The Mexican fore wis 350 regular troopa, with four piecea of cannon, beaideaan unknown number of armed peasant, all of whom where potted on strong- military work, or in the occu pation of atone or brick houaea hence we could not reach them with our great guns, and wo were at every disadvantage. MczicAit LaTTcaa or Mabqu. We have plen ty of newt from Mexico, via Havana and Monte ry. The general impretiion la that Tampieo will ba the next point of attack. Information haa been received in thia city that theeteamthip Flag, on ita lat trip from Vera Cm i to Havana, took out 300 lettera of marque, with naturalization papera, confirming the rights and privilege! of Mexican citizena on all who would tail under them. Thia information comet in an authentic form. It wa dated at Mexico, on the 30th alt., and reached Vera Cruz on the evening that the lettera by the Flag were mailed, 'tid from thence reached here by way of Havana. A letter from Havana hat also been received here, announcing the arrival of lettert of marque. The writer was of opinion that the Spaniih Go vernment weld not permit the lettera to be u aed in the port of Havana, but at naturalization papers, giving every natural privilege accompa nying them, they may tlip out despite the vigi lance of the authorities. Rbscwathm An Govt. Wright' Indian Ve getable Pills nre a moat extraordinary medicine for the cure of Rheumatism and Gout, lecaiie they not only cleanse the stomach and bowels of thoiie mnthid humors, which if taken into the circulation and thrown upon the oembrmo ami muscle, are the cause of the above painful middies ( hut they excite the adsorbent vessels to take up that which It already deposited, and therefore are absolutely attain to mike a perfect cure f Rheumal'sm and Gout. A ainule 25 cent bx of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills will often give the mott astonish- inn relief; and perseverance according to directions will be certain to drive pain of every description from the body. The popularity of WmonT's Ixnux Vsokta via Pills has proved a strong; linit to unprinci pled men, who, instigated by the hopo of gain, at tempt to palm off a spurious nrticle on the unsus pecting. To defeat tha wicked designs of such man, we have procured new labels, and the Signa ture of Wm. Wright will he found writtis with a pksj on the lup laliel of each lxx. None other it genuine, and to eminlerfcit this is forgery. Remember, the only original and grnuine IN DIAN VEGETABLE PILLS have the wmttk mvATuaa or u-.m. wmutir on the to,i of each 1hiu QjAgent Tor the s p of Wright's Vegeta ble Pill- in Sonlmry, Ilsxnt- Massi.. For other agencies see adveTtiem nt in another column. ITAors T Arric ! Ksviea n Aocr Pa TttsTa. Is it not sn infamous traffic for wholesale and retail druggists, and ether merchants, to buy up spurious, adulterated, repudiated and oemnter terfcit Jtawand'i Tonic M'rlat et auction, and from irrcsponsilde and swindling medicine vender, f r two or three dollars per dozen, and 0 en to sell it to. the ignorant and unwary as the genuine Row ftud'a (Improved) Conic Mixture for one d'dlar the heKle ! and when they well knew besides that this counterfeit trash has heen vniversally pnnouncid worthiest and inert, and will not cure the ague I know of no more iuliuimn or dastardly conduct in men laying snycla:ma lo respectability or honesty, I.oiik orefully fot the written tignatirret of "John R. Rowuud," on a paper lahel acra the mouth of every tvrt'te, wiilieul which "Maid" it never can be g nuine, however knavish sellers may falsify hnd dec. ivc. For sale :n the suburbs of the city by the store tecpere generally, AW at No. 28 North Sd it., aid at the Proprietor's office, No. 135 Uallowbill street, PhiUiMphia. And also, by he slorekee pcrs generally in this and the adjoining c unties. BairBtTn' Pills. Aerimonioiu Humors the cause and only Cause of all Pain and Distress in the Rudy Pain ia the warning given hy the nervca that there are acrimonious humors in the body. No man ever hid an afTrcti.m i f the lungs but it arose from Acrimonious Humors having seS t!ed there. No man ever had pain in the head or an affection of the heart, but H was produc d by the pretence upon those part of Airimoniu Humors. So with Rheumatism the Acrim'ni..u Humors hsve settled upon the mucus membrane of the bowels, aggravated in moat casea by the reten tion of Hard Feeal matter in those importsnt or gans. There never was a pain or disire in any part of the body (unless It was produced by an accident) that was not occasioned by the presence of Acrid Humors. It ia thrse humors which have ti ii i a i a PRICE CUKIIENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Matter. What, . 90 Rra, 63 Coan, . . . fie Oats, 2 Poax, 6 FLAXtaao, . . . . H2J Borraa, .14 Eses, . 8 BlKtWAX, . a 25 Tallow, ... 10 Flax, ... .10 HacxLtn Flax, . 10 Datait ArrLts, . . . 75 Do. Pr aches, . ISO "Good Intent Fire Company.'' A STATED MEETING of the Company will he held on Tuesday evening next, at 7 o'clock, at the Court House. Punctual attendance ia re quired. HENRY DON N EL. Nov. 28, 1846. Secretary. HANCE'S 8AR8APARILLA, OR BLOOD P I L 1,8. & WHAT IS THAT PRINCIPLE WHICH WE CALL THE BLOOD t THE nt.Oon IS THAT PRINCIPLE BY WHICH THE WHOLE SYSTEM IS RE G VLA TED. Theref .re if the blood becomes im pure, a general dcrsrgemcnt of the syttcrn must rnsne J and give rise to Coughs, C lds. Influents. Dvspepsia. D opuv.Hrnd ache, Fullne-s of Blond. Bilious. Scarlet, Tvph-'d and Typhus Fevers of all kinds, Indigestion, Wei.k-rio-s of Stomach, Rhnuinatiarn and Itheuinatic Af fection, Nervous Aff ctinns, Liver Complaint, A-th-ma, I'leuri-y, Inflammation i f tha l.unjs, Low Spirits, Fi', Mea-les, 8mall Pox, W limping though, Cri'up, Sore Eyes, Inward Weakness, Worms, (juincy, Bronchitis, Cbolic. D.scnt ry, Gravel, Salt Rheum, Defnc and other nlf, ni . n. of the Eur, Si. Anthony's Fire, Scorfula or Kirtg'a Evil, U tiers, While Swellings, Tumors, Biles, Sup preaaeJ Monthly Discharge and Feinxlec implants in general, Eruptions of the Skin, Habitual Cos tivenets, and all di-easet deionding on a disordered and diseased slate nf the bloud, or a suspension of the healthy secretions. Then fire, on the first sppearsnce of any of these Symptoms, Hahcx's SARSAPARILLA.or BLOOD PILL! should be procurd, and used according to the di rections. PRICE ." CENTS per Box of FIF TY HLLS.or FIVE BOXES Lt ONE DOL LA It. For sale by SETH 8. HANCE, corner of Charles and Pratt sts., and 108 Baltimore street, and by GEO lift R BRIGHT, Sunbury, D. BRAUTIUAM, Notthavnberland. Nov. 28, 1848 FURTHER PllOOfS ( P THE EFFICACY OF HANCE'S COMPOUND SYKUP OF HOREHOUND IN RELIEVING AFFLICTED MAN! Ma. G so no ic T. W rriukotox, residing in York, ftreet, Fedeial Hill. Baltimore, wne attacked with a viiilent cough and sore Ihriat after trying many lemediea, wss induced by a friend to use Hanct.' Compound Syrup of Hon hound, and before uaing one bottle, was entirely cured. A NOTHEtt, YET MO HE ASTONISHING .' Mat. HtnniETTA MenaicK, residing in Monu ment street, between Cnal and Eden afreets, was attacked with a very severe cough and pain in the biea.vt, which wss so intense, that it extended to the shoulders. She was attliclid also with a pa n in the side. After trying many remedies, she was pcru id.-d by a fii-nd to ue HANCE'S COMPOUND SY RUP OF HOItEHOUND, and after three doses, the experienced great relief, and before she had finished the bottle, was eniire'y cured. PRICE 50 Cen's per bo'tle.or 6 bott'es for 3O0. i For sale by SETH 8. HANCE, 108 Baltimore j s'., mill corner Charles and riatl streets, lia timorr, and by GEOKGE BRUSH I'.Sunl urv. D. BRAUTIGAM, NorhumherUnd. Nov. 28. 1846. Steam Umbrella MANUPACTORlf.! HO. 104 MAHKET STAZUBT, PHILADELPHIA. y. if. mciiARDsnx, IN sddition to vsiinus other improvements, ha ving applied stkax rowra to the manufacture of UMBRELLAS, iseoald n t sell them at very low prices. (y Merchants are invited to call and see his Works, and examine the asaortment Philadelphia, Nov.21, t84n. 3m Mill Property TOR SALE. FIIIIE Subicritier rlT. rs to II at private s dc, his . X valuable MILL PROPERTY, situated ; in Shamokln township,' Northumberlmd county, I about 3 miles lioro the town of bhaiuoktn, on the public road leading from the latter town to Si lint- grove, consisting of a tnct of land, being 32 acre, j mora or less, bounded by lauds of Emanuel Zini- j merman, Michael Sheib, and other. The laud is , of a good ted gravel quality, in a high aiate of cul tivation, and uuder good fence. About six aero thereof i eiceltent Meuduut land, and lour acre are covered with timber. The improvement there, on erected are an excellent LIST OF OF Foreign and Domestic Merchandise, of the County of Northumberland, wbo have, and who hava not paid their Licenses. Who have Paid. Wm II Frymire Matteller & Swenk Wm F Nagle John 8wceney (t Son Heiner A Brothera Isjsc Brown Ireland &. Haya Foray the. Wilson de Co Wm H Wapplea John W Friling George Correy Tel Mtckey A Son John Murray Peter McDowall 8eth Cadwallader J B Kead E L Piper Kelchner St Hitlte Dentler cV Montague A P lleiasel dr. Co I P Hachcnbcrg James Ried George Dright John Young George P Buy era Emanuel KaufTman Wm Reitx Wm G Kate Rhoadt A Co John O Renn Peter Beisiol Beueville Holahoe Gidion Shadcl Samuel Herb Henry Weast George Brosiua Wm O Heroid VVtn Deppen John Karl Daniel Schwartz Wm Kehria Isaac Brown I'a T Clement Henry Master J D Normsnday Who liare not I'uiri. Seth I Comly Thomaa Shannon F Mathews John H Itnsser John If Vincent Samuel R Wood Djniel Brautigam John Begar John H Purdy Robins &. Mimpsnn Dengler cV. Wo.dveiton Simuel John V'm dt R F..gey oputz cc Uiiiy -L-t-ILMsl .1. sji.ij.uim. I J .IX. agi It ivc r Far ill FOIt SAIsG. FlHE subscriber offers, at private sale, a tract of JL land situate in Augusta townahip, Northum berland cnunry, 8 miles Mow Sunbury, on the road leading from Sunbury lo HarrUhurg. The tract contains IftO ir4t. shout 100 acres of which are cleared. Forty arte cr the cleared land are River Bottom, and In a high state of cultivation, with a reasonable poulnn of Meadow and Meadow ground. There is alo a number of ft nit tree of different kinds on the premises. Tho .buildings are a large two story stone house, with Cellar and cellar kltchon Under the whole also bank barn 30 by 60 feet ntmt a shed and corn criba, Ac. There is alsi a terry attached to said fsrm. known by the name of Fisher's Ferry on the west side of the river Susqiiehanna ; also a lime kiln on said farm, within two miles nf lima alone, on the bank of the river. If the above Farm is not a ld by the first day of January next. It will be rented for a term nf yeais. Pos-esslon given on the first day of April nett, or pe hips sooner, if requited. Anv person wishing to view the farm, can do to by calling on the subscriber. livrn on the mm. WILLIAM R. JONES. A ugusti, October I7tlt, 1846. fit ..." A.IJJ lUXUi LI aii EXTRAORDINARY DISCOTERY! jTofyi Notice is hereby given, that the Treisurer is romtielled, by law, to commence suits agninst nil Ihosi) who do not come forward and pay their licen ses on or Ufoie the fun dat of December net'. WILLIAM GUI.ICK. Sunbury, Nov. 21. 1846. Treasurer. New Firm. riTHE Unders:gned hereby gives notice, that he J. has associated with himself, at a partner in the mercantile butinexs, in his store adjoining Weaver' Tavern, in Sunbury, John Haas, and that the said store will hereafter be conducted un d r the firm nf Clement A Has. The store at tho South Wrat coiner of Market Squ ire will be conducted aa heretofore, by the aubscriln r himself, to which be resjicclfully invites his customers and friends. , He a' i notifies all those indebted lo htm. to call between thia and the 1st of January next, and set tle their accounts. All kinds of produce will be taken on account, at cash prices. Hereafter no longer than four months credit will be given. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Nov. 14, 1846 if. CLE ME ITT & HA.S, "O ESPECTFULLY inf rm the public, that on 1 the 9th ins!., they entered into partnership, in the mercantile business, at the store reren'ly occupied hy Ira T. Clement, adjoining Weaver's Tavern, in Sunbury, They have lt'ly received a new alock of goods, which they will dispose of at the lowest prices. All kinds of produce will be taken in eichmge for goods. No longer than four month credit will le given. Ill A T. CLEMENT, JOHN HAAS. Sunbury, Nov. 14, 1846. If. JX'cw and 4lieap FALL AND WINTER riHE Subscriber has jut opened, at bis old JL aland, in Market street, Sunbury, a new and splendid assoilmcnt of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which he will s II h per cent, eheaptr thin can be hid at any other store in 1'ie Among part of his Mock may he f und : Cloth from $t fid to $7, Overcoat Cloth si ft 37 to SI 87 Satineit from 44 cent to f I 2.1, Superior PI it, Cloaking from 87 j cents to ft 87J ; aNo, superior Calicos, Muslins, Checks, Tickings, snd Shs wis. Groceries, (jiiarn. ware, Hardware, t'e darware, Ac., for which all kind f country produce will he ta ken in '(change, tuch sa Butler, Eur, Lard, Dried Fruit, Grain, Potatoes, Chicken, Hard Soap, Fe libera, Lumber, Ac Puicha'ers will do well to give him a ca'l. It is no trouble for him to iliow Iih goods, if they do not buy. JOHN BOG A It. Sunbury, Nov. 14th, 1816. PETER ?x JLGrTTE. rpENS OF THOUSANDS of unhappy beings M. in the "Ague Sections" of nnr country are n w tornien ed with hated complaint" FE VEK A AGUE, oa BILIOUS INTERMIT TENT FEVER, or Cunts aih Fr.VKit. aa it N variously c.dled. The unive a-1 Voice of thi f n lire community "from Maine to Georgia" and from the Atlantic lo the Rocky Mountain, declare ROWAND'S IMPROVM) TONIC MIXTURI-.- to be the great and oiy tafe. tit e and radinil rure, when pmpcrly used. This enncot be con troverted. It restores tho natural fcelingt and e Ititlleity nf the eonsliluliun in a uimuer that no thing cUe will. Extract of a letter, dated I.MVivrows.Pi.Oct. 10, 1R42. Every boltle of the Improved Tonic. Mixture sent h:i been sold, and I do not know of one in stance that it did not affect a core. Four bottles cured five cases nf ihe wort kind of Fever and A gue one c.ise was myself. After trying Quinine and all nlhei cures ihnuglit of hy my Physician, finding no re'ief, I finally sent for one b ttle of your Tonic Mii'ure, and ws relieved, in fact cured in 24 hum. Please send on a fr sh supply, us there is none left,' You a. Irulv, SAMUEL HOPPER. rjj" Soi l on Agency in Sunbury, by H. Mas-r and oilier, and all the Storekeepers in the adjoin ing Counties. October 17, 1816. to be expelled, and hv aodoina- Ihe Pain or diaireaa is sure to be removed. To do this with certainty ! I'VlalUC firist ill ill, the Brandrelh Pills must be used. They ar a j 'Ff" ni lJ"'f atoiie high, with two pair of innocent a. bread, yet aU-poworful .. the remover , ; " Vt . r 'XT T v' rriio. r.livtiira. ITorii Shu Un .ml .ill.v neic. 1 any ry Machinerv. The Mill is in excellent order to - .L - - 01 ine cauae 01 sickness : nity t tken at time of day or night without alteration in diet or ! n,ke Flour and for cu-tom work, it having n-o nu fear of cold. (C7 Purchaae of II. B. Maeaer, 8unbury, r of the agent, published in another part of this paper. Pause Header!! t Thia good advice comes from u friend, an edu cated physician, and one who baa been cured of protracted illneas, by THB IMPROVED LNDI. AN VEGETABLE PILLS," (Huam Coxtsd,) which are at ibis moment eflTeciing some of the most remarks) le cures on record, and they will eon tin ue to heal the xiofc aa long as they are resorted to hy them. Tnie is no nostrum, made merely to aell irrespective of its qualities, but a valuable mod icine, made hy well informed Phyaician. of Vege. table Ingredients, pure, ejuaciaut, and harmlttt. In a few days, w shall make a public report of s veral more cases of tcioxa euros for wt ntte ne othtrt) and the public ntsy know on what medU cine lo rely In time of need. Oy CAUTION. As miserable imitation haa bee ii made, by the name of '8ugr Coaled Pills," it is necessary to be aura that Da. G. Baa. fSaUTi'e tig-nature la on every box. Price 15 cent. Prineip! Office, 179 Greenwich st New York. Bold hy JOHN W. FRILING, Sunbury. WM. FORSYTH E, Xortlium'd. Nov. 9S, 1846. ly undergone a thorough reparsti n. ,11m, a good SAW MILL, lately repaired a net two story atone STILL HOUSE, 40 or AO feet, the Water of Valley Spring, being conducted by meaita of wooden pipe into the fuel story of the same. s. -d'o, a large two atory FRAME fill. DWELLING HOUSE, wi h a new jJMKilchen thereto attached, with good ce' liar and an exeellent spring of water near the door a new BANK BARN, 30 by 40, and a flood one atory TENANT HOUSE, 20 by 23, (intended for a Miller.) The above p,ope,tj i. well worthy the alien turn or those wishing to purchase. It ia nfTeied at low rate, and tha Urma of payment will be made eay. Poeseaaion and ao ln.lUput.ib'. title will be given on the first day of April neit, Thoea wUhMng to view the properly, will pleas, call on Mr. Gottlieb Ureimyar, ,e.Uif on the eame. Tor further particulars apply to the under, aigned proprietor, residing at Port Caihon, tehuvU kill county. JACOB WIRTELB. N. B. Should the above property not be aold at prival. sale on the fir.t day of January, 1847 tt will then, et 13 o'clock, M., on said day, on the piemises, be rented for the Isrm of on. year, " Port Carbon, Nov. 21, !?46. 3t, $(. Valuable Property In the Borough of Northumberland, Oi ES3 ZLz WILL be sold, on 8 ilunlay the 2Rth dsy of Novembor next, by public ssle, on the pre mises, the following described p'oprrty, belonging to the estate of Ca berine Do Gruchy, dee'd I lt. Two Lnta of Grouml on Nonhway. num. l ered in plan of aaid town 51 and 61, e ch lot 60 feet by 180 feel, upon which is a commodious dwelling house, part brick and part frame. 2d. Lot No 54 adjoin the above, CO fe. I by 180 feet, upon which ia a alone dwelling house. 3J. Lol No A3 adjoin the alove. 80 f et by 180 feel, upon which is a double two stoiy frame house and si able. 4lb. Two Lots, eitending from Nonhway to the river, esrh CO feet fiunt, being Nos 21 anJ 22 in lown plan. S h. Two Lots, adjoining the above and Orange alrest, upon which is a brick building foimeily u srd as a dis'illery, and a never failing1 well of wa Icr. The Pennsylvania Canal tuns through Ihe two laat described pieces i.f property, which renders them an excellent location for any busiiiew con nected wilb the canal. 6ih. Two Lute nf ground, each 60 f. et by 180 feet, fronting on Nonhway and Water lre t, uuin bered in plan of said town, A7 and 68. 7ih. An Oullol, containing upwards nf five acre. The above property will be auld on eay tenna. Condition of tale made known on day of sale, hy JR. PRIESTLY. Attorney for ihe Executors, Not ihumberland, Oct. 311, 1848. 6t tltta (Goois, Slto CSootis. Cheaper Than Ever I JOHN H. PURDY, has just received, at his New Store, in Market Square, a fresh supply of Seasonable Good, uch aa Cloths, Cassimers, 8ulnetU, Kentucky Jean, Cords, Drilling, Alpaecaa, Ginghams, . Print, Mualina, Hosiery, Gloves, Ac, A lo i Queenswsr. and Groceries, which will be sold very low. Purchasers are invi ted lo call and examine hi stork before purchaaing elsewhere. The highest price paid for Produce. Sunbury, Octeber 17rb, 1 816.--tf. JL 1TATTTRAL REMED7 Suited lo the Human Constitution, and roual to the cure of erery turatile Diteate, will lie fnund in WRIGHT'S lXUliN VEGETABLE PILLS, or tii a Xorlh Atnerlcuia College orilealth. ritHF.SE extraordinary Pill are rompo-d of JL plains which grow p i.iaiieoulv on our on n soil, and are, theref ue, betler sdipted to our con stitutions than Medicines concoct, d from foreign drugs, however well Ihey may be compounded; and aa W'Oiit's Isnu VrnnTinn Pills are founded upon the principle th it the human body ia in truih SUBJECT TO BUT ONE DISEASE, namely, corrupt humor, and aaid Medirine cures this diveaac on NaTt'asi Privciplks, by fleanting and purifying the body, it will be man ifest th it, if the constitution be not enlirfly ex bsustrd, perseverance in their" iiae. according to iliroctious, i. nbftotutely certain to drive d seae of everv name from the body. When we wuh to reio e a swamp or morass to fertility, we dia n il of ihe iiieiabunilant nalrr 1 1 like manner, if wn wish to rPxNoe the body lo henlth, we nui clonic it of impmi y. 'RIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE 1'ILI.rt will lie found i ne nf the best, if i.ollhevrv be medn ine in the woild for larrtinu out tin. (hay I'lRirtiMJ PRiscieLS, biraiiM tbry eipcl from ihe h.xly all morbid and c rriiit hum r, ihe cue f the dissse, in an e.isy hiuI Natural Manner; snd while they every day mv Rtaa ii pi..a1hk. di ease f every name is r.ipid y driven fr. in ihe loly. The foil wing highly respectable sloiekeeies have been duly appointed egeni for the salo of Wright's Indian Vegetable 'ill; in Northumbcr. I n I county : Henry Mnsner, Siinhory, E. cV J. KaiiHinim, Augot towin-hip. Nan-uel lleih. Little M.ihonoy. William Deppen, J ickaon. Itcncvillx llolabue, Upper Mahonny. John G. Renn, Up. er Mahonoy, Samuel John, Shamnkiniowii. Foryihe, Vil-on& Co.. Nottliuiiibeilaud. E. L. Piier, Watsoubuig. IrUnd A- Hays. McEwcn-villa. James Peed, PolUgrove. Wm. G Scott, liushvdle. liartmsii Kno.'b!e, Elynburg P. O. Am i T Bcissi'l, Turbuisville, (id on Shade), Upper Mahomy. Kt.ode &. Knrtow. Snydirl.wu. John K ng, Farm-r.v lie. Si'na C. Co. k. M itiio's Cre. k. J. De Young Hirksvi le. Abraham Sin r, r Richmond. Suruurl Taylor, SUb for I, Jo1 'ii II. Vincent, Chilisqnatpie, Wm. Ilemeu & lliother, Milton. (fj- DITice drvn'el rieliisirely lo ihe sale of WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, of the North American College nf Health. No MRU Greenwich Street. Ni w York ; No. 108 'Fremont Street. Boston ', and PRINCIPAL OFFICE No. 209 Rica Stkt, Philadelphia. S pt. 19ih, 1816. ly. UNKIVALLtD AND UNEQUALLED In curing Colds, Coughs, Asihma, Influenxt, Whooping-(iugh, and all Disease of th. and lungs, leading to Couaunip- , " lion ; composed of the concentrated virtuea of ihe herbs Horehound, - B'inesett, Bloa1root, and several other vegeta bl aubtanee,' ' Warranted PURE FROM ANY MINERAL WHATEVER. rFHIS invaluable Medicine i Ihe mot epeody aad certain remedy ever discovered lor the a bov. complain), a thousands who has. used it will teeiify. For sale, io Sunbury, by J. W. FRILING, and ia Northumberland, by D. BRAUTIGAM, and at wboleaale, in Philadelphia, by F. KLETT dc Co, Cornr of SeeonJ and Callow hill street. SepUmber 19lb, 1846. ly X)H JLTKI1BB O AXT BB OTJBXD 1 1 COOPER'S ETERIAL OIL-A prompt and la-ting remedy for Dstvstsa, also for pains and discharge of matter from the Ears. Hundreds nf cures in cases deemed utterly hope less have firmly e-tablished its superiority over eve. ty former Medicl discovery. This va'usble Acoustic Medicine is a compound of four different Oils, one of whirh, Ihe active and principal ing.edient, ia oblsiueJ f om the bark or a certain sprchs of WtCT, new and effectuul agent In Iho cure of De. fr.eM. Tersons who had been deaf for 10, 15 and even 20 years, hsve been permanently cured by using this oil. In fiet, so numerous and so emphatic have been the leatimonials in it- fsvor, thai the in ventor claim for il the distinction of an Infallible Remedy, in all cases, when the Ear is perfect in its foi mati ii. Foi further pa't'culsrs, and evidence of its great vilue, e-c printed hoMs, in the hand of Agents. For de in Mnnbnr v, by J. W. FRILING. . September 19 h. 1846 ly FALL MIL TSr ens n 2t pss ii JOHXT STOITE h SOUS, Dualoi's in Silks, Itihbons and Milli neTy (tood.s, Ao. 4. South Second street, rilll.AUELPHIA. AVE now in Store laico nisortmeut of Rich Milllnerr Cioodi. Aonpieo to rati sn e, such as tlonnei Silka and Kalins figun d and plain. Fancy Ribbons, of entirely new styles. Plain M.intiia and Satin tlilihons, of all widlhs. Ulick and Colored iilk Velvets. French Fancy Feather and Flowers. Fancy Cap Net and Likts. Buckiums, Willows, Ciown Linings, Ac. Ac Many of the above ar tcle being of their own imp nation, they are en ililed lo offer them at the loweal price . 1'hil .dclphii, Sept, 5di, 1816. 1m ciiKAiM-isr i x ruiTSvoiii.i) i Steam ReQned Sugar Candies, I2)ck.vt era rousn, witoLr.sitt. JJ. RICHARDSON, No. 43 Maikel Street, a Piiilakilphia, takes p!earute in informing the puMir,lhal he sti'l conlinucs to sell his very Su permr S earn Refined Candy st the low price of f 12 50 er 100 pounds, and the quality ia cqu il to any manufactured in ihe United Slates. He abo offers all kinds of goods in tho Cenfet lionery and r"Yuiline at corresponding low prices, s q nek sales and mall piofit are the order of the day. Cull or send your orders, and you Csnnnt fail to be sitinfled. Don't ToigM the humber, 42 MAR KS T STREET, PHILADELPHIA. J.J.RICHARDSON. Anrttst 2!'h. 184ft. tim W. H. THOMPSON, Faialiioiiahle ROOT AM) SHOE MAKER, Mssksr Srnr.tT, Sithbubt, THANKFUL for pa-t tsvnr. beg leave lo in. form h a frienda and the public generally, that he has ju-t returned from the city with new and fohionnld'' l ist, and a full assortment of Light colored, Bronte, Black Kid. and all other kind nf Morocco f .r Gentlemen, Ladiee snd Children's near; and I;b assures all who may fivor him with their i u-loin, they my rely upon having their woik d one in the mol substantial and fashionuble manner, and at very low ( lice. He al-o has a full a-sor'ment of low priced work, st'licl d by biint" f which ho will sell lower than ever nfl" rc4 in thia pi ice, vie ; Mi n's Shoos. aa low aa $1,00 Ex ra Sioii: B,i, " 2.00 G.Mid Luce Boo s lor Women, " 1,00 Wnmcn'a Slip, 60 Childr. n' ' 25 S..e Leader, Moiocio. Ac, for sale low. August 23d, 1816 apl8lf Boot & Shoe" ESTABLISHMENT. DAXIKIj DltUCKKMILLER, . At hit Old Establishment, in Market Street, Sunbury, (orrostTE tiib reu'lion hotel,) RE I'L'li.VS hi tbanka for paat favor, and re , spcctfully informs his fiicndt and the public generally, he continue to manufacture to or der, in the reatcsl and Inlet stylo, C'llIMP HOOTS A.VU SHOES, warranted i f the best mateiiil, and made by the mol expeibneed workmen. He also keeps on hand a penerd asolment of fsshionable Boots for gi mb me'i, togclher with a large stor k of f ishion hie aciitl. men's. Inn ', la lie' and children' Shoes, nil of which hkve hern m ide under h e own imme. rliafe ir.s wti ni, and a of the best material and wirkm 'iish'p, which h-t will sell Iqw for cash. In a billion In the above, ha haa just received from Philadi Ip'.la a ljt;e nd extensive supply of lino', Shoes, Ac. nf i! description, which he alto lie i f,r tu,l. cbroper than ever betore offered io hi place. He respectfully invite hie old custo mer, am) others, to call and examine for them Ivea. Repairing done with neatnesa and deapatcb. Sunliurv, August I Sili, IR40. DENTISTRY. AV II O 1. K S A Is E SCOT & SHOE STOHE. CHEAP FOB CASH. Ao. 35 South Third Street, above Cheinut, rillLADSLrUIA. r.ASTCRN tan firr Mii'rcTcaaB aoor in sum. r jlllE Sulocriber has taken the liberty of addrea 1 sing ihe public, siti ficil that they will And il to the ir Inienai to call and examine hiaetk of Bool and Shoe, ami ciuaiul thematlve With I hi price. Selling exilnmvely for tl e Csh, he is enabled and determined to sell lower than soy other regu Ijr house in the city. Pernios will please examine ihe market tho roughly, and, brfoie purchasing, call at the store of THOS. U EVANS. No. SS South Third, above Chesnut St. rhilsde'phla. Aur. 16. 1846 E"XTEnH 8P1KITS OF bOAP, for ex. iracting Grease, Dry Paints, Varnish, Tar, JACOB HELL3EXU THANKFUL for Ihe liberal srreour.Vm whtrh he has received, woul rrspectfljflr Inform his frtsrula m.,1 ika t m . ' land county In general, that he ha prtipared bin eelf with the bsst Ineusruntihta T.ib (uj ssi.. Gobi Foil, Ac., Ihst can he had in the city of Phi ladelphia ; and that he will endesvor, to the umrst of bis ability, to render full satisfaction to all who may think proper to engage his services. He will be in Sunbury st the August court, where he will lie prepared, at hit residence, to insert Teeth on Gold Plate, or on Pivot, on the latest and most ap proved plana, tnd attend to all Ihebranche belong, ing to DENTAL SURGERY. Ladies will he wsited on at their placet of resi denee, if desired. His charge wilt be reasonable, and hit woik wtrrmled. He will visit different parte of the county, about once in three month. Sunbury, July lath, 1848 fim E. KIKIBER, JR., Ao. 34 North Fourth Street, under the Mer chants' Hotel, Philadelphia, at mods nt rims KEEPS constantly on hand an extensive a, sorlment of all kjnds of Silk, Fur anil B. vei Hats, which he rfTcrs for rile on the nioit ien snnable term. Hi Hat are mde up of Ihe be.t materiil. and in the moat approved sule Per sons visiting the city will find it to llioir iniereat to call. July 11th, 8W ly SILVEK MEDAL, swinnrn bt tux rnASRll.i isstitctx, 1846. Cily Dogarmolype E&lnWishmrnt. (I. in SiMoaa A JVb. 100 Chesnut tl., above Third, South tide, P Ziria ADE tPHIA. MINIATURES taken equally as well in clou, dy at in clear weitoor. A d irk silk dreas for a lady, snd a black suit for a gentleman, era preferable in sitting for a piclue. No extra charge made for coloring, and perfect likenetse are guarantied. July 4th, 1840. ly FOUNTAIN HOTEL. Light Street, THE Houte baa undergone a thorough repiir. The proprietors solicit ita former patronage. Terms (1 23 per day. WM. W. D1T. ARTHUR L. FOGG. July 4, 1816. l v Proprietors, COLTJlBIA EOTJSE, PHILADELPHIA. THIS large and commodious Hotel hsn recently been fitted up wiih entire new furniture. 'The subscribers therefore solicit the patronage of the public, snd trust that their experience in the businens will enable them to give entire satisfac tion, Terms moderate. BAGLEY, McKCNZIE A Co. July 4th, 1646. ly Keller & Oreenoiisli, FJLTE1TT ATTORNEYS, AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, WAsnmaToxr, d. o. DRAWINGS and Paper for the Patent Of. fice will be fireparcd by them, at their office, oppoeite the Patent Office. Jtitv.4ih. 1818. ly I M P O K T A S T TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. luu may ne sure or nlit.onmg, at alt time, pure and highly flavored By the single pound or larger quartily, at the I'eklii Tea Company's Warehouse, 30 South & eond tlreet, between Market and Ches nut streets, ni&AXiXXHXA. Heretofore it has heen very difficult, indeed, at most impossible, alwaya lo obtain good Green and Bl.ick Tcaa. But nojv you have only to visit ihe Pekin Tea Company's Store, to obtain as delicious snd fragrant Tea aa you could wish for. All laslee can heie be euited, with the advantage of getting a pure article at a low price. Juno 87th, 1816. PREMIUM SCALES? Dale'e Cele! rated Rail Road Scale, Coal and Hay d ) Iron ManufacV dd Portable Platform do SO different lixe, Dormut or Floor do ft different size Counter dt 1? different fJxrt. The above Scale r msdn either aing'e or I double beam, and are decidedly the most durable, accurate and convent' ent iPjIcs ever iiue .led. We a ho have Platf rpi and Ceunt-'r Scale. Patent Bnlancrt and every kind of Weighing Machine in ue for 'e, wh'e sale and relnil, at low prices. All Scale sold by n. to go out of lbs ciiy, are hexed fr,e of charge, an-l watianted to give alifaction tt the iurch iser iiif every partirul.r. (.KAY A BROTHER, Manufacturers tnd Dealers, No. 34 Walnut alive , June S7. 184(1. ly rhitudelphi. HORSE SHOE. Burden's Pat. nt toes, for 1j at oianuntrtuM , do do d i do do do do do io do OX-IOCS SU P'ica. by GRAY A BROTHER. Jur.eS7. lSlC.-ly S4 W.inui -. Pbi!' Ac. from clothing of any description, war ranted not to injur the cloth or th most delicate color. This liquid has alao been Used with great euceese in case of Burns, Scald. Tetfr, Pimplot on the face, Cbapd hand, Bora li. Rheum. tim, Hard or aoft Corn. Ac. Price, IS et. per honk. Fnr sale at ihe ator of July If), la)4. H. MASSER. SALT. New York Ball in tairri und Kn, r sale at manufacturer' price hv GRAY A BKOTHEf?. June S7. 1846. ly 34 Walnut it, Philad C L O T E I IT G, H'HOLESAI.R AXD IIETAIjL. THE sutribera are ronslanUy DMnufjclun'nit from Ui a lt Flench, English and Anirre-, menufaciured Clothe and Caasimere, CLOTHING in very superior style, cut and workmanship. Person buying lo sell again will fln.d one of th" largest and moat fa.bionabl stock o( goods to select from la the city, and at onpiece'eiiid lw pirv. J. W. A E. D. STOKES. 14 Market et. PhilaJ. N. D, A lare assortment of Odd Fellowa' It. . galia constantly on hand, and all order from lodge or individual punctually attended to, on th moet liberal term. ' J. W. A E. S. . Philadelphia, JUM t7!h, 1848, 1;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers