' I Qjiurt and Gsi- ler Uoott. - S 00 at 1 37 Alto, tvey vtrietv of Ltdit.. Bov' end chit drena' elioet, el prices lower lltian ever before offer ed. Caml and See 8unbury, June 1 3th, 1846. 6m DANVILLE tss tt xra yEL TO J3C WOOLEN FACTORY. DANYXLLB, COLUMBIA COtTNTY, - Pennsvlvanld. flHE Danville Steam WboUn Factory, foimer. J.. ly owned and r.ecup'ed by Dr. PtTaiaia, hat recentlv been pouhsttd by the tubicribt-rt, who retpt-ctfull tnnnanra 10 their frieiuls and tbe pub lie general y, thai they art, now prepared In do all kn.us of wjik in thru line sf business, at the alior test notice, according I t oriier, end in tbe beet com psretive n.snnor. Ileving gone X considerabli cipense in rrpairirie iLeb achinery end aparatua, and bring wry psr.kulil in securii'g the service of eiperienced mechanics, the) feel confident that thry ere capable of evec iting all kinds of work in a style superior lo eiy other s'sblisbwenl iu the country, at the olJ rtittnmary pricre. CLOTHS, SATIN ETTS, FLANNELS n BLANKETS conatan ly on hand, tnd for tale at icduced prices, for Cash or Barter. CARDING AKD FULL1XG will be done in the beat manner, at Ihe usual pri cre. All kinds of country produre taken in pay ment for woik, st Danville market prices. For the accommodation of those who live at di.tance, Wool and Clots will be taken in at. and, when finished, returned to the following pla ces, Plain written directiona must accompany each parcel t Columbia County. Roup A Marr'e atore, Wa shingtonvdle ; R. Fruit's store, Jerseytown ; Yes ger'e inn, Rosring Crerk; Sbarpleaa atore, t'atta wiaaet C. F. Mann's atore, Miffiinville 5 Miller's store, Berwick! J. Cline'e Mill; Rickets store, Oiangsville; Derr's store. While Hall. tCorthumlerland County Michael RetJer'alnn, TurbulvitU; Ireland A Hav'a store, McEwene vilte; E. L. Piper's store, WsUonston 1 S. I. Comty A Cu'e store. Milion ; Gibson's inn, Chil lisqusque 1 Forsyth's store, Northumberland ; Young's stors, Sunbury. Luzerne County. Reynold's etore, Kingston ; Gilderaleeve's store, Wilkesbarre ; Osylord s store, Plymouth 81 jet's store, Nanllcoke; Judgs Mack's Mill, Huntington. Lycoming County. 1). Clepp'e elore, Muncy ; Shoeintker'e etore. bmith's Mill. GEARHART A KOWNOVER. Danville, May 9, 1846. PKNNSYLVANIA HOUSE, BAZrVTZaXiB FA. rjlHE eutieciiber, Iste of tbe Union Hotel, Mun X cy, Pe , respectfully informs the old snd nu merous customers of the Pennsylvania Tlouse, and the public generally, that be nae leased the Tavern Stand of John Rhodes, in Danville, where he is now prepared to snlettsin travellers, and per sons viaiiing the town, in the vrry beet style. The eecommodatione will be each es a well conducted public hooe should afford, tnd no effort will be spired lo render satisfaction, in every respect, lo ill who inty call. The citisent of Lycoming county are invited 10 put up with the undersigned when tbey visit Danville. , HENRY WEAVER. Dsni'le. Msy 3, 1846. WSITS 377 AIT HOTEL, Rack Stbeet, pMtaantLruiA. 1IY J. .PETERS. THIS location ie convenient for Business men visiting the city. Every paint it taken to se cure the comfort of traveller. March 7, 1846. ly MONTOUR HOUSE, 1ATE BRADY'S HOTEIa, Opposite the Court J louse, . Q AN VZLIiB, J?B WT1TA. e a THE MubeeriKer, who aeaie-ed for ee. ejjj vete I yetrs in the msntgeenent of the s Jitil Lbovs Hotel, lately kept by Mr. 8. A. Bra-ini'Va-Ide. b.t leave lo inform the treveiling public, that ha bee taken the esiabli'bmeat on hie own eeroartt, an the gret of January, I4o. The House has. ol Iste. andergoae many laapor tant alterations, and the preeent conductor promisee to leave nothing undons lo stake it a Com fr table and ecreesble, as wall as s cheap snd arcomaaoda ling flopping place for atrangere who may viail our fl turi-hing village. No peine nor etpenee will bs epered to fill Ihe leble and the bar with ihe beat tbe maiketa eflnrd. and with lbs determination to da. vo'e hie entire personal attention to tbs comfort of nose, whs msy make hie House ineir temporary a lode, and aided by at lite, careful end obliging eer rente, he hopee to give general satisfaction, and re ceive a liberal ebara of euatoea. tr Larew tad com mod 10 oe STABLES are at lached ta ths ssisblishmsnL which era attandsd by careful and oblicinc bottlers. " GIDEON M. 8HOOP. ' v Jsnaary 34th. U46 4f CCmCKtiSS JWX-Blos and Basse. Coagssas Ink, of a tppaiior qualiiy. for sale cheep, el the store of ' HENRY MA8SER. Jly4lh. 1346. M aupsifi UL ASSUSTbe .s qssljiy Segar lienee Melesasa. anl 134 CnU pat taaHt esaa,a aupsiflna article of yellow aioiasees lot nsting, pn ly Hi cenU per ousrt lor saie eiine stare st Jane 13. lS4aC - HBNRT MASSElt.' HE CiLtBaaTta .MaeatSAB Haia Oil., hae 15 inat ha twisrwjd and iefor aeleat thesnraat' Wri He B 1AQ3EIV, ATTORNEY AT LAW,11 Miff BUJlaTs PaV f ' ."'7 I . Business attended to ia the Countlee ef Not iliunL'erlad, Uuioa. Lycoming and Columbia- ' " ' Rthvtei " ; 1 ;- r,:, P. A A. FseeasTr, , -Lowta A Baaaos, ' ( SoXltBlt A SsODOBAtt, S-Hikti. RtraoLB. MeFaatkas A Co. " Setatss, Qwee 4c Ce., - ? , PET E R B. M A 8 S EU,!' RECENTLY FROM PHILADELPHIA. tTBESPECTFULLY . inform the ciiitene ef J, Sunbury and vicinitv, that he hat opened an ' office at the resilience of Henry M ester, in Market atreet, where he ie prepared to execute all klnde of utsTti CHrnetar. Plate Wprk.&c, on the latest and moat approted plans. - nsvtng bad some etperienee end inttrnciion, under on of the mol eminent and aucceaeful Dsn- lit in Philadelphia, he believs that be will be able to give satisfaction to those who rosy want hie Services. ' . . ; Ladiss will be waitsd nn at their placea of reel, denco. His cbergee will be uiodeiate,' and his wo.k warranted. Sunbury, March 38th. 1846. EVANS & WATSON, , No. 78 Sooth Third Strict, Opposite the Philadelphia Exchange, W snufacturs end ksrp con Vif lfJf? T1'111' 0,1 band, e Urge at. sortment ol llieir f stent lrn proved Salamsnder FIRE PROOF SAFES, which srs so constructed ae lo set at rest 'l-It?. l'wj " manner of doubt as to their being strict! r fire proof, and ihst they will resist the fire of sny building in tbe world. The oulside-cate of the Safes srs mads of boiler iron, the inside cse of eoapatone. end be tween the outer esse end inner caae ie a apaco of aome 3 incbea thick, end it filled in with indestruc tible material, so aa to make it an Impossibility to ever burn any of the contents inside of thie Chest. These Moapatone Salamandeii we are prepared and do challenge the weild 10 produce any article In Ihe shape of Book Ssfee lhat will stand aa much heat, and we bold ourselves ready at all timee to have them fairly tested by public bonfire, thould t ny cf out competitors feel disposed to try ther. We else continue to manufacture tnd keep eon ttsntly on bam', e large and general assortment at our Piemium Air-tight Fire Proof Safes, of which we have e Urge quantity in use, and in every in stance they have given entire ailiafactton to the purchaser of which wc will refer the public to a few gentlemen who hive them in uee. N. A G. Taylor, 129 noith 3d et.; A. Wright A Nephew, Vine st. whsrf ; Alexander Csror, Con veyancer. corner of Filbert and 9th s's.t John V Ford, 31 north 3d.t.; Mr era Bu.h, SO north 3 st.; Bailey A Brother, 13d Make! .14 James M Paul, I Ul south 4th sl.j Dr David Jayne, 8 soul 3d St.; M tithe w T. Miller, 30 south 3d et.; tm w could name some three or four hundred uthei. if It were necessary. Now we invite the etteutior of the public, and particularly those in want 0 Fire Proof Safes, to call st oar store bi fore purcht sing elsewhere, end we think we can estisfy then that they will gel e belter anil cheaper article t our store tbsn any other establishment in the city, Y e also continue 10 manufsctuia real and Co pying Preaaea, made in euch a r.anncr sa to ap ewer both punweee : Hoietinc Machines. Ft Proof Doors, with our own manufacture of lock on them, witb D. Evans's Patent Keyhole roi attscbed to the same ; plain and ornamental In Hailing, AC. , ' N, 13. Ws keep constantly on band a hrgs a aottrr.snt of our Patent Slaia Lined Refiigei lou. Water Filler and C..olra;and we have also on hind savrral aecond hand Fire Proof (Sheets takea in exchange for ours, which we will dupoee of a very li.tt prices, . Philadelphia, January 24th, 1846. ly To Iiirchaers of DRY GOODS. ,o. 121 J'eurlst., NEW YORK. HAVING eatsblit-hed 1 Brsnch at No. 144 Cher nut tt., Philsdelpbia, is now opening, and wi be constantly receiving from the New York Am lions, en extensive assortment of ZVaYXrCY A STATUS DST GOODS, w hich will be eokl at lite lowest New York pi tec al wholesale and R. tail. Among h s stock will 1 found a good assortment of the following art icier Jacconeta, Plaid, Hair Cold, Lace, Strips, Boo Saiaeand Tarlatan Muslins, Bish p and Jint Lawns, Fancy Cap Nells, Fancy end Ball IMrwt Thread I aces, Application D-. rich B'ac W Trimming Lace, Irish Linens, Linen Ce Linen Cembric Hdkfs., Curtain Fringes, Cs ISent d'Ecoeee, Moneeline de Laine, 6 ilk end I -oU' Warp Alpeccaa, Qaoen'e tMoth, Gete I 'It" French Meriooe. Black Silks, Gloves. Hill Hs biuwlc, t.'ravBte, Ribbons. Embroideries, A4 .,& Country Meicbanta and etbera visiting 1. 1 ildi phia ar New York to purchase, are reajrectftf. W sited la call and exsmme the stocks. No. I. U45. ly BELIEVE AN1) L I V If THOMSON'S Compound Syrnp of Tar Wot Naptbn. THE unprecedented tvecess of this medicine, tbs restoration of htsltb, 10 those who, in d pair, bed given Op til hopes, hae given ll en ei ted reputation above all other remedies, furntahi evidence af its intrinsic vein and power, ae (he ry egsnt which can be relied upon lor the rLrs Pulmonary Consumption, Bronrhiltis, Asbht Pain in the tbJs end Breast, Spitting ef Vis Wbooplng Congh, Croup, Ac Attention la leaaeeted ta ths following ASTO I8HING CURE.bt Thomson. Compound Syi of Ttrtnd Wood Nspthall PhilaMpkia, May li, 1M( MR. THOMBON Dear Blr With grati freluiga I inform yon of Ihe astonishing effect y cuir mediclna, which has lileeally lais-d me fr a death-bed t My disea, Pulmonary Contnc lion, hsd reduced me so low ihst my pbysieiea nojncrd my case hopeless At ibis junction I gen to ue your medicine, and miraculoue aa it t seem, it has completely restored aae to heshb, t everything eiee hed failed. Respectfally yanra, -' , WASHINGTON MACK Charlotte tlreel, above George ett The ndreignel, being personally acquaii with Washington Mack and hie Bufferings, I witness to - ths astonishing affects af Tbstee i Compound Syrnp af Tar, aad the trath ef ih have statement. -JOS. WINNER, I8 North Third ttrsst, DAVID VICKERS, 4t Alewnd ttrert, HUGH M'GINLEY. 0. E. corner Tem end fourth atreate. . . ' . ' Prepared 00 ly by 8. P. Thomeeti; N. E. ee of 6th aad Spruce .tree, FbHseVphie; . I .. Agents. H. & Maswetv esaahory ; D. G aad Dr. Ifacpberaon, Hsrieeeirg Jno. Q. Br PetasvilVs 1 Gen. Earl, Reading t Hooeioa A an, Twwend. Bradesed eeejaty.pc.. Ptial M aw.b4llvstAnerdBesl., r w r,,,, . fned", l5 IMI.lr ' ' i ' r : . .'.!. .r C- SV -1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers